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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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be honest, why do you not like him?
because he refuses to buy a fucking ad
I like him. He's the most consistent anti zionist in politics. Fuck Trump I hope he loses
ill go first. the only thing i critique is when him or his fans try to own being sexless incels as if that makes them superior when it actually makes them look pathetic.

otherwise all his views seem pretty based. if they arent, then who is better?
>inb4 muh gay spic manlet grifter fed
as a Catholic, i make it a rule never to trust Catholics who make politics the sum total their entire life.
I used to not like him because he was advocating for Trump while saying almost completely the opposite of what Trump says
A few reasons.
>Pretends to be White and American when he is neither
>Friends with Indians who groom his young followers and rape them
>Hangs out with schizo nigger Kanye
>Dresses like either a huge faggot or a huge nigger faggot
>Hangs out with gay trannies like that "catboy" freak
>Is a glownigger
And finally...
>Because he refuses to buy a fucking ad and sends his Discord trannies here to create slide threads and low-quality posts
He has no principles! Just like all the rest!
The fact that he wasn't even arrested for j6 tells me he's a fed or an asset. He keeps the goyim on the abrahmaic plantation.
isnt that because he didnt go inside the white house?


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>Nick Fuentes x Keith Woods x SNEAKO

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>Nick Fuentes vs Gavin McInnes | Zionism DEBATE
i only hate him because he's a zigger, and only for that reason.
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You will never be welcome here, or anywhere.
cause he lives in a fantasy world and won’t be satisfied with anything until america is nazi germany. it will not happen. it would be much more advantageous for him if he let go of the pipe dream, accepted reality, and tried to make the best of things.
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Go back to your hugbox on x where (((elon))) will protect you fucking pathetic faggot glowies and idf fragile fucking trannys.
A true hero to the Mexican people
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Fuck jannies for protecting this clown show, you mock the board.
I curse you fat jannies.
Reminds me of Between two ferns
He's a grifting faggot who doesn't believe anything he says, also a fed
He's a gay degenerate spic.
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Fuentes, ali, and tranny idf loomer need to be investigated for boy pic farming.
He said recently he "is not a racialist."

He needs to take his based Catholic beaner family and go back to Mexico.
That's my only real criticism of him. It's still good that he's out there telling the truth when 99% of right wing media attention goes to shabbos goyim.
That nigga zesty. He moist.
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>this whole thread
lmao W fuentes
He basically holds the types of edgy, unnuanced political views that a lot of us had when we were retarded teenagers with no life experience.
Psychiatrist here. I would bet my PhD that he has narcissistic personality disorder.
He’ll throw anyone to the wolves as soon as they’re not useful, expects total loyalty but never returns the favor, covered for a gay pedophile, etc

Decent show though.
homosexual commie shill
ong, im genuinely trying to understand what peoples problem with him is and it just seems like a bunch of coping faggots

big agree, idk why he is resentful about aging. he lacks a maturity in his lifestyle in terms of not having a romantic life, healthy diet, or his own assets. i mean isnt he still in his parents basement or nah?

patrick casey... is this you?

isnt he the opposite of a communist..?
He's an obvious, annoying DNC asset who tried to poison the well, create dissent and lead some gullible guys into apathy by implying Trump and Kamala are interchangeable when the latter would be catastrophic in every sense.
it's a small group of shills and kiwitroons that get paid to do this all day, open any Fuentes thread and you will see the same exact replies and pics over and over, I'm not even joking
hes a child. he does not understand the issues. he has no real world experience. he doesn't even really understand politics or even policy. at best hes a grifter and at worst is an ignorant spoilt brat. hes probably also gay. if he tried to get a normal job, he'd just be bullied. i've regularly worked 80+ hour work weeks. and according to him, i am a "wigger" because i have to work for a living. unlike him where he has to rely on his rich parents. i will grant you, denying him the right to fly was wrong. but thats more of a poorly made government decision. one of many.

If he wants to be "the leader" of any movement. he needs respect. there is nothing about this boy that i respect. and his father is a banker.
>>be honest, why do you not like him?

He still looks and sounds like a 14 year old, and that's offputting in adult men
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he stopped being Paleo-onservative a long time ago. now he just openly endorses xi jinping, china, stalin... Jackson Hinkle is an open commie and he streams on cozy.
I'm a jew and he's a bad goy
Just today he said Trump would still be better, and that Trump will likely win, but he is not going to vote for your shabbos goy.
fuck streamers fuck propagandists fuck the fake "alt right" fuck niggers fuck jews, and fuck you bitch.
His ego, narcissism and insecurity
fuck you, i gave you a real reason and you ignored it. you're acting like a fucking shill
yea i agree, it goes along with posts like these >>475694714
He's a kike shill
Love him or hate him, his analysis is on point.
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He harbors pedophiles within his ranks. He is not a good hombre.
'ate controlled opposition
I think he's O.K. — wrong about a lot of shit, but it doesn't really make me dislike him. I like anyone who calls out the ZOG who is not a complete schizo or pantshitter.
I just can't be bothered to sit and watch someone for hours. I doubt he's going to say anything important or novel regardless.
If he did it out of the goodness of his heart, maybe. However he is motivated to make his content because it makes him money.
Please don't tell me he has a merch shop too?

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