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>Smartest man to ever exist
Pol hates.
Distributism is the only way to overcome the predatory nature of both socialism and capitalism. But mankind does not deserve it and must suffer under the other two.
>almost became first president of israel
abandoning your own predatory instinct only opens you up to the predatory instinct of other nations
>nationalism is le bad stupid europeans
>I sent 5 grand to israel to buy weapons
Einstein's science is the equivalent of early middle age theology
>posts jevv
>jevv is immoral

Im sorry are you here to prove something?
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>Smartest man to ever exist
>Plagiarized all his notable ideas from French geniuses
He's wrong. Everyone keeps thinking the solution is one or the other, but the solution is actually a hybrid of many designed around checks and balances and proper constraints. Tesla was smarter than Einstein by a country mile because Tesla had a systems mind. Einstein didn't understand shit about how things actually worked while Tesla straight up conjured them into existence and changed the entire future of humanity.
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thats ironic. einstein was a sexual predator who left his wife for his cousin and then left his cousin for her daughter
>is a hack plagiarist
what a fag
Was also a barely coherent racist pedophile inbreeding siphilitic bufoon.

He was a fucking laughing stock amongst actual scientists the day he won awards and was whored as the greatest mind and his quasi mystical theory of relativity pushed as the truth of reality many scientists went to the mats

There was a work called 100 scientits against Einstein and if you ignore the cries of antijewishness or whatever they are all 1000% correct about that imbecile.
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>socialist activist in enemy territory campaigning for beurocratic equality of outcome for inferior demographics
>but not in israel
You really dont get it do you
Albert kikestein never did shit.
>A jew made buy Hollywood stardom machine
>relativity is fake
>but he also stole it from Europeans and it was a brilliant idea
pick one, retard
Jewish faggot who thinks everything is relativistic (it's not there are concrete moral and physical truths)
Bros, anyone else think that special theory of relativity is utter bullshit? I really don't see evidence that speed can affect time and that we can measure light speed is preposterous, even modern scientists say the light might have no real time travel speed and changes depends of environment. This special theory of relativity, unlike the classic theory of relativity, is some materialist kike witchcraft bullshit.
Could you please refer to this post? >>475697911
The effects of special relativity are experimentally verified to very high accuracy. We rely on special relativity for our understanding of electromagnetism, which then ties into our understanding of quantum mechanics leading to even more experimental verification.
There is no credible physicist in the world who has a replacement for special relativity
Fpbp /thread/
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>liar working at a patent office
>stealing other peoples ideas
>pushed by his jewish tribe to the masses

Oy vey
It depends on either to function and has to create multiple so preposterous they might as well be magical phenomenon in the universe to function.

I'm not a physicist so I'm not as brainwashed into believing it nor am I incentivized into following the lie.
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You don't think Jews subverted physics?
Maybe yous a dumb dumb OP
Einstein n Darwin were Jewish distractions. Universe is not like schools teach it is. Obviously. History is not like schools teach it is.
>Bros, anyone else think that special theory of relativity is utter bullshit?
It is.
>i don't know anything about physics
>here's my opinion about relativity
very insightful
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>Smartest man to ever exist
holy based
>Actually study physics and like it
>Not a PHD
>PHD can't actually describe what's going on and why it works without resorting to claiming it's magic, you should have faith or calling me dumb and ignorant.

Well you have fun looking for that philosophers stone and building your homunculous.
You mean Poincaré ? Oh you mean the guy who stole most of his stuff from Poincaré.
You're are mistaken.
>Smartest man to ever exist
His image is fraudulent. Some Russian guy came up with E=KMC^2 in the 1870's, where K is a coefficient between 0.5 and 1. Some other guys worked on the K factor, Einstein just error corrected a paper that came up with E=7/8MC^2. He's mispresented as a revolutionary genius to promote the myth of Jews being smart.

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I forgot to post his most BASED quote
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Because pol is a stupid reactionary board full of dumb racist people
Predictions of relativity match observations. Discarding relativity on the basis of not accepting the mechanism without offering an alternative is not really productive.
That's not achieved with socialism, certainly not with the type that the left preaches that props up niggers and widespread corruption, but rather with wealth.
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It’s going to turn out to be wrong. SR will have been a 100+ year detour into various dead ends. Then, when all the mind-bending bullshit about Spacetime is revealed to have been fantasy, all the Jews will defend Einstein and their century of fruitless mathematical matzoh fart huffing while flying out of the blocks to begin dominating whatever the real thing has been discovered to be.
They quantized EM almost immediately. Then it’s been what?

Einsteins first paper had ZERO citations and he couldn’t even do the math for his own theory. He couldn’t even pass the entrance exam for some shitty state Engineering school. What the fuck?
>smartest man to ever exist
Something only a dumbass would think.
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>experimentally verified to very high accuracy
Such as? Give me these experiments. Every time we get something moving supreme fast that we can only create, like jet engine airplanes or rockets, some faggot always say their speed is too small to realistically measure the slowing of time. So what is that experiment and can we see it?
He is fake. Jewish retard that is propped up by Jews in a Jewish dominated world is only reason this kike is famous.

Tesla mogged this kike so hard in intelligence, Einstein stole all “his” theories from others also but they are wrong regardless
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> Because pol is a stupid reactionary board full of dumb racist people

Why are you here then Einstein?

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Sure, kike
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Are you new? /pol/ is a socialist board.
>posts a jew who married his cousin
>incest cousin fucker jew
fuck off op you jew
if jews/einstein are so dumb, and he stole all of his wrong ideas from Europe, then why Germany lose the atomic bomb race?
>There is no credible physicist in the world who has a replacement for special relativity
Probably because they all get killed or paid off. What you didn't mention is how Special Relativity and General Relativity are inconsistent and contradict Quantum Theory.
>>Smartest man to ever exist
>literally marries his cousin and fucks his own family
sure op sure. who told you he was smart? a bunch of nwo jews?
scientists acting like experts outside of their own field is a red flag. physicists specifically are the worst offenders
Adolf Hitler was a Corporatist Fascist, Not a socialist.
he married his cousin lol literally a cousin fucker jew
nice post. next time add this one.

>married his own cousin
YES he did do that like a good incest jew.
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>Adolf Hitler was a Corporatist Fascist
>Not a socialist.
No contradiction
Do these enlightened humanist jewish intellectuals have any hot takes on metzitzah b'peh?
Does Sigmund Freud have any theories on the psychological effects of metzitza b'peh?
>Be jewish
>See new cool thing
>Name it "spooky action at a distance"
Pretty sure he was just a jewish celeb to achieve some sort of jewish agenda. Can you think of any other modern scientist injected so heavily into the American zeitgeist?
Pretty sure Einstein was a Labor Zionist/nazbol. Israel actually has had a lot of communist institutions like the kibbutzim.
inconsistent with*
>lemme tell ya about your Führer
Go fuck yourself, niggerlover.
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>They quantized EM almost immediately. Then it’s been what?
Then it's been a century of successful particle physics we wouldn't have without SR and QM.
>He couldn’t even pass the entrance exam for some shitty state Engineering school
Which had nothing to do with his knowledge of physics or mathematics.

Measurements of particle lifetimes is a famous example that's presented as an introductory problem in practically every physics book covering relativity. For a non exhaustive list of direct experiments:
You can also use terms as "relativistic" when looking through papers to see the level of accuracy and intricacy with which relativity has been tested.
Hilbert was German. I'm kinda mad that Einstein gets the credit for general relativity despite it clearly belonging to Hilbert.
Kill yourself socialist kike.
Socialism isn't what Hitler was wrong about; neither are Nationalism and Imperialism for that matter
>>Smartest man to ever exist
...and you still a faggotnugger that is zionist and stil want to stick to kikes's tribe either Kronecker or Grothendieck
By choosing Einstein youve shwnn how much of hylic/npc and gullible you are.
>one single quote out of context
>explains everything that ever was
I never hated stupid people more now than I have ever before. Which means to say I never did, and now do.
>Probably because they all get killed or paid off
schizo nonsense
>Special Relativity and General Relativity are inconsistent and contradict Quantum Theory
What are you on about? SR is fully consistent with QM and has given us quantum field theory. The disconnect between GR and QM is not a secret.
Interestingly the reason why Einstein gets all the credit for general relativity is that Levi-Civita was asked to write the entry to Encyclopaedia Britannica in the 60's, and he chose to give all the credit to Einstein.
Einstein can be waved off as a field specialist or a biased Jew. The Real "smartest man ever is socialist" case is George Orwell.
Come the fuck on.
>Measurements of particle lifetimes is a famous example that's presented as an introductory problem in practically every physics book covering relativity
Go on, explain how does it work and how it proves SR using language so ESL like me can understand.
Atomic bomb isn't real anon.
I love burger education.
God bait, Hans
Have another (you)
The only way socialism would work is if it was managed by an AI.
Meatbags are degenerate, corrupt and overall nasty, especially the deranged freaks who actively strive for more and more power, and cannot be trusted with maintaining such a system.
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Not the first time kikes stole all the credit for a joint effort or even outright stole the work of someone else and claimed it as their own.
That is literally what Jews do.
Modern Jews aren't actually even Jews, they are Canaanites (basically gypsies), the actual descendants of ancient Israelites that modern Jew claims to be are actually Palestinian Christians, there is definitive DNA proof of all this.
Everything about Jews is fake and they always lie.
Picrel is a non-exhaustive list of patents that Jews are known to have stolen.
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National Socialism worked amazingly well.
People will tend to WANT to help thy neighbour when its all your own people, in a 100% ethnostate. It's basically helping out your family at that point.
Do you want to help some muslim shitskin that is gang raping kids with his muslim gang? Of course not.
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A stationary particle decays in x seconds
Make the particle move and it decays slower
Make yourself move along with the particle and you observe it to decay in x seconds again
This has been observed countless of times and fully matches the prediction of special relativity.
the fundamental and incontrovertible law of this universe is the competition between different interests over limited resources
labor should organize to pursue its own interests but business will always do the same
you cannot go beyond it and attempts to do so have always ended in economic collapse and poverty or despondent feudalism
>National Socialism worked amazingly well.
It didn't. Hitler's Zwangswirtschaft was meatbag-run communism with a few extra steps.
It could only "work" with endless expansionism, just like the USSR. It was just not given enough time to fail spectacularly by itself.
Isn't particle decay is more in term of quantum physics, which has its own unpredictable superposition to begin with?
General Relativity's foundation lies in Special Relativity. If I am not mistaken.
He was a spy stationed at the patent office, then Princeton.
what he means by "predatory phase" is simply our natural human instincts

weak faggot dysgenic academics live in terror of humans simply acting in accordance with their own nature and intuition and disregarding their pseudo-intellectual sophistry as the subversive bullshit that it is

pol pot had the right idea in exterminating these bespectacled weaklings or sending them out of cities to work in fields

scholars must be warriors and warriors must also be scholars or you end up with weak intellectuals doing all the thinking and retarded zogbot enforcers
I want to know what he actually taught in his classes. He couldn't do the Reimann Manifold calculus for his own theories. He didn't go to University. How the fuck could he just start teaching advanced Physics at Princeton?
The assumption that "high iq= right about everything" is weird. I have a high iq and really it just means I'm good at math and have an easier time with schooling. Asking for somebody's opinion outside of the very slim thing they specialize in is just like asking a complete stranger.
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Having a random nature doesn't prevent you from applying a statistical analysis. You can still determine mean values and deviations.
As the name implies, special relativity is a special case of relativity with parameters having specific values, whereas general relativity describes the general case; SR is a subset of GR.
Maybe a Jew's understanding of "predatory" human nature isn't exactly the same as everyone else's.
merely a souless advanced ai who was also a retarded atheist
to laugh at the stupidity of righties
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Yes. This is the man who wrote the single most important book in human history on the menace of totalitarianism that has a "socialist" party as its main antagonist as inspired by the two most impactful socialist factions in real life; and yet he himself believed in socialism over capitalism. As a then-capitalist this used to baffle me because my then-understanding of politics/economics/history had me convinced that socialism is intrinsically authoritarian and that socialism is part of why the Nazis and Bolsheviks were as cruel and controlling as they were, rather than (as I recognize now) being one of the things they were actually right about that inspired/baited/bribed their subjects to follow them into the meat grinder.
Yep. Wasn't smart. Propped up by his tribesmen as "duh smertest man alived" and YOU fell for it. the Nazis were socialists. America Only.
If we don't abuse our citizens, our enemies will
Found this out. He didn't actually teach any classes. He gave lectures on Relativity.
Bassist from Iron Butterfly was going to disprove all his mumbojumbo but glowniggers grove him off a cliff. Pretty good unsolved mysteries about it.
why the smarter men are always kikes for you, rabbi?
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>It didn't. Hitler's Zwangswirtschaft was meatbag-run communism with a few extra steps.
Kek, that is total bullshit.
There is literally tons of accounts from regular Germans who lived in NSDAP Germany and it worked extremely well.
National Socialism has absolutely nothing to do with communism, if anything it is capitalism with extra steps.

In fact post-war Japan used very similar economic policy as NatSoc Germany, they just called it "welfare capitalism" instead of "national socialism".
The government strictly controlled the lending and favored certain industries, the Central Bank was fully under governmental control and the private banks were not much more than extension of the government since the loan quotas were set by the Central Bank.
This way they could keep the (((international financier))) and (((foreign investor))) out and keep all the productive work for themselves, no one actually needs the international investor.
Most people think that post-war Japan's incredible economic boom was because they opened up the economy, when in reality it was because they closed it and controlled it via government.
It worked so well in fact that the foreign exchange accounts of Japan swelled up to be larger than any other country on Earth and it was on track to become #1 economy in the world and the largest creditor to other countries, important part being that the Central Bank under government was the creditor to other countries, not the international cabal of Jewish bankers.
The cabal of course got incredibly worried about this, if other countries realized that they could too similarly close their economies from the (((foreign investor))), the Jews would lose all their unearned wealth and power in the entire world.
like a typical rich Jew, he stole all of his ideas from goyim
his place in history will be revised
just like MLK Jr was a womanizer and pimp
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>>National Socialism worked amazingly well.
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Then they devised a plan to bribe/extort officials in the Ministry of Finance to deliberately make the Central Bank issue much more loans than the Japanese private banks ever asked for, going so far as to forcing them to meet the loan quotas - giving out loans to people that didn't even ask for them, pushing loan to everyone.
At the same time they forced the Plaza Accords down the Japanese throats so they would stop the trade surplus, cool down the economy, and make it so that it didn't make much sense for the Japanese to invest their newly found loans out of the country. So that left real-estate as an option.
This resulted in a real-estate bubble in the late 80s which then burst in the 90s, just as planned.
Then the Jews with their (((IMF))) could swoop in and "save" the Japanese economy by forcing the selloff of Japanese private banks for pennies on a dollar to the (((foreign investor))). They literally had a clause that Japanese nationals could not buy the banks, that the foreign Jews must buy them. Another part of the agreement with (((IMF))) was for the Japanese to open up their economy, let in the (((foreign investor))) and take the Central Bank out from government control and give it to the hands of the Jews, make it an (((independent and private))) organization.

This is why Japan's economy has stagnated since the 90s, because they were forced to open up to the (((foreign investor))) so now Jews are plundering most of the Japanese wealth out of the country.

Documentary below explains it all, how Jews take over entire nations by taking over their economies

>Princes of the Yen | The Hidden Power of Central Banks
Plagiarist who stopped making discoveries the moment he stopped working at the patent office.
>National Socialism has absolutely nothing to do with communism
>The government strictly controlled the lending and favored certain industries
Uh-huh. Didn't read any more.
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Yeah it worked so well that in just 10 short years Germany went from being a poor country where Germans were literally starving on the streets to not only feeding and housing them but creating such economic and production powerhouse that after they turned to war economy it was so incredibly efficient that it took the combined power of three largest armies in the world, Shabbos Goys UK+USA and the Judeo-Bolshevik USSR to topple them.

Hitler of course didn't want to go to a war that killed 100 million White people, it was Jews that did.
The traitor Churchill sold the future of his own people - of his own kind - and the future of Europe to the Jewish bankers.

QRD from Pat Buchanan, author of "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War"

Hitler Did Not Want War 1/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 2/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 3/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 4/4
how antisemitic of him, unless...he's lying.
>we wuz quantum physicists n sheit
Nope, sorry, this one goes to the Jews, as do many scientific achievements.
>Smartest man to ever exist
pythagoras disagrees.
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>Didn't read
Of course you don't read.
It is very obvious that you are incredibly uneducated but also retarded.
Simply uneducated, non-read people understand usually to keep their mouths shut when men are talking.
But when you combine stupidity with retardation, we get (((You))) that comments on things they know absolutely nothing about.
>Smartest man to ever exist
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
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At least you ain't speaking German, right?
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My bad, that was from Paris, I was supposed to put this one from your land.
Ain't you glad that Mussolini and the team White lost to the Jews?
Address the contradicting statements I listed without throwing a little bitch fit like you did just now.
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Nvm I just realized you mentioned "racism" here >>475700239
So you would actually be one of the non-whites that the Jewish boat brought here to White homelands to do crime, rape, kill, steal, loot and leech gibs.
So of course you LOVE JEWS, because THEY LET YOU COME HERE.
You have already destroyed your own home, and NOW YOU GET TO DESTROY OURS, BECAUSE OF THE JEWS
>overcome nature itself
that's called denying reality
What did Einstein say that was so smart?
That nothing travels faster than the speed of light?
Is this provable / disprovable in any way?
Gödel was probably the smartest man to ever exist. Or Archimedes.
Government controlling the central bank and lending is not communism, you idiot.
Communism is the total abolition of private ownership and everything being controlled by the state (Jews in USSR).

>Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.

Besides if you actually had an ounce of education in you, you would already know that the all the terms are basically made up to make a set of policies simpler to understand for midwits, and terms like "capitalism" are made up by Marxists.

Maybe you should actually read the shit first before replying, retard. Might accidentally learn something.
Hardly the smartest man to ever exist
Also jewish
>Government controlling the central bank and lending is not communism
Any form of planned economy is communism. It doesn't matter what it's called, really: communism, socialism, etc. - because it all ends exactly the same way, like all government-managed programs - disaster.
>Communism is the total abolition of private ownership and everything being controlled by the state (Jews in USSR).
Replace "Jews in USSR" for "NSDAP in Goymany". Again, exactly the same shit.
There are accounts of regular Goymans being regulated up the ass to follow their production plan under threat of violence, again, like in the USSR.
>if you actually had an ounce of education in you
Ironic, considering you only operate based on biased propaganda.
>terms like "capitalism" are made up by Marxists.
Were we even talking about that? I know it's a meaningless term. I prefer "free market trade".
Arguably it was Boscovitch, or at least someone who could do a lot of things expertly. It certainly wasn't Epstein. If anything, and since Epstein the division between real sciences and theoretical sciences has become disturbingly divisible.
wtf I am a Jew lover now
>because it all ends exactly the same way, like all government-managed programs - disaster.
It did not. You are just one of the libertarian ancap idiots that believe in your God of the almighty hand of the "free market".
NSDAP Germany didn't end up in disaster, the fact that they got bombed out by the Shabbos Goys have nothing to do with the economic model.
Postwar Japan's closed economy also worked incredibly well when it kept out the (((foreign investors))) and controlled the banks and lending. The economic stagnation of today happened after they OPENED it when the (((IMF))) forced them to.
Nordic mixed economies also worked well until the Jews started to ship in a trillion non-whites that drags the system to a mud.
Of course National Socialism doesn't work in every case, the key word is Nationalism there, you have to have a 100% ethnostate, then it functions extremely well.
Educate yourself how the world actually functions.
Read about NSDAP germany, watch the documentary I linked about post-war Japan.
You have no excuse for being that retarded since you have all the information at your fingertips.
Then why did the Nazis call his ideas Jewish?
>See: Deutsche Physik
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Potentially, but not inevitably.
>A republic, if you can keep it.
The wars were deliberate by Rothschilds banking interests and their goals for a unipolar world order.
Pure psychopathy. Held the world hostage and demanded world government to end everyone's artificial misery.
hes a retarded kike who stole all of his ideas
He aint got shit on Tesla!
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>You have to use our Jewish solution to fix this problem we created
Yep, that's Jews alright.

>Okay so what can we do about this.

Expell The Jew, Save The Nation.

The snake must be cut at its' head.
The plan is very simple, yet will face considerable pushback from the Jewry
Repatriate all Jewish assets and wealth, reclaim all their banks back to national control.
This will remove their power since they will no longer own and control the media and won't be able to push the Jewish agenda, it will remove the chokehold the Jewish bankers have over sovereign governments and the Jewish landlords on the housing market.
Then expell all Jews and other non-Europeans from European lands, including North America, Australia and New Zealand, and ban them from ever stepping foot in our lands again, so they are not able to scheme anymore.
Cut all ties with Israel and never step foot in Middle-East again nor waste a single resource on meddling with their affairs.
Abolish the Fed, create a State Bank to issue interest-free loans and print debt-free currency as necessary.
Demolish the (((Bank of International Settlements))), the (((World Bank))) and the (((International Monetary Fund))).

Jew status: Expelled
World status: Fixed
Mankind status: Saved

Simple as.
>NSDAP Germany didn't end up in disaster
Like I've said, it was just not given enough time to collapse, like the USSR.
>Postwar Japan
Japan is a unique case because of very specific genetic and cultural factors. Conformism, conservatism and the general ikigai mentality, which also surprisingly applied to its politicians.
You can artificially replicate it somewhere else because it would only work for the Japanese.
Look at how Worst Korea went full retard with what you're proposing ("favored certain industries"). Now everything revolves around the big domestic chaebols it "favored".
>You have no excuse for being that retarded since you have all the information at your fingertips.
Again, ironic. Thousands of years of history showing the constant failure of human-run systems, all major powers having a lifespan of 200-300 years at best (Fate of Empires by John Glubb), all forms of government meddling in the economy eventually shitting the bed (Adam Smith wrote about this 250 years ago), and yet you cling to the extremely naive idea that "B-B-BUT THIS TIME IT WILL WORK, HONEST!!!!!!".
You're just a useful idiot.
You are making a false equivalence, empires always rise and fall, usually they fall because of usury, not because of "meddling with the oh so almighty free market".
No empire ever has lasted forever and you tying it to that is extremely dishonest, are you sure you're not Jewish?
Oh Empires fell because everyone was drinking water, we must stop drinking water. Fucking idiot.
>but muh "real" communism/capitalism has never been tried
>Like I've said, it was just not given enough time to collapse
Oh, you said. You said that NSDAP Germany would have fallen if given just a bit more time. Ancap retard said something, now I'm totally convinced.
>Japan is a unique case because of very specific genetic and cultural factors.
It only worked in Japan "B-B-BUT IT CAN'T WORK ANYWHERE ELSE, HONEST!!!!!!".
>Conformism, conservatism and the general ikigai mentality
That sort of thing usually exists in White ethnostates too, not only in Japanese ethnostate.
Ethnostate is the key.
Again NSDAP Germany is another proof of it working.
Literally the two times National Socialist policies have been tried, they have worked.
How much proof do you need, you fucking Jew bootlicker
Running cover for (((private capital)))
Yeah there is this "Estonian" that shills for (((private capital))) and (((international financiers))), (((open society))), (((no borders))), (((global free market))) right here ITT >>475707555
All of his shit is theoretical and unproven.
You're a midwit faggit if you think he was the smartest man alive
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huh, I never knew that. Now I'm anti-socialist for sure!
This. Einstein was a retarded jew that stole everything he was known for, even that quote.
That was back when Europe was mostly white.
i believe in socialism
but only for white people
in more national scale, not the global one
someone should invent a political movement like that
Einstein was incredibly predatory.
He stole his most famous ideas from Hilbert and sexually assaulted women constantly.
He would steal credit from anyone he worked with and steal their money.
He almost became the first president of Israel and wanted even harsher theft and land seizures from the natives than what happened.

If a jew is telling you to share what you have, it is so he can steal everything from you.
i have no problem with national socialism
but I have a problem with kikes and kike socialism
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>>Smartest man to ever exist
That's Bobby Fisher the anti-kike kike.
> einsteins science is equivalent to early middle age theology

Smartest Muslim
>2 different people say 2 different things
How could this happen
>he is smart in one field
>he must be smart in all fields!
And this is why a geriatric anarchist comics books writer is your political guru.
>Hitler didn't want the war to avoid paying impossible loans
>the giving him Czechoslovakia West wanted the war
>have roofs over their heads and full bellies
>keep coming for our higher ideals and predating our kids
dialectic materialsim btfo'd by socialists themselves
You have to be at least 12 to post here, tranny
The believe tat humans could 'advance beyond' the need to compete reminds me of those who think they can advance beyond the need to eat : https://www.gq.com/story/breatharians-the-people-who-think-air-is-food . the result is the same
Stupid faggot
Denounce the Talmud Jew. I work in the QM field and I can tell you we cannot really justify classical with QP. The laws from the macrocosm doesn’t work well in the micro
SR has been successfully unified with QM for roughly a century. This is neither a wrong nor controversial statement.
>smartest man

Greatest lie ever, there are 100 men in the 1700s alone who stomp all over his record. He was a Jewish product like everything else.
The original Pop Sci, the original Bill Nye, the original Neil DeGrasse Tyson
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Czechs literally ran to Hitler for protection.
Learn your history.
Oh, right. You probably still think Holocaust was real too.
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Lying Kike whose theory he stole from people far smarter than him, whats even funnier is that its wrong but because kikes control all the institutions goys worship this fraud and defend his bullshit theory that only came about to destroy what humans inherently knew to be true for ages prior.
Cuckstein made zero technological contributions to civilization.
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Tesla sucked at actual physics.
>Czech ran to Hitler for protection
explains why Hitler let us take land from them
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Because that region was ethnically Polish and it made sense?
You don't quite understand how National Socialism works, how the idea of Blood & Soil works, do you?
Did you even watch the videos that I linked?
Jesus Christ, little stormy is having a melty.
Emotional, erratic bitch fit responses all around.
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Don't actually know whether you are a VPN kike shill, or a shitskin invader Jewish bioweapon in Estonia, but you certainly aren't Estonian.
Estonians aren't the brightest bulbs in the world, but they certainly aren't as retarded as you.
These "smarter" people always become aristotic and isolated, then drift from reality. If they were really that smart, they would notice most humans are retarded cavemen, hiding behind a thin veil of law and order.

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