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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are muzzies like this?
idk but it's getting really old hearing them cry like women year after year.
Any enemy of Israel is a friend to American citizens. We have a zionist occupied government.
i agree, sick of the jews whining and begging for money and military help, fuck em
Why should they have any land?
I don't honestly give a fuck about Palestine or Israel, just let them duke it out, why do we have to "intervene" and act like the world police. Don't those Arabs hate American intervention anyways?

Fuck em.
just stop bombing women and children
it's really that simple
Why don’t you give them part of the US if you love them so much. There is plenty of empty space there?
/pol/ will jump on this because muh joos
but it is a liiiiitle funny that the entire Arab world is seemingly incapable of taking back a tiny strip of land despite decades of seething.
The whole Levant is 51% Non-Muslim (Jews, Christians and Alawites). And all of them Non-Muslim governments.

The misperception that Jews are surrounded by Muslims is laughable. They are a fifth column that causes a constant state of war-readiness in the countries below
They are European settler colonialists on native Muslim land, they should be given a state in Poland or Germany where they came from, palestinians are innocent
Because they conquered it. Like your country did.
America was mostly empty land, which needed to be populated quick before China or Tsarist Russia invaded. Or even South Americans.

They would have turned it into Mordor.
Idk man, this argument doesn’t make much sense either, if someone were to stole my watch that would only be a small part of my possessions but I would still be pretty mad about it. Besides, the individuals who lived there probably don’t care that they can live in some other land instead if that’s their homeland
They shouldn't have land because they are Jewish
Mudslime is fucking incompetent, but you guys are crying and screaming most of the time too, you kikes.
However, in your case, it is crocodile tears and you are laughing at the goyim who are fooled by it behind thier backs.
Reminder: begin anti Zionist is serving the Jews, begin pro Zionist is harming the Jews
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go home gaijin mutt
thats right goy, hate the muslims. They flew planes into your buildings remember?
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It is not "native Muslim land" holy fucking kek.
The modern Jews are not the same as ancient Israelites they claim to be, the Palestinian Christians are. Modern Jews are descendants of Canaanites (basically roaming gypsies that worshipped Moloch).
Palestinian Christians are the rightful owners of that land, Jews and Arabs are both invaders.
Not all Arabs are Muslims:
Arab Alawites rule Syria.
Arab Christians rule most of Lebanon.
They are not "against" Israel per se.
I mainly wanted Israel to disappear so that Conservatives can stop acting out of their own self-interests to appease the long, hook-nosed clan that has never showed them support.
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You already have land, the Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish as was the USSR that resulted.
You even got given the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in East Russia, THAT STILL EXISTS, and you're more than welcome there, Putin actually welcomes all the lost lambs of Canaan there.
You're welcome there and you don't need to displace anyone to go there.
Anglos gave them everything, country, guns, even saved their lil asses from being fried becouse manlet kikes cant do nothing themselves, thata why they recognise jewishness from maternity line, weak cuck race, only gaining favors like fucking spoiled women. But whats funnier zoophilic cousins of theirs aka muslims inbreds cant even put up a fight againt them lel. they can atack only women and children throu terrorist attacks and call it a fight, they even bigger pussies then jews due their inbred iq
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And Palestinian non-Arab Christians should own Israel, the rightful owners of the land.
I have a solution that will fix Palestine for good and stop the conflict and war.
- Send Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
- Send Muslim Arabs to Jordan
- Send Christian Arabs to Lebabnon
- Leave non-Arab Palestinian Christians, the descendants of Israelites to their own lands in Palestine/Israel

Also of course send all the Jews and Muslims from White Christian lands to home too.
Problems solved.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
The Jews are supported with unlimited free US weapons and free intelligence, and they have nukes.

What do you expect Arabs to do exactly?
None of that fancy tech means anything in urban warfare. If all those Arab nations attack and can get inside major cities, and hold the populace hostage, then there’s nothing anyone can do except surrender. America wouldn’t be able to intervene from the air or artillery without massive collateral damage. Intervening could also spark WW3 involving multiple Arab nations, Russia, China, Iran, which wouldn’t be worth it just to save some Jews. MIGA cucks would be foaming at the mouth to sacrifice us all though.
Now show me how much land white people have.

>Inb4 you say white people have the west

No white people are expected to share the west with the rest of the world. There are no elusively white countries or countries that are explicitly a home for the white race.
It is though they shouldn't own any.
>Leave non-Arab Palestinian Christians, the descendants of Israelites to their own lands in Palestine/Israel

This is a very pro Palestine take
You missed the part of free intelligence, they’d see the attack coming. It’s literally impossible to win when they are backed by the world’s superpower. That’s why bin laden attacked the Us instead of Israel.
They don't mind jews having more land, they just quite reasonably dont want to move or be killed for jews to have more land.

There's plenty of land in America though. Why don't you guys take the jews in?
It wasn't theirs to begin with
What if they took it from Europe instead? Or USA? Can you imagine if they just took some US state and said yep this is the Jewish state now, and the US didn't even consent to it but Europe kept pumping a bunch of money to support it
Why should jews be allowed more land when they already own the USA? Stupid faggot.
Anon, we’re already the United States of Israel.
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>That’s why bin laden attacked the Us instead of Israel.
That wouldn't have happened either if it wasn't for Whites backing the Jews.
If we didn't let in Jews to our societies, none of the destruction of the White homelands via mass-immigration would be happening either, we wouldn't be carrying and paying welfare to millions of non-whites in White lands, nor having productive work of Whites being leeched of by Jewish landlords, bankers, investors, etc.
We should remove ALL THE NON-WHITES from our territories.
That would increase the White prosperity enormously and immediately stop almost all crime, all rapes and murders and terror attacks.
We should also never step foot in the brown homelands and they should never step foot in ours.
In a world without Jews and Whites and non-whites separated to their own lands, World peace would finally be achieved.
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>Okay so what can we do about this.

Expell The Jew, Save The Nation.

The snake must be cut at its' head.
The plan is very simple, yet will face considerable pushback from the Jewry
Repatriate all Jewish assets and wealth, reclaim all their banks back to national control.
This will remove their power since they will no longer own and control the media and won't be able to push the Jewish agenda, it will remove the chokehold the Jewish bankers have over sovereign governments and the Jewish landlords on the housing market.
Then expell all Jews and other non-Europeans from European lands, including North America, Australia and New Zealand, and ban them from ever stepping foot in our lands again, so they are not able to scheme anymore.
Cut all ties with Israel and never step foot in Middle-East again nor waste a single resource on meddling with their affairs.
Abolish the Fed, create a State Bank to issue interest-free loans and print debt-free currency as necessary.
Demolish the (((Bank of International Settlements))), the (((World Bank))) and the (((International Monetary Fund))).

Jew status: Expelled
World status: Fixed
Mankind status: Saved

Simple as.
if the jews
>stayed there
>granted right of return for palisteineans
>didn't try to subvert the entire MENA region
there would have been mostly no issues. but of course jews cannot do this because they're greedy fucks and the chabad cult fried their brain.
Can't wait for the Great Nigger and Muzzrat Extermination to begin.
Now the Brits are paying for their decision.
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Yeah I bet you are trying to genocide the remaining Palestinian Christians fast enough so they couldn't claim their own land as their own.
>Oops the rightful owners are gone now, why not let Jews have the land then
- The Jews, soon after they've genocided all the Palestinian Christians

Your people make me sick.
Holocaust didn't happen but it should have.
Europeans never exterminated you, only expelled, and that was clearly an error.
You claim you have been genocided when you haven't, and you claim you aren't committing genocide while you are.
Are you even human?
I’m half white and half Korean. I love the US. Born and raised here, and would fight for what this country is meant to be. White Americans saved my mother’s country, and I know about the roof Koreans. Korean-Americans know their place and are indebted to whites.
Go fuck a reindeer.
Why can't japs take back japan and kick mutts or european take back europe and kick mutts. Kikes are backed by americans and europeans and when a small group destroyed jewdeen all mutts/europeans came to their rescue in October 7 did you forget?
Let's be clear. I dont think shitskins should be given more land to shit on it. I believe we should make the enitre region a giant solar plant and dumpster so that neither kieks no muzlims live there. Problem solved
Agreed, but I also don’t give a fuck about Muslims if they just keep to themselves and not push their beliefs onto other nations. They can keep their deserts and religion.
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>Already have own land through jew revolution that killed 100m
>still want more land to create conflict that will kill 100m more
>be jews
The only thing atabs want to do with Palestine is turn it into a child bride factory. Arabs and Islam have always viewed the LAND of israel as a blight on their own degeracy because judaism is better than there retarded pedophilic warlord cult and the land of Israel is forever associated with judiaism and the jews. The only purpose that Christianity or Islam have for Israel is to make life a humiliating living he'll for whoever happens to live there. Christianity and Islam hate G_d and they hate everything that G_d stands for.
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Yeah this, all the wars that US and it's "Allies" went to after Vietnam are of Jewish origin.
There was absolutely no reason to go to North Africa nor Middle-East if it wasn't for the Jews.
Whites should keep to their lands and non-whites to theirs.
That is how you avoid conflict.
Sure, Soros disagrees, but Soros is wrong, he is not thinking about the best for the other races, he is thinking about his own ass and the Jews.
this doesn't get mentioned enough
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Well if you look deeper it's actually all wars since and including WWII.
Lenin and Trotsky were both Jews and they were financed by Rothschilds to instigate the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution.
Communism would have never even existed if it wasn't for the Jews, so how would the White people dying in Vietnam to fight it if it never existed in the first place?
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>jao flag
>tranny flag
The more you notice
It's a symbol of God originally. that's probably want the jew flag is supposed to reference
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>this doesn't get mentioned enough
Obviously the Jew shills that are crying out "we don't have any other place to go" want to memory hole it.
Almost everyone knows about Israel, and almost no-one knows about the JAO.
That is by design, otherwise people might start to ask questions why the Jews are displacing and genociding people in lands that don't belong to them when they already have a homeland bought paid for with 100 million European lives.
Why are there subversive Jews in our White homelands and White democracies instead of going home to their own lands in Russia?
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any tribe of humans cutting infant boys dicks at birth deserves no place in history anon. wtf is wrong with you.
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Rabbi biting off his foreskin has given him permanent emotional trauma that warps his thoughts.
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Or maybe because they're the most psychopathic and schizophrenic race in the world because they are the most inbred race in the world and those are linked.
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The borders split the Arab World in two and the Palestinian people are being infernalized for the "crime" of refusing to leave their homeland; also fuck globalism and colonialism
>surely you'll let the cockroaches live in at least one of the cupboards in your kitchen, right?
Kike loving faggot. Bet you loved that satanic jeet shit at the RNC lol. Good shabbos goy you are.
Yes let's just ignore the fact that 90% of that land is inhospitable desert
because Jews kicked out the people already living there? And aren't even satisfied with that map, look at what they're doing to the West Bank with settlements and such
Why is a unified Palestine with freedom of religion too much to ask for?
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Muzzies should all be shipped to subsahara and live with BBC while Israel keeps the middle east and transforms it into something habitable

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