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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Legitimately, we have gone so far into post truth (*ewish) made reality) that it is no longer sustainable. Constant lies and contradictions. Most recently the inorganic Kamala push.

Everyone is literally bitter or insane or larping because it is so evident none of this is real. I am largely concerned about what the next year and a half looks like, but not from a place of fear. Even normie cattle that aren’t supposed to understand are understanding. (More than they have historically.)

I am genuinely curious how we can all carry on the lie much longer. Can we discuss this?
Thanks /pol/
I want something batshit to happen. The more batshit, the more magic we can have.
I would kind of like an end to the madness but it keeps accelerating. I think if something truly batshit to occur (Not fake and gay) it would actually halt or slow down the way things are happening now. I guess I want that too for better or worse.
The jews repeat this every month since the 60's and their mafia is still mostly intact.
Only a military style intervention killing piles of those subhuman apes will ever change anything (because what they have is a network of paramilitary organizations).
And unfortunately every military is less than useless and managed by those same hook nosed animals, so any country that isn't too subhuman would have to try to rely on something else.
Garbage places such as here will never get anywhere and will keep masturbating jews for many reasons.
i watch normie news with my mom sometimes and to her its like nothing is even happening. gay celebrity does this, fake politician does that, now here's the weather. im starting to think our society has always been this fake and the internet is exposing it for the first time
What I’m saying is that the decades of that happening are becoming unsustainable because the lies are exponentially contradicting each other. A military style intervention will never occur because of the degree of control but I fear that they will just end the game altogether once everyone understands, which is beginning to occur or has been in progress for a few months or years.
I don’t believe it was always this fake. But it’s not even worth looking back. The past cannot be changed. I want to know what is going to happen,
And this is what your cousins are repeating since decades ago.
You are psychotic, all you have to do is gaslight about everything similar to what happened to the COVID-19 psyop. And this is what happens.
>A military style intervention will never occur because of the degree of control
The problem is the retarded normie scum, shooting you out of nowhere is always possible but it's the stupid normies who call the police, or are the cops, ... and they would never ignore it even if for a few hours or days.
No, I disagree. Objectively, no one has ever said what I have said in this thread verbatim.
>melting down so badly you stop believing in reality
wew, election night is gonna be wild
Frank Zapa said this same jewshit in the 70's, it's cliche and after half a century it never happened. GFY

>inb4 two more decades
I am smarter than you.
Anyone who think the USA have more than 4 month left is delusional.
Prepare yourself because this election is the point of no return.
Everything will change after that.
Not in 10 years.
Not next year.
In 4 month.
Both side are too polarized to accept the outcome of the election.
There will be social unrest 100%.
Right, I said a year and a half, as in, the events that occur immediately after the election and the year that follows. I appreciate your clarity on the topic. It seems pretty realistic.
Still a homosexual jews who should be dead.

(((You))) also said this in the previous two elections.
I no longer believe that you are posting in sincerity. The looming election is definitely different and the events that have occurred in between the last two elections are the reason why that is. Kindly leave the thread or make better posts.
The culmination of that artificial divide is coming, you can feel it in the air.
Let me bring you niggers back to centre
That's a poor attempt at reversing roles.
It's always the same jewish bullshit.
Is it weird that I’ve never felt as unsafe discussing it like this as I do now? As in, wouldn’t surprise me if I got thrown into a van tomorrow because I posted this thread. I work and have no documented illness.
The irony.
Honestly I don't think it's possible to slow down. We're past the point of no return in so many different metrics. I think we just implode or have a evangelion third impact like event or all die in a mouse utopia like outcome.
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What the fuck is this image?
It’s one of these and I fear it is the powers that be just ending the charade and scorching earth. I don’t foresee a slow decline and collapse.
Kek I would have been v& long ago don't you worry.
They don't care about peoples discussing the truth because they know the average population don't believe the truth anyway. They want to be convinced that what they believe into is the truth.
You are just acting bitchy and using tired tricks:
But at the same time, even subconsciously or with cognitive dissonance, I believe they are beginning to. That’s why I’m concerned it is almost over.
>fear it is the powers that be just ending the charade and scorching earth
Well ultimately that would be the president just deciding one day to launch all the nukes and kill 98% of humanity along with most biomass in one day just for lulz. I thought that if Biden won he'd accidentally stumble us into WW3 somehow, Harris I think will straight up start WW3 for absolutely no good reason bar that she hates humanity and especially hates all of us.
I view Biden as a humiliation ritual on the American populace but I don’t fully understand why they did it, because I don’t believe Trump is sincere or organic either. I don’t understand why they are agitating the population when they have (had?) absolute control with no foreseeable end or solution.
4 month is all there's left. Better enjoy it.

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