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REPLACE HIM NOW The election is over already, you've lost if you run on a dual-white-male ticket.

You want to win right? Remove him this weekend and pick Vivek or Tulsi. Kamala won't be able to attack either of them because she can't call them sexist or racist (meaning, she'll be completely disarmed) She probably won't will run from the debates too.
if JD Vance wasn't threatening powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary
Supposedly vance is funded by silicon valley types that wants more pajeets... but... both side want more pajeets

And does Trump really need silicon valley money running against Kamala?
>Replace him with Vivek or Tulsi literal WEF infiltrators

You had me until there.
Time for you to be realistic bro. Lefties are not going to vote for a ticket with Two White Males no matter how back the economy is or illegals kill citizens.
>You've already seen it the last few days, they don't give a shit about immigration AT ALL. It's a non issue to them, all they give a shit about is Abortion and Racial Identity.
Trust me, I live in CA, not a single lefty is paying attention to policy . . .it's all revenge and emotion.
no one gives a shit who some california faggot wants to vote for.
Replace him with Kari Lake already so the shills can start spamming that pic of her posing with a drag queen at some event related to her television job as an argument against her, while I post pic related. She earned that post by gutting a corrupt party head.
Who's your chose? (Realistic Mode: Cannot be a white male)
GOP will lose if they only appeal to Rural voters. This has been shown to be true time and time again.
Free Info: There are no white-majority urban districts anymore. You can't win an urban district with a dualing white male ticket, it's basically impossible now.
Trump doesn't need more women and wogs, he needs to increase white turnout for him like in 2016

He failed to do that in 2020, which is why he lost.

JD Vance should be dumped because he's an unpopular, uncharismatic deep state faggot, not because he's a White man.
Appealing to rural voters... with prayers to a demon, black whores, and "democrats are the real racists" based black speakers?
>Lefties are not going to vote for a ticket with Two White Males
I know, that's why we should have nominated shitskins right? Fuck white males. They're too privlidged and that's why they can't get jobs or win anything.
This! I'm a democrat but I believe in a fair fight so I want you guys to have a chance.
Drop Vance
Just switch him with his wife. EZ PZ
no one gives a shit what some california faggot thinks about voting patterns either.
Burgum, Youngkin or Haley. Maybe Rubio.
Liberals sure seem to care a lot about race.
Tulsi is a shill? Aw man, I liked her.
>does Trump really need silicon valley money running against Kamala?
No, but not having silicon valley interference (or interference to his benefit) could be helpful.
If you want to win, you got to play the same game they are playing. There are no rewards for taking the moral/righteous high ground during an election, literally none at all.
Haley is a shit choice, but would be better than Vance. That's how bad he is. All we are going to hear about for the next 3 months is how much the GOP hates women -- you fuckers have no idea how bad it's going to be -- no speech or policy platform will be able to overcome that if both candidates are white privileged males.
Everyone is a shill wef / jew according to the/pol/ majority sometimes they are right sometimes they aren't
>If you want to win, you got to play the same game they are playing.
I'm sorry, are Democrats appealing to White men now?
You're terrified, aren't you?
>I'm sorry, are Democrats appealing to White men now?
You've never heard of white guilt have you. Just look at all the white folk who lined up for vaccines and masks. Yes, the Dems own the white vote too (except in Kentucky, Idaho, and Missouri) LOL
The democrats are not pandering to White working class men.

Meanwhile Republicans are spending 100% of the time and effort on "niggas 4 trump" and "felons 4 trump"
>You're terrified, aren't you?
Yes for my friends, family, and safety yes. I live in a state that is already not prosecuting crimes -- ironically it's Kamala "Madam Prosecutor"'s state.
>When you're an unemployed blue haired tranny addicted to TikTwitch you don't have the same concerns as those of us paying our bills,raising families, and holding down a career.
>I don't have a rifle to protect me from the government, it's to protect me from the criminals and illegal aliens roaming the streets that don't get prosecuted.
there is no game, but even if there was, you'd lose it. Vance is a young white guy with an inspiring story who came from the appalachian trailerpark class background. and you want to replace him with some DEI brown person or some hatchet wound bitch as if niggers and cunts aren't smart enough to smell your condescension. your slimy little snake method of "playing the game" is a ticket to irrelevance.
>Vance is a young white guy with an inspiring story who came from the appalachian trailerpark class background. and you want to replace him with some DEI brown person or some hatchet wound bitch
Correct. I want to win the election
>Liberal kike website says Republicans made a mistake
I'm guessing they didn't.
I you still are that obsessed with jews/kikes you've proven just how behind the times and obsolete you're thinking is. No wonder you think Vance is a good choice, you're retardedly delusional.
Do the exact opposite of anything Jews and their gollum juornos tells you to do.
"Lefties" are not gonna vote for any ticket with Trump on it anyway. Running mates are irrelevant, this has been proven time and time again. People vote for the top of the ticket, not the bottom.
i know you want Kamala to win the election because otherwise orange hitler will destroy democracy or whatever gay shit you faggots fantasize about
>Running mates are irrelevant
When both parties nominate unpopular AF top of the ticket candidates it begins to matter. How to convince lefties to pay attention to what matters other than racial/sexual identity = don't nominate two white males
it's that simple. I don't like it either, but that's how it works.
>i know you want Kamala to win the election because otherwise orange hitler will destroy democracy or whatever gay shit you faggots fantasize about
I you struggle with reading comprehension might I suggest seeking a tutor or some online classes. I want nothing more than to put the nation back on a track where we enforce laws and take care of citizens first. That cannot be done with any of these liberal dickheads who afraid to even give a parking ticket to a non-white.
>I want nothing more than to put the nation back on a track where we enforce laws and take care of citizens first.
oh, i'm talking to a bot. good job tricking me for a few posts, i guess. still didn't pass the turing test tho.
>How to convince lefties to pay attention to what matters other than racial/sexual identity = don't nominate two white males
Not sure why you keep bringing up "lefties". They will not be convinced matter what, all it takes for them to vote is Trump being on the ballot, who they are convinced is the worst human being in history. Whether he picks Vance, Carson, Haley or whoever is of no consequence and will not sway enough votes to alter the outcome anyway.
It's too late. The Republicans are stuck with him. The convention is over.
he could always be run over by a bus in mindcraft. . . or choose to spend more time with his family.
What rifle do you own?
Like Mr. Crooks, I have access to my dad's weapons whenever I want. . . sorta. I'm not personally allowed to own one, but my finger is still effective on the trigger
Do you live with your father?
I live with your mother who identifies as a father
Does your mother soothe your tears with reddit gold after a hard pegging?
Neocons will have their revenge!!!!!
a vice president has no power and does nothing anyway, trump has sidelined vance to irrelevancy
>t. lives in a shithole rural state
I'm actually banned from Reddit chuck
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If you fall for this, there is literally no hope for you.
If running mates were relevant Biden would never have gotten selected... umm, 'elected'
Vance or no Vance I'm not voting for Trump
he's running as a moderate Republican now, so literally fuck him and I hope he gets locked up
>If running mates were relevant Biden would never have gotten selected
Clearly you are too young to have understood the last election. The ONLY reason she was picked was the ensure the Dems would take the black vote in South Carolina. Even CNN reported this.
How does it feel to be shilling for Kamala now that you know your masters are just as full of shit as Trump?
Really? I'm not, and most of my posts consist of some variation of "b& me faggot."
What do you suppose I'm doing wrong?
I'm banned for fucking up their narratives without using slurs or hate speech. They finally got sick of me being rational and logical and put and end to my dominance.
Oh, Mr Shapiro. I didn't realize you lurked here. Send my love to Abby.
Vance is one too retard
Sweet summer child, your example proves my point, they lost South Carolina by 12 points in a rigged election.
lol, lmao and rofl even
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Only bottom feeders care what Robert Shapiro says. Dude has been dead for years anyways. Hasn't been relevant since OJ
I guess you slept through the whole, "Suburban black woman vote" narrative that went on for weeks to help explain the steal.
Why are dems always using blacks, don't they know Asians and Beaners exist?
Trump doesn't need the nigger or spic vote, he just needs more of the white blue collar vote in the right states. There's absolutely nothing the Democrats can do about it if he just gets a couple more percentage points of white voters.
I’m in sc... the dem senator here sold win to Biden for Supreme Court seat.. was said out loud, no secret
Pretty clear understanding for a leaf >>475695760

You fall for that fake narrative? He glows brighter than any of them.
you're not an american, so it's understandable that you don't kmow anything about American politics.
a scotts-irish trailer trash millennial from armpit america as the vp pick is a very good choice. the media is going even more apeshit than they did with pence for a reason. vance has flaws, but his upside is bigger than any downside
he only has upsides in states that were already solidly Red. That's a net non-gain.
Trump would get my vote back if he chooses Military Mommy. Otherwise fuck him. Rolling with RFK.
Who gives a shit about the vp. Like fr?
I wanted vivek. If the democrats are playing fuck fuck games swapping their presidential candidate then trump should flip a 180 and swap jd for vivek
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>a scotts-irish trailer trash millennial from armpit america as the vp pick is a very good choice
it's the worst pick in history, no one likes this faggot
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>JD Vance is a true populist and patriot and not the chosen pick of Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and glowfags and deep staters at every level
>JD Vance married to a Pajeet
>Other choices for VP are two Pajeets
Were the Pajeets right? Indian super power coming?
You’re lowlife if you don’t care the second in command is a literal glownigger faggot that fucked a couch. Have some self respect.
It doesn't matter, you fucks, neither side is actually going to definitively win the election and we're going to have a war.
Daily horoscope 5:

You're weary. Tired. You want to. You can't. You've been told enough. You dont have to keep going. There is a bridge in your town. Go there, and gaze up at them. Show them what you're made of. You can fly.
I did not think they would be so afraid of jd vance but here we are.
All his money is tied to the CIA fuckstick. Lurk moar, or research Peter Thiel more. Your choice.
bitch don't even try. I'm legit MAGA. JD Vance has turned an easy victory (CNN / MSNBC was depressed for an entire month) into a guaranteed loss.
>If you don't yet realized how unpopular white males are now than you're just as braindead as the NPCs. No way in hell a dual-white-male ticket can win where it matters, URBAN AREAS
GOP already pointed out who they are targeting this election.
>Rust belt blue collar whites in swing states
Michigan, PA and Wisconsin blue collar guys are faggots, they are not like the all American blue collar types in the rest of the country. The ones in the midwest are literal faggots who need to pandered to. That is why JD Vance was picked. Blue collar midwest types are still in the fence, Trump needs to bring them into the fold.
>Working class Hispanics
That is why AZ and NV are now in play, some have pointed out even New Mexico. Hispanics are the swing voter this election, they are evenly split. Harris can't really win them either. Joe Biden had some pull, but Trump leans more into the Mexican machismo.
>Waitresses and bottle girls in Las Vegas
Yes the baddies are going to save America. Trump is promising no tax on tips and they are going to come out and droves. Sure these girls probably are pro abortion but they care about their wallets a lot more.
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Vance is /ourguy/. Fuck you
Agree and appreciate everything you presented. Sadly what he did with choosing Vance was fuck himself out of any possibility of getting on-the-fence women to vote for him.
>Women may only be a fraction of congress, but as a poll worker I can tell you, they are the majority of the electorate. He fucked up bad trying to only impress the "all-American blue collar" MEN. Major fuck up, someone gave him shit advice
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>The problem with Vance is that he's a White male
>Not that he is a AIPAC funded manufactured politician who's VP spot was bought by billionaire faggots
republicucks are a joke
There's nothing wrong with "Dual white male", you just don't want an inflammatory retard that beats the war drums of losing elections like trying to drag abortion to the national scale when you've assured it'll stay state level.
Imagine believing you can 'chose' the president still...
He literally sucks up to Israel and jews,and said something about “we need to hit Iran hard”
Come on, man.
Do MIGAs have excuses for everything?
>you just don't want an inflammatory retard that beats the war drums of losing elections like trying to drag abortion to the national scale
That is literally Vance. You know who it isn't? Vivek or Tulsi
shitposts are free, and the guy looks like a fag
Lefties aren't voting for anyone the TV doesn't tell them to. You're not appealing to lefties, you're appealing to normies.

Lefties are rabid, unthinking animals ready to kill anything they're pointed at. You don't negotiate with them. Normies on the other hand are emotional and don't like "Childless cat lady" comments, but are willing to also be swayed by "Lovely old people murdered by illegals" or "Your grocery and gas bills will go down". They don't give a shit what color the candidates are.

Your average voter has enough rationality that showing "Oh, the border problem hurts people" and "Oh the economy being fixed does make it easier for me to live" will sway them, but then they'll emotionally and retardedly go "That cat lady comment was rude and I don't like it, my aunt was infertile and has cats and she's lovely, it's not her fault, why are you beating up my aunt" because normies don't have nuance, they just go off what's around them and their emotions. When Trump goes after other politicians they just go "Oh yeah, that particular person is unpleasant" rather than feeling like their aunt is being targeted.
>the guy looks like a fag
He looks like Jack Posobiac trying not to look gay
Haley would definitely get Trump assassinated, she's the establishment pick, who's backers supported Kamala over Trump.

Rubio is ineligible as he's also from Florida.
>the current zogbot is better than the other zogbot
Unironically put the pajeet up there because he’s the only one that can behave with a female as the rival. Vance is acting like a retarded fratbro
In this case, they're right.
I think Vivek is the only one that's demonstrated enough awareness and intelligence to actually tackle most of the problems present. He seems to also understand how to play the game and doesn't flippantly throw people under the bus or make off hand comments, or otherwise struggle to start new losing fights where there aren't any.

Tulsi's a snake, her policies are retarded and she's just known for "Based" opinions but ultimately is still a gun grabber.
Lefties aren’t the target audience, dunno why you’re so focused on them. Vance is the decorum-absent retard that’ll alienate swing voters – you can’t have two of those running for the executive; Trump needs to pick someone who can present themselves as more level since he’s got dibs on his behavior. Pence was a great balancing figure by his demeanor
>Normies on the other hand are emotional and don't like "Childless cat lady" comments
again pointing to why Trump needs a disciplined candidate to counteract his off-the-cuff rambilngs. Vivek would have been perfect for this. Dude called Biden being replaced over a year ago. MSNBC and View are terrrified to ever allow him on the networks. He's the perfect candidate: the media fears him because he doesn't insult people.
VP pick is Trump’s decision last I checked, RNC being over bars nothing
>Lefties aren’t the target audience, dunno why you’re so focused on them.
How to lose Elections 101
I agree, I'm not contesting you on Vivek, Vivek seems masterful at damage control and rolling with the punches while identifying, and countering media tactics. See >>475703041

Vivek is the only non "Compromise" pick that I can see being a massive boon, any other choice would have to bend the knee and capitulate in order to "Satisfy" the unsatisfiable in order to be seen as "Fair", while Vivek can actually navigate the mine field and sell the idea to normies.
>thinks you’re going to convert leftists to vote Trump
Elementary civics doesn’t apply here moron. Other side believes that this is the election to potentially end all elections and they’re absolutely hysterical about it. You demoralize them to lower their turnout because they sure as fuck aren’t going to vote for Trump. Grow up
Lefties are hardliners that refuse to budge and represent a very small amount of people, even among democrats. Most democrats are "Normie Democrats" that are boomer aged and just vote D because it's what their parents did. They're not leftists invested in DEI, they'll say they think diversity is a "Good thing" but will also in the same poll slam preferential hiring practices and choosing people by skin over merit, and if you can articulate that to them, like vivek can and we agree here, then you can sway them, but they're NOT lefties, just normie dems.
Trump bean counters seeing the panic over Kamala's surge need to read these comments about Vivek.
If he wants to win he's got to get rid of Vance, admit the mistake and move on.
>Vance is /ourguy/. Fuck you
(((our guy)))

You’re delusional Bud. Trump lost far right voters like me to RFK. You have no self respect if you’re ok with what happened at the RNC.
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Food for Thought, a replacement of Vance is possible. FUCKING DO IT or you WILL LOSE
Yeah basically this.
There is a lot to be critical of JD Vance being Trump's VP; but the incessant screaking about probably suggests there is something about him that the establishment really doesn't like for some reason.
There are a few leftists who think he is going to try to make America look like the Hand Maiden's Tale because he is against abortion in the case of rape on ethical grounds.
You can’t have two Trumps running in the ticket and that’s exactly what keeping Vance does. Pence was great because he came off as grounded. I don’t like the poo but he’s easily the most well-spoken as well as not being someone who has done nothing but talk mad shit about Trump like Haley, as well as Vance all the way up until he wanted his current senate seat. He’s a snake with the behavior of a fratbro and ex-zogbot to boot, so he’s extra fucking obnoxious
How is Vance a second Trump? I mean he was a never Trumper for a few years. And a lot of the outrage Vance gets today over abortion reminds me of the outrage Pence got in 2016 for his LGBT views and supporting electro shock therapy in trying to cure homosexuality.
As for trying to seem like your campaign is balanced, I don't think it really matters that much in this election. Everyone has been hyperpolarized just due to how intense views on social policy have progressively gotten since 2012, especially if we are talking about these swing states which are largely made up of states that are roughly equal parts conservative rural areas to liberal urban in terms of population.

Its not like Biden and Harris where better balanced either. There is effectively 0 difference in policy between the two; which all of us have lived nearly 4 years under their leadership and seen it cripple our nation socially, economically, and militarily.

Cheating at the ballot box aside, this election is largely going to be decided if people want to be able to eat and afford a house in another year over having legalized abortion at the federal level and repealing the 1st amendment to cater to mentally ill LGBT faggots who want you to be thrown in prison for misgendering them.

There is zero room for reasonable discussion of policy when that is ultimately what the two platforms are.
no women will ever respect a man that desecrate himself with a pajeeta
Vance turns off middle class white women like you wouldn't believe.
He can’t the ballots are already Trump/Vance
Vance tries to "Quip" like Trump but lacks the tact and charisma to do it and ends up falling flat while attacking broad groups of people. Trump never broadly attacks people which is what keeps him "Clean", despite the attacks that he does.

Vance also leans into a lot of what people accuse Trump of (Pro national abortion ban, ultra war hawk against Iran, ultra pro Israel, anti Ukraine)

With the current "Project 2025" attacks, there's a lot more hysteria and buzz over Vance and his "Hot mic" moments of calling for things like a national abortion ban, in contrast to 2016 when most people didn't give a shit and weren't all riled up with some ultra bogeyman like they are this time, and with RvW being struck down, they feel it's far more "Plausible" for something like a national abortion ban to happen, over something like kidnapping all the gays and rerouting half the power grid to zapping them.

Vance also offers nothing for the right or Trump supporters, he contradicts Trump on multiple points, and his bloodlust for Iran and cocksucking of Israel is tiring, he's uncharismatic and he doesn't bring anything to the table. He doesn't come off as "Intelligent" like a right hand man who's both, steady as an advisor, and ready to jump into the hot seat if anything goes wrong, and he doesn't do anything to show voters they're getting a ticket they can back.

Normies want to "Eat" and have low prices, but Vance is very pro-migration and flooding the nation because our "Magic soil" makes them Americans, and mass migration just fucks up prices further, and it runs counter to what right wingers want, EXTREME reduction in migration, remigration of who's here legally, and deportation of those here illegally, not someone with magic soil on the brain and is married to a migrant having brown babies.

He's a bad pick in all regards, and I think he's a pick to play both sides for AIPAC, either Dems win or they get their biggest Israel Firster in power.
I think you are right about him being an AIPAC pic, and I do agree that his main reason for a pic to consolidate a specific ideology should Trump win in November.
Although frankly I hate him for almost every reason you listed.

>things like a national abortion ban in contrast to 2016 when most people didn't give a shit
Hell no, that was a big issue even then. A lot of people voted for Hillary because she was seen as pro-abortion.

>Vance also offers nothing for the right or Trump supporters
I don't think he offers much for Trump supporters either, but I do think he may be seen by Trump as a bit of a middle ground between his own platform and the platform of his critics within the GOP since he was a never Trumper and is the kind of neo-con who does everything that is a cancer to it today (magic soil theory and war with Iran).

The GOP is a very splintered faction, Trump's platform is the largest. But he isn't the only and that small remaining portion of never Trumpers are enough to kill their momentum. If you noticed when screen shots of senate / house votes come you will usually see like 95 Republicans vote yes, 5 vote no, and 100 Democrats vote No; causing whatever bill that was needed to pass to fail because they wanted to kill the vote over some internal drama in the GOP.
Muh based right wingerinos are out here asking to put niggers and poos on the ballot because of muh optics
I don't understand how anyone here can be "conservative"
>Ron Desantis :|
>Ron Desantis, hillbilly :O

I mean that's it basically. People here will shit on De Santis for being an uncharismatic retard but will defend the rust-belt version of him because Trump picked him I guess and he's never made any questionable decisions, EVER.
Wrong, Vance was proposed by Trump them acclaimed at the RNC. He's the candidate. Forget about changing him.
>calling for things like a national abortion ban
The only right answer

> Dude lefties hate your ticket so how about just replace your candidates with people the lefties like

Are you this fucking retarded or have I somehow ended up on Reddit?
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>and if she declines, bring Yeb! onboard
I agree, pick Tucker instead.
Yea, threatening powerful interests, like Trump's re-election campaign. The guy is obviously a net negative retard. Trump would do better with Crooks' dead body as his VP pick.

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