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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm unironically rooting for Harris now. Fuck Trump. Fuck zionism
it's over lads, the glowies are trying to convince /pol/ to vote for this anti semetic woman and it's working
guess net an yahoo failed a speech check during their private meeting
This is a good wedge actually. Drive the jew overlords away from the Dems.
ok shitskin
This election season keeps getting wilder and weirder.
Here's to the political violence we haven't seen yet.
Fabricated fake support is all you have and it won't do shit lol
Trump is a bitch.
I'm just not voting
Trump literally had multiple God given opportunities to turn everything around, and he threw them all away for israel and the platinum plan
fuck him. I'm done.
it's her turn
Nice try yiddy, she condemned the protesters. Your niggerkike is historically unpopular and xhe won't win.
Klamidia harryass won't be elected
libtards dont hate jews, the urge to virtue signal over dead mudslimes outweighs their passion for jews. If russia/ukraine wasn't happening they'd be completely on board with the jew funding, but they have to destroy the whiter continent first
Suck Jewish cock

Okay? Trump drinks zionist cum for breakfast is that better?
I'm unironically rooting for Harris too, but because I wanna see 300 Million foreign Invaders take over America, culminating in OP getting raped and beheaded by Jihadis, thus ending his /pol/ shitposting career.
>anti semetic woman
She is married to a semite.
Friendly reminder that neither the democrats nor republicans deserve your vote
>Suck Jewish cock
stay mad fake supporter
It will never happen and you'll be reading my posts the day this site gets shut down
yes, but will she support prosecuting those who desecrated all those monuments 2 days ago? Notice nobody in the media can even get close to her to ask her a question. = = = = = which is why she's a shit candidate. We don't support people afraid of the media or questions (aka Joe Biden / Krampus Harris)
That's more likely to happen with Drumpf giving visas and white women to pajeets and anybody wanting to study here.
you stupid faggot.
Why would she say this right after meeting with bibi mileikowsky (real name)? News flash: because the plan is to make her appeal to the vocal pro palestine faction of the dems - an easy way to win back voters that would otherwise pull the Jill Stein shit. Conversely, tomorrow bibi will meet with Trump and like the scheming jew rat he is, get him to double down on pro-israel rhetoric (to alienate voters lmao). Is it any surprise jews are so conniving that they'll twist their own unpopularity to their advantage??

Never forget as much as the GOP sucks jewish cock, the democrats have deeper throats and are the true jewish party (need I say look at the most jewish cabinet in history right now?). Plus Kamala's faggot husband is a kike, a partner at the biggest law firm, and they want him - one of (((them))) - at the helm. Jamala will just be a niggerwoman puppet.

FFS just turn your brain on you fucking morons.
Well then.
If she wins, theres going to be a total jewish civil war between Israeli first jew puppet masters and progressivism first jew puppet masters
ashkenigger jews are not semites they are larpers with no levantine blood, just turkic khazarian ancestry.
Everytime you call them a semite, they get the fuzzies inside so cut that bullshit out
I have a better idea.
America is dead. I accept it. Kamala, Trump, jews all the way down hell there's probably jews hiding in his dick hole at this point.

Okay. Whatever. I believe in this country the way it was founded, a white supermajority republican democracy under God. And anything you bloated kikes do to undermine that won't be met with ballots, which you sweep aside and laugh at. It will be met with bullets, which sweep your brains out of your skulls and laugh at you.

This is Civil War 2.0, right here, right now. There will be no invading brown armies without the kike that let them in being gunned down in his home.

There will be no unconstitutional laws without their enforcers and creators both being subjected to patriotic violence and a stupid, easily avoidable early death.

This is our home. You kikes don't belong here you never did, and now that you're trying to destroy it, all I can say is the time has finally arrived to destroy you.

Welcome the Age of Violence and strife, jews. You brought it on yourselves. You will now be targets. So let's kick this conversation about you getting the fuck out of our countries to the next level.
use your head dumbass:
>there's a small chance Trump could go mask off if he wins bc he'll have nothing to lose for the first time ever
>there's zero chance the democrats will ever stop destroying society and 100% chance the jews stay at the wheel in the cabinet
how about you stop being a defeatist faggot and give our ONLY possible guy a better chance. Even if they steal it with 3am mail in ballots, every vote for trump will make it harder to pull it off.
Never ask a racist the color of his girlfriend.
unironically based to spit in netinyajews face after republicucks spent the last few days sucking him off. if I was American she would get my vote.
no one give a fuck retarded whore everyone just post in your thread to insult you
you've literally got Stockholm syndrome
Trump controlled both houses of Congress in 2017-2018 and did NOTHING. Would that not be the time to go "mask off" ?
give it up. It's just sad at this point.
you guys aren convincing anyone
jamala the drunktard prostitute have an hyper zonist husband and never voted against Israel in her career
you guys don't care tho because your true objective is accelerationism
the more stupid meme and retarded psyop in internet history
they convinced you little fuck that accelerating globohomo plan was a good idea
holy fucking based
bro I'm ready, I'm armed, got gear and food reserves. Let the SHTF and let's light this party off already. THIS IS MY LAND, AND MY HOME.

>Would his first 2 years in office of baptism by fire learning how deep the deep state is, with another election to win be the time to screw the jew?
No you fucking numbskull, no it wouldn't be. You act as if both houses of (((congress))) means anything when AIPAC has them all bought.
I get it, your talmud instructs you to demoralize the goy but the fact is for anyone who wants to not roll over and accept death, you go with the lesser of many evils, let alone a guy who just had an attempt on his life.

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