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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why did we stop seeing attractive people on tv?
your masters decided that you need to breed with monkey
so you are acclimatized to monkey
BBC destroyed white women minds
Deconstruction of beauty ideals is the new modernity.
technically they are not deconstructing anything
they are force feeding you apes in the hopes you will destroy yourself by breeding with them
Fat chick cope
Christ is my only master
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First a bit of context:

USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

the state is your God
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to the question, Who Rules Hollywood?
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next question, What are the Jews using the media for?
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You know the drill...

>Why did we stop seeing attractive people on tv?
They don't even bother to show good looking niggers anymore.
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It's not just Hollywood either, it's everything else too.
A new race-mixing propaganda just dropped from Sweden.
The ugly ones got offended
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Who is behind it?
Who else if not the usual suspects.
Be your only master.
Don't cope.
There is something above you that guides.
I don't know what it is, but it's yourself In my opinion. (I'm agnostic).
BUT, there is something up there, that I cannot quantify.
I just don't know.
What did it say in the Bible? Do not make graven images?
Because the west is tainted with supporting everything weak, ugly,stupid
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For the newfags, the "Every Single Time" rule means that everything bad and evil you see in society and most bad and evil events in the history have a group of Jews behind it when you look hard enough.
From 100 million Europeans dead in WWII to destruction of White race by mass-immigration and pushing miscegenation and trannyism propaganda to children today, there is Jewish paw prints all over.
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You are making it sound like the West collectively started just supporting bullshit, ignoring the reality that Jews are manufacturing consensus through the mass-media, engaging in mass-manipulation - brainwashing - of peoples minds.

Maybe you are are a brown invader in White land and you didn't want to name your Jewish masters because they're the ones that let you in, otherwise you would still be home.

Pic rel is Biden accidentally spilling the beans and congratulating Jews in their successful manipulation of masses through Hollywood in a speech have gave during Jewish Heritage Month.
>but it's yourself In my opinion. (I'm agnostic).
No, you're luciferian. That is literally luciferian/satanic philosophy. It's also retarded
No, it was jews, communists and freemasons. Shut your lying shit smelling jeet mouth
>When we are omnipotent ... there will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.
>— George Orwell, 1984
>no distinction between beauty and ugliness
Thank god my dick still works.

Does TV still exist?
So be it.
Cool then keep in fashion with your worldview of not knowing anything for sure by not telling other people what to believe
Because of unmarried, childless women in their mid 30s with Masters degrees.
You still watch TV?
I'm apolitical

that's because you are a slave
>I'm agnostic

Opinion discarded
Yes, a slave of Christ
how did they become so fat so quick
Sweden doesn't use the letter ø.
Norwegian or Danish idgaf.
Smoking too much weed and being pigs
ok, now post the recent ikea commercial
You're also theologically backwards. You can't be a Christian and neglect your duties, worldly or not. If you're apolitical, walk into the sea. Otherwise build the nation with the rest of the citizens.
Breeding program. Depicting ugly gives people realistic standards, especially women. Add a sprinkle of violence. Hide it with humor. Done.
the yiddess on the right is cute
My duty is to evangelize the Kingdom of God
That's one of your duties. One of them. It's a sin to neglect the rest
The right one looks so fucking hot fat. She looks like she belongs in a heroherotom doujin
Because nerds took over and put elon musk in charge of what used to be middle class culture somehow
The rest is centered around the preaching of the Gospel
Michael Cera was pretty famous, always getting the girl. That was a coincidence. That rat wouldn't even get a tinder match.
That's not true. It's a sin to neglect your family for example. The nation is an extension of your family. It's a sin to neglect your living space and home. The country is an extension of your home, you live in a community. It pleases God to do good things and protect good things. You Jowos will always be a backwards cult because you don't understand this. You use a modified bible which you use to prop up your wayward heretical doctrine. Repent or you are bound for the lake of fire
Well after the 9/11 horse shit, the world started worshiping ugly and they said they could better without beauty and wisdom, they said all that came before was foolish, they said kindness was weakness, they said that you were a fool if you were good for your word, they said that you were a terrorist if you did not want to be spied on or have a TSA airport pigs blue glove up your ass to get on an airplane like everyone else did, they said a lot of things. How are we doing with our choices?
Jews, the Answer is Always Jews.
Taking care of your family is part of the Gospel.

I have no loyalty to my country, which lies in the power of the wicked. I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God which will bring a new Millennium.
>You use a modified bible

Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones who wrote the Bible in the first place, in the first century so your comment is uninformed.
If you mean telegenic healthy and fit white people, it's because white people aren't writing screenplays with those roles.
Does that RHD Corvette still exist?
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Christ is the only master. Quit speaking your lies and deception demon.
Cool and Mormons retroactively baptize like every historical figure. The reality is that the church fathers and apostles wrote and compiled the bible. Your weird bible study group turned cult has nothing to do with it.
>Mormons retroactively baptize like every historical figure
I guess it's no coincidence that big portion of glowies are mormons
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Notice how demons will attempt to hit you with scripture yet not quite any of it. Try again retard. You serve a master who’s already lost.
Uglification agenda
Nigga even Jehova's Witnesses don't deny that they use a modified "bible". Do you know what preaching a false gospel (read: modified from original) buys you? a one way ticket to the lake of fire NIGGA
>You can't be a Christian and neglect your duties...
That is heretical. A bad Christian is still a Christian.
We stopped seeing real people on TV. Everyone on TV has been altered to look like a smooth plastic CGI. Your brain recognizes the difference though, it knows flesh is more attractive than plastic.
Jehovah's Witnesses use the most perfect Bible that exists

Being a slave of the state is not a Christian duty.


stopped reading
Because ugly dykes hate it.
>TFW no Annie Potts GF
is it smoking? or maybe because they got popular so now they can afford a lot of food and became fat?
>Being a slave of the state is not a Christian duty.
I agree. But Jehovah's Witnesses are nevertheless in error.
damn, that kind of pussy used to throw themselves at him and faggot squandered it all
Jehovah's Witnesses were founded by Christ in Jerusalem during Pentecost in 33 AD
there's a saying .. don't play with demons. jews are demonic in origin
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god young annie potts was so cute

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