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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>war with Iran
>more tax cuts for the rich and wealthy
>mass green cards for foreigners
>annexation of the West Bank
>mike pompeo, nikki haley and ric grenell all part of the administration again
>no firm commitment to stop funding Ukraine
Why exactly should I waste my time voting for him?
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All of that also happens under Kamala.
fuck off already stupid cunt go vote for whoever the fuck you want but stop fucking spamming your stupid retarded threads
fuck off faggot
The big difference on Iran between Republicans and Democrats is that Obamna and Biden made deals with Iran to prevent a war on behalf of Israel and Trump did a bunch of shit to provoke a war with Iran.
Just don't vote bro. Stay home get high watch rick and morty.
The real big difference is normies don't give a shit and just want to feed their families without going broke.
Good maybe iran stops pussying around and nukes tel aviv
It's your RACIAL OBLIGATION to vote white

Do not demoralize me
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I understand your frustration, but I'm still for Harris.
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Poorfag detected.
I hate democrats, but fuck Trump. He is infinitely worse than cackling kamala. Not that it really matters much anyway.
Yeah, that was a retarded mantra. Trump and every politician after him were the worst thing that happened to /pol/.

Not Massie though.
Cool awesome go you bro now we can finally abandon isreal and let the great satan die
He raised taxes on the middle class and caused inflation at the same time printing money for his PPP loans, gave money to people who didn't need it and at the same time refused to use that money for the ballooning student loan debt
Didn't Tucker warned him on who he picks as VP?

Trump's VP seems to have changed a bit, but he still seems kiked
>voting at all instead of trying to poison the elites
There's countless plants outside in your garden you can use to kill :)
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>I understand your frustration, but I'm still for Harris.
>ops picrel
>leftardizoid version of
>dont care still voting trump
>minus the irony
retard hands typed this poast
War with Iran? Are you fucking retarded?
All I've heard is that he hated Trump until he didn't. And yes, he is a kike-lover with a mixed-family.

I honestly don't know what the guy stands for. And the more I learn the less I like him.
This is mainly why I'm voting Trump.
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>War with Iran? Are you fucking retarded?
No, but Trump is.

Just stay home with the rest of us it doesn't matter
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This is interesting. I am going to look into Trump picking Pompeo to be on his cabinet (one of the biggest criminal Zionists on the planet, a total piece of shit who wants to give the USA to Jews in exchange for massive wealth for him and his fat disgusting family). Mike the fucking warmonger who never heard a shot fired in anger. Mike the biggest piece of shit on the plantet.
Fuck you Mike and to all the PMC's who swore allegiance to you a couple of years ago....fuck you pussies to , karma will take care of you fucks.
Trump couldn't suck Bibi's cock fast enough starting the year 2024.
Now this shit.
Fucking disappointing.
Ramzpaul said he was gonna become redpilled in 2 years or something
Sweet drumpf dies and tel aviv gets nuked by isreal win win baby
Also, green cards for everyone with a two-year degree.
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I’m not voting for him either, MIGAtards are just not very smart, you see
>why vote for Trump
you shouldn't. He's a republican now
Also, Trump pushed Republicans to vote in favor of the $60 billion for Ukraine and says that Russia can't win, and that if he had been president he would have bombed Moscow or some shit.
The draft really is coming...
And Trump says AIPAC isn't as powerful as it used to be, and that as president he will make sure Israel fully runs this country again.
Iran murders blonald blumpf and then paper tiger america sits on nigger dick while tel aviv gets nuked.
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Why do Trumpniggers always try to accuse others of what they and Zion Don actually are? Its mind boggling how little self awareness some of you have.

“ "Kamala Harris [who boycotted @netanyahu' speech] is totally against the Jewish people. And it amazes me how some Jewish people will vote for the Democrats when they are being treated so disrespectfully and badly. It's shocking. l don't get it."
lmao. so answer the question
if we're going to get it anyway, why vote trump?
Truly the god Emperor of Israel
Not strange at all he agreed to an early debate on CNN with every Biden request granted no audience no over talking mic cut after speaking. Not off at all huh. And it ruins Joe. Hmm. Cue Harris. I will debate. No not yet no I won't. Probably won't because he could do very well and that would mess up the plan. Nothing like a NY dem with fiscal conservative wealth strategies to get other Ds elected.
Ok, I know who I'm voting for
>all of that happens under kamala
so again, why should we even vote?
You literally formatted this like a bot with no self awareness..
It's your RACIAL OBLIGATION to vote for a tall Aryan

My RACIAL OBLIGATION is to date white women from discord :^3
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She has more balls than Barron Trump
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Not an argument. Not my fault you don’t know how to read.
Thank God we abandon isreal let tel aviv get nuked and FINALly usher in the death of the great satan
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She doubles down on it. Absolutely based. Trump was crying about this earlier and calling her antisemitic and not pro-Israel enough.
Oh I see what you're doing kek
Good death to the great satan and little satan
Prepare before the coming war, regardless of how many people are sent to die for Israel, there's a chance for civil war here.

If zog begins building the border wall UNIRONICALLY, be ready to leave.
>more tax cuts for the rich and wealthy
So why do the rich vote Democrat?
Good death to both satans
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uhh what did kek mean by this??
Based retard.

This is kind of the reason why I loved Biden: he was a vegetable, and EVERYONE saw his Jewish handlers. Biden's puppet show (he was the puppet) redpilled more liberals about the JQ than any politician in recent memory.
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>says based shit on /pol/
>tributes picrel
>poasts tribpic with time and date
do it anon
You shouldn’t. Any self respecting white man is voting RFK after the RNC degeneracy.
I only hope Kamala gets replaced with someone less evil though.
Fellas we are so back
sad to see gaslit boomers panic like this
their brains are literally short circuiting
RFK is anti 2nd amendment. He supports a bipartisan assault weapons ban. He also supports affirmative action in higher education.
Yep, both parties are trash and I'm not voting once again.
He's still running?
All they do is impotently scream into the void with no arguments, rebuttals or facts that contradict the message OP is conveying
It’s like they know it’s true and it automatically makes them seethe as a coping mechanism
There's zero chance she doesn't look like dried summer sauce in a ziplock bag under her pantsuit.
It's over for Satans of all sizes
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digits on digits
damn ameribros you sure are in for it jej
Republicans took all pro 2a language out of the platform. Still voting RFK. The only president in 30 years to do anything against the 2A was Trump asshat. Get your head outta your ass.
Imagine all the tight 16 year old pussy Bill got.
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>Democrats is that Obamna and Biden made deals with Iran to prevent a war on behalf of Israel
Iran proxy Yemen already in war with US routenely foringat American civilan and military ships. Whatever agreements existed they falied, US is low intensity war with Iran already.
>war with Iran
where? what

>more tax cuts for the rich and wealthy
you mean same % for everyone, equality?

>mass green cards for foreigners
what? illigal better?

>annexation of the West Bank
fuck arabs

>mike pompeo, nikki haley and ric grenell all part of the administration again
all politics like this, wtf

>no firm commitment to stop funding Ukraine
fund Ukraine more, its our Ally, dont let them be taken by fucking commie
This post reminded me that Donald Trump ended affirmative action in universities. (At least they're not allowed to openly brag about it anymore)
>fund Ukraine more
found the jew
Death to US.
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Why would a self respecting White Man vote for a guy who sounds like he swallowed a cheese grater?

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