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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What do?
Fap to tentacle hentai
Idk probably play video games or something.
Maybe a round of golf.
Actually, just the golf thing.
I'll finally have a whole course to myself.
Find a badass mansion and collect guns and booze
Raid all the now unstaffed liquor stores and indian-owned gas stations.
Get a Japanese pregnant and kill myself
Will you fuck the horny Pajeetas?
Get high and play video games
No, I'm going to need all my bodily fluids and hydration to tank all the free drinking and gaming I'm going to be doing.
Kill myself, I won’t let those bitches win
i can't even imagine what unspeakable horrors the all women governments of the world would subject me to.
There would be no governments. 90% of the women would just starve to death.
Start planning my descendants and how to marry them to each other with the least inbreeding. Store gas and oil as i dont think women can maintain essential infrastructure for long
Be absolutely horrified and want to off myself.

Women can't run anything, except into the ground. And I refuse to look at women other than my Hong Kong fiancée, so this isn't even an issue regarding some degenerate coomer fantasy.

Life would be Hell, if short-lived.
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Become a monk and live in a monastery
You don't like mainland China? Is that why you went to Hong Kong.
I would donate my reproductive samples(sperm) to my glowie feds to cryopreserve and distribute globally to repopulate the earth of the purged males that were erased in this hypothetical.

That and making sure they do something like vitro spermatogenesis, to cultivate/produce sperm outside the body so they aren't literally using me like a cow till the end of days.

Alot of doomers would probably say "I'd have the last laugh and...", but honestly it would be pretty cool to be the new "father" of the world's population.
enjoy my last couple weeks before total societal collapse. most dont want to reproduce anyway and those that do can hit a sperm bank or use that marrow method that was being pushed as an anti men campaign to all of them in 2010
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>kill all the niggered trash
>let the rest breed me
>bright luminescent future
Does your girl know you come on here?
Refuse to breed.
Billions of women must be spited.

It's because my fiancée lives there, and I am too damned lazy to get a visa to go to a place even she avoids. HK simply requires a passport.

Also, don't want to be spied on for everything and forced to use "social credits". Doesn't exist in Hong Kong.
>You wake up tomorrow as the only man
Combined with your coomer image, I wonder if there will be 4 billion horny women on earth as well...
Are you letting the black race go extinct or are you fucking dem kwaanz?
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I would go into the wild and live out my days in solitude.
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Yes on both accounts. They will be sterilized before I have my fun with them...
I don't think it matters what I do. There's lots of frozen sperm samples already, some portion of women will go on to have male children regardless of what happens. That said, governments, corporations, mega farms, the fuel infrastructure, all of that's going to be fucked. Massive die-offs, even with half as many mouths to feed.

I wonder if Judaism as a world domination strategy would survive? I don't think the Jewesses are given a very prominent role. Maybe once a new generation with male children comes along, the Judism torch will not have been very effectively passed.
>play video games
With who? Servers will all be empty.
Become a nudist
Try horse MMO's
hire hot teenage girls to bully my mother
watch 4bn women starve to death as there are no more men around to keep them fed I guess
stay at home till I starve, because I am too afraid to speak to wamyn.
JK, prolly play some vidya.
make threads on 4chan and enjoy them not getting deleted
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>I do not avoid women, Mandrake... but I do deny them my essence.
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Kill myself so this cattle race is finally finished. Also dispose of my body so they don't have access to my sperm.
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pretty sure some jewess would capture me and make me their sex slave
Ransack food, a library, some good computers and 3D printers, and construction materials to build a wall in a small village with modern pipework, wiring and internet to see how much I can learn to maintain and build while 99% of women die or kill each other.
Maybe kidnap a few cuties to start rebuilding humankind in the meanwhile and put them to work.
Become rich and revered for giving my seed to repopulate the Earth. But the only woman I'd have sex with is my wife because I actually love her and I detest other women almost as much as she does.
sit in my house and listen to industrial music
Find a pack of dogs and join them. Hide amongst the dogs and gangbang women with them.
Fire up call of duty and stomp on a lobby full of bitches.
shoot all the fucking guns since stupid ass gun laws don't exist anymore
find myself a nice technical and blast concrete walls with a technical
Kill myself before the now all female feds got to me. But hopefully I could stay under the radar long enough to witness the absolute calamity that would ensue before society imploded.
Give it a watch sometime, it's a cult classic.
if you were say, 20 when this occurred you could conceivably have somewhere around 50k children give or take
Nothing changes unless women start hunting for men in homes
Probably going to be tied up and literally fucked to death
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Troon out just to make the femoids seethe
I would fuck a different woman every night it would be a very unique experience
>last cock on earth
>lock it in chastity to indulge your weird fetish
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This looks interesting polanon, will watch tomorrow
instagram whores in costumes
Make them fight for the right to cock. The strongest get to breed.
Live without rules for a week or two. Not with women, just taking fancy cars to race them around abandoned streets, take whatever food and drink I want from now empty stores, walk into restricted areas to see what the fuss is with all these government compounds, maybe read a couple secret state files for fun, then kill myself as society inevitably crumbles without anyone to do the dirty jobs, maintain public infrastructure and order, or fill the STEM jobs required to make modern technology work. Then again, I might stick around a bit longer, just to watch how increasingly disheveled women keep showing up to their pointless adult daycare jobs like HR, PR, and other made up nonsense fields, only to putter around and accomplish nothing, while congratulating themselves on doing their part in keeping the world going.
enjoy fucking your bruised up big orc of a thing
i guess i would go full survival mode
energy will be on for 20 hours max
drinking water will soon follow
first a visit to the gun shop i guess
after that to the library, to snatch usefull books
medicine and food will be next
oh and i stay away from nuclear powerplants
That would be an actual disaster
Any community without my direct involvement will collapse and turn to shit
Desperate bands of women will constantly raid my location anywhere I go, to try to kidnap me and take me as their leader or for the right to reproduce.
It might even get so bad that I get killed or castrated once a group feels they have sufficiently gotten enough pregnancies out of me.
I wouldn't just be a man I would be the only way to not go extinct.
There will be billions of women constantly hunting me and I would need to rely on women to protect me anywhere I go.

Automatically this means, as long as I don't die, by natural law, only the most violent, strong and organized women will have the right to claim me.
I will be raped by masculine, savage lesbians.
snu snu till you expire?
I'd do what shinji at end of neon genesis evangelion do, nothing. I'm not obliged to play the game
You would be unironically captured and tied up and raped everyday by thousands of women - Lisa the painful
>What do?

refuse to impregnate anyone and laugh as the human race dies out
You wouldn’t have a choice
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Run, imbecile, run.
Either go full Mad Max. Or get a vasectomy for teh lulz.
First thing I'd do is make my way to the next airport, glad I know how to fly small aircrafts, take a Cessna and fly to Iceland.
Since I assume that all critical infrastructure will have decayed within the next 2 years including air and sea travel I and my offspring should be fairly safe there until my sons start repairing shit. Then on to reproduction.
I my free time I'd write a mocking elegy for all the non blond/ blue eyed peoples of earth.
>Lisa the painful
I would impregnate as many as possible, put simply
Same thing I do everyday, wake up, eat, get upset, get high, go to sleep.
if this scenario you're the one who'll get raped by all the ugly fat roasties who'll kill all the attractive girls in the world
Turn gay
based as fuck
start an onlyfans
There is a manga about this, World End Harem.
never been raped by a woman huh?

they will tie you up then fuck you while you sleep - and that just the start of it. Expect insertion of objects once they are sure you are held incapable of defending yourself.
this happened in my city around 2010s actually believe it or not

>3 women go to a dining area
>waiter comes to car to take order
>they ask him to get into the car
>they drive him to their place and tie him up
>have sex with him
>feed him viagra to get him erect when he deflates
>sex becomes rape
>they keep him for a few days feeding him only viagra no food and taking turns riding him
>then they drive him to a secluded place and toss him when they are done
>eventually the women get arrested
>story breaks to the public
>next day heavy traffic jams in the area as every guy from the city is standing around there for no particular reason

nice cosplay
So he was left tied up in one place as a fuck doll for several days which means he shitted and pissed himself and they still rode him?
Refuse to tell all the women what to make for dinner and watch them all starve to death
didnt they teach you in school that its common courtesy to give someone a bucket when you kidnap them?
The final man, if he has any sense, would hide out immediately with his harem and never show his face again.

Women would keep up the charade for a few years trying to fill the roles men held in society until they're inevitably ruined by petty envy. Then nations, complex systems, everything falls into complete hysterics in a single generation. The realization there's no men to manipulate for resources, no one competent to protect them, would send most women into a state of total insanity. Suicides would number in the hundreds of millions. Sperm from banks becomes currency for a while assuming males births aren't prevented by a virus or something similar. Pregnant women would be hounded and monitored for proof of a male child until radical feminist gangs hunt them down to either kill or capture (dressed as amazons of course). Black women would reign supreme being by nature more masculine and primal while ordering bands of bulldykes against their enemies. Every corner of the world falls into a constant state of war where friendly fire is commonplace and entire battles stop because everyone ran out of supplies. Eventually it's all too much to sustain, and the entire planet falls into hysterical screaming at the sky. Distant screaming can be heard at all times until the species goes extinct.
Become the Rapebeast
I live fairly remote and rurally already with my own small homestead and a few farms around me, miles off in the woods from any paved road, so I’m already prepped a bit. Also have 6 months food supply in my basement.
>wake up 0500
>work out
>notice streets are empty on way to work
>office is empty
>realize something is up
>head home
>wife and daughters are still there
>neighbors are half gone
>women are crying all over the place
>realize what happened by around 1500
>begin drawing out plan
>need to secure sperm bank for genetic diversity (40 different males to 40 females is bare minimum)
>realize infrastructure is going to fail very soon
>luckily have enough solar to run fridge and well pump and nearby neighbors farm is fully ran on solar
>take truck into city and load up on fertilizer, return multiple trips throughout the night
>go into town next day
>begin taking control
>explain that the sperm bank in the city needs to be raided to maintain genetic diversity but we won’t have the infrastructure to maintain it long term
>we need to begin planning for pregnancies immediately before infrastructure collapses
>check hospital for -200° cryo freezers as that would buy time to hand out sperm
>take armed women into city to raid sperm bank and load White sperm onto dry ice for transport
>return and begin insemination process and assigning women “family groups” to care for pregnant and young girls
>start fortifying town with the unselected women
>promise the women that are unselected that they will be in my harem if they help me fortify
>work nonstop installing solar panels and guiding efforts so approximately 1-2 weeks into collapse fortifications are in place, town is secure for inevitable failure of infrastructure solar installed at select well systems so fresh water isn’t interrupted, food distribution at select solar powered warehouses containing refrigeration
>basically just walk around delegating and fucking bitches non stop until I die
Infrastructure would fail in 1-2 weeks, there are literally no women involved in maintaining it
Well since i have chronic retrograde ejaculation, the human race would die! Haha! Splendid!
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I would set up an audition of who gets to breed with me. Women are good at doing auditions right? They are super competitive with each other for sexual attention and this instinct is taken to a whole new level when there is literally only one guy left to fight over.

Now since im the last man alive, my seed, my energy and vitality is extremely valuable since I can only cum a limited times per day and there are some 2 billion fertile women left on the planet. So only the most beautiful and most breedable would deserve my valuable time and sperm. So they would have to hold international competitions to find the top sexies women for me to fuck. Only the hottest would get a turn and they would have to cancel everything in their life to have the honor to be one of my trusted cumsluts. It would be their new profession and being selected for the position would carry almost godlike celebrity status in this new femoid society.
I spend about 3 months laughing myself hoarse at getting to be the final solution to the Jewish problem incarnate. We'll see how it goes after that.
Offer my semen to the highest bidders while concealing the fact that I've had a vasectomy.
>implying bitches can actually dig trenches
>digging trenches
Blocking roads is enough
You also don’t know rural women
Women also don’t like sharing resources and I would be a hot commodity
Visit few shops, loot all the shit I want, then probably visit all the places I normally wouldnt have access to like military out od curiosity and to check if there is any info about what happened.
become an hero
pack everything up and move to my cabin in the woods
fuck them all, metaphorically
Stock up on water and food. Women can't keep things running. It will all fail within a month. No electricity, no running water, no fuel at the station.
Save all the porn I can, all of it. Like so much before it is offline, then I get ammo and supplies and women’s cloths and officially register as Female so they cannot find me.

I have a shot to peacefully end this shitshow while living a comfortable life.
Get to work just like Vincent Price in Last man on Earth.
You dispose of bodies to prevent disease.
Clear roadways gather supplies. Weapons for hunting.
It would be alot of work but it would definitely be worth it.
>You wake up tomorrow as the only man on earth
Impregnate a woman every day for the rest of my life.
Kick back, relax, and listen to the melodic screams of women not knowing why the gas pumps aren't working, the electricity isn't on, and drink whiskey till I stop moving.
Start donating sperm.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

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