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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Non-American here.

Everywhere I go online (including here) people are championing Kamala. Please explain how Trump will win when I don't see any support for him.
Ai bots.
You are the type of person who reads spam mails.
It's called Astroturfing. Kamala's campaign apparently decided to blanket social media with fake supporters. I doubt it will work.
90 million dollars buys a lot of shill bots.
You retarded fag, none of that shit is organic. They have to throw their whole weight behind that disliked turd to stand even a small chance. People never liked her, they just remembered her name because bobo is shitting the bed.
bro those are bots
no one actually likes StreetShitter Kamala
I can't speak for other posters but I'm a genuine Kamala voter. Fuck israel, fuck the backstabber pedophile trump. You guys are way too invested in red team/blue team tribalism if you think anything good is gonna come out of electing that chump
Are you leaving for Canada this time?
Get a load of this guy
I voted for trump in 2016
This. That side owns the most extensive bot network in history and spared no expense buying off the MSM.
Astroturfing. They have to work overtime selling this cackling whore to the US to make the steal in November plausible.
You weren't even 18 in 2016.
I'm in my 30s
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of course you are
Everything you're reading is fake, including from here. Just go about your day again, and you will be happier.
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Name one positive thing about her policies that aligns with your view of what is important to you and your family.
Pro tip: you can’t
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They're spending the money on an initial push. Give it a week and it'll slow down. September and October is when it'll be crazy.
She is most likely to run the jewnited snakes into the ground, that's enough of a reason to vote for her.
Even if she doesn't completely destroy the US, ziomerica global hegemony will be sufficiently weakened by the end of her presidency that Europe can free itself from ZOG and whites could move there and leave this shit hole for the niggers
>campaign isn't even a week old but has complete algorithmic control of all aspects of the internet
"well its because she took over biden's network
>why didn't biden's campaign do that first then instead if the network is so powerful
"well because trump was winning because he's a better candidate"
>then why isn't trump winning against the same network of lies now?
"its still because of bots, but the bots only help kamala and could help biden, but trump defeated the bots before but can't defeat them now"

did I miss anything?
Kamala is married to a Jew and supports Israel. Not sure why you think supporting her does anything.
He has invisible supports
Is beholden to anti-israel grassroots influences
Isnt supported by memeflag shills like yourself
Supports poor retards aborting their young
Isn't a known pedophile like trump
Encourages Republicans to get their shit together if they want my vote back
Trump won't win
He won in 2016 by appealing to white voters, and therefore flipped the midwest
He didn't do that in 2020 (looking for Nigger and Jew votes) and lost
He's using the 2020 strategy again, and it's failing
Trump will lose and fuck him. If he likes niggers so much he can take their loads in prison
It is all theater for the goyim, these people are humanoid puppets
What did glowies mean by this?

At this point I'm starting to believe they really are sending the diversity hires to bait on this site.
Name one positive thing about his policies that aligns with your view of what is important to you and your family.
>Pro tip: you can’t
They are the same shit, retard; they don't give a shit about you.
It's not hard to pay people to post on Reddit and Tiktok to spam pro Kamala shit. I doubt that's happening here though as it would be pissing in an ocean of piss. I doubt there's much ROI from posting on a nazi larp anime image board but who knows.
>Please explain how Trump will win
he wont
Remember when there were crowds in Berlin for Obama before he was even elected? Its like that. Kamala is the next Obama.
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>too orange*
>Everywhere I go online (including here) people are championing Kamala
It's bots like you and people are bumping your thread and taking you seriously because they are newfags.
do the epstein one
do you think kamala will bring up epstein in the next debate? that would be sick
I'm shilling for kamala because it's funny but I'm going to vote for Trump
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I'm shilling for kamala because it's funny but I am not voting because that would only encourage them.
>this low quality bait
ActBlue isn't sending us their best.
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You mean, just like 2016, Trump vs Hillary?

The whole news cycle and almost all polls were literally faked for months leading up to election. Why should you expect anything different now.
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he will win in a landslide if he replaces JD Vance. If he leaves him in his candidacy is doomed, it's literally and statistically impossible for him to win at this point.
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Biden made the ultimate patriotic sacrifice in relinquishing his title so the next Generation could rule in their own way. Now it's time for Trump to also step aside.
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If Biden is out I hope Republicans still talk about Hunter Biden's penis.

Most Republicans are fapping hardcore to Hunter's cock right now. Once you understand the Republican mind, you know they're virtually all repressed homosexuals.
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times change
alex jones says that she's 6% black
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blacker than Cleopatra
She's being astroturfed to the max, it's actually pretty funny. She has to take over the presidency in the next week or so as well because she can only get her name on the ballots in all states if she is the incumbent president, it was their only real play. Shit could get very real, very fast when that fuckwit has to make a decision and there are some around the world that might like a laugh.
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Most with heavy Republican Gerrymandering everywhere. Trump has never won the popular vote.

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