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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Because the shills have been working massive amounts of overtime! Also, Jussie is my pick for VP just for giggles.
yes, it's pathetic
Seriously though, they're keeping the shill posts going through the night on a constant 24 hour cycle.
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>he proceeds to make another thread about it
theyd have to be retarded to shill this website.
more likely, antisemetic pol-tards realizing the left has more power to keep their politicians in line, electing trump again would be a blank check to israel and get you drafted by your own boomer father
It's my first one about this, cunt.
Yea it's pretty funny seeing how hard they're shilling her here.
>theyd have to be retarded to shill this website.
uh huh, and? You're not going to suggest there are no shills here ever, are you? kek.
My favorite are the threads about trump's vp pick.
they think if they argue that trump fucked up royally by picking vance and not tulsi gabbard (not even a republican) for his vp, that a bunch of trump supporters will abandon the candidate they've supported for almost a decade
they can't say "trump is bad, don't vote for him" because nobody would listen to them, so instead they have to pretend to be trump supporters who are jumping ship. but when they see that nobody else is jumping off with them, they climb back on board to jump off again. and again. very bizarre.
i saw somebody who said "you guys are all conspiratards" and then when someone posted the long list of kamala's horrible policies and embarrassing failures, they said "oh yeah, well even if it is true, only trump supporters would care about that stuff"
narcissist's prayer
Right? No subtlety at all. Just rampant desperation. The funniest part of all is....here? Really? kek!
so are theirs. retard.
Its so fucking funny they think they can poor money on us and change how we feel and think about things like we were some fucking normie-cattle-cows!
Haha it most be demoralizing to be a hired shill here just to be laughed at and then proceed to watch how anons are ignoring your shit because it isnt worth to engage in and instead engage in deeply spiritual discussions about the journey of the soul and meaning of existence from a higher God perspective hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah.

TAlk about being outmatched hahahahahaa
>My favorite are the threads about trump's vp pick.
Oh, those are a hoot as well. They vastly overestimate what anyone gives a fuck about, not to mention IF they really cared THAT MUCH, then the Democrats would HAVE to provide a matching pair of P & VP that exceed Trump & Vance in the eyes of Trump's own supporters. Like, good fucking luck with that uphill battle!

Also, didn't Tulsi switch over to Republican not too long ago?
I've been shitposting Kamala non-stop using memeflags. Nobody's paying me, I'm not even American. I'm just bored and unemployed.
You're not very bright, are ya son? You're also not very...Lambright! kek!
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Reminder that Bussy Smellit faked his lynching to bolster the anti-lynching bill that his friend Kamala Harris was trying to push through Congress.
Well we all know losers are behind this so nothing you said is a surprise....loser.
she (Tulsi) had a video where she reacted to biden dropping out and said "everything I criticized kamala for in the 2020 primaries is still true today. vote for trump"
Reminder that Jussie was also willing to let any White person caught up in his lie go to jail to serve his cause.
Yeah, you have KDS.
it'd be funny if she won though
Link? kek!
Tulsi took her down HARD, Tulsi still qualified to return for the following debate and was ousted simply because of her takedown of Kamala. The Democrats treat their own VERY poorly, just ask Bernie!
>Yeah, you have KDS.
Imagine trying to meme something that lame into existence! kek!
>it'd be funny if she won though
Yeahhhhh BUT in the end not worth the laughs.
I really don't understand why they think VP matters at all. There weren't a zillion Pence threads when Trump picked his VP last time. It really seems to be a case of "keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks" and it reeks of desperation.
There is nothing "strong" here in what they are doing. It's Hail Mary turbospazzing.
it's at 1.4 million views, which is crazy. it was only at like 15k when i saw it. didn't expect it to blow up so much
It’s been absolute batshit spam for 2 days straight. I’ve never seen such desperate shilling in my entire life.
And to expand upon this further, I think it's fucking HILARIOUS right now as it is. They picked her as a literal diversity hire, the entire town of DC seems to openly loathe her, and they're backed so far into a corner they HAVE to put her into play against their own wishes and it's every bit the shit show we knew it would be. Fucking BLM of all groups are stomping her shit in HARD right now publicly. The debates are going to be even MORE entertaining that the Biden one or even the Tulsi one was. The damage she would do to this nation is NOT worth the hilarity of watching the media TRY to shill for her while other countries will not hold back on their media coverage. But she would literally set back the "cause" for democrats AND women for generations and it would be a very entertaining thing to watch.
dont' care, still writing in HILLARY! It's her turn!
Weird part too, is that every shill that posts on this sites, no matter the topic, uses the exact same mentally retarded, "12 year old trying to troll" rhetoric. It's like they want everyone to know they are sub-70IQ.
>I really don't understand why they think VP matters at all.
>Narrator's Voice: It Doesn't
Remember, we're dealing with sociopaths who think they can manipulate people and have lost all sense of what does and does not work. They are desperate and are throwing everything at the wall hoping something will work. kek.
Sweet! Will watch shortly
>I’ve never seen such desperate shilling in my entire life.
Desperation AND time is short!
Not her whole budget, but yeah it's a lot of money to keep this going
>Costa Rica
Is your ballot en route on a full pallet of Costa Rican ballots?
They're not sending their best
Honestly i can see both.
umm DUH! I got an email a month ago in June, just had to confirm my data and press Submit. and they aren't shipped from here, silly. they are printed on site
In June! Then it still had Cornpop on the ticket! Did you give your 10% to the Big Guy?
this is a weird analogy, but it reminds me of when you have a mock debate in class, or do model un, where a bunch of students have to argue positions they don't actually believe.
most immature people's reaction to that situation is to adopt a caricature of the beliefs they're supposed to represent, because it's actually quite difficult to argue from a totally alien point of view. it's something that comes with maturity and experience, something the 18 year old shill farmers don't have
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They come here to disrupt whatever they think got trump into office, fucking retarded.
Jannies should get to fucking work already.
not mad btw
>Jannies should get to fucking work already.
They pay to protect their posts from deletion here I think. When have jannies every cleaned up shill posts?
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>They pay
unlikely, jannies do it for free
The real question is do they really want to make this board so insufferable that all the right wing autists contained here leave and start posting on normie social media? Questions they need to ask themselves.
>unlikely, jannies do it for free
Reading comprehension fail, Fritz. The shills' Overlords pay 4chinz for those passes to keep the jannies from deleting their posts.
We do it for free since it's fun watching blumpf supporters seethe.
Get lost kid. This is Kamala Kountry
I didn't vote for Biden per-se, just approved whomever DNC picks
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she’s wasting her time this is MAGA country
>The real question is do they really want to make this board so insufferable that all the right wing autists contained here leave and start posting on normie social media?
Yes. No. Maybe. All of the Above. Because, anon, there are multiple parties and organizations at work on this board. Some want us contained, some want us gone, some want to study us and workshop their shit here to see what flaws we spot or what works or doesn't work. It a honeypot, a containment board, a Mongolian basket weaving forum. It doesn't matter what "They" want because there are many "They"'s from many countries. It's more hilarious to watch when you know that.
This. /b/ is suddenly full of pro-Kamala or anti-Trump posts. They usually don't a fuck about anything other than porn
Literally stole this from Hasan, is this how desperate conservatives are? Can't come up with a good insult, so you have to steal from leftists? Lmao
Cry harder little bitch. Just wanted to reach those that are filtering the term "Kamala" now due to the incessant spam. It wasn't meant as an insult, that's just a bonus.
They're spamming the shit out of that sheboon suiciding by cop too, and defending the nigger. Defending a nigger, on /pol/, can you believe it?
Just popped over to look, Holy Kek you're right! My fucking sides!
It’s just a rerun of 2020 campaigns. It is not working nearly as well this time. They are very stupid.
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No, you obviously don't know the nature of the jannie.
They're trying to incite another Race Riot before a Trump Election? No Way! They wouldn't try that AGAIN would they? That's Unpossible! Have we got any more of those golden caskets?
It's been like that for a few days, not subtle
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Yes Kuntmala just wasted several million dollars on getting filtered in all subject, comment, and namefag fields
No, I do, I know they work for free. Jannies are Trannies who cannot be seen in public due to both not passing as well as the aroma of rotting colon
That's why I went with "Copmala". I'm debating on filtering for myself but the meta of the desperation I'm witnessing is pretty fucking funny.
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Fuck Zion Don. Anybody who pledges allegiance to Israel over America ain't getting my vote
It's probably just a couple pajeets in India for 4chan. The astroturf budget is lopsided to Instagram and Tiktok, followed by Reddit.
Indeed they are retarded
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I'm shilled out, whoaday
Bots and pajeets are cheap, jannies are beyond useless.
It's all ShillGPT now. No need to pay anyone overtime, they can now autospam 24/7
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Posting here is fucking cheap.
But the donors canvassed all social media outlets, doingall of them ought tocost something.
I bet you'll find pro Kamala shit on Steam!

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