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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Nothing does. Give up.
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What was the point of making this thread then? What do you hope to gain?
>46 bn light years IN ANY DIRECTION FROM EARTH
Always knew Earth was in the center of the universe.
Make your life a little worse
The universe is a big guy.
But everything you think and feel means nothing to me.
You are a lost cause. Think about this post when you finally troon out and rope.
That's just the observable universe. SInce spacetime seems to be flat on a large scale (as well as isotropic), the actual extent of the universe is likely infinite.

Anyway, you are a self perceiving part of the universe and that's beautiful. Your whole is unfathomably bigger than you and that's calming :)
Please either kill yourself or have your emotional breakdown on /r9k/. Thank you for ending your life.
I will be a thorn in your mind forever. From one life to the next, I will sear you from within, until the day you let the captive go.
>in any direction from the Earth
oy vey
Where is the expanding point centered tho?
>another light year every earth year
How fucking convenient
if you can see the same distance in every direction that means that the big bang never fucking happened and the photon simply decays and is not a stable particle

dark matter
dark energy
black holes
it's all a bunch of HORSESHIT based on a misconception
if you can't logically see this you're a dumbass
if it's the same distance in every direction, you are in the center
that's how you know it cannot be true
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Fuck you nihilisitic cuck.
Fate not existing and everything being meaningless is what makes it good, I can strive to achieve greatness of my own will and take in the beauty of this world. If nothing matters, and by pure coincidence so much beauty still exists, the only thing stopping you from greatness and tapping into your infinite potential is your own autism.
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I always knew most /pol/tards were actually tarded..

>Observe the universe from Earth..
>Wow! I can only see so far in each direction!!
>This must mean that Earth is the center of the universe!!
No. it means we are unable to observe the universe past a radius that encompasses the earth. Hopefully, your parents will get a refund eventually.
Going down is easy - going up is hard. So I go up.
No anon, that's just the observable universe which is a subspace of the universe. You are merely at the centre of the observable sphere of spacetime around you
Mae some speculations about it, RETARD, these theories are speculations anyway.
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Nah I don't agree

On July 24th at 3:something am I felt a little guilt and asked God to remove the weight of my sins from me.

My legs stared tingling and I got hungrier and hungrier, I went to the scale and my weight was 129.

This was right after me going on a weight gain journey from my low of 100lbs, but now I realize that weight is meaningless compared to my sins.

Sins and actions for the sake of God have meaning, everything else is just a means to not getting tortured by God after we die

God is good
>You don't mean anything
>Nothing does.

>Give up.
We're all destined for oblivion anyways, no reason I shouldn't make the most of the time I have
The thing described in your picture is only a small fraction of what we are collectively in and yet despite the scale, we exist at the forefront of all things that have come and will come.
You only know the nothing, so you believe in nothing. Of course you give up.
Imagine this life as crossing a bridge. You're really going to want to see what's on the other side, definitely more meaning than here
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I've been fascinated with space since I was a kid (autism, obv) and this whole nihilistic "heh, nothing MATTERS man, I'm so cool and above it all" is fucking lame and cringe and people like this are all fake anyway since if you have personal politics that isn't vaguely shitlib like theirs always is they'll melt down at the horror of it all.

Meaning is what we make of it then. If you want to get super deep maybe the meaning is to find a way out of the inevitable end of the universe with some kind of crazy shit we can't conceive yet. Though at this stage the purpose of the universe seems to be to create an environment that creates more black holes (since the fundamental forces can theoretically be in a different balance in other universes, leading to dead ends of nothing but ours creates black holes, which lead to more, thus universes that produce more black holes are more "successful" and the process continues).
Anyway, Christ died so you could post retarded cringe on the internet and we're made in the image of God and you can kiss my ass.
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The universe is not expanding and it has no center. It is infinite, and humans are completely incapable of understanding infinity as nothing we know of except the universe and energy are infinite.
The universe constantly changes and it will continue to constantly change as gravity and entropy dance around each other in a duet of ageless harmony.

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>everything came out of nothing
Last laugh at atheists one more time.
Crazy to think that in a universe so huge there's only one guy as based as I am. I truly am the main character. Thanks for the reassurance OP
Simple and straight to the point. Good for you anon I like the attitude.
>We're all destined for oblivion anyways, no reason I shouldn't make the most of the time I have
What would you do if you died and woke up in the jail cell from Oblivion?
Jews casting spells on us.
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It's not centered, so to speak. If you are on another galaxy like Andromeda, you'd have the exact same diameter but from your perspective. But you'd have access to light outside our perceivable universe. It's not that stuff doesn't exist outside that diameter of 93 billion light years, but its that the light outside this diameter literally cannot travel to Earth. The wavelength of that light will be stretched by the expansion of the universe so much that its energy effectively becomes zero.

As far as anyone knows, the universe as a representation of a physical entity is infinite and expanding.
>life means nothing
>my life means so much that yours in COMPARISON is lost
something doesn't congruentcate there
>You don't mean anything
Everything is made of the same matter, we are children of the stars. The sun lights up the darkness
Nice scribbles on the page.
Dumb fuck.
Photons don't decay.
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>Give up.
Never. I'm not nearly the nihilistic loser you clearly are.
It's the best explanation for the origin of things we have right now based on what we can observe in the natural world anon. Nobody is saying this is 100% true and we will never learn more or change the model but working with what is observable in the natural world that is what is implied. Nobody knows why and nobody credible pretends to. You don't even have to be atheist to understand this.
Stop thinking your the center of the universe narcissistic faggot
That's the weak point of this shit thread made by a kike trying to demoralize you. If he believes what he's stating he wouldn't waste his energy spamming this board to convince unworthy goys that they must lay down and die.
you're a gullible idiot
there are two explanations that could explain why can only observe a perfect sphere the same dimensions in every direction:

Either we are at the exact center of the universe

Or the proton is not a stable particle and decays in approximately 46 billions years

All of modern cosmology is based on the first concept. All. Of. It.
meant to say photon not proton
but lemme just say it
I do not believe any particle is stable for an indefinite period of time. Period.
hey fag I'm not that guy I'm this guy
you idiots will never understand because you are blind, dull, uninteresting morons running on inertia and crumbling lies
I'm not sorry that you are a sad sack of shit, and I am not sorry that your old order has fallen. You blew the trumpet on that one with your haughty
>we own you
You own nothing, not even your own self. And you are anything but happy.
Hail Hydra amirite fellow sorcerer?!
Yeah but I want someone else to kill me.
>Hurr durr space big so life meaningless
Agreed, now kill yourself.
I'll do it after, but you go first.
The Penrose interpretation is interesting, that the universe is repeatable.
The exact problem with you science faggots

I'm going to believe we are in fact the center of the universe just to not believe anything you faggots do
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>you don't mean anything
>but don't you dare to say fuck niggers/kikes
the state of modern "science" and redditors like OP
does that mean that /r/atheists believe the earth is the center of God's universe?
I think it's repeatable as well, also are you the polish guy I was talking to here a while ago about the soviet space program and the polish scientists that worked on it? Good thread.
Hi LLM :)
Pls, get some more training data, you lack basic understanding of... well anything.
There's no need for such a desire. You can have peace in life instead of death if you choose it.
The road can suck to travel but it's worth the view.
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Scientists shouldn't be saying it, because it makes people think it's true, when the scientists have zero evidence or empirical standing on the subject. Stick with what you know in science and leave the unknown to the dreamers and the storytellers.
open borders for israel then
kike hoes love some bbc after all
Scientists in 100% proportion will tell you that it's a theory and not a proven fact, because we still lack the knowledge.
It's literal mouth breathers who take it as a fact. Can't blame scientists for it just like you can't blame the pope for a random priest raping some altar boy. If anything, it's the perfect statement to humanity still lacking what it takes to observe and understand the universe clearly.
>Scientists in 100% proportion will tell you that it's a theory and not a proven fact
I know, but it's still irresponsible because non-science, non-engineer mopheads don't understand this.
Shut the fuck up and lurk moar and maybe learn something
So who created God? Oh right, he came from nothing.
Sounds fake, gay, and made up. How would they know? Sounds like something Neal Degrassy Fyson pulled out of his ass.
All of that is just science fiction.
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>So who created God?
God is immortal. Timeless. Time is a function of the universe and the reality it contains. Time is simply a measurement of change, it has no beginning or end. There is no way to measure time without change.
Give up what?
I thought I had nothing
And there’s NOTHING in that space
The observable universe is less than 25000 miles in diameter.
Dumb dumb.
If the universe expanded faster than the speed of light for some time, in the past, then it could look like it does. There may be a center but if the universe is bigger than the observable universe and it expanded mostly evenly then there's no way to tell if there is a center or where it is.
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Wow, God put all this here (and more beyond what we can see) for us to explore and conquer? While I'm disappointed that I won't be a part of that journey, I'll do my best so my posterity are able to partake of the cosmos in my stead. The amount of beauty on our small little rock took hundreds of years to catalog, so imagine how long it will take to discover the marvels that await us.
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I am that thing, realized.
I'm the part it made to experience consciousness as a self aware monkey thing.
Name a thing, and I've created it.
Then I have nothing to lose if I try, numbnuts.
Remoralization thread.
God created God, God is and isn't, God is above logic itself
If nothing means anything, then I can do whatever I want, and I'll start by calling you a fag.
>Give up.
Lmao even.
>46 billion lightyears in any direction
>x2 = 92 billion lightyears across.
>Nothing means anything
Then why are we at the center of the universe.
Who took the bottom two photos?
Its drastically more massive than 93 billion light years, but we will never ever be able to observe to it due to accelerated expansion. Basically, Earth is late to the party and we can see fuck all nothing.
We are not in the center. Its just so ridiculously massive that it is perceived to be that way.
It's unreal it is perceived this way. It's true it has been a misconception for centuries, millenia, back when we still believed the sun spins around earth.
The reality is we don't even fucking know where the planet or the solar system is positioned in the universe. Hell, we aren't even at the center of this gay galaxy.
Fuck off nigger. We don’t know shit, that’s the only fucking thing we know. Our universe could be the last breath of a dead god, it could be the dream of some unknowable entity that’s nothing more than a house pet to something we can’t even conceptualize. We don’t know a fucking thing aside from you being a faggot. You’re the only thing I see here that doesn’t matter, you should probably kill yourself.
God is real
Heaven and Hell are real
Eternity is real
>OP projecting
the only one that can give value to somebody is the person itself, cope is free memeflag
i think about this kind of bullshit a lot
heres a shitty track i just made at 4 am
accidentally mixed entirely for speakers not headphones
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>time passes
>”Thats the final Black Pill. I’ll just end it all.”
Agreed bro
>Make your life a little worse
But you just made my day with your impotent kvetch, streetshitter.

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