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>This was unthinkable 10 years ago.
>Decline is real, Pax Americana is over
>This will end very bad. My guess is big proxy war in Iran
Unthinkable? The Chinese H-6 bomber is literally based on the Soviet TU-16. The US fought both all over Asia during the cold war.

There is nothing new here, except perhaps chuckleheads like you rediscovering truths that your fathers and grandfathers took for granted.
not gonna die in ukraine, not gonna die in iran.
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That's cool and all. But it's small potatoes and I'm not impressed. I bet they won't ever actually DO shit. Fucking worthless bunch of enemies. Mexico does more harm to this country than anyone besides Israel. Fuck these Russo chink faggots for being ALL talk.
Will people shut up about Iran? Trump openly assassinated their top general. And? Nothing. If anything happens we will bomb the shit out of their oil fields etc. And then it will practically be already over. We're not going to war or proxy war with Iran. We will literally have world War 3 with China and Russia or nobody. Yes we may have some armed conflicts etc but Iran literally does not have the capability to wage an actual war let alone with us.
Well all China had to do is invade Taiwan. It is literally US law that we have to enter that war. They made the law after the Korean war.
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Pot calling kettle black, faggot, you are nothing but talk, too
"Oh boo hoo we will boog, we have muh gunz, kill all joos, trump will build the wall and drain the swamp" shut the fuck up nigger, eat the bugs and take the vax.
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And they won't do shit. And. If they do. Then america won't do shit. "Muh law". MF, there is no rule of law. Unless you're a white person who breaks it.
It was also unthinkabale 10 years ago that Russia would lose 400k soldeirs in the poorest shithole in europe called Ukraine.
And now we are here 2 1/2 years after the failed attempt to seize Kyiev and 5k russian tanks lost later that Russia is stsill pretending to be a superpower
Throwing a large slow bomber out there that any ancient fighter from the 60s could take down easy.
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Bitch why are you talking to me. Idgaf about you. You don't matter. Do something. You're the furthest threat from my mind. You're not a threat. You're a bogey man. Do whatever you want. Lol.
>t. Pale nigger
Whiter than you, Tyrone.
Seething mutt detected
That's where all the silicon is manufactured into chips. America would absolutely do something if China invades before all the companies making chips leave.
Maybe my phrasing is misleading. It is literally US law that our legislator cannot stop or hinder our military and government from entering that war as mandated by US law. That's our military is for. Are they not gonnanwanna go? I don't think so. All the planes etc will instead be grounded. That's usually not how it works.

Tldr its US law to protect Taiwan
Well but that's why Abbott just got from Taiwan. There are way bigger things at stake. This law was created long before the computer chip and has maintained ever since. It's not about the chips. We'll move it here. Likely to Texas.
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Bitch who works for pedos and jews detected.
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America won't do shit because there are no niggers there to rescue.
Sony has a plant being made in Japan too but if China takes over Taiwan before everyone clears out then it's basically WW3. Computer chips are that important.
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I bet it's us law to protect our border too. Imagine being Taiwan and having any faith in this country lol.
Again no. That's why the governor of Texas just got back from Taiwan. No one cares about the chips. We'll move it here to Texas. That's why he went there.

It is US law we enter that war and that law was not created and maintained for 75 years because of computer chips.
Not my problem. Not dying in Iran. Will say it again...and again.

I think the Soviets/Russia have been doing these patrols since the 60s or something. No big deal. The US does similar.
Well no actually we have all these laws about asylum and stuff. That's the problem.
>Well all China had to do is invade Taiwan. It is literally US law that we have to enter that war.

as you if you could do anything about it.
Also we have laws about our military not engaging in that. The exact opposite of Taiwan.
>Throwing a large slow bomber out there that any ancient fighter from the 60s could take down easy.

the bomber carries long range cruise missiles. in a war it would fire them and leave. are you that fucking stupid?
Listen here you limey fruit
The biggest news is that China can do this because they now use Russian airfields.

It is a failure of US foreign policy thanks to neocon brainrot and warmongering that China and Russia got so close that they use each other's airfields for strategic bomber patrols.
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Then it's a Taiwanese military good for them. Must be nice to actually benefit from all this weaponry. The way you insist on their protected status makes me think Taiwan is the top of some underground network. Something there must actually be worth something. Again. Must be nice.
Get the chinks hooked on opium again, maybe that will stall them
America built China. And they feign enmity with Russia. Any smart anon knows this.
>pax americana is over
Fucking cringe, you will NEVER be rome. You will never be in the same breath as rome. Hell, you cant even be known as part of an anglo empire as you lost that hundreds of years back. Cant even last a half of a millenium *spits*
It's not what but where. Just like it wasn't about oil, this isn't about chips.
Until the plants are up in running, we do in fact care about the chips. Everyone is clearing out for a reason.
You can take it down with all the missiles onboard.
>lump China and Russia in the same team with your actions
>wft these antisemites are cooperating and building relations, avengers stop them or something
The america face dot jeipeig
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they told us that russia were down to fighting with their last two rusty shovels tho.
I hope America falls and splits into 50 nations as it's supposed to be. Non-local governance has failed.
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Nah. There's something special there. Like an isle of Malta deal. Same reason Israel is actually valuable. Their huge underground network. A great place to hunker down and survive. My source? I made it the fuck up.
Baiting russia into a war in ukraine was a colossal strategic failure,it basically gifted russia and all of its resources to china on a silver platter
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That fucking toe!
Good eye brother. The Pic is a work of art.
oh goy you so stupid

Iran isn't goat farmers like Iraq buddy there's a reason Israel and USA has never fucked with Iran and that's because they can actually wage a full scale war. They've been under sanctions for decades and have done well, all to the point that they live outside the Jewish banking system and don't rely on the American trade network

The only option is a direct war because what else you gonna do

Listen to the jews Congress speech yesterday, and pay attention to the news, proxy war against Russia didn't work out and Iran is the next stop

israel can't win a ground war even if they have overwhelming numbers, it's a matter of historical fact, so you're up golem boy
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Faithful anons will remember the angel that resides over Iran was able to thwart Michael for a time. That angels name? Gabriel apparently. Iran is probably blessed. America? Definitely cursed.
yeah the problem is that China became his own entity and USA became more and more insane
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It's not my problem. China will stumble and pierce itself with its own hubris made of corn cobs if they ever really try to be a big dog outside of their frog pond or dusty ass Africa. They're not scary. Russia will also never actually do shit outside of their corner of the world. They're not my problem at all.
War with mexico or nothing.
The biggest foreign policy failure was how aggressive the global sanctioning of Russia was. Because essentially what ended up happening is that we basically forced them to make allies with our biggest enemies and strengthen whatever bonds they already had. The impact of the Sino-soviet split has also basically been reversed thanks to us.

NAFO trannies will call me a Vatnik for being critical of the sanctioning, but what else do you think would happen beyond trying to China being able to take advantage of Russia in this situation? Now China can use Russia for their power projection.
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OP (a 1PBTID Chinese shill with a memeflag) needs you to believe that this is new, because he is pushing the narrative that America's military hegemony is weakening. The flight and this post are in response to picrel, which terrifies the Chinks.
Russians aren't white, now report to the front and get killed by a chinese drone, nigger.
You're gonna die from Fentanyl pushed on America by the Chinese, or you'll die doing a TikTok challenge you zoomer faggot.
>will call me a vatnik
Nah, you're just a garden-variety fucking retard.
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A bunch of failed states. I swear. Is anyone's military actually scary right now?? Israel relies on soft power and they actuality run shit.
The Air Force intercepted them before they got anywhere near land. The BBC is full of shit.
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We using ukraine numbers now?
there literally isn't a single country in your pic with a functioning or functional army, and half the countries would stay neutral or align with China if there ever was a war in the pacific (provoked by the US)
Tell me how I am wrong then.
>US literally funding and meddling with everything against rus/ch
>fly in intl airspace close to them
waa waa waa PROVOCATION!!!
why mutts are like this?
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Chinks can't into war. I mean not only they army is incompetent (e.g. Sino-Vietnamese wars), but their actions shows that they have no idea how to put pressure on their opponents, as if they thought every other country in the world is Tibet or something.

There's an example: not long ago Polish president went to China to tell Xi, to tell Lukashenka to stop shitskin invaders on Polish-Belarusian border. Few days later Chinks did some silly military exercises with Belarusians, right on Polish border. However shitskins stopped invading, so it seems Chinks told Belarusians to gtfo. What was point of that military exercising shitshow then? Showing Chinese-Belarusian unity? Obviously not. Show USA that Chinks are at NATO's border? It's fucking Polish border and Chinks want to keep good relations with Poland, as it's hub of their European trade.

Whatever Chinks are doing, they only make themselves look stupid. They should just stop playing global supapowa and keep manufacturing phones and TVs.
>send Party Official's aviator son on a holiday trip with your future slav--- best friends the Russians
>fly through Alaska Mandatory Identification Zone (international waters but where you will be intercepted and tagged if you enter it)
>be intercepted and tagged by Canadian CF-18s and Alaska National Guard F-16s
want to burn fuel and airframe hours? go right ahead, thirdie.
I guess a country like poland that never had any ally due to their backstabbing double faced nature wouldn't understand what military exercises are used for
lmao stfu chink
you think that Russia changed its politically strategy and made a bunch of alliances overnight following sanctions. No. Russia has always been the enemy of the West, and Russia and all of its fair-weather friends have always been ostensible "allies" towards that cause. But you are seriously fucking mistaken if you think they are true allies. China does benefit to some degree because of Russia's vastly diminished power and influence, but China also doesn't have what it takes to be a global military hegemon. You believe all of the shit you wrote, ipso facto, you're a retarded fucking nigger.
>be Saudi Arabia, America's primary oil field
>pick a fight with a bunch of sandal wearing goat herders
fast forward a few years
>be America, Israel's primary golem
>the sandal wearing hoat herders shut down Israel's primary trade route
>initiate operation faggot guardian, brag about how the sandal wearing goat herder's days are numbered
>and repeatedly
>wonder why everyone is laughing at you whenever you mention attacking Russia, China or Iran
Fuck off and go be a bad joke somewhere else
based vlad and xi
time to export some democracy in the Ukrained States of America
they're running out of shovels (armor) and hoes (artillery) but still have rakes (bombers), but they are useless in Ukraine after you have enough to loft the Daily Missile Chimpout (which is limited to current production, stocks are gone)
Sorry, not up to us to protect Russia from its mistakes. Besides, Day of the Oprichnik is hilarious.
Ironic that you'd call me a chink when you're the one obviously posting from a VPN
Usually they are to train coordination between allied armies. In case of Chinks in Belarus it was purely political provocation, as there's no scenario where Chinks and Belarusian militaries cooperate anywhere in the world.

It obviously wasn't thinked through at any level.
>political provocation
Only in your schizo mind, China has friendly relations with Belarus and Poland and conducts military exercises, mostly focused on fighting terrorism in urban setting, with all their allies of the SCO.
Recently they had a massive live fire drill with Mongolia.
You should stop drinking american cum for one hot minute, poodle.
It's funny but it might have to happen in order to free them from communism. How the tables turn.
"Obviously" posting with a VPN? it's not possible I just live in Thailand? There are about 4 million foreigners living in Thailand, and 15+ mil tourists here every year.
The Russians do these runs all the fucking time. As does the US.
This was a response to a bomber run the US made 3 days before.
This shit happens all the fucking time
The only "new" thing that happend here is a Chinese bomber was with them this time. A bomber without in flight refueling capability. Which would indicate that China launched the bomber from a Russian Airport. Signaling more cooperation between Russia and China.
nah people like you usually don't move abroad because they have to stay close to their base of operation and there are no active US bases in Thailande outside of Cope Tiger, as far as I know.
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I'm not, but I called you a chink shill so fair enough, I guess. But you are definitely a Pro-China shill, which means there's a 99% chance you're yellow yourself, whereas I'm just a white dude in Asia.
I'm pro nothing, saying that the US army is a dysfunctional kindergarten for spics, trannies and niggers is not being pro china.
Saying that the US through NATO ruined continental European armies is not being pro China.
I think you should do some self reflection before calling others shills.
Also I didn't call you a fed, I called you an uniformed zogbot.
So they're just flying legally over international waters. Why are you war mongering Leftists panicking?
Good. Let the Democrats pet niggers and illegal immigrants fill the ranks this time. Enough white man's blood has been wasted in illegal foreign wars.
Damn frogboi you are going to town. Keep it up
Belarus joined the SCO, which is why China was doing that military exercise with them.
Also, the shitskins weren't even part of any deal. Don't overestimate your importance. A single Chinese factory can produce 100k artillery shells per day and these get imported by Russia via North Korea, used to make mincemeat out of your volunteers in Ukraine.

Also, China is not interested in good relations with Poland after what you did with their BRI and your constant NATO dick sucking and threatening to send soldiers to Taiwan if America told you so.
Whitoids living in Thailand are losers.
How bald and fat are you? 40yo and still virgin because nobody back home opened her legs for you due to your beta stink? Trying to passportbro in a thirdy shit hole now?
>dysfunctional wintergarden
Funny bit, but you're coping.
>ruined continental European Armies
Strengthened them, actually. And The clear and present danger posed by Russia will strengthen them even further. They'll make Europe a fortress unassailable by Russia...but they don't have to worry because Russia is never gonna get past Ukraine.
I am not an employee of any government, NGO, or anything similar. I work in the private sector, completely uninvolved in politics or military.

whiff. whiff. whiff. Keep swinging, nigger.
>american flag
>calling people "whitoids"
拜托闭嘴, 关闭你的VPN好不好
Ok Pvt Hernandez
>you're a US soldier, you're a US soldier, you're a US soldier!!!!
the chink raged, impotently
They were parachuting on open field in Brześć, retard. This "anti-terrorist" bs was made up when it came to Chinks what they've done. After all this shitshow Polish gov didn't knew if it should thank Chinks for stopping Luka doing his retarded thing with shitskin invaders, or send Polish troops to Taiwan for some military exercise. On political level it's called foreign policy embarrassment.
Loser and creep.
No matter how much you try, you will never be a man.
Post your hand and a power outlet with time stamp to confirm you are a white American and then I may reflect on what you've said. Otherwise kill yourself nigger.
Post your eyes
people gonna look back at this era and determine that forcing an alliance between china and russia was the biggest geopolitical mistake the west ever made. both countries perfectly compliment each other. russia has infinite energy resources and food, the former of which china needs, and china has the biggest industry on the planet which dwarfs that of the west. it makes them immune to sanctions (see how they had no effect on russia) and allows them to produce gigantic quantities of whatever they need. and if that wasn't bad enough both china and especially russia have a gigantic military industrial complex that the west cannot even begin to match.
>Belarus joined the SCO, which is why China was doing that military exercise with them.
So out of entire SCO they chose to exercise right on Polish border. What a coincidence.
>Also, the shitskins weren't even part of any deal. Don't overestimate your importance.
So Lukasheka himself was lying on Belarusian TV?
>A single Chinese factory can produce 100k artillery shells per day and these get imported by Russia via North Korea, used to make mincemeat out of your volunteers in Ukraine.
So this single Chinese factory produces really shitty ammo, considered what Vatnigs are importing from Norks.
>Also, China is not interested in good relations with Poland after what you did with their BRI and your constant NATO dick sucking and threatening to send soldiers to Taiwan if America told you so.
Of course Ivan. Nobody likes us. Sure. Whatever.
anti-terrorism is literally the purpose of all Chinese joint military exercises, because unlike american cum drinking poodles such as you, they don't want war with anyone.
That's a fairly lenient summary of their many crimes and failures, but yes. In their attempt to destroy China and Russia, they instead brought them together.
And the best part? The reason why they failed is Lybia. Nobody knows that Lybia was the big turning point where the Russians and Chinks realized they are under attack. It took them years to finally start acting like it, but make no mistake killing Gadaffi was the crime that ultimately fucked the Jewish plan.
Sorry Jaquandrius Hernandez-Cromwell, I don't read Korean
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>le US forced us to stop supplying our armies!!!!
yeah ok, kid. grow a pair and learn to take responsibility for your own actions.
>It is literally US law
>implying american politicians care about the law
Why would Russia and China do anything? You literally posted china's strategy with your Pic. The east just has to wait for white genocide to conclude, then taking over the world will be EZPZ. The Chinese just need to chill and kick their feet up, and next century will be world conquest on easy mode
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>they don't want war with anyone
Of course. And that's why everyone in Southeast Asia loves them so much.
Anon there were T-54s (not even T-55) spotted going to frontlines. There is reason Russians tap into stocks of the 70 (!) years old tanks. You father wasn't yet born when their production has ended. Russian tank genocide.
Out of all american colonies Pooland is funniest
literally all of south east asia and east asia is at odds regarding the SCS

Forced standardization of Ammo literally killed French gun and ammo manufacturing.
Nork shells are of so bad quality it's no do doubt indigenous Nork shells.
I hate NATo and ZOG USA but this is literally a nothingburger
Ok, then show us your lily white hand, your French power outlet, and a timestamp. You show us yours, I'll show you mine!
Shut the fuck up and stop raping kids you glowing retarded faggot.
>b but it's ok when china is an aggressive expansionist!!!!!
OK chang, u eat dog NAO
I have nothing to prove

the first country to actually kickstart the issue in the SCS was Malaysia by building an artificial island several decades ago, and a lot of other countries followed suit long before China.
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this guy's right and it shows

sanctions only worked on smaller/weaker countries that had no resources, or resources they could mainly sell to the west i.e. oil

contrary to how the media spins it Russia is very rich in resources and has a shit tonne of farmland, so much so that I think they're feeding about 1/3 of the planet or something crazy. So the choice there is for say India, remain friends with Russia or about 300m of your population faces famine

Also they have gas and oil, as well as technology

The sanctions against Iran decades ago forced them to become self sufficient and they've managed to do it, and now cannot be easily controlled in the same way any European nation can be. They have their own banks and their own trade which means war is the only way to get them. And now, with the sanctions against Russia they've obtained that status

The sanctions work great at forcing someone's hand, but it if it backfires then you've lost them forever
If someone sees a Thailand flag and their first thought is sex with trannies or sex with kids, that's an indication of a demon they wrestle with. You need help.
You REFUSE to prove that you're just an innocent, non-aligned white man in France. We know what you are.
>You REFUSE to prove that you're just an innocent, non-aligned white man in France. We know what you are.
No I refuse to jump through hoops for retarded mutt schizos who will never be satisfied and will keep asking more and more to get a gotcha
Russia's independence from the global economy is a myth, and their self-proclaimed strength in the face of sanctions is an illusion.
I just asked for the bog-standard hand, outlet, timestamp.
I know. Sweet baby china is innocent and dindu nuffin.
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>Forced standardization of Ammo literally killed French gun and ammo manufacturing.
bullshit. once again you are placing blame on the US for your own fuck ups. GROW A PAIR YOU FUCKING FROG.
Ok so what has that got to do with Ukraine claiming Russian has 6 billion casualties and the fact Ukraine is still losing to a nation which as you claim is using vintage tanks?

Sounds like nafo retards are coping while continuously losing ground and forcibly conscripting all bipedal creatures left in Ukraine. As for tank we saw how useful and effect abrams or leopards were so don’t act like a retard.
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>thinking a bunch of foreign agents are gonna blame NATO

that's all you'll get from me :)
The Ukrainians have lost 10 Abrams. Russia has lost thousands, including over 100 of its most advanced fielded tank, the T-90M. You zigger shills are so ineffective when you just talk such utter nonsense.
>afraid to post his yellow, effeminate, long-fingernail having chink hands.
>What Russian tank losses have to do with Russian tank losses?

>and 5k russian tanks lost later that Russia is stsill pretending to be a superpower
Lmao so we just gonna pretend Ukraine wasn’t handed basically every ex Warsaw pact tank outside of Russia and Belarus along with hundreds of western tanks and everything else they could scrape from the barrel and the fact they are using the western tanks implies they have already run out of old soviet stuff. You retards astound me with how you blatantly ignore the reality of the situation where Ukraine is literally kidnapping people to be sent to the front while still losing territory everyday.

Russia has an overwhelming superiority in artillery, air power, missiles, fabs, drones, armoured vehicles and ammunition, but in your stunted brain you somehow believe this war will end any other way than a Russian victory. The US isn’t even giving anymore abrams after they lost basically all of their precious wonder weapons. The UK pulled all challenger 2s the moment one actually entered combat and was immediately destroyed. Leopard 2s must be getting scarce if they are using leopard 1s and French AMX tanks are so shit they don’t even want them. They aren’t producing more tanks like Russia and they aren’t getting any large deliveries so what do you think is going to happen as Ukraine is ground down?
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Ukraine painting a Z on their own destroyed soviet gear and picturing it from 10 different angles won’t stop them dropping their conscription age and forcing mentally and physically disabled people to the front or are you going to try and deny that? discord trannies shouting about how Ukraine will win won’t change the borders as Russia continues capturing land while you have to mentally come up with scenarios to explain why your precious goy fodder keep losing.

I hope you kys when this ends in Ukrainian defeat, but I know you retards are cowards so more likely you will pretend you never cared just like you did after Assad won.
pax americana ended when globalist kikes shipped production to China in 2000s
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Alaska is up for grabs, Fallout predicted this.
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I think that America sabre rattling about Iran is all bluff and bluster.
Their military is a fucking joke along with their military aged population of faggots, troons, niggers and spics who won't fight for them by choice and even if they did would be wiped out within days of an all-out world war.

They knew this was coming and engineered it.
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Iran is a proper country with a decent army. Combine Afghanistan and Iraq, then times by 5. That's Iran.
Off you fuck lol.
>b-b-but we'd win!
Probably. But by God it wouldn't be worth it.
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>>they don't want war with anyone

They THINK they want war with Everyone!

fixed your map:
Send a copy to Chairman Mao
I like how you nafo fags just swap the numbers around to pretend russia lost 100s of thousands of men and not ukraine. I cant wait for the day the talking stops, sick of the lies, ready to start shooting.

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