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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do you feel bad for Anglosaxons for lacking the mental capability to understand music?

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Notice how most Hispanic countries that are settler colonized are shitholes compared to Anglo-Saxon ones.
Counterpoint: your flag & India
Retard, India was never settled with settlers. They were exploited. Look at Hispanidad the only somewhat successful nations are ones settled with non-Spaniards like Argentina/Chile that wiped most of their natives.
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>y cuentame la verdad
>ten piedad
>y dime porque
>no no no
1) the Hispanic Empire did NOT had colonies
2) those countries were created by Anglo-Saxons and their agents (like Simon Bolivar)
3) the government and economy of those countries are controlled by anglos and anglophiles

*drops mic*
That's false history... then again what can we expect of your people? Anglos have no history.

Take Argentina for example, where all the genocides were carried out by Anglos and their agents. I believe it was Jose de San Martin (Anglophile and hero of the anglo race) who said that the Gauchos were to be exterminated.

Here is how the fucking Anglosaxons created Argentina (source: Marcelo Gullo), the Anglosaxons took a bunch of random Hispanics in chains to battlefield and forced them to kill each other.by definition, the traumatized survivors fought for a fabricated construct called today Argentina. Don't get me started how Anglos created Paraguay.

El mejor gringo es el gringo muerto.
La humanidad hubiese estado mucho mejor si los gringos nunca hubiesen nacido.
Los gringos deben de sufrir bajo las mismas armas y abusos que ellos fomentaron contra la humanidad.
If you think so then move to Spain. They would love Sudacas in their country sucking them off. You don't have to be a national traitor to understand that the reason the independence wars happened is because of the rise of nationalism and enlightenment thought inspired by what happened in Anglo Countries and in France liberating themselves from a feudal society.
Well at least it is not nigger fart "music" that no one really likes deep down but the jew deemed the govts cRap music hip and trendy so if you want to saw as such you'll pretend to like it.
>muh Anglos
Cry more dick lips
wasps are scum
do you understand that america is the british empire side?
do you really believe that you control latin america? LMAO

italians are racially confused arabs.
Notice how Northern Italy is better off than Southern Italy? It's because Northern Italy wasn't controlled by Spaniards enforcing feudal life and church. When southern Italy became Italian-controlled, things got better.
If the Hispanic Empire was a ship, then Hispanic "countries" (Anglo-Saxon colonies) today are the floating pieces that remain after the ship was destroyed. Spain today is a piece of wood with just the name of that ship.

Look at what you Anglo-Saxons have done to Spain recently, in 1948 you tried to genocide by starving to death (like you did to Ireland) 80% of the population AND your people stole all the industries in Spain (like you did to most countries).

>the reason the independence wars happened is because of the rise of nationalism and enlightenment thought
WRONG. There was no independence, it was a bunch of white guys (like Simon Bolivar and his army of 6,000 British soldier) that hated Spaniards. Let's not forget that Anglo "independence" army (which created Venezuela) murdered white Spaniards in prisons for being Hispanic, murdered red Spaniards in the battlefields for being Hispanic, and tortured black Spaniards in dungeons for being Hispanic.

Western (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) Civilization had outgrown (((feudalism))) since the 1300s.
Paraguay doesn't try to implement Globohomo everywhere it steps and we all know India ....
who are the anglo saxon countries? You're probably a non-white pretending to be anglo-saxon. most americans are shitskins and your country is inept and incompetent and doesnt control anything these days. you guys are arrogant beyond belief -- even when fake crying about it.
You must be insane to think that anything created from the Spanish empire is something to be proud of.
answer this: how did an english speaking American guy control a latin american country? why wouldn't latin american puppet leaders speak spanish?
latino americans have a tough guy syndrome now that they are in america and want to believe america controls the world -- when the truth is america is falling apart and can't even win the war in ukraine.
someone has to post the pics of british guy killing the native, and the spanish guy fucking one of the native bitches
yeah. OP doesn't explain why latin americans like him live in evil protestant white america and not educated noble wealthy latin america.
>It's because Northern Italy wasn't controlled by Spaniards
american education

>Spaniards enforcing feudal life
WESTERN (EXCLUSIVELY Southern European) CIVILIZATION had already outgrown the feudal system. In fact, LATINOS (ITALIANS) were the ones that created the economic system that replaced it: Mercantilism. That system was created to fight against the economy OPPRESSION by the muslims (slave trade) and jews (usury).

Just because it took YOUR filthy people until the 1800s to catch up, doesn't mean WESTERN (Hispanic-Greco-Latin) CIVILIZATION was as retarded as your ilk.
Canada steals all the gold and other precious metals from South American countries every year through their Anglo-Saxon companies and their anglophilic collaborators.
Yeah because after a Republican Revolution, there is always a reign of terror. In America, we deported Loyalists to Canada and took their property without compensation. France killed anyone who went against the Revolution. Why would it be different in Latin America?

Spain was running to Britain when France invaded and put their guy in charge. Mexicans kicked and screamed and killed their French Monarch in the 1860s.
you're all americans pretending you're not americans. its hard to understand your squabbling when you're all from the same country.
good. that's reparations for the drugs they ship north. as an american you should be proud of us "anglos". those spics flood america with drugs even more than canada.
Anglosaxons are subhuman shits like their allies against the Hispanic Empire: the jews, muslims, and the french to name a few.
When the fuck did I pretended to be a fucking Anglo, I'm the OP, retarded anglo.
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Northern Italian States were under the HRE not under the Personal Union of Castile or Aragon as Kingdom of Naples Retard.
you're confusing me on who the anglo saxons are. Who are the anglo saxons?
The Maitland Plan

That's just one of the plans the cowardly and DEMONIC Anglo implemented against the ANGELIC Hispanic people :^3
Americans are "Anglos", dummy. You're an anglophone country.
thats reparations for the drugs they've been shipping to us.
Just 3 random examples
1) Ended slavery in 1482 AD, a decade before the Inventio of America
2) Created international human rights in 1512 AD
3) Wrote about the theory of evolution in that same century!
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If the Spanish had dumped the Vatican like Northern Europe was after it became irreversibly corrupt and divergent from scripture, maybe their civilization could have recovered from being Arab cum socks and achieved some semblance of civilization. All that silver and gold did was bankrupt them in the long run after they spent it all trying to suppress those who would quickly become their betters.

A World where the Reconquista failed, and where Iberia remained under Muslim rule would have these positive improvements...

>New World Colonized by more diverse selection of states.

>UK, Sweden, Denmark/Norway, Netherlands, Italian states like Genoa or Venice, France and maybe a few others.

>The Golden Age of Piracy would take on a whole other meaning, North African Corsairs would rule the Caribbean through key outposts from the Islands, the natives of said Islands would also have become Muslim.

>A Series of Sultanates would form on the Islands on many of the Caribbean Islands.

>The Aztecs either convert to Christianity or Islam, and cease human sacrifice anyways. And becomes more prosperous as a result.

>It's also worth noting that these two empires would also live on, due to them not being wiped out by disease and the spanish. Likely developing immunity to old world diseases.

>North America would likely be colonized by the British, French, Swedes and Dutch. The absence of Spain and Portugal in this world means that the French, Dutch and Swedes likely prosper much better, having a longterm prescense.

>It is likely that at some point the Swedish, French and Dutch holdings eventually become their own indepedent states. Or be absorbed into a very different U.S, for this sake we'll call it "Columbia".

>Columbia would likely have a higher native american prescense, and encompass more land, possibly all the way north into Canada, and Alaska.

>Columbia would likely also be multicultural, having many official languages, including possibly Dutch, Swedish. I'd also wager that large swaths of it would be French speaking too.

>Most importantly there would be no cartels, drug trade, narco-states, high crime and brutal attacks by criminal enterprises.

>Poverty would be significantly less, the issues that affect the U.S today in regards to illegal immigration would virtually be non-existent.

Perfect, Isn't it?
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It's worse than I thought it was a Vice Royalty under the Spanish Crown. How is Venice or Milan similar to Sicily or Naples circumstances?
learn real history not comics

>Sixteenth-century Geopolitics. Spanish Lombardy and Northern Italy between Europe and the Mediterranean
>Moreover, Spain exerted a profound influence on a number of independent Italian states, thus controlling the majority of the peninsula in one way or another
>Mario Rizzo, professor at the Department of Humanistic Studies at the Università degli Studi di Pavia, explains the strategy that the Spanish empire used to dominate Lombardy, one of the Italian regions under its control in the 16th century, and frames it in the political, socio-economic and military processes underway at the time in Europe and the Mediterranean. Moderated by Xavier Gil Pujol, professor of Modern History (UB). In collaboration with the Master of History and Identities of the Western Mediterranean
>OP doesn't explain why Hispanics like him live in evil muslim arabic andalus and not educated noble wealthy Castilian castle
Because: reconquista
Don't both, those fuckers don't even know about the Italian Wars or the Italian plan to revive the Roman Empire (prior to Hispanics discovering America).
I'm Hispanic :^3
i can't make sense of your comment. he's a latino in america. there's no "reconquista" because he's descended from arab and spanish settlers in latin america that migrated into a different colony.
but your nationality is american and you're all pretending you're not americans and none of you have pride in your homeland.
There was NO caste system in America under Hispanics. That's an Anglo-Saxon revisionism of history. Racial discrimination was always an Anglo-Saxon thing, Hispanics were Christians unlike the protestants.
Influence exerted on Venice or Milan is not the same as the Influence exerted on Naples or Sicily which were under the Spanish Crown directly which is different than being under the HRE. The reason why Italian Unification came from the North. The reason why Enlightenment came from the North. The reason why the Renaissance was mainly in the Italian States in the North.
The drugs and their cartels in Hispanic countries are to be blamed on the Anglosaxons... just like how Anglo-Saxons were behind the opium and its trade in China after their Empire fell alongside the Hispanic Empire.
English and Germans
You're confusing Anglo with Anglophone XD
The drugs are your doing, another crime against humanity which remains unpaid for now.
>It's also worth noting that these two empires would also live on, due to them not being wiped out by disease and the spanish. Likely developing immunity to old world diseases.
What the fuck are you talking about, muslim faggot? Do you even know what happened to all the men of the Aztec and Inca royal families? They went to Europe to transfer their Empires (translatio imperii) and to racemix with the highest European families like the Loyola and Borgia!!!
I'm not Italian.

I'm in my ancestral homeland (from Greenland to Antarctica) just like many Iberophones immigrated to Andalusia. Let's not forget that all starting in 1493 AD, all Americans became Spaniards, hence a person from Castile or the Andes has claims to the Canadian lands as an example.
America (from Greenland to Antarctica) is the homeland of the Hispanic people, this was legally promulgated into law in 1493 and 1494 AD.

Anglos have ZERO legal claim in America.

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