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Oh, snap!
Oh geez people are gonna lose their shit over this one
Western empire collapse in progress
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Insanely based, I would vote for a literal communist or an anarchist or whoever if it meant we leave NATO
>France leaves NATO
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based. nato is an illegitimate grift
>withdraw from NATO
>keep all the subhuman negro towelheads in
finally, France's transformation into an African country might come to it's conclusion verification not required
Based. Browns in, NATO out.
Based or cringe
Cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Good thing Macron is still the president.
You realize how fucking retarded /pol/cels are when they react to a simplified, sourceless twitter/redditscreencap about your own country and you see how 3/4 if not all the informations in it are bullshit/misinterpreted
France is cursed.
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he wishes he could be based as de gaulle
he won't do shit
>subscribing to USRAELflix for protection
NATO has opened the gates for the US to control the actions of european countries by having a powerful blackmail tool.
Still big nosed.
that is pretty big nose for frenchman
Does that mean we can take Elsaß-Lothringen back?
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>National Rally won almost twice the vote share versus either Macron's party or the leftist bloc
>their ascension was only temporarily prevented because of electoral machinations
>the leftist bloc are getting spurned every which way
The narrative that these communists have gained any actual power in France is tiresome. The leftist bloc is crying right now that Macron is preventing them from doing anything. This idiot isn't winning the presidency.
NATO military campaigns are precisely why Europe and France specifically have had a massive spike of migration. And NATO is by no means a white supremacist organization, so this pilpul doesn't work here.
It's true, he said it in an interview two days ago and has always said this. And by the way, you almost certainly thought Le Pen was going to win your legislatively elections, while I knew Melenchon was going to and that he would be your next president. So just because you live there is immaterial.
He's Spanish, not Jewish.
Macron and the centre-right will do everything to prevent leftists from governing. That doesn't change the reality that at the next general election, Le Pen and Melenchon will advance to the second round, and Melenchon will win by a relatively large margin.
>The president of France is elected by direct popular vote to a five-year term
>direct popular vote
Yeah, no. As it stands, that's Le Pen.
I guess we'll just have to get along without our token surrender monkeys
Le Zog's party can only win the popular vote in a split three-way race. As the legislative elections proved, if Macron's candidates stand down, the left will win and vice versa. Macron won't endorse Melenchon in the second round, but his voters will vote for him as the lesser evil, regardless.
france will also leave the EU fag france,uk,and germany are always their countries first.
All of the parties except Macrons coalition want out. Collectively France has spent about as much time in NATO as the former Soviet states.
You failed to reach your objectives in Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Lebanon and the Ukraine and surrendered in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and now Yemen and Gaza KWAB.
Le Zog's party supports NATO
They support military co-operation, not integration of the military assets. They'd be happier being the EU's nuclear power without American's walking into delicate situations and ruining it before they get a chance to.
Anon, don't fall for Meloni 2.0. If Le Pen were to be elected, all of her anti-establishment rhetoric would instantly disappear (much of it already has) and she'd govern like Macron.
NATO exists to hamstring the Germans from starting WW3. At this point I don't think anyone has to worry about that anymore. France can divert military spending into that sweet sweet welfare they love.
Oh no

That happened over 60 years ago with our immigration policies
Melenchon didn't win anything En Marche still runs the country and all the leftards did was build a dam ( Les castors as we call them in France ) to shield the system from da ebil natzeeh in front of the cameras. Whatever merluche says mean jack shit it has as much weight politically speaking as a goat's fart ( favorite animal of his mudslime followers).

As usual /pol/cucks showing how they don't know shit about anything and just react to twitter screencaps all day.
It's all you fuckers do, it makes you wonder why glowies are wasting time with such a board of low IQ shitskins.
call me when he pulls out of the EU
He won the plurality of seats and Macron's party suffered badly, even if they did better than Le Pen. Political deals to prevent a leftist speaker doesn't change that fact.
>Won the election
No lol
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This is a pro Russian propaganda account, wow: https://x.com/ivan_8848 - just page after page of stuff to make the west look bad and pro russian bs.

You just fucking joined lol. You shat your pants and joined. "Leeeet us in nooow!".
It means absolutely nothing in a country where the 49:3 exists. All of Macron's government was relying on it to rule and they'll continue to do so.
That's """"""""" democracy ""''''''''''''''.
Bro France has tried to leave NATO before. De Gaulle practically invented it
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NATOtrannies seething
Almost everything in this post is false. Melonchon is trying to become prime minister, not president. France has separate elections for president and legislature. France Rebellious did not win the election, a coalition of left-wing parties New Popular Front got a plurality (largest minority) but has far fewer votes than they need to govern outright.

Finally, Macron the actual president, has almost reached a deal with centrists to govern independently of the far-left or far-right, rendering both Melonchon and Le Pen completely powerless. Nothing is going to happen to France's involvement in NATO. Russcels stay seething
Why are France's two biggest parties NATOsceptic, ukropcel? They're probably not as smart as you geniuses, huh.
NFP is not NATO-skeptic, only France Rebellious. National Rally is NATO-skeptic because they have been openly funded by Russia since 2014
There is no centrist group at the assembly besides his own what the fuck are you talking about ? But you're right everything said in the twatter screencap is false
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So what? They're just reporting what he said. You get your news for jews, zogboy.
It does. It signifies the end of Macron and Le Pen are nigh. Macron having power for a few more years doesn't change that.
>Almost everything in this post is false
No it isn't, jew.
>Melonchon is trying to become prime minister, not president
He already announced his intention of running for president in the next general election. He already knew he wasn't going to become the next Prime Minister barring a massive landslide.
>France Rebellious did not win the election, a coalition of left-wing parties New Popular Front got a plurality (largest minority) but has far fewer votes than they need to govern outright.
Completely irrelevant.
>Finally, Macron the actual president, has almost reached a deal with centrists to govern independently of the far-left or far-right, rendering both Melonchon and Le Pen completely powerless. Nothing is going to happen to France's involvement in NATO. Russcels stay seething
Regardless of who the next Prime Minister is, Macron's gone in a few years. Barring extraordinary circumstances, it will be Melenchon vs Le Pen in 2027 and Melenchon will win. And you will seethe about it. Just like you will when Ukraine is forced into ending the war before then.
>But you're right everything said in the twatter screencap is false
It isn't. Keep coping though, zog cocksucker
NATO good, EU bad
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holy mother of based go go melenchon
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>NATO good
Macron has allied with the newly formed 'Republican Right' party and has just appointed an Ensemble affiliated prime minister. NFP is also an almost completely defunct alliance due to infighting. Melonchon has zero chance of accomplishing anything at this rate, the left always implodes on itself.

> Emmanuel Macron’s party formed a last-minute agreement with right-leaning lawmakers to win a key vote in parliament on Thursday that opens the door to the French president playing a greater-than-expected role in forming the country’s next government.

>The two political groups put together an ad-hoc alliance to reelect Yaël Braun-Pivet as head of the French National Assembly, the fourth highest-ranking official in France

>A conservative lawmaker, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly, said the newly formed Republican Right political group would take a step-by-step approach, focusing its efforts at this stage on securing key positions in the National Assembly rather than discussing building a government together. The Republican Right has formally registered as being part of the opposition, the lawmaker added.

Macron is a banker jew traitor and you suck shit.
/thread. This site justs straves off some boredom now
oh noes, globo-bros!
we got too cocky!
thought we were so smart cock-blocking the nationalists!
now the commies want to de-homo our globo too!

There is no stopping an idea whose time has come.
European nations will be nations again.
>has just appointed an Ensemble affiliated prime minister
You mean the Speaker, retard. Macron said there won't be a Prime Minister until after the Olympics.
>Completely irrelevant.
classic American education not understanding how parliamentary systems work. If no party has an outright majority, they have to form coalitions to govern. The party that succeeds at compromise with other parties is the party that governs. Far left and far right are well known for being incapable of compromise. Macron has already successfully outmanoeuvred them both and is on track to control both the presidency and parliament. Ukraine will continue receiving support and you will stay seething
Not an argument. They need 289 sièges to impose a prime minister and they don't have them no matter how much you try to spin this. Concerning the future président i'm sorry to burst your bubble but RN (a single party) at the first turn of this election got 11M votes versus 7.5M for the entire left united under a single banner

Of course he is, He's a zionist jew and they want Europe destroyed.
He won’t be president, the parliament is hung
They're not centrists first of all and secondly in your own post it is written they don't have any agreement for the constitution of a government, even if 100% of les républicains deputies joined macron they're still wouldn't have absolute majority. It's actually an insane shitshow
This commie faggot cannot even get the left to unite on him being prime minister. He has zero chance of winning a presidential election.
You are jewish.
I know how France's system works and I've mentioned the parliamentary system all throughout the thread if you actually bothered reading it. I never said it's impossible that Macron does get a friend Prime Minister, but that's ultimately immaterial to Melenchon being the next president, which is what will happen. And the Ukraine war won't last until 2027, in any event.
>They need 289 sièges to impose a prime minister
Completely fucking irrelevant. No party does. They still won the plurality of seats, whereas Macron's party lost scores of seats. Keep coping though, jew lover.
>Concerning the future président i'm sorry to burst your bubble but RN (a single party) at the first turn of this election got 11M votes versus 7.5M for the entire left united under a single banner
And again, that's in a multiple party race. When it's down to just two candidates, Le Pen and Melenchon, the other parties' voters, including Macron's, will largely vote for Melenchon.
Nice projection, Moshe.
He'll be President in 2027.
yeah let's leave nato and get buttfucked by russia and china
>NATO military campaigns are precisely why Europe and France specifically have had a massive spike of migration. And NATO is by no means a white supremacist organization, so this pilpul doesn't work here.
lmao, you lying piece of shit vpn faggot
Melenchon is one of the most hated politician in this country, he won't become shit.
Good. We don't need an empire.
Just a talking point to stir up buzz in the media. he doesn't mean it nor will he do anything about it
Based. The left is getting on the right side again. Kinda sounds like the United States. Trump just went full globalist. Maybe it’s another platform shift.
Five years ago maybe. Today normies in paris are more afraid of melanchon taxing the fuck out of them than they are of le pen taking away their pet nigger.
t. normie in paris
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Even if the left was uniformly behind him, it's unlikely he'd become Prime Minister given the hung nature of it. Becoming President is much easier, and he nearly advanced to the runoffs in 2022, when Macron and his party were much more popular and Melenchon wasn't as viable.
>but that's ultimately immaterial to Melenchon being the next president, which is what will happen
There's no indication this is guaranteed at all. Just extrapolating from National Rally's growth in popularity at each election (5% increase each time), it's far more likely Le Pen or Jordan Bardella will be president.

Looking at how fucked Paris is with rampant crime at the olympics - already an Australian has been gang raped, several women assaulted, athletes have had all their gear stolen and all Australian athletes have been told not to leave the village due to safety concerns, Paris desperately needs someone to clean it up and National Rally looks like the only group willing or capable because Macron ain't doing shit about it.
Is that worse than getting buttfucked by the USA and being forced to import niggers and Muslims?
Haha yeah sure, a coalition of the entire left couldn't get more than a third of the assembly but they would magically won the presidential election. Nice cope buddy, the fact is that everything poll showed that french people fear more Mélenchon and the far left than the so called far right. The only way for them to win the élection would be a second turn against Mélenchon you couldn't be more wrong
Les républicaines are considered centrist to everyone but gauchistes like (you)
Once they leave NATO it’s ours for the taking
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They're considered center right at least according to that article. Apparently Macron is trying to thread the needle with smaller parties and cut NFP and RN out of power entirely. Actually pretty based
And the greens and socialists who formed part of the leftist coalition will never support melancon for president
No i meant officially they are presenting themselves as right leaning while i could consider them center-right at best
True they hate each other at least as mich as they hate the big meanies from the ultra giga mega right
This is why Centrists are superior. Left Wingers and right wingers are all morons.
>Actually pretty based
Doing one's utmost for white genocide is not "based".
What am I lying about, retarded polack?
He'll become your next president, actually. And he will beat Le Pen, whether you like it or not, Itamar.
You sound nervous.
As the legislative elections showed, Macron's party, who the you're referring to vote for, will side with Melenchon over Le Pen when push comes to shove. And he will be the next president whether jews like it or not.
>There's no indication this is guaranteed at all
It is actually. Numerous indications point to it, including but not limited to
>Melenchon coming with 1.5% of advancing to the general election in 2022
>Melenchon's coalition winning the 2024 legislative elections
>Macron's large drop in popularity
>Macron willing to compromise with Melenchon's party in preventing Le Pen's victory
You're the one who's coping. You can dismiss the left's electoral performance, but we both know you were one of the retards who were confident in Le Zog's victory.
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>NATO setup to defend against communism
>Communists be like ..
Well the article isn't wrong actually and yeah he can try whatever he want but at the end of the day everyone is already looking past him to prepare the future elections and being associated with this clown is a political death sentence : he is irrelevant
They will absolutely support him in the general election over Le Pen. This is just insane levels of cope from you nervous jews.
May the most competent political party win. If RN still can't get their shit together after so many decades, they don't deserve to be in power.

>Macron willing to compromise with Melenchon's party in preventing Le Pen's victory
This is not happening though, you are fucking stupid. NFP is already collapsing in on itself and Macron refuse to ally or negotiate with them

>Just one week after the election, the fragile unity within the New Popular Front (NFP) fractured on Monday when France Unbowed (LFI) accused the Socialist party (PS) of “unacceptable methods” in vetoing suggestions over who should lead any new administration.

>he is irrelevant
He's the projected favorite to advance along with Le Pen and he just pulled up the upset of the century. Keep coping though while Melenchon marches on.
This would be based if a nationalist was in office and not this Jew who will also import 3 billion niggers as an apology for colonialism
If you have nothing to say, could you at least shut up ? You're literraly trying to explain to at least 3 french native how their own political system work, you have no clue about how all of this works stay on your line
>This is not happening though, you are fucking stupid. NFP is already collapsing in on itself and Macron refuse to ally or negotiate with them
Retard, Macron literally stood down candidates for them to prevent a Le Pen victory and subsequently, his voters backed the leftists. This is what will happen in a general between Le Pen or her boytoy and Melenchon too.
>>Just one week after the election, the fragile unity within the New Popular Front (NFP) fractured on Monday when France Unbowed (LFI) accused the Socialist party (PS) of “unacceptable methods” in vetoing suggestions over who should lead any new administration.
Again, whether the NFP implodes or not or whether they get one of their own to become Prime Minister is completely immaterial to the next presidential election.
Tell me what I'm wrong about and show me where you predicted leftist victory in the legislative elections, otherwise you shut up, because I actually did.
I was talking about macron, see what i meant ? You can't even follow a basic conversation but you're supposed to explain to me how shits work in my country ? Fuck off
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American flags and talking down to natives with poor misunderstandings about their own political system, name a more iconic duo kek
>and being forced to import niggers and Muslims?
That'll happen in 2 weeks I suppose
But... They lost... They wanted to take power and failed to do so and now you repeating like a broken record "cope cope cope" to everyone who doesn't share your dellusions
France is still butthurt over the submarines.
cianiggers really should have supported the nationalists in europe and let them get in
Far left is always weirdly friendly with Russia and isolationist. See Jeremy Corbyn in Britain. Barely anyone agrees with them, but they continue to push this bullshit regardless
Nafo shills got backstabbed, kek.
For me it’s whoever brings in the most Indians.
>don't fall for le meme

I don't care, I share nothing in common with the French. They're a bunch of lazy peasants who eat bugs and horses.
Don’t people literally do a quick search to see if they find any links? I know search engines are really bloated with zog shit so it’s hard to find. Still if it’s something real it usually shows up without too much effort.
>I was talking about macron, see what i meant ?
Regardless, both Melenchon and Macron's party and more viable nationally than Le Pen, which is why they won more seats than her.
>explain to me how shits work in my country
I know how France works, which is why I correctly predicted how your legislative elections would transpire and how I know how your next presidential election will transpire.
>But... They lost... They wanted to take power
They won the most number of seats, when most were projecting Le Zog would get close to 300 seats.
>"cope cope cope" to everyone who doesn't share your dellusions
They're not delusions. Everything I've said ITT is objectively true. You just can't handle it because you're a hardcore Israel/Le Zog lover.
>leftoid supports the russian empire
where i've seen that
>He's Spanish, not Jewish.
Rethoric question:
If a dog is born in a horse stable is he a horse?
this is literally treason
that's a risk we're willing to take

After years of Europe trying to explain the inner machinations of America to Americans I find this to be well deserved.
>this is literally treason
nobody voted to be in the Nigger And Tranny Organization
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based france saving the world again from nazism and total distruction
No, but I don't see how that applies. If you don't consider Melenchon truly French, that's one thing, but he objectively isn't Jewish and Jews in France hate him.
He must be arrested, russian traitor
They're now weak cucks with no army inviting niggers to rape their women because of USA and the jews. How worse can it get?
>He must be arrested, russian traitor
you must be arrested and sent to the frontlines in the ukraine
zelensky needs you
NATO is the enemy of white nationalism
Melenchon will never be president and he did not win the last election. But what do you expect its 4chan, 99% is poop. Especially coming from a retarded amerimutt
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>He must be arrested, russian traitor
>Melenchon will never be president
Just because you don't want it to happen doesn't mean it won't.
>and he did not win the last election
He did, actually. His coalition won the most number of seats in the assembly.
>retarded amerimutt
Who managed to predict something that most French people were shocked by. Curious that.
ultimate nafo cope
RN is the the most represented party at the assembly this is just fact not my fault if you can't accept it, the leftoid coalition isn't a party and since they don't agree about anything once the constitution of the government is done (without them of course) they won't stay united for long. Another thing to consider is the polls made before the 7 october and the various antisemitism accusation against Mélenchon and his supporter scandals is that french people feared less RN than the far left, this is actually a huge issue in french politics and normies cares a lot about these sort of things and it can only be worse since that time. Anyway i'm done with this thread my sole goal was to correct on your leftoid wishfull thinking and offer to the lurkers and legit anons a less biased view of the french political landscape and since you couldn't refute a single point itt i consider that my job is done :). Friendly reminder that the entire left united under a single banner just to get a pathetic third of the assembly, you have 0 chances for the presidential no matter how you try to spin this
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you lost. democracy won.
Why are you speaking in english eh? Humour me :v
>Mélenchon is trying to become prime minister, not president
at the moment sure, but he presented himself in Presidential Elections *checks notes* three times,
if you think he's not planning on 2027 you're acting deludado
>France Rebellious did not win the election etc.
>almost reached a deal with centrists to govern independently of the far-left or far-right
the centrists... wait do you mean, the conservative block? lol
>Nothing is going to happen to France's involvement in NATO.
that goes even if Mélenchon goes president though, even his own party is divided on such an issue
And despite russian funding I'm sure the same goes for National Rally
>lets invest in sandnigger terrorists who promised to kill us all
What can go wrong?
Good thing, too bad his next step is to join NATO (North African and Tranny Alliance).
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>RN is the the most represented party at the assembly
Not true. They're the third most represented party.
Because I'm American, Paco.
That's what NATO did in Libya kek.
That's what NATO already is kek
Niggers and shitskins like you don't want to go to Poland because there's not enough free gibs programs plus the infrastructure isn't nearly as developed as a white country
>Not true. They're the third most represented party.
Not true. Every other parties are in fake alliances. The socialist party is an ultra zionist party who will betray pro Hamas Melenchon to join Macron. LFI doesn't exist.
Party =/ coalition. You're living in lalaland my dude, it's okay if that make you feel good that think that way but for my /pol/ bros i'm obligated to correct you on your bullshit. Not a single party has more deputy than RN this is a fact and your already expired coalition can't do shit about that, sorry but it's the reality
they didn't leave, they left the joint integrated command that would subordinate their armed forces to a coordinated command structure.
Melenchon is a Freemason and nothing he says is reliable, in fact with his participation in the republican front he sabotaged the victory of Le Pen, who is much more critical of NATO than he is, and in doing so he has once again relegated power to Macron, the Rothschild puppet.
>>>475694926 (OP) #
>Insanely based, I would vote for a literal communist or an anarchist or whoever if it meant we leave NATO

Only commies, women and brown people/ryssät opposed nato in finland. Which one are you?
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Now here is a proper finnbro! Again, welcome onboard!
Not a chance in Hell he's the next president, even his own camp hates his guts.
Highly, highly unlikely that he would be the next president of France.
How will the Jewish people achieve their goals without their empire?
That would be a massive improvement over the current status quo.
probably one of the worst screenshot i have seen on 4chan
everything on it is false here
He did not join. Sanna Marin did. Remember that the Finns didn't had a vote over this.
Of course they didn't have a vote for it, just like they never had a proper one for EU either, because they know that shit wouldn't fly.
America will have a war against France within 10 years. USA will fight for israel while France will fight for Balestine. kek
>NATO military campaigns are precisely why Europe and France specifically have had a massive spike of migration.
No it's border policy.
You should now, you have "border hole Kamala"
That said OP is fake and gay, what a nigger, shouldve just left it at 1pbtid instead of doubling down on your retardation
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