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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Make abortions harder to acquire
>Surprised when the masses vote in a female president

Women make up 50% of the population. Why alienate them over the meme abortion issue?
Didn't read. Don't care. Googled "PTHC porn". Jacked off.
evangelical vote is more important than cat lady vote
Republicans are desperate to alienate as many voters as possible.
>Everyone woman wants to kill their babies
Nah. Millions of women are against that shit.
i hate women so i support anything they don't like
Based mahinder
Baaed on statistics thats BS. Every woman would abort a kid if the circumstances allowed it. Women are emotionless parasites
And anybody who thinks she's going to change the abortion rulings is retarded, unfortunately most people are retarded though

She'll definitely use it as a campaign tool though
Thanks a lot for making me google that, asshole. Now I'm probably on a list.
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Fuck you, idiot.
Need eugenics and licenses to breed and tons of abortion.
Only the ones who passed IQ, income, education/achievement, psychology tests should be allowed to breed.

Target: high quality population with 3 persons per sq. mile density

Current world is a overpopulated shithole. I grew up in a beautiful unpopulated North, I'm Nordic, high density is an abomination and asiatic garbage, destructive to normal dignified way of life and nature. Need much less people, land for everyone.

Just 40 years ago one still could get 80 free acres in Alaska to homestead, now world had turned into overpopulated, filthy, competitive shit pit

Eugenics and population control.
Those who don't like it should be sterilized with fertility vaccines. World should be beautiful, clean, peaceful and uncrowded.

The problem is overpopulation and tons of mediocrity and all kinds of low IQ stupid thinking they're the center of universe and have "rights"
You should have your dick snapped off at the balls and whipped with it.
Only ugly leftist and jew Marxist believe in abortion , they should be forced to get abortions.
shut up dyke
The biggest ethnic cleansing of ALL TIME is that of black babies by abortion. Nearly HALF of all babies killed by abortion are black, and nearly 40% of black pregnancies end with the baby being killed in the womb. As blacks are only 13% of the population these numbers are horrific


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable, whether by abortion in the womb or euthanasia outside the womb, any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

God will judge us for allowing this barbarism to happen.

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