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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I often hear the term "climate change". Is it a real thing or just a hokes that politicians like to put out to the masses?
fake news
It's real.
People don't realize how big of an impact a small shift can make.
Plants start a few days or weeks later... leading to fewer crops ... and fewer pollinators, birds, etc
a rippling effect
seen it a lot this season
the real question is how much tax do i need to pay so politicians can change the weather?
But we've been on earth for a long time doing the same shit
If you've lived more than thirty years you know it's real just from comparative observation.

If you are a young dumb kid like most of 4chan you don't have the memory of when things were different so they can still fool you with disinfo.

But I mean even the shills are having trouble now that oil companies themselves are openly admitting that they lied about climate change. The new narrative is that they lied to protect shareholder investments so it's not their fault because by law businesses have a duty to act to increase their stock prices.

fiduciary duty
Climate change is real, the effect humans have on it is dubious. We simply haven’t been keeping records long enough to actually understand what the planets long term cycles are. It is more likely that Earths climate is changing as a course of natural forces than it is man made.
We have this thing called ice cores.
>Human impact is dubious
Nope old narrative. More CO2 from fossil fuels is traceable because CO2 from burning fossil fuels contains trace chemicals that are not found in natural sources of CO2.

Carbon-14 depletion
Laboratory analysis of air samples can identify the degree of carbon-14 depletion in the CO2, which indicates the contribution from fossil fuel combustion and cement manufacturing.
Isotope ratio
Plants preferentially absorb certain carbon isotopes from the atmosphere, so measuring the isotope ratio can help determine if the carbon came from dead plants.

Again people on 4chan don't know shit because most of these posters are still in highschool
Our town was full of citrus trees. Old trees. You could spit out an orange seed, and you could leave it alone and have a fruit tree. It's been that way since the before anyone was born. Now, we get hard freezes. It's still triple digit heat all summer, but at some point in the winter, the weather will kill any citrus you had aspirations of owning.
And we're a part of a fragile complex society that hasn't been tested in that way. That's why governments are investing in ways to mitigate future damage, it is inevitable and its better to prepare than not to. The push for electric cars is retarded though
It's very real but not caused by CO2.
I personally believe if man made climate change was actually the cause, it would be us fucking with the water cycle, not greenhouse gas emissions. The observational data doesn't line up at fucking all with a greenhouse effect but when you think about what would happen if you drained a bunch of wetlands, prevented water from entering soil reservoirs with drainage, mono cropping and non-native planting, paving 5% of the land mass, draining a huge percentage of the rest, ect, I would personally predict the weather we've observed as a result.
Most likely it's a combination of factors, solar activity, earths natural long term trends, space weather, and maybe a smidge us.
Point is, current global warming propaganda is just another control mechanism for the masses by, surprise, jews.
I totally agree, electic cars are bullshit. Especially if you're in California like myself
It's a doomsday cult
same as every doomsday cult that has ever come before
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We historically haven’t had to feed, clothe, and do the needful for 4.5 BILLION pajeets, chinks, and niggers
I honestly can't tell the difference, I remember hotter summers here when I was a kid. Maybe the averages are higher on some chart or something?

Weather seems about the same as it's always been to me.
>it's real
>caused by CO2
>Plant food
>Plants will die
>This is my brain on washing
Does that look linear or at least close to it, or exponential to you?
I ask because the greenhouse effect due to CO2 is logarithmic, not linear and certainly not exponential.
That means if adding 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere yields a (claimed) 2.5C of warming, you’d have to add 200ppm more CO2 to get another 2.5C of warming. To get another 2.5C, you’d have to add 400ppm.
But given that the rise in CO2 has been linear, adding 600ppm more CO2 to the atmosphere for another 5C of warming is going to take 6 x 60 = 360 years.
And the 60 years between 1960-2020 saw the massive industrialization of the US, Europe, China, Japan, etc.
Every single prediction the “climate scientists” have made with their shitty GCMs has been wrong. None of the things they’ve predicted - complete loss of Arctic ice in the summer, ocean warming, sea level rise, troposphere hot spot, stronger hurricane seasons, etc. - have been right. They are 0 out of a thousand at this point. Because all of their models (which can’t even hindcast correctly) are programmed with hypothetical tipping points that they’ve pulled straight out of their asses where suddenly if the model hits that point Bad Things Happen and the CO2 greenhouse effect goes magically from logarithmic to linear or exponential. There is ZERO scientific basis for this.
Climate “science” is as scientific as astrology.
It’s 100% bullahit. It is a political weapon to change global power. Whenever someone talks about the ”science” behind ”global warming” it is made up numbers and facts by a single digit percentage of the scientific community.
Also, think about this. Why are no climate protesters going after china or india? Greta should be in china protesting if it was really about the climate.
The hilarious thing is that the data shows we are at near historic lows of CO2 in the atmosphere. Through most of the past the Earth has been much, much greener and far more biodiverse than it is now. It’s also been substantially warmer. It’s normal not to have ice caps. The only reason they’re there now is because we’re in the middle of a fucking ice age.
But yeah, let’s screw with shot we don’t remotely understand because the weather that we’ve only been studying for the last 60 years changes a little. That makes sense.
t. dinosaur
hoax you buffoon. the red squiggly line doesn't mean good word choice
this board is so utterly filled with jewish shills and bots its unfuckingbelievable how bad it got

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