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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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pussy hahahaha
>giving the poo more attention
weird you have that saved bruh
LOL remember when Trump said ANYTIME ... ANYWHERE? BWAHAHAH HOLY FUCK!
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you turds are the weirdos
? for suggesting they take it with Foxx instead?

Is kalama that scared?

kalama is a good name actually, reminds me of kalamity, of kalamydia.
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again why do u have that saved? that's weird.
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This fat fuck got worried that she would bring the handcuffs to the debate stage
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it's like a zoo or an old timey freakshow
>I post the literal reason why
>This fag "cope"
Fucking hell OP, go back to reddiit you will never change any minds here
what a dull raid, do you guys even laugh at this or is it just BO smell seething and messaging your egirlfriend on discord before gooning to loli or whatever terminally online leftists do now
>Barack Hussein Obama
Kek I always laugh when they use his full name
>Democrats pick a candidate
>candidate debates trump
>its a disaster
>Dems switch him out like garbage
>introducing KAMALA

Why should he debate kamala? She's not a legitimate candidate.
in your phone/PC? that's weird.
>thinks I care legitimately what /pol/tards think
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smart hes not giving her attention and the comcast money until it benefits him
So why post here retard? fuck off.
It is kinda funny
The absolute cope. He knows his "strategy" is in shambles.
>Trump destroys Biden in debate
>Biden drops out
>Trump destroys Harris in debate
>Harris drops out
>Trump destroys Big Mike in debate
>Big Mike drops out

Maybe Trump should only debate real candidates from a real political party.
you niggas want him to be some kind of 500iq mastermind so badly when in reality he's just another kike puppet but red. retard
welcome to 4chan nigger
She sucked willy browns cock while imprisoning coloreds though right?
probably a good idea. dude fucking sucks at debating. only reason he beat biden was because biden was a corpse
>i'm the best, you're the worst
>you're a big dumb dumb head, i'm very smart
>you're a disaster, i saved the country
rinse and repeat 27 more times. do NOT fucking debate, trump
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He is waiting until after the DNC so he knows what fucking clown he is actually going to be debating
it's Vanishing
It's Dumped
Tell that to Hillary
An arachnophobe wouldn't have pictures of spiders on their PC, dumbass.
>Barack Hussein Obama

WTF his middle name is Hussein?! Well I’m never voting for him NOW!
they hate fascists, that means they wanna fuck them
What a coward
This is literally the most obviously butthurt press release I've ever read in my life
what a fucking coward bitch hahahahahahahahaha
So every democrat in this thread is a liar or a sucker, huh?
Trump simply has no answers that can refute marxism. Socialism is the future. Free Palestine.
There are no authentic Democrats on /pol/
Trump is the GOP nominee.
The democrats do not have a nominee.
Debates should only happen after the conventions
my grandma comes here every day i can assure you she is a staunch democrat
What debate did he back out of? The next one wasn't until September.
How sad. When did she die?
Not the candidate. Media framing really does brainwash dums
Don't blame him. They pulled this shit with Biden, they can pull it again with Harris.
Imagine being afraid to debate a woman.
His hatred towards other people must stem from being a weirdo in real life, because imagine having a wife or girlfriend going through his pictures on the phone.

"Anon is that a picture of maggots on a crotch?"

and Anon answers:
Yeh haha it's for my internet buddies on the chan' you wouldn't understand. It's some kind of insider alright.
I'm with you on that one. Unfortunately realising that the people on /pol/ are actually the bad guys, after 10 years on here is like gaining consciousness for the first time as a child and realising you're actually alive
>anywhere, anytime drumpf!
>debate biden
>steamroll him so much it create a crisis in the party
>democrats switch candidate
>h..hey drumpf, let's try again!

fuck off. You lost the debate.
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He should pull out, especially since CumHalla' back isn't legitimately primaried. He shouldn't legitimate her coronation.
NATIONAL socialism, cucky.
It's honestly the correct move. It robs her of any exposure (unearned). He has nothing to gain from debating her.

Most candidates are exposed to the public by the primaries and then the debates. By skipping the debate, the public has no idea who she is.
Trump doesn't have to save Harris's campaign. Kamala's underpaid staffers should figure out what insane too-online thing they're going to do next.
Gives kongmala zero legitimacy
Bot spam correlates with the deep state in full panic so pay attention kids. There are no coincidences
>lets wait a month to finalize the debate schedule
>lol drumpf is backing out of debating with the coconut tree

Well, he's right on the Obama thing. I'd like to know what he's waiting for
National Socialism failed. Hitler was a cuck that gave the jews vacations, movie theaters, and pools instead of gassing them. He absolutely would have supported sending them all to Israel so Europe wouldn't have to deal with them. 100% zionist ideology.
This. There's no (D) nominee to debate yet.
2016 Trump and 2024 Trump are completely different people
To be honest, given her IQ and verbal skills, Trump would deciamte Kalama.
Why are Republicans so terrified of Kamala Harris? Lmao
The Hussein part is important.
lmao Trump is done Kamala is going to wreck his big fat ass and she won’t even have to work for it.
at least marxist biden is out
my wife thinks troons are gross too
you are projecting.
you guys are so afraid of trump you've thrown the kitchen sink at him and he's still raping your asshole
It's not, no.
I want these people fucking dead. not a quick death, tortured for an extended amount of time with medical personnel prolonging their lives for years
sit back and relax, they will do it themselves
Trump should just flat out explain why. He debated Biden because everyone on his side knew that Biden was mentally damaged. But his PR team and the media worked overtime to hide it for years. Can't do that easily with a live debate broadcast and Biden crashed and burned as expected. With Kamala, no one's really sure how she'd debate. But since she showed up so late, she's practically a nobody. No notable accomplishments as VP other than a 92% staff turnover for being an insufferable cunt. At this point, any PR would help her. Not giving her any lets her fizzle as a nobody.
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KEK what a bitch, i predicted this too. as always its easy to read the low level brainwaves of a chud
It's almost like the suffix "phobia" is mis-ascribed here.
No one is irrationally afraid of these freaks, they have a rational hatred of them.
She's not even the official nominee. Is he going to beat her so bad they switch her out too?
Shit that never happened from a faggot like OP
Why not? Would that not look good for Trump? The real reason is that she would look like a professional compared to him.
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It is, yes. Cope and seethe. Squirm for me.
Trump knows Kamala is going to implode before the convention. And all you shills are going to seethe so fucking hard, and then you'll pivot and suck the dick of the actual black woman they pick to be the nominee. And that is why I don't respect any of you soibots.
Nah, it's a logical response. When two fighters agree to a title match and one drops out, the event gets canceled. Can't train to take down a specific opponent when you don't know who it is.
Waiting for Dem candidate to be finalized is a nothing story and makes sense. This campaign statement however is fucking hysterical. It reads like a boomer comment on a political YouTube video by The Onion
It's so cute how Trump and his goons are pretending to not know she'll be the nominee lmfao
What's wrong with this? If the DNC may yet still change their candidate why would he debate with her? Completely reasonable take.
It's a presidential debate, not a VP debate.
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>everyone who doesn’t support Zion Don is a tranny!
Trumpfaggots are NPC’s
Trump is the Zionist favored choice to win, he calls people Palestinians for not mindlessly supporting every action Israel takes, now he’s talking about potential wars with Iran.
Kamala is the better choice, 100%
>but she’s black/a woman/a libtard!
Yet somehow she’s still the better option than Trump…
Guys why isn’t he taking the opportunity to humiliate Kamala?
He literally has nothing to lose unless he thinks he would lose
>all you shills
I hope you mean OP, I am on Trumps side here.
Nothing, people are idiots and would rather shit on Trump then think logically.
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according to Obama she isn't

do you disagree with King Nigger?
harris takes jewish cock up her ass
eh, it's kind of middling. He's saying it's a waste of time because they can switch again if she has a bad show, but he should go for it to not look weak. Knocking out 2 nominees would be hilarious.
Why waste time on someone who may not be the candidate? Thats what it will be.
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i hope Israel and Palestine kill as many of each other as possible

with Trump that number is higher

do you like brown people or something?
He hasn't agreed to any debates with her yet. How does he back out of something he was never in to begin with?
I'm fine with it being quick. I just want it to be a thorough cleansing
Nice article form the 21st fag.
Because he still gets a huge win and looks good? Crushing Biden was a huge W
isn't this a good thing? noone knows who the fuck harris is and debating her puts her in the spotlight
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True, the DNC hasn't happened yet
Shilling of the century and they don't even have their ducks in a row
Totally organic, these Kamala threads.
>"Marxist" Harris
They literally can't even come up with a good nickname for her.
>I go searching online for any content that I have to post before I post
>Still have to download it anyway to post it
Fucking spastic
yup, that's why they're seething
If I was Obama, I'd want one my daughters to be the first black female president and they would obviously win just by having the name Obama and it'd start a new political dynasty to rival the Kennedys and Bushs. Kamala throws a wrench in that.
extremely reasonable take, why would Trump spend his energy debating some random woman who isn't even his opponent yet. Let the DNC shills figure out who they want to run and then Trump can prepare accordingly. He has other shit to do like be a grandpa and do rallies. Fuck off democrat shills.
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4D Cope!
You are seeing the debate from a Trump supporter side of things, also Biden has dementia.
True Harris is dumb as but they will do the ear piece with her again and with no dementia it wont be the same.
It is better to wait and see who will be the actual nominee
damn, is that your life? shilling in an ocean of piss with weak reddit memes? Seek God.
You trump weirdos can rationalize anything. If he wanted to shit in your mouth, you’d decide it was best if you just let him.
No wonder reddit is dead, all you fags are on here.
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>she's a hecking marxist
i hate boomers so much it's unreal
They cant god has closed the door for most of them
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t. brapjeet
Trump is desperate
>y-you are a marx actually
yeah it's called being rational, not like you tranny freaks who cut off their dicks and take cock in the ass.
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> It is, yes. Cope and seethe. Squirm for me.

Did you get paid for this? Must be in rupees.
They’re not sending their best. Cringe and Kamala pilled
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You should go back, newfag. KEK
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Sorry to kick down your Zionist echo chamber, bub!
beware coming on too strong with the shilling lefties, it's a real turn off and you should know better after hillary.
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Marxist? Pretty sure kamala Harris is not a Marxist
LMFAO it's joever for drumlf
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>agrees he wants trump to shit in his mouth
Jeet confirmed top fucking kek
holy shit, trump cope is cringe ludokino
you're a jewish tranny, tho
Taken straight from the reddit book of how to deal with criticism on here. So predictable.
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Democrats are too fucking retarded to see the message this sends the DNC, who are biding their time before they actually nominate anyone. Trump Is already nominated. He's 10000% ahead of kamala right now no matter what the bullshit polls say because the polls don't fucking matter if the DNC decides they don't want to nominate her. If Trump debates CumAllah and absolutely shits in her mouth, like he did to biden, the dnc will just fucking toss her out like a used condom and bring in fuckin hilary or Michelle obama or something. Realistically, Trump wants CumAllah to be nominated so his campaign can actually start financing attacks against a locked in target, and there is so much shit that can thrown at CumAllah, that she'll concede the presidency before they even call a single race in a deep blue state like NY or CA.
Trump is a whiny pussy bitch nigger. He’s more of a pussy bitch nigger than Harris. All he does is whine and bitch and cry about how his bitch nigger pussy hurts. All he does is rant on Twitter and his faggot social media about how bad everyone is to him, like a pussy bitch bigger does when she wants attention. The assassination attempt was staged and fake and gay, but I wish it wasn’t, and I wish it had gone another way. No one wants to listen to this fat, fake-tanned, whiny pussy bitch nigger faggot anymore!
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>Steven Cheung
It can only be her. They can’t return funds for the Biden-Harris ticket.
the people who do this to another human being is evil
Do you really think they care about money? It has already been proven that most of the funds came from one source using other peoples names.
Kamala BTFO out of orbit
It's legitimately over.

I'm starting to think he did stage the assassination attempt.
I want to leave America because of this stuff. It makes me nauseous to see this type of stuff and know I'm in the same country with democrats supporting this

I want out
how much are the kamala shills getting paid?
I got some spare time, I could use the easy cash
Coping so hard you're OD'ing
Smug fat faggot get's off to it, deserves his nuts football punt kicked at full force.
Look at all the DNC shill replies
lol, he's sowing division in the democrat camp and the Dems are coping hard by saying Trump is running away.
Imagine being Thai and this ass blasted over Trump
Yeah, they are saying Trump supporters are "coping" Yet they arent on Reddit shilling..Its pretty telling.
Wait a minute that's not what the MSM told me
Trump is finished. He'll never get his war with Iran now.
if anon wouldn't have saved it, who would? left clearly abandonned it
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>and they told us slippery slope is ideological fallacy
+1 to france.. really good showcase
I’m not Thai.
Is Trump actively trying to throw the election because they tried to assassinate him?
This guy makes one misstep after another after his disastrous conference filled with Niggers, Jews and Pajeets to now crying like a faggot when he should be capitalising on the fact that Kamala is both retarded and totally sidestepped the democratic process and was installed by the party delegates as the candidate.
Nick Fuentes is unironically correct about this retard, he's low energy and the fact that he spends all of his time on that shitty Truth social surrounded by fellow boomer retards that worship Israel has likely heavily contributed to that.
Trump is such a faggot.
How is he throwing the election by calling Kamala a marxist?
also there's the issue of the FEC violations when they rebranded the biden campaign as the harris campaign
lmao no way even his base swallow that load up
jew behind a proxy
She’s not the official candidate yet retards
Neither was Biden yet they debated
Trump is a weak ass pussy and too old
Biden was the sitting President who at the time had one term left so he was going to be the next choice.
Stop pretending that he wouldnt have been the choice if he wasnt forced out.
Don’t ever respond to me again thanks
All assumptions.
Trump is simply scared of a woman. Nothing prevents him from debating.
Not only am I voting Kamala (if I vote at all), I'm voting straight ticket Democrat for the rest of my life. Abortion, Guns, and Fags can be fought from within, or without politics altogether
this is pol no one here is zionist we know you shill for rupes you shit monkey
>All assumptions.
>Makes an assumption
Fucking lefties..
Because she's in no way a Marxist, used niggers to do unpaid labour in the prison system and kept people locked up past their sentences.
She's a Neoliberal establishment plant wearing blackface (raised by Indian parents) to appeal to niggers while having absolutely zero intention of doing anything of her own will because she believes in nothing but filling her own coffers.

Screeching "SHE'S A MARXIST!" is fucking retarded and will only give her more appeal to retarded Americans who actually believe in Marxist ideas.

He should be yelling:
Because she 100% was.
Says the Jewish faggot hiding behind a memeflag.
Go back to the front you shill
>Because she's in no way a Marxist
she was literally confirmed to be a marxist in another thread wth are you talking about
Shut up pajeet or I will redeem
Cope, Trump is a coward
finally some people with brains.. also same double digits
>Another thread
Are you really this fucking stupid that you're claiming that another 4Chan thread is proof of anything?
She's a Pajeet whore married to a Kike, nothing else.
Do you really think that Kikes believe in Marxism? How new are you?
The only one here coping are the ones not seeing the truth. You reddit fags are not going to change any minds here why the fuck are you even trying? All you are doing is making more people want to vote for Trump just because you are pissing people off.
So thanks for this.
>scared of a little girl
I'm not here to defend leftists, that's your job shlomo
He was already declared president.
Joe is dead and they refuse to swear Kamala in.
There is no left and right in politics you fucking imbecile, go back to troof social or whatever other tard wrangling haven for boomers it is that you came from.
Stop shitting up my board you fucking tourist.
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>debate someone who received literally 0 primary votes and is not the nominee

why would he do that
>my board
Fuck off
Harris isn't even the official Dem nominee, why the fuck should Trump debate some bitch that might not even get the nomination?
Imagine scrambling to get Trump to legitimize your nomination for the democrat party and claiming Trump is the one coping. Obama is removing your drunk whore.
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thats even more devastating than the VP debate statement.
Kamala is the current nominee because she has the majority of delegates.
This isn't a pro-Trump board or a pro-Kamala board you fucking retard, this is a realist board that understands that politics is theatre for retards and both sides are controlled by Jews solely to benefit Jewish interests.
You are the fucking tourist here, r/The_Donald idiot.
Trump not debating Kamala would be a smart decision.
Shes not the nominee yet and he only agreed to to debate Biden.
the trump campaign is just sowing discord and trolling the DNC.
anyone who thinks trump is scared to debate kamala is literally fucking retarded.
what does being a nominee matter then, why Biden only?
They could be doing a lot better job than they are. They're missing open goals.
I am mocking you for calling it YOUR board you fucking numpty.
How the hell the UK controlled most of the world is beyond me.
>Nooooo I won't debate you I have already debated Biden.
Then what's the point of being a politician? Just debate her and be done with it. Don would probably wreak her.
It's not Trump's job to provide a-log material for demonrats.
As has already been explained, if you read the thread, she is not the nominee yet. Trump is not going to waste his time in case they replace that spot..again.
Lurk moar, tourist.
With every post, you reveal that you don't belong here.
>It's not Trump's job to provide a-log material for demonrats.
Why? All he can do is strengthen his case. I'm mean he wants to be elected but does not want to engage his main adversary (yes I know Biden stepped down), but it does not change the fact that he will go up against her.
Yeah sure, but how big chance do you think she will be replaced? I'm not talking about a debate tomorrow but it have to happen. It will just make him stronger and more determined.
Because what the aussie said, the democrats will just change canditate and use what trump said against him, move goalposts etc. That's not how you have arguments/conversation, that would be super disingenious, and Trump is not stupid enough to fall for such trap.
I do not think she will be replaced but I do concur if she gets replaced and they move goalpost then it would be a waste of time and effort. I mean a debate would be perfect for Trump after the DNC as they can't change candidate or if they do they have lost the election 100%
That's you on another device, samefagging.
He won't lose. He'll just give the news ammunition for no reason. Why do that? Fuck Kamala.
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trump needs to deport everyone around him giving him advice
I don't write as well as someone from Australia, wtf are you on about
no one cares what your sister thinks
It's kinda bullshit that Trump has to debate with all these different people because Democrats can do whatever the fuck they want. If Kamala does badly are they just gonna change it to another candidate and make him debate Trump again?
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>I don't write as well as someone from Australia, wtf are you on about
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grampas tired and cant do that many debates sorry chuds
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If you took a White republican from the 1940s to the modern day gop. He would say wtf who are these communist infiltraitors?
>Trumps debate statement clearly implies he will debate her once she actually is the confirmed nominee after the DNC
Sage goes into the option field.
>nooooo I can’t wait til august 26th to schedule a debate
Seethe more , spazz
it's the zoomer attention span.. it's gotta happen NOW, and not 2 more weeks from now
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He did endorse her in the end, directly because of that post.
trump being a zogged up faggot i can get over, but trump denying me kino? that's just outrageous
They're obviously trying to bait him into debating early, so they can combine that with the current hype wave.
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Why would he debate someone that hasn't even been nominated or picked a VP yet?
Hope she picks the faggot or the kike for the lulz
There’s zero reason to debate her right now you actual retard
What a faggot.
It doesn't matter if she is the nominee or not. She is the vice president, he can take the opportunity to further humiliate dems by exposing the current admin. So even if by some retarded miracle she isnt, just roast the other one.

>Anytime, Anywhere.
>N-not THAT time, No T-THAT place!
How did Trump back out of a debate that was never scheduled to happen?
Solid post have an updoot!
You unironically insisted Biden would be, be here we here
>here we are*
He shouldn't debate Shouldn't even consider her nomination legitimate democracy.
What would be the point in debating her or any D? They'll repeat over and over and over hyperbolic accusations about the Capitol, the very fine people on both sides, the bible, the mexicans are rapists, the he speaks like hitler, ...
It won't be a fair debate. And merely used as material to make even more outrageous claims about DT.
Literally he shouldn't give them the time.
Let her make a fool of herself in rallies and the like.
When they do its morale because their opponents are 'nazis'
Of course, you care. My mind may be changed, but you're going to have to work for it.
This counts as children who turned gay because they were molested
At least 1 of the kids in the crowd, will become gay after this pervert molested them and everyone pretended it was normal.
Well yes, but left sees this as normal

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>Schedule things
>it’s a debate you just mentioned it
Am I just being a grammar nazi or does this sound fucking illiterate?
>schedule events
>schedule debates
>schedule interactions
Things. The fucking idiot said, “things”
Love it. Perfect response
What a little fucking bitch
Shut the fuck up you retarded middle school brain
Watching all the little faggot redditors seethe all over this thread is incredible
>noooo u have to give me legitimacy >:(
These are all kinds of things.
you don't debate against marxists
you don't debate against people that hate you period
there is no discussion to be had
>Waste campaign funding to debate with someone who has not even been elected as the democratic candidate yet after the Democratic party openly committed a coup to remove the current sitting president from the race by force
He ain't wrong. There's no point wasting cash debating a stand-in diversity hire VP.
>hurr durr
Simply kill yourself you pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker
This post reminds me of 2020.
Cant wait to see pol tears when Kamala of all people breaks the glass ceiling because Trump just shattered his tough man persona.
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If Trump wins, you will have to self-deport. Okay it's a deal
If Trump loses you fuck a tranny jewish coalburner. Deal's on.
lol pretending to be from 4chan but cant use the lingo comfortably

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