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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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thats literally a fed
There's no such thing as an incel. It's just a disconnect of standards.
i'd let her investigate my penis
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>giant stop sign above her head
>Red light
>picture clearly shows a stop sign
Are you actually retarded?
Need full vid now
ok... how are there incels when supermodels approach your car at stopsigns offering you seggs for $
I fucking wish. Prostitutes are very illegal where I live.
federal benis inspector
Fucking a hooker doesn't "take your virginity" for real. Someone has to want to do it for free.
Ballsy prostitute walking around in broad daylight
A city of Fallen Angels.
i'm addicted to amerimutt street lizard videos where guys follow street hookers around with camera drones. canada doesn't really have a street hooker culture. everyone here goes to brothels.
what did you mean by this
Many incels clearly display signs of sexual anxiety and sexual insecurity. They fear the woman will smell, they fear their dick is too small, they fear the intimacy etc etc.
Get aids, get arrested, get robbed. lol totally worth it
It's very common in numerous cities like Seattle and Vegas of course. Seattle has apparently kind of exploded with it in some neighborhood called The Razor or something.
Wait you have legal brothels and legal weed?
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Welcome to Commiefornia.
Tits too small.
Skirt too long.
They care about the money much more than this. All of them.
Yeah with the woman in that picture I'd take the chance.
I went down Fig and it was all nigs. Not a single fuckable one. These weirdos drive around all day to find a single hot one.
How many of you chuds would fuck her?
why would any moderately "good" looking girls do this instead of OF
Well see even all the leftover American women aren't worth a fuck. Their penis envy makes them not even fun to be around at all. I don't blame the incels at all. It really is slim pickins when it comes to females despite them vastly outnumbering the men in America at insane ratios in some cities.
Also everyone has herpes now anyways. Might as well fuck a whore.
the brothels are gray area but generally the government ignores them. most go to asian 'relaxation and health centers' but the girls are all races and asian in name only. you see locals indians and blacks voluntarily working in the asian massage parlours these days even though 20 years ago people were crying about 'human trafficking'

i've gone once a week for the last 20 years and never hear about raids or anything like that. the worst that happens is that they get robbed by pajeets periodically but i've never seen it firsthand. the girls have told me it usually happens around christmas and thats when the girls are most paranoid about robbery
guaranteed that bitch is fucking insane
I don't go to bed with no whore, and I don't wake up with no whore. That's how I live with myself. I don't know how you do it.
no, that's figueroa street
been that way longer than you've been alive
not cheap tho
Some of thd high quality prostitutes are super clean to the point that seeking a regular relationship is just easier and cheaper.
Enjoy the gonorrhea.
that's a man
i saw one lizard interview and the black chick said she was trickin since 12. is it true you can fug niglets that you pick up off the street in cali?
Because of niggers. You know this Tojo
i already feel totally emasculated being back in america for 5 months so gotta do what you gotta do to get that spark back
They do both.
How much for the woman in the picture? And I bet inflation is reflected too. Onlyfans has like doubled.
Easiest way to tell is listen to her speak. If her English is good she's a fed. If she barely speaks English or has a thick accent then she's a hooker.
Brothels take care of those issues.
show tits or get the fuck out
why does she hit the uncanny valley so hard?
how much?
Many men who are well-off and have financial security are incels. Incels are just losers and I say that as a woman
Besides i know you have red light districts in japan so.... touch grass?
these girls are charging two to five hundred for a quick car date
i'll hit her uncanney valley
i've barebacked probably 500 hookers and only caught gono once. no other std scares. The Jew fears the goyim having unprotected sex with prostitutes.
Literally a dude too
do cops seriously walk around dressed like hookers to bait people? ZOG is truly unbareable if criminals can victimize you whenever they want and you cant even get a hooker in peace.
>a fucking girafee
No fucking thanks. Any woman over 155cm is not a woman to me.
It would be nice if God nuked this planet.
Incels avoid women and think all women are whores and if they are not whores, they are stuck up bitch femnazis. It's really just a couping mechanism for the insecurity issues that they are literally afraid of rejection to the point that they create the situation in which they get rejected to feel superior or not humiliated that a woman rejected them and hurt their ego.

Real men just go find another chick.
Show me a female cop who will pull her tits out and show them to me for sim
ply asking to see the goods..
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How could this girl fuck up so much that she’s a prostitute?!?!? She could easily get a rich Chad like nothing. This world is so fucking bizarre….
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Yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58SrXTkxKEI
>i only like sub 10 yo girls
hey look more spam protected by the pedo mods
i got a floater in my eye and was scared that i got ocular siphilis and went to an eye doctor and the guy basically laughed at me for being an idiot.
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Not in Los Angeles County. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCimN87nccQ
'incels' are not real, pussy is like <200 no one is involuntarily a virgin in this hell on earth
The absolute worst scammy place
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Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which fills up faster.
Things must be getting really bad. LA didn't even have hookers out like this during Obama's recession. Those chicks are just out in the middle of the day.
that is illegal faggot.
uh,.... where does she conceal the badge and handcuffs?
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Better safe than sorry, correct?
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>Incels avoid women and think all women are whores and if they are not whores, they are stuck up bitc
Implying they're wrong
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Having sex isn't about the sex itself, it's about being a successful enough human being that a woman will like you enough to sleep with you
yeah it is never "for free"
Surprising a girl with a top tier body like that is street walking.
How so? I've never been but crack whores love me and I love crack whores. If I moved to Vegas and I'd be fucking literal morlocks. I hear that's seriously a thing there.
You are a faggot and stupid. If she doesn't grows into height, She grows into widht. And its right around tits and hips, you stupid faggot.
Look at the girl in OP. Tall, yes, but where are her tits and hips?
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Los Angeles County has been striving for pure Anarcho Tyranny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYzN-FrckYY
I'd be scared to piss in that whore's mouth from a truck window
Bullshit. Prostitute or real gf, the sex is the same. It gives the same boost.
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Not in Los Angeles County. Come on in, the water's fine!
Passport Bros, fuck all hoes
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Not for Jews.
amateur whores, which makes up 99% of the rest of women, generally fuck chads who bare back every stacy they can fuck, and are thus riddled with STDS/

pro whores wear condoms/get tested and fuck losers who cannot get laid, or well off dudes who dont want to put up with womens shit
siphilis is a bad problem among the drug addicted homeless underclass in my province. many go crazy from it.
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She's fresh across the border. Venezuela is a Socialist Paradise!
are dudes that drug women left and right losers or chads? There's a guy i know that drugs women left and right to the point that he'll even drug acquaintences he's having a conversation with, rape them, and then just wander off. he's been doing it for years and never got caught.
>they fear their dick is too small
That's true. If I pay for a street hooker I would want them to have a nice cock.
Most of those girls are too stupid to set up expensive lighting set ups and get good cameras and you need an actual place to film your OF content. It's not like you're just taking pictures
Sir, I am going to need to check your V card.
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All that "free healthcare" is really remarkable.
she just wants the money
Incels is the name owned men and women call men who are successful heterosexual bachelors who do not want a relationship or children.

They can and do buy women like her for some fun occasionally.
That's the part the people who squeal about incels hate. The fact that the only thing women have to offer can be rented for 1/1000 of what it would cost to date them for a chance at it.
Actual cause: (((international capitalism)))
>who do not want a relationship or children.
jew post
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that picture is nothing compared to what goes on in my city. pic related is a beach and park near my house that has turned into a homeless camp and is now a nogo zone. the pic is from a few years ago now they ENTIRE beach and park are a giant camp of crackheads. the addicts all smoke meth and fuck each other and get siphilis.
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Ah, yes, that old saw; "Mean old Capitalism won't buy our shitty export goods that we pretend to produce!"
Nah, he is right. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for what is essentially free?
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That is Westwood. A tony neighborhood in Los Angeles. UCLA is there. The US Federal Building is there. As clean as LA gets.
No it was George Soros and several other kikes bought up all their natural resources, and then got other kikes to embargo them when they reversed it.
Communism and Capitalism are both materialistic and cancerously jewish.
I've had a woman like this knock on my window in a creepy town and a police car was right behind her. Nope nope nope
subhuman nigger trash goes in the oven
All hookers are feds
>Having sex isn't about the sex itself, it's about being a successful enough human being that a woman will like you enough to sleep with you
Sex is not quite the accomplishment you believe it is: the mons veneris isn't Mount Everest.
>pure ad hom
Top kek. Keep up the seethe
i knew a heroin whore
she's dead now
before she got fat and tatted, she was a real angel.
except that she was really, really high.
she offered to fuck me but she already had a disease by then.
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HA HA HA. Soros is an agent of the English Crown. How in the hell do you equate him with Capitalism?
That's a man
incels dont want sex they want love
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That's a meth pipe, retard; you don't smoke crack out of that.
>dumb nigger doesn’t know what ad hom is
checks out
Incel does not apply when you're simply intelligent which makes you "in-PAYTOPLAYAWHORE"
imagine being a cop assigned to the dick suckin' squad knowing that violent gang members are prowling around selling drugs, breaking into homes, cashing fake checks, and killing people.
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They were, I watched them load the rock as I waited at the red light. I spy with my little eye . . .
That wasn't crack you fucking retarded
double-digit IQ, double nigger; you can't smoke crack out of a pipe with a bulb.
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Lol. Nice try. Try an argument instead of hurling impotent insults.
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You really think those scholars cared?
I did both and I don't regret being with hookers at all, some men don't want a relationship nor have the time to waste on game for casual sex. It's also never free one way or the other.
If you're a virgin and it's not for religious reasons, no matter where you live, you only have yourself to blame for it.
Women give pussy to bottom feeding parasites all the time
implying being stuck in a commercialized traffic jam on some mount everest is "muh achievement"

what a retard, same as thinking paying to a whore is somehow an achievement or getting a sub-3-fat-roastie is somehow a solution to incel where reality is that simply 10/10 rich 6 out of 6 chads refuse to accept single mom old whores who put out 10 years to trailer trash drug dealing scum and now when we don't want them anymore somehow we the prizes are "the problem"
Americans can't legally have sex, all women are feds
At night there are actual lines that form on Figueroa to talk to the girls. No cops anywhere.
i'd never buy a cow but i kissed one
Why can you own guns but sex is illegal? America is weird.
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The thrill of the hunt is sweeter when you may also be prey!
Do I think drug addicts care about not wasting their drugs by using the completely wrong kind of pipe? Do I think a drug addict would be smoking speed out of a speed pipe instead of anything else? Yeah, that seems more likely than you being able to identify a crack rock in someone's hand from across the street. Dumbass niggers like you always think that any type of glass pipe must be a crack pipe, and because you are a homebody incel that gets no pussy and has never even been in the vicinity of cocaine before in his life, this includes you too.
Okay princess....
The crown fell with the rally stick to the rothschild bank....

I hate your raid is informative, there's an information gap which accounts for the difference in perspective.

get off the drugs son
I can't make sense of your prattle.
Get off deez nuts faggot
Vegas doesn't have streetwalkers. At best they have hookers in casinos hanging out at bars waiting for a John to approach them.

There used to be a truck stop where hookers would hang out, but the owners changed their policy to monthly parking so hookers don't hang out there anymore due to lack of customers.
Why are your street walkers almost as hot as our (non asian) indoor professionals?

I'd rather become a virgin again.
Vegas has street bookers on Boulder Highway around Lamb and around 28th near the lowes parking lot, and lots of other places. Try leaving your house.
Something about banging a whore is not good because screwing a woman shoudl be some kind of grand achievement.
And it's all the used up loser whores who prove that having sex isn't some grand life achievement calling men losers that are the problem
Or something.
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>The Jew fears the goyim having unprotected sex with prostitutes.
you won't fool me
It is when you are in high school
I never once had to "pay" for sex during my school years
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Lighten up, Francis. The LA County Health Department hands out free "meth pipes". Do you expect those fine gentlemen to quibble over protocol? Meet me on THAT STREET and we can both ask them. Oops, I'm a homebody, I suppose you will have to find it yourself.
It's about children and family. These are basic human things that have been forgotten.
Do you pretend you're this literal faggot from hollyjew in your fantasies or what is the purpose of picrel
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kinda sad if you think about it. that's someone's daughter who could have carried a respectable legacy but is instead out sucking dicks for money.
She's most likely getting pimped out. Free agents don't last long, eventually some pimp is going to beat the shit out of her and force her to work for him.
Thank you obvious female/porn producer who needs horny men to waste time on your faggot agenda trash filleed with used up whores and faggots larping as men.

Highschool is over loser.
This is the real world now.
Besides, any guy here can get a 20 year old low mileage clean 20/10 escort for 200+ and still come out cheaper, cleaner, and safer then trying to bang the 4/10 quasi feminist in the office or at the gym.
If you were going to smoke crack out of that pipe, any retard would know to break the bulb off so you can push a rod and filter through it, you moron
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Open border policy. Cheap labor is flooding the country. Millions every year.
No, sex is about humiliation and see how far she will go for whatever she wants from you, money, status, fancy dinner, etc.
>image forum
>complains about picrels
I fucking hate elections tourists so much its unreal
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I am not the crackhead.
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>There's a guy i know
Very ironic that a memeflaggot would call someone who's been here since before Jaffa called an election tourist, although I doubt you know what that even means
That's a walking STD my dear Anon
No, you're just the one trying to be cool and be the apparent Jane Goodall of "crackheads" but can't even identify whether someone is smoking crack or not. Retard nigger.
I think its time we had a talk
kill yourself poojeet redditor cocksucker
There's far too many of them for pimps to have a handle on it all. Los Angeles County is massive and still just a part of Commiefornia. The madness is immense.
why are they so incredibly hideous in Nevada? what's the logic there?
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Don't care + didn't ask
>Don't care + didn't ask
woah sassy!
kill yourself parasite
fucking before marriage doesnt take your virginity
hellow fellow british royals
It's 100% legal, regulated and the product is regularly QC'd for contaminants. But that doesn't mean it looks pretty tho.
You also have to have sex without a condom. True penis to vagina contact and creampieing in vagina = lost virginity. If not done this then still a virgin
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Well, aren't you all irate? Over what?
Spit in my beer, you're cute..
Crikey mate
I bet you say shit like "talk to the hand" too faggot
why hide your flag, mutt bro?
you see. my family has alot of money. so i cant just fuck some dumb whore looking for a anchor baby and free money given away by faggot judges.
Because I hate motherfuckers that post misinformation and refuse to admit that they're wrong or at the very least don't understand what they're pretending to be knowledgeable about and instead double down like double niggers
You ever hear the term "Florida whore" Well Nevada is that x10 since they're all sun dried as well.
I wouldn't trust that bitch at all. I'd either assume she's a crackhead prostitute or something is terribly wrong with her. Women don't approach me.
Taking the day off 2morrow to go find her and save her by using my weiner
Literal Captain Save-a-Ho; I believe in you
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Dude, come on down to South Central LA. You can see for yourself. It's a big, wonderful, world.
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Yes, and?
Pajeet calling anyone else a mutt
Men can’t lose their virginity.
imagine the face of the pedo mod protecting that shit
This. Why else do you think that poor people breed so much? They all live in a matriarchy.
>The main difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs less.
Anybody remember who said that?
Would raw dog
See what, someone wasting a crack rock by smoking it out of a meth pipe? Why can't you just fucking admit that you have no idea what that dude was smoking and you had no reason to assume it was anything but meth because he was using a meth pipe? Why are you like this?
Set up an OF studio and be her online pimp instead
Fuck its finally going to happen im going 2 sperm inside of that kind lady, and it will be consentual and hopefully she doesnt ask me for money afterwards
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Where even are you? I LIVE in Commiefornia.
Knowledge of drug paraphernalia is not quite the accolade you imagine.
I had a woman bitch at me because i blocked her after she rejected me. She thought i only valued her hole, bitch i just want to cuddle. Women are all coomers.
What does where you live have anything to do with what I asked you? I've seen more people smoke meth and crack than I can even count and never in my entire life have I seen a person smoke crack out of a meth pipe that has a bulb. You're fucking retarded.
I don't give a shit, you're defending a person who was factually wrong and making shit up and doubling and tripling down on it so what does that make you?
It's a fed.
Actual hookers looks atrocious
why? are you pozzed already?
dilate and take your meds SIR
you will never be a woman btw
Whayre the chances of that i really wanna pinger in the zinger
I just dont even see the value in sex anymore. The work that goes into it is way too tiresome. I acquired twenty grand in the means of a month and its been over a year and a half since i've had sex. Its a grim world where its easier to acquire $20k in fucking cash than it is to get a sliver pussy. Yeah, no. its over.
Suck my dick samefaggot
I'm not defending anyone. I'll take your word that it was a crack pipe. But both of you are foolish for arguing about such degenerate minutiae.
There's billboards on every second street corner in New York for free anti-HIV medication prep. HIV is so rare it is barely discussed in Australia
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OOHWHEE we got a live one here! It's a simple question. Where are you, Manila?
It's a meth pipe and that's my entire point. Learn to read you fucking double-digit IQ nigger.
i was lurking, schizo troon
i just found the response battle too funny
1.Most women don't make much money on OF.
2.They wreck their bodies and have more exposure as a poorly paid internet whore then a street whore who fucks clean safe johns who just want to bust and go home.
3.The OF girls will be run through and doing fucked up shit in a year that ruins their minds and bodies and soon will be competing with the free/ripped stuff of their younger unruined selves. Existential crisis will be soul destroying
4.REALLY limited window of time to make good money as a new girl.

OF is a scam. The only thing OF has going for it is the IDEA of being an OF whore and making money and when they realize the downsides as well as the low chance of making more money then at mcdonalds, you'll end up with badd shit happening.
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Unironically LA is nicer than israel, but israel is on the same level as san francisco
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This is my big ass dick that your little sister was sucking on while she, a nigger, tongued my anus last night
HIV is a hoax--just ask Fauci.
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A.STD scare
B.last time I checked, the decent looking ones wanted $200+ for half an hour
C. Fed scare
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So, shamble you ass down to Florence and tell those upstanding citizens that they are doing it wrong.
As op has stated that is obviously a fed no way a girl that good looking needs to whore on the streets
Doing what wrong? My entire point is that you're retarded to assume they were smoking anything but meth out of a METH PIPE
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Aren't they in a war and sending retards to die, instead of to collect garbage?
>meth pipe
>Learn to read
Oops, I made a mistake regarding the very, very important issue of whether a pipe is used for meth or crack. And due to that mistake my IQ has been diminished by over 3SD. Gee, you're strict!
Cheap/easy woman = expensive medicine
I was promised CuNi and i am thinking of revolting if my demands are not met.
Dear joe biden, give me CuNi now. Right now. Or. else. i. will. talk.
Rich onlyfans whores are a myth. I know a few local broads who try to shill their shitty nudes yet they usually only get 15 likes or so on their twitters. Its actually the saddest thing in the world anon. Some will be at it for years then quit because nobody simply gives a shit. Unless she has a major following prior, she's just an armature whore who's competing with legitimate pornstars.
Condolences that you have a disgusting mutilated amerimutt dick
The only mistake that diminished your IQ was your mom deciding to let a nigger cum inside of her
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Round and round you go, assuming you know all about two druggies in South Central Los Angeles.
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I donno but jews are parasites so every time a jew perishes, the world measurably improves by a lot.
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It’s literally cheaper to import a Filipina wife. This chick I follow is the fiancé to a fat 50 year old ogre from Australia. They’re literally living in a shitty sailboat. Imagine stretching out her tight 19 year old snatch to the perfect size for your prick.
Sooner or later, there will be tiktok/instragram propaganda clips of a severely disfigured and disabled 85 year old woman making out with a 7'5 roided 20 year old gigachad. The propagandists are losing their minds themselves, it's only a matter of time. Most news narratives are ridiculous already.
Congrats, you just admitted that you have a little dick. My dick is big enough that the foreskin is stretched back when it's hard you retard, get your eyes checked.
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Go to the Philippines Bro.
This never works out, they get their citizenship, file for divorce, take half the money and fuck off. Marry local or don't marry
You are the one that literally did that in your first post I replied to, mongoloid.
Ever heard of a prenuptial?
Tell us more about crack and meth. Enthrall me with your acumen.
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Answer, where ARE you? I was there that day. Not across the street as you assume.
Jake Gyllenhaal is jewish. Awkward
They are far from bulletproof, you are betting your net worth and assets that the courts are going to respect your prenup, best of luck with that
Most men that would import a wife aren’t wealthy Bro. If you’re wealthy you can get good pussy anywhere without ever having to marry.
I have to take your word for it I have seen people smoke crack from a meth pipe that dude is obviously underage
You can easily smoke good crack out of a oil burner. You're retarded and have a small dick.
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USA is the Home Of The Bug Chaser!
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because OP is a phoneposting retard
>6 million views
she will effortlessly fail up in life
Nigga, no one gives a fuck about "pornstars".
Those cunts can't give their porn away.
Unless you mean women who are just going the full camwhore route and just destroying their bodies for losers online to beat off/shlick off/dildo their holes to and STILL make less then she would if she got a job flipping burgers and sucking dick part time.
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>spit on my beer
she better save that hawk tuah, cause if she spits on my beer, i'm going in dry
>el sexo anal
fuck, good thing they don't stalk around like that here
Walking around Manhattan makes you wonder just how many people have HIV to warrant so much advertising
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She's beautiful but insane so your brain (penis) is having conflicting feelings.
when she's that hot, surely it counts as entrapment
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I have had enough friends die from drugs, I have been around enough druggies of every type. I saw what I saw. Commiefornia is a crazy place.
I was in Vegas driving around one day when some chick dressed in not very much frantically started waving me over from a convenience store parking lot.

Thing was, I recognized her from Saturday night's "COPS" show from Vegas, where she was a cop playing a "hooker" so that her cop buddies could arrest guys who tried to pick her up. :-)

Not even joking.
your retard nigger self has to push his nigger ass cheese through a steel pipe with insulated wire in it because you sucked the wrong dick on accident
meanwhile the kings are on full melt until the glass is clean
not everyone likes trashy drugged up whores

He said she was a fed, not that she wasn't a vacuous whore. She keeps them inside of her cavernous cunt, when she pulls them out they're all slimy and disgusting, and you have endure the stench of them when she slaps them on you, it's terrible.
>Incels avoid women
Actively avoiding women and even whores, prostitution means they are voluntary celibate/chase/noncoomers therefore "vcels" rather than incels.

Female coomers that I have come across just cannot imagine anyone in existence who is not a coomer. Their egos cannot handle the truth of it. In their minds if they are addicted to cocaine that means "everyone must be a cocaine addict". Anyone who isn't just 'must' be unable to afford it. They are people who lie to themselves lavishly.

The idea of a man that is capable of even saying no to their hole no matter how stinky it is at a given time they can't handle it. So they came up with the term 'incel' to project a surreality of "everyone is a coomer" rather than accept that men exist who are disgusted by them or don't desire them. Basically, they pretend in their bird brains that they rejected you even if it means ignoring the biohazard suit you put on as they approached.

> Real men just go find another chick.

Obviously underestimating the percentage of females actual real men are disgusted by.
By pornstars i mean women with a following over 10k, a budget dedicated for it, toys, and whatever the fuck else, lighting? Idk. Most amateur whores prompt their phones up with a single dedicated dildo and simply hope for the best, take a few ass pics in the mirror then quit. Onlyfans is a scam
Meh. You set up an irrevocable trust fund through your lawyer, and she can't do shit. At most the courts can order spousal support, but most states now have formulas that the courts are required to use when calculating that -- for a 50yo with no income and health problems, she'll get almost nothing anyway.
Apparently homeless guys do have women who live in their tent with them. I see them walking around with women. I don't know why they would rather live in a tent with a junkie. I usually ignore them. Sex is a really hard topic. Easy steal I guess, I can probably just wave one over and tell her.

how do I break this nigger age restriction without logging in?
Even if you can figure out how to 100% deny transfer of any assets, keeping someone around who openly stays with you just because of your money is sad
Incel means involuntary celibate.
It means that people cannot find a woman to have a love relationship with.
Having sex with a prostitute doesn't change anything to it.
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Well, they actively seek out the infection, so not difficult to imagine that whole subculture getting what they seek.
based retard but i dont see a timestamp with ID
I am the one who gets his dick sucked for three dollar rocks you fucking larper, you don't even have the balls to post your little-ass dick
Use yt-dlp to download it to your computer.
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And your alternative is? Eritrea?
I will rape her to death and then cut her liver and heart and make curry.
Beats nothing at all. And guess what, most chicks chase guys who can give them a "better life". Dumb cunts who desperately seek out losers are few and far between.

I'd been thinking about asking out a blackjack dealer at a casino I used to go to a lot. Not thinking very seriously about it, but still. Anyway, one day she shows up wearing an engagement ring, which I thought was odd since she'd talked about being single only a few weeks before. Turns out some corporal at the local Army base asked her out, liked her blowjob technique, and asked her to marry him. She said yes because she wanted to get off the Indian reservation.
A prostitute is a woman.
Paying for pussy is no different from going on a date. It's cheaper, the woman is hotter, and it's a sure deal.
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Pretty suspect claim with so many degenerate faggots, such as yourself, as well as abbos running around with rags soaked in diesel tits fried off sticking their hideous primate dicks in anything that moves.

Honestly, every single Aussie should rope themselves this very instant.

This is all assuming Australia does in fact actually exist which is not quite as much of a certainty as one might initially believe.
you're right, I'm scared to post it because I know you'd fly out out of your seat across the country just to suck it off my pelvis
good job bragging about your nigger ass cheese and proving to everyone you're just a lowlife that can't afford decent shit that is easily usable in a peelo
>Turns out some corporal at the local Army base asked her out, liked her blowjob technique, and asked her to marry him
refreshingly direct kek
hey psst dating *is* prostitution ..it is soft prostitution. courting for matrimony and family building is in another realm altogether.
thats why prostitutes exist.
I cook my own shit from pure coke untouched by american hands except mine, imagine smoking your shit out of a pookie instead of letting some high school bitch lick your ass for a piece of your chore boy, couldn't be me
see also 'bug chasing'?
thats what a world with no goyim looks like.
>you can commit a crime to pay for sex
>that means society DIDN'T fail you, chud
>You didn't beat the game
yeah you lost me with that niggerspeak
You should check out the channel. They seem pretty comfy together. She’s definitely not grossed out by him. Also, I was watching another Flip girls channel and she said that all young Filipinas want to marry white men, not because of money but because Filipino men treat them very badly.
thats double what i pay. i pay all in 130 for sex at the massage parlour and the 3 girls i see regularly all have amazing bodies. if you know where to go sex is cheap. the key in canada is knowing how to navigate the sex trade because most places are trash with trash girls.
Post your dick you fucking faggot
>Its a grim world where its easier to acquire $20k in fucking cash than it is to get a sliver pussy.

$20K vs a sliver of random stranger hole..if you the value of ~15 minutes in some random strange vagina over $20K you might need to seek help.
pornstars are a meme. they're all just prostitutes. i've fugged two b tier "porn stars" i've seen in casting couch videos at a low tier massage parlours
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I'd be too paranoid to do it that the woman has other motivations other than actually liking the man, but good for anyone that makes it work
In the upper echelons prostitutes and escorts are not paid for sex or blowjobs they are paid to keep their mouths shut.
Only if sex is assured.
If not then you are merely paying for a meal.

As a matter of fact...that's a nice loop hole can pay her for the meal and gas money for showing up.
Cops can't say anything.
Nah, having more fun with money and materialistic possessions. I dont even have to leave my house anymore.
You nigger, who said i was chasing?.. I'm having much more fun out of the game. im just stating facts. As a 23 year old man, its kind of fucked that i could make this much money at my age yet women are just too impossible lol.
She doesn't need to, but she wants to. It's easy money, and she probably gets a rush knowing that a man is paying hundreds of dollars just to spend an hour with her. I once had a conversation with a gorgeous stripper who cared less about earning money than being admired by men.
I'd pay extra for that
kek. if you ever work on an indian reserve in canada as an engineer doing infrastructure type works abos will try to marry you off to their daughters. its both dangerous and weird in a passport-bro way.
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Wait? You are mixed up, aren't you? Why are you asking for dick? Over and over? Are you a bug chaser, as well as a druggie?
because only .00000000001% make any money
I'm sure it was a little more romantic than that, but that's the bare bones of it. For her, a "better life" was remarkably small.

In contrast, just after college, a friend's mother opened a small cosmetics shop and some girl about my age (and my friend's age) rented out the basement of the shop to run a nail salon. Literally a Playboy-quality body. Any guy talking to her, his brain would simply shut down (well, maybe not the faggots, but I wouldn't know about that). But she had one simple principle: she would ONLY date guys who were multimillionaires. Period. If they weren't already in the top 0.1% of incomes, she wouldn't even go out for a free dinner, because why waste her time on poorfags.

She had the shittiest personality you can imagine, not just greedy but small-minded and narcissistic.

And you know what? She had plenty of dates, and she married one of them, a retired dentist with some kids. His wife had died and so now he had a sextoy for his remaining years.
I don't believe you. I'm pretty sure you literally just made that up
IMHO you are tending toward being wise on being cautious with Flips. There have been stories of men getting lured over their and the entire family turning them into an ATM and eventually discarding them or putting false charges against them before they can retaliate or escape once they realize they have been set up by the family operating as a group. Japan isn't necessarily exempt from that kind of thing either.
Back in my younger days I wouldn't have minded that in the slightest. I wish I'd hit on some of the other blackjack dealers after that, just in case some of them were that easy to please. As it stands, I'm going to have to move to the Philippines instead. :-(
but girls like her will rip his finances apart like a shark. very dangerous.
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She is much too pale to have spent any time on the streets of Los Angeles. She is fresh across the border. She is sending her money home to El Salvador or Colombia, or wherever she originated.
>on SSRIs
>in a good place
marrying outside your culture and ethnic group in exotic places where you know nothing about the local culture and have no way of vetting girls is beyond my comprehension. i have a hard time considering even dating abos that i've known for 10 years because i know how psychopathic they are.
There's so many stories about Japanese women marrying foreigners then just fleeing with the child in the night and the father never seeing the child ever again. It's a thing they do. And Japan's legal system refuses to help. It's a foreign culture and you can't rely on them to behave rationally as we would expect. Flips are also a foreign culture where lots of extremely degenerate shit is normalized, I basically just don't trust them.
the fuck's goin on over there, why's it so filthy?
Depends on the chick. She just wanted the certainty of wealth and the lifestyle it would provide her. Last time I heard anything, they were still married and she'd had a couple more kids with him. He probably didn't have all that much longer to live, he was something like 30 years older than her.

Even if she'd been the predatory type rather than the simple parasitic type, a properly set up trust fund would protect him from her.
>If they weren't already in the top 0.1% of incomes, she wouldn't even go out for a free dinner, because why waste her time on poorfags.
She sounds like a shark, but smart enough to know that she was working with a 0.1% quality body and had very strong bargaining power
if you're a white american or canadian i could understand finding a swedish, german, british wife, etc. i can't understand going to the filippines, vietnam and other places that have NOTHING in common with you and where there is a widespread hatred of your race
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>you didn't beat the game
>you didn't lose virginity
Generally only blacks and gays have HIV.
Never seen an asian with HIV.
It's pretty openly men that don't have any good options in the west due to lack of attractiveness, so they resort to going to the third-world where women will throw themselves just to escape horrifying poverty. What loneliness does to a mf, I'm not judging but it's not for me
Americans are all such simps that they respond itt like "she is way too good looking to be on the streets! (so y face)" "why isn't she on onlyfans!"
Lol this country is so corrosive to any masculinity it really feels like some hopeless insane asylum
Why would she be a fed, is buying a hooker a federal crime on the land of the free?
i dont believe most men have no options. even my alcoholic boomer neighbor has a drunken squaw wife and they seem to love each other.
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It depends on which State you are in. Commiefornia is a free for all. If you have no money, laws don't apply to you in CA.
i wanna see her ride a bike
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here you go
I suspect they don't like their options and having first world money and passport gives you a free boost and allows you to attract flips above your normal level. Of course it's making a deal with the devil, because the flip is entitled to leave you and attempt to strip you of assets
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here you go newfags leeches
learn to make webms ffs
Damm, American whore are something else.
Here every whore looks like a goblina, at least there you have young whores.
>fertile latina
this shit fucks me up
i hate being a sperg in HS and being too unaware to tap all the pussy that climbed all over me
i will an hero soon, i promise u
>liked her blowjob technique
This is what she told you?
of course a streetwalker is gonna reject some guy offering them pay for doing chores. no sane man would do that, so you would be an idiot to get in that car.

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