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Indians are just tanned Whites

Indians are just slightly darker Whites. We have the same facial structure, body type, hair texture, cognitive traits etc. Only skin is different. We speak the same family of languages,

share similar hobbies, and are culturally


Therefore, mass Indian immigration will not change the West much at all. Discuss.
You eat cow shit
We are not the same.
If you're going to be posting cringe memes like this just stay in your fucking country rajeet...
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76 IQ, 160cm, the color of poop. End of discussion.
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Guess which side is India?
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Mass Indian Immigration will turn the West in to another India.
I don't think even you guys want that seeing as how desperate you are to leave.
Here's a little tip, you guys aren't gonna be able to come here and keep living like Indians while white people keep everything working for much longer. Something's got to give.
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>but like we’re basically white bro pls let me in
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Daily reminder to eat delicious BEEF!
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India is a shithole country. If it wasn’t a shithole you wouldn’t be so desperate to leave. When enough of you amass anywhere else, that place too becomes a shithole.
Clean and white one
We are not even remotely compatible.

My last team was composed wholly of Indians except me. By far, that was the most treacherous group of people I have ever worked with: terrible code, constant lies, sycophancy, obsequiousness, MASSIVE egos.

You people are the most irredeemably narcissistic people on earth.
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Remember to beefpost, it makes shitskins seethe
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False! India is the polluted and dirty side! But you knew that, turd muncher. Eat beef.
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Please do the sneeeful and enjoy BEEF saar!
You delete bitch

Nigga speak english
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How do pajeets cope with knowing their home country is such a disgusting impoverished shithole?
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If you don’t like beef stay out of the west. Go back to Indiachan where you can discuss the finer points of culinary cowpies. We will enjoy our beef in peace.
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>pajeet telling others to speak English

I can hear your nasally accent from here, bobblehead
>Indians are just tanned whites
Uhhh no. You stay right there, where you are, and don't even think about immigrating to my home. Lots of violence here soon. Lots of dead pajeets. Spare yourself the horror.
But I worked hard MY ENTIRE LIFE to move to west and lead a decent Life!!
Why you denying me my dream
My dreams , aspirations and life has no value for you?
Have empathy white man
>we wuz white aryan saar
Yeah, sure, pajeet. You will never be a White aryan. You are nothing but a stinky shitskin idiot who eats cow shit and shits on the street like an animal who has the iq score of 70.
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I thought India was clean beautiful greatest country on Earth with superior culture? Why would you aspire to go anywhere else?

Could it be that Indians are too incompetent to build a country worth staying in and leech off of the accomplishments of other nations? I’ll cut you a deal. You can come, but you must adopt a beef-only diet. Does that sound fair?
Your dream is an impossibility. There is no decent life to be had in the west, and your peoples presence are a large part of why.
Well, two reasons
a) Our country is nice..or rather, what's left of our country that is nice, we made it nice. It is a product of white racial identity. You can't do this. If you come here it becomes worse. It's BEEN getting worse because browns cannot and will not create and sustain these types of societies, despite believing in themselves that they can.
b) What, your dream ends in being killed by patriots who want you gone? Why bother? Make India great. Work to get rid of the billions of tons of crash and corpses and all the SHIT piled on SHIT and become respectable..in India, your home. Do not move here to run from your problems. Confront your problems. Easy peasy.
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Delicious tasty beef is all it takes saar!
They dont underatand every where they go they bring dalit india and turn our beautiful nations into shitholes, same with pakis and all brown skins.
you are a world apart from whites, don't be naive
total pajeet death
Ok I'll come
It make me lean and attract white women
The average IQ of India is *SEVENTY SIX*.

You're fucking retards with delusions of competency. Literally dumber than jungle niggers. Everything you touch turns to instant shit and heaps of trash. That means organizations and environments. Quite frankly you appear to be the great filter of humanity if allowed to continue to propagate into civilized countries.
I went to India. The first thing I noticed was that the bongs were based and correct about the martial castes. Top tier Indians like Punjabi Sikhs are superior to bottom tier Europoors and more like tanned Europeans than they are like Pajeet tier Indians, but there are a lot more Pajeet tier Indians.
We have a duty to drive you out by any means. But you do what you want.
We fill in we breed , your populace goes up
Win win
Show your real flag.
Who gave you that duty God ?
List verses that oppose immigration and mixing of gene pools
Our GDP per capita went down as our standard of living is the worst it's been in 40 years. No, you have to go back, and you will. Racism is making a big comeback, maybe that was the point. The normies are becoming more racist than even 4chan now,
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My blood and the evolution of European DNA, which took HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of YEARS and is HOLY, gave me that duty.

You are going to die. Just understand that.
Indians worship israel is there any other reason needed to tell them to fuck off
I can never tell if pajeets are lying or just delusional.
>and is HOLY
My blood is same
If it is Holy, then mixing it is profane. If you really felt that way, you would never dilute it with our own.

But you Indians never behave that way. I wish you did.
The proof will be the bullet, Pajeet. That someone cared enough to literally kill you over it.

This isn't Jew SA anymore. Not really. The silent majority is waking up and realizing violence is the only answer. It's no longer safe. Just...stay there, okay? And keep your "Holy" blood from being diluted.
It's both.
You are disgusting smelly rats and just being near one of you ruins anyone's day.
That meme really isn't accurate: second generation Arabs have even less children than whites do
smart post
The West is fucking dogshit bro. It sterilizes everybody after a few generations, holy fucking shit we have to realize this isn't okay and fight for our fucking lives.
Prove it. Timestamp of yourself eating a medium rare new york strip with extra horseradish.
Flags are irrelevant leaf Pajeet.
Trying to run to other countries to leech. You are going to end up a slave, boy. You are running into the arms of permanent slavery. If you refuse to fix your country somebody else is going to take over and fix it for you. Prove you deserve to live. Reflect before you run into the dragons den to steal his gold.
They are the worst in humanity in every way, including their despicable character, and are an simp for Israel to the extent of putting kikes to shame.
How can a race of people be so bottom of the barrel?
But who am I kidding, someone needs to be sacrificed to teach children a lesson. Of course the pathetic imp that is an Indian is not going to listen to wisdom and invite the jaws of a lion. What point is there pretending.
Our populace doesn’t go up. Pajeets are just worthless mouths to feed, like all non-whites.
Your people are whores. You are pagans who spit on the face of the true God and worship demonic entities. Good fucking luck opposing YHWH, Jesus, Allah, the world hates you. I know a man from Thailand that is disgusted by people from Burma moving to his native country. There’s a half Indian half Afghan woman I work with who says her Indian heritage is disgusting. Everybody hates you. Every last race. White, black, Asian, Latino. Good fucking luck is all I can say. You think you’re top dog but you’re way the fuck outnumbered by people who want you erased from the planet.
Indians look like distorted humans, they are not just tanned whites.
Indians are STREET SHITTERS. You are filth.
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The 2 hallmark lies of any third world trash:

>My country is great.
>Moves to a western country to escape their own shit countries.

>My people is great.
>Proceeds to shit up the country they moved too, and/or is a net negative to the economy, not from any mental illness or disability, but by being a lazy piece of shit with very little to no morality (morality is a human trait).

That people like pajeet do not understand the reality of how they act vs these two lies speaks volumes about their low iq and subsequent lack of self-awareness.
Any normal human has the capacity to recognize their own faults and what they actually say vs their reality,
and are thus able to change themselves to obtain better excellency, or at the very minimum NOT be a dreg on society. Your average pajeet is incapable of reflecting upon this.

A lack of self-awareness prevents people outright from recognizing fault, and thus concepts such as morality and laws. If there's a patch of grass with a sign that says "No walking on grass", someone with no self-awareness will ignore said sign and cut the corner. It's not even neccesarily out of malice, but because instinct guides them to take shortcuts for survival. This behaviour is not appropiate in civilization that depends on people being able to think beyond simple animalistic instincts.

Due to this inability to reflect on their circumstances like a proper human, it's a fair question to pose that if
your average pajeet should count as human at all. A parrot after all is capable of imitating human speech, but that does not make it a human.
Animals cannot run Human civilizations.

Thus inviting Pajeets, who act and behave more like animals than humans, is destructive to civilization.
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>We have the same body type
Whites are the strongest race on Earth and your race has the lowest muscle mass.
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Do you even know what obsequiousness means? Cause I don't think you do.

Fuck pajeets, no one likes rimjabi.
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This is what I mean with a lack of self-awareness among pajeets.
Dude got his world rocked hard, the other dude displays mercy to him not once, but twice, recognising that the pajeet is going to fucking die if he continues. The mistake he made was assuming that pajeets are humans and are thus able to learn or that they are capable of humility. Much like animals, they only understand immediate total domination that leaves them either dying or close to it.

Instead of hitting the gym and learning to fight and recognising that he cannot beat this opponent right now...
The pajeet, having no self-awareness and learning absolutely nothing, decided to attack from behind with a fucking helmet, desperate for a win.

And the results are predictable (inability to reflect upon previous result).
Hindu rape apes only know how to rape and how to scam. They cannot create or maintain anything, they are only a parasite
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
Man if only Muslim women looked like Doomergirl. Maybe a couple Turks or Iranians do but most of them are ugly as sin
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
You memeflag stop posting lies and delete your posts
Show flag also
The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
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OP opinion pic rel
she second family will never escape welfare bondage.
>Indians are just tanned Whites
No you're not
Fuck Off
Shut up, shit eater. Everything anon said is true. I can hear your retarded little accent as you bobble your head in rage.
This is true facts, pajeetas DESPISE Indian men. They are pathetic 155cm subhumans.
India is the only Hindu country on earth, and India is also ranked by the United Nations as the worst country on earth for women. That spanish female youtuber went to many countries including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and didn't get raped. But she got gang-raped in India.
Proof ?
what the fuck is a trust house
You literally eat poo. Even my Irish ancestors in the midst of a nationwide catastrophic famine never turned to eating poo for sustenance but you people eat it regularly because you like it. We will never be the same.
it needs to be discussed, what makes indian men so prone to rape? Is it their race, their culture, their religion? No where else on earth is such horrible sex crimes against women seen as in INDIA
I don't trust Indians from India. No understanding of ethics or personal integrity.

Retard false flag bait
That must be paki, indians are gentelmen
Indians are like a strange parody of whites.
>same cognitive traits
>slightly darker

Fucking kek. You guys have shit-colored skin, black hair and soulless dark eyes.
Also Most whites exceed 75 IQ points, you knobhead.
beefpost gang assemble
No, you just are a famine away of seeing how well breeding like rabbit goes, it won't be the first time by the way.
Please don't pretend Muslims plan their families. It's racist to apply Western poison to their image.
>darker skin and hair
Higher melanin due to heat

>low IQ
malnutrition, lack of educational facilities

The genes can't be properly criticized without conditions for reaching full potential. Indians born abroad do well enough on par with east asians.
This. I find it impossible to distinguish 2nd gen indian immigrants from white !
that maybe going a bit too far
> malnutrition, lack of educational facilities

But I thought India was greatest country on Earth saaaar! Why would glorious Bharat, populated by a billion masterful Indian CEOs, be a shithole?

It just doesn’t make sense, unless… unless Indians are somehow lying and they turned their own country into a shithole, and are moving on like locusts to the next field?
>Have empathy white man
Just for fun ill admit this to you. I'm looking forward to killing indians in the street. Children stabbed to death, women shot untill they're disfigured, men blown apart by IED's.

Thats who your enemy is, beg your countrymen to leave, or don't, I'd prefer more indians to kill.
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>Mass Indian immigration will not change the West much at all
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>mass Indian immigration will not change the West much at all
Calling jeets humans is already going too far
Saaar noo that was being bloody basterd britishers saaaar! Photoshop saaar india is greatest! *despicable head bobble*
The Indian peoples themselves are only partially to blame. The main cause is extremely selfish and corrupt governance. It wasnt like this like 40 or 50 years ago.
True the British were right to favor Sikhs in the military and police did to their ethics and honor. Exposure to Indian hindu culture has corrupted them over time however so you have to be careful with them also these days until you see them demonstrate being honorable.
> extremely selfish and corrupt governance

By whom, I wonder? Certainly it couldn’t be INDIANS grievously mismanaging India. Evil mustache twiddling britishers are behind this, I’m sure!
So after the british left?
>despicable head bobble*
What's despicable about it ?
Their way of life is superior to us Europeans
Those brits are evil , they ingrained our fellow humans with their culture
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>The main cause is extremely selfish and corrupt governance
That is why Indians are raping kids and pooping on beaches and scamming people just like they did in India when they come to the West?
It is due to indians, but in the same was white presidents screw over America. Do you really think politicians care for their people simply because they are of the same race?
Those brits are evil
No doubt
Of course not, but it’s not our fucking problem that you destroyed your own country. Stay there and fix it instead of spreading your rot across the ocean. We have enough problems. Do you know how our leaders have betrayed us? By flooding us with worthless brown people who drive down wages and shit in the street in the name of boomer pensions. You are a plague of shit brown locusts.
>shit brown locusts.
Bro they're humans like us
Do you really think raping and street-shitting are coded in the dna or something? Theres no reason to assume everyone there does these.
Why tf would i stay here and suffer when i can go somewhere else by working hard?
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>culturally compatible
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The Jews said that we can have pollution too!
We only must import the third world and we can also become the third world! How nice!
Why dont you stop using that memeflag?
>Do you really think raping and street-shitting are coded in the dna or something?
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USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.


Every time a non-white commits a crime, it's ALL on JEWS
Nigger, IT workers are 93.5% hindu telegu, Tamil, or Hindi speakers.
>acting like mentally ill hobos dont exist anywhere else
This happens in the US even more where hobos have sex and abuse drugs in public
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DNA is the only thing that matters.
That is the entire point of Nationalism.

Why do you feel entitled to shit up White homelands after you have shit up your own land?
Just because Jews are saying that White homelands should be open for everyone, doesn't mean the idea isn't absolutely insane.

How about fixing your own country and building your own civilization instead of coming to OUR homes that WE built.
You didnt build anything, your ancesters did. This is the same argument as "we wuz kangs" or demanding reparations due to stuff that happened 200 years ago
What have you personally done for your country?
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You think the hobo is the thing wrong in that vid? Kek
You just want new streets to shit in
Yes my ancestors built this land for me and I will continue to build it for my children.
I know your pajeet 50IQ mind doesn't understand that, that is why your society sucks.
You think everyone just lives in a vacuum and your actions doesn't matter, you race simply can't put their actions in the larger context of your continuing ancestry and the betterment of the society around you.
I know you can't understand it, that is why you feel entitled to take take take, and why you think you are somehow entitled to take from our homes too.
And that is exactly the reason why we should never ever let your kind in.
If it wasn't for the Jews, none of your kind would have ever been able to step in our White lands.

Once again, what are you planning to do for your country so the generations after you will inherit a better one.
Yeah, you don't think about that, because you only think about yourself.
That is what is wrong with your race.
And you don't even understand why is it wrong.
You are pests, nothing else.
Just like the locust doesn't care about the field it is destroying or understand what it's doing.
Because we’re full and we don’t want you here. For every decent jeet who is grateful to be here and respects our norms and culture, there are a thousand worthless leeches with inflated egos beating their tiny monkey chests about how they wuz ceos and aryans and bharat best country we are invading you saaar. And they shit in the street and scam as if they’re still in India.

It used to be that immigrants who could assimilate were favored, but lots of towns in the anglosphere are turning into India and that is unacceptable. What will you do when you’ve turned every place on Earth into the Delhi trash mountain and there is nowhere left to run away to?
The Indians don't even think about cleaning up their own streets and fixing their country, they only think about finding more streets to shit on.
OUR streets.
Indians already have the 7th largest landmass of a country in the world.
You should be able to make do with that, there is absolutely no reason any Indian should step a foot in other people's lands.
Stop using vpn to bait
Keep seething hard. Unless you're in politics or something, you're just meaningless wageslaves who are working to live to work even more, as everyone in the world is doing. I don't think any singular person can help a failing country and nor can they build one.
They are stupid parasites who sap the life from their host until there is nothing left and act confused when the gibes run out. They have never stopped to consider what their options will be when they destroy the very white nations and companies whose goodwill they rely on for sustenance.
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>What will you do when you’ve turned every place on Earth into the Delhi trash mountain and there is nowhere left to run away to?
Brown people cannot think into the future.
If they could, India wouldn't be a trash mountain in the first place.
Even some animals can clean up after themselves, dogs hide their poop and so do cats while also keeping their fur clean.
That's more than Indians do.

It's also absolutely unfathomable how nonwhites say to Whites that we should argue with them why they should be let in.
That is not an argument, these are OUR homes, and we don't have to bring in guests that we don't like simply by saying that we don't want to.
For fuck's sake
Even most animals know not to shit in their drinking water and cram it with corpses. These jeets are a whole new level of subhuman that disgusts even spics and niggers. Imagine that!
Whetever your personal opinion may be, if you think your governments work for the betterment of your people and still let immigrants in, doesnt it mean that you're wrong? Or does your government not want to help your own people?
>Indians are just tanned Whites
indians are shitsmeared niggers
>Indians are just slightly darker Whites.
You want to be white
We have the same facial structure, body type, hair texture, cognitive traits etc. Only skin is different.
>We speak the same family of languages
>share similar hobbies, and are culturally
Mega cope. If you for one second think that you are "culturally compatible" with swedes, you are 100% delusional.
>Therefore, mass Indian immigration will not change the West much at all. Discuss.
We will eventually kill you. Openly, in the streets. Everyone hates you. We might even team up with niggers to kill you!
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>meaningless wageslaves
That is how Indians think.
If you build a road and get a wage for it, you are not a "meaningless wageslave".
Sure maybe if you work in advertising or such bullshit, you are meaningless, but there are plenty of jobs that actively maintain and make the country better.
In addition to that, you keep the society better by making simple actions that help your fellow man, for example not chucking your trash in the nature.
Again these are concepts that your pajeet minds don't understand.
It is fine as long as you keep yourselves in your own home and don't come shit up ours.
Maybe in some hundreds or thousands of years you too will evolve to take care of your surroundings better and better your society.
I have clean running water and don’t need to bribe anyone to get routine paperwork done. I have no need to seethe. You, however, live in the poorest dirtiest most disgusting country on Earth and spend your days green with envy, desperate for a way out.
Yeah their stupidity is unimaginable.
That's also one of the reasons why they shit in the streets because their intestines are in constant state of inflammation and they are full of parasites.
They don't understand how basic hygiene works.
They eat rotten things all the time and literally eat shit and their systems are overwhelmed with bacteria because they are too stupid to keep their food their environment and themselves clean.
Our governments are full of treasonous zogbot scum. If not for them we wouldn’t have to deal with fecaloid subhumans.
Nothing like a relaxing day on the corpse river!

that's incredibly stupid lmao no one can single handedly make a difference in society unless they're in charge

also i dont think indians are that bad. they're not muslims and in fact they hate muslims

"just improve your country bro" that's just intelectually mediocre thinking. individual people have no control over society. society is basically a bunch of NPCs who act based on inertia basically and a group of people in power who make the choices. that's it.
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>your people and still let immigrants in
It is not my people, it is the international Jew.
Read >>475707268 , it's happening everywhere.
Same thing in Australia, pic rel
The people used to be smart to not let in any nonwhites and create policies that only Whites are allowed in.
However when generations change it doesnt mean that people aren't infallible.
In fact our high-trust societies are vulnerable to scammers like the Jews that scam us into letting more non-white scammers in.
Europe is literally being destroyed under the flood of the non-whites right now, and Jews are responsible for all of it.
I don’t care, they need to go back. Import the third world, become the third world.
I have clean runnung water too and this is in a place that had water scarcity mere years ago. I dont think having clean water is as big of a flex as you think it is. And i've never had to bribe anyone too.
Spouting off retarded shit like that on the internet isnt helping people of any country.
How are you allowed to get thr "my government is evil but my people are innocent" excuse while i dont?
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You are not Spanish and you need to go back.
Simple as.
You don't understand why White countries are better yet you still flock into them, not understanding the fact that its YOU NONWHITES who make it actively worse.
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When you inherit a house from your father, it still belongs to you, and has a special meaning and deep connection to you.
Indians only inherited shit-splattered sewers, but instead of cleaning up the feces, pajeets want to flee and invade a White person's house instead, bringing along with them quite a lot of shit.
>I dont think having clean water is as big of a flex as you think it is
We've had clean water for the entire 11,000 years that we lived in these lands after the land became inhabitable when the ice cap receded at the tail-end of the last Ice Age.
We never destroyed our environment to the point that we wouldn't have clean water.
Again something that the nonwhites do not understand.
Even as cavemen people figured out thousands of years ago that you arent supposed to shit in the same place you live drink and eat.
Something your kind hasn't figured out in 2024.

>my government is evil but my people are innocent
Indians are evil wherever they go. It's not their government, it's their DNA >>475706896

Why do you feel entitled to come stay in OUR homes?
This is not about race dumbass it's about the committing cultural genocide of my people.
In just a few years you have managed to make every race on Earth go from not knowing about you to despising you, and you think that’s a coincidence? Indian culture is a disgusting bronze age relic and Indians are disliked for a reason: 99% of you behave like disgusting entitled subhuman rape apes and deserve to be hated.
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>Why tf would i stay here and suffer when i can go somewhere else by working hard?
Yeah and if that wasn't an option, i.e. the whole world was just one big India, you would also think why would you toil and "suffer" trying to make your surroundings better when you could just try to scam and take as much as you possibly can.

You people are so stupid that you literally can't understand the connection between your race and your surroundings.
I don't know why the fuck I am even debating 50IQ subhumans like you, when the real solution is just to keep you out.
You will make more compliant slaves to replace whites who are easier to please.
You have been bred in a caste system for thousands of years.
You accept your slavery and it's part of your culture.
You have no problem with "You will own nothing and be Happy."
You have been doing to for a long time.
Goverments are paid by elites to destroy their countries. Funny that they never have whites immigrate to Saudi Arabia and Israel and have those 2 places accept out culture and standards.
Funny how the jew never swallows his own poison.
>99% of you behave like disgusting entitled subhuman rape apes and deserve to be hated.
Exactly, the entitlement, the god damn entitlement is the worst part of all.

This quote from the jeet explains it best
>Why tf would i stay here and suffer when i can go somewhere else by working hard?
He literally can't understand.
He thinks he is entitled to go somewhere else, go shitting up OTHER PEOPLES HOMES, after he has shitted up his own home.
He don't even think about working hard to fix his own home, his idea of "hard work" is to come to a White country to shit it up.
Your brain is so fucking twisted that it's incomprehensible to a White man.
The indian or brown population in any EU country is negligible and youre just fear mongering. Even USA hasnt had any major problems regarding Indians for a long time. Its only places like australia or canada that let every unqualified loser in that suffer.
It isnt invading when i have to work much harder than you to get where you were and if i have to work just as much as you or even harder to stay there.
Why do you think i shouldnt come there if i want to come there and your government allows me to come there by working hard?
A bunch of poor retards acting retardedly around the time the internet got popular ruined India's reputation. Was this like this just a couple decades ago? You dont have to even think about what the people here are like becausr those who are qualified and educated enough to immigrate are substantially different.
Then why the fuck did you accept to immigrate in the first place -_- ? No, that was your fucking decision. That was your fucking decision to follow the jew's plan and nobody else's.
There are still billions of indians, africans, etc. in their own countries, how could those say no to the jew's plan and you couldn't? seems like you're to blame on an individual level.
But all pajeets think about "muh destiny, out of my control, I better do what boss tells me to do... for now"
Why do you refuse to bite the jew's hand, but you readily bite the white man's hand? oh cause the jew will kill your whole family or worse? and if you comply with the jew he gives you good boy points? you fucking retard.
>Hey how am I retard?
Aren't you indians those with your le superior religion over christianity who believe in reincarnation and "go with the wind" ? then why do you work for? why don't you go commit suicide right now and hope to revive as a better human being in a better country? Why insist on staying alive in this worthless body?
Oh because you're a hypocritical opportunistic coward who doesn't actually believe in his own religion. AND YOU ENJOY working for the jew.
It isnt your home if your own elected government allows it and if the people living there arent that much angry about it. Why havent I heard of riots or protests from EU countries regarding indian immigration if you people are so angry about it? This has happened regarding Muslims in many european countries, but i havent seen much happen against indians.
Indians consist of multiple peoples. A crude division is between the northern and southern peoples. In terms of racial qualities the white northern ones are close to Europeans but the brown southern ones are different. They're not niggers though and I'd always choose a brown Indian over a nigger if I had to choose.
Because like you said it yourself with your whole "Muhh destiny/muh environments/muh being forced to" everyone turned into a passive loser from too much internet staring into their smartphones. The internet doesn't require physical input, when you stay all day not requiring physical input you lose experience/memory, you get scared of ever doing someting physical.
Meanwhile the jew and its puppets are nothing but physical and have the money and connections to back it up.
Oh how I wish the nutcases and tools the jew hires would fuck up the jew by revealing how much they're paid with and every single minutae of their plan for world domination, a world filled with elites and slaves fighting slaves, just like niggers.
>...billions of indians, africans in their own countries
Either they must like living there, or unable to immigrate. Why would anyone not immigrate out of places they dont want to live in if they could?
Also what do you consider as 'working for the jew' if its doing the same jobs your people are doing over there?
>It isnt invading when i have to work much harder than you to get where you were and if i have to work just as much as you or even harder to stay there.
You think you can enter my fucking house if you promise to work hard when you do? That has nothing to do with it. It's not your house, you're not a family member, and you're not wanted. You're ugly, short, scrawny, stupid, stinky, and disgusting, and your mere presence degrades our quality of life.
Additionally, I've never seen a jeet work hard, and with a 75 IQ it's unlikely that you'd be very productive anyway.
Sorry but no. The most I'll say is vastly prefer you to mudslimes, but that doesn't mean I want you here by the thousands (or at all).
Hahahahhaha no. If anything even a nigger is better because niggers are honest; we plain just refuse to work.
As opposed to mexicans & indians who "work" in the most scammish ways possible and then call it "work done, ser". WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO YOU FILTHY CANCER CELL? *WHIPCRACK WHIPCRACK* even my dog knows where to shit.

Niggers & Russians are the same cause they just plain refuse to do things.

Chinks & Middle Easterns/gypsies genuinely believe in it, but in a very twisted disgusting way that's very relative to a cancer cell. Have you ever read about cancer cells?
>It isnt your home if your own elected government allows it
You are one retarded nigger, that's for sure. Where I live, eveyone hates you. It is in the open too. Swedish women are the ones who are showing it the most. They leave the train cart if one of you shits melling curry niggers enter, they pinch their noses when they see you, they show visible disgust, etc. But yeah, jeep believeing that noone cares about you here. Even niggers hate you.
Abandoning your country to work for a shit wage and not realizing you're living just as badly. Seriously the jew now makes you FOOLS immigrate to eastern europe and then you realize you starve there just as much as India & China and then you try to fuck off to Germany & England.
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This is the point exactly.
Fucking Jeet still cannot comperehend what is his entitlement with his jeet-sized brains and non-human comprehension.
When we don't want you in our home, that is reason enough.
There is a million reasons why we shouldn't let you in, but we don't have to explain them to you.
You are NOT ENTITLED to come into our home.
It isnt your personal house if the gates are open and theres a loudspeaker inviting everyone in.
Those are non-issues. All i care about is that i can work and live someplace i like.
Why would i care about wages if its better than where im from?
I hope you spend the rest of your pathetic shitskin life being a brown shitskin in India, the shittiest country on Earth. Surrounded by stupid shit eating dalits.
Have you guys ever considered why middle east & african genes are just so plain twisted compared to most mammals?

Because the sun rays affect your brain. The sun is filled with radiation and what does radiation cause? cancer. Read about experiments done with having cancer patients breed with other cancer patients. I don't think you'll find a lot cause it isn't a positive experiment that would yield positive results, but it will show A LOT of why Indians & Niggers behave the way they do.
They have genuine mental sickness.
Your presence actively makes our countries worse. Your wilingnwss to work for a fistful of pennies drives down OUR wages and reduces our ability to provide for OUR families. It’s nothing personal but we simply do NOT want you here and it should be fucking obvious why.
Why would you even type that out?
Why would i care that your people do not like me if i can just get by my life without being bothered? Its called growing a thick skin.
We don't need you working in Tim Horton's when teenagers can do that to get some spare money to spend on whatever.
We do not want you, we do not need you, White societies are perfectly fine without nonwhites, in fact we are much better off that way.
And you are NOT entitled to come here.
This is OUR home.
I can't understand how you Indians can be so fucking retarded to not understand that, it's like you're not even human.
Even most mentally disabled persons understand the concept of their own home, but you Indians don't. It's incredible.
Why the fuck would we want people that can't even think like us to live with us?
>Why would i care about wages if its better than where im from?
Because it isn't you fucking trolling idiot.

>It isnt your personal house if the gates are open and theres a loudspeaker inviting everyone in.
Hallo, jew. How's Washington DC doing? still inviting niggers in after WW2 ended? Only half truthful thing you said, jew and the other half is "I AM A FUCKING JEW"
and jews/gypsies/indians don't understand "Hey what are we going to do if everyone is so mentally retarded they won't even be good for slaves anymore?"
"Lol who gives a shit. Just give me back my 1500 year mentality of nobles living good and slaves slaving away or staying poorfags.
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>Why would i care that your people do not like me
Why would you care about not shitting our home?
Yeah I know you don't, and that's why you DO NOT BELONG here.
I swear if you people keep coming the Whites will soon have enough and there will be a White Chimpout.
Then you will wish you never came.
Aren't you indians those with your le superior religion over christianity who believe in reincarnation and "go with the wind" ? then why do you work for? why don't you go commit suicide right now and hope to revive as a better human being in a better country? Why insist on staying alive in this worthless body?
Go ahead gypsy. Go suicide and revive as a white man.
>Those are non-issues. All i care about is that i can work and live someplace i like.
They are not non issues nigger, it is just you and your microcephalic brain who can not see the writing on the wall. But do try to come into my house claiming "i will work hard" here. This is the hill you are willing to die on, the mega retarded conception that you just can come here to "work hard" and noone will care. It is not like that, and you are enormously hated here, and everywhere else your shit flinging ilk appears too.
>Why would anyone not immigrate out of places they dont want to live in if they could?
YOU CAN'T ESCAPE YOURSELF. Why don't brown people get this?
i agree. whites, kikes and jeets are a match made in heaven. you all deserve each other
As long as worldwide immigration is allowed and possible, i dont think it will be stopped. Will war refugees stop coming to your countries just because they have their own country?
Why would i come there if the wages and living conditions arent better than where im from? Just to personally annoy you?

All of you are fucking retards who simply cant understand immigration. If a ship you are on is sinking and the nearby ships are allowing you inside, why would you not go there?
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Your kind is just the same, there is literally no distinguishing between India and Paki except the religion.
Your people are infesting the UK and raping kids there.
A Paki story from UK:

>12-year-old English girl was abducted by 2 muslims, gang raped
>runs away, asks another muslim on the street for help
>that muslim takes her to his home and rapes her
>girl escapes while muslim is calling for his friends to come gang rape her
>outside is a taxi driver, girl asks him for help
>taxi driver drives promises to take her to the police, drives her to his house instead where she is raped by 5 muslims
These are simply not white man crimes, fucking horrible and atrocious.
Holy fucking shit.
And these are the people the Jews are sending to our countries.

In my country, not a single instance of crime 'gang rape' was recorded in the entire history of this country before the non-white invaders came.
That is how not white mans crime that is.
That it has never happened even once in the history of the country.

You ignored my point about immigrants from shithole countries driving down wages. Your existence in my country makes my life harder even if we never meet. Indians are poison. Stay in your shithole, you subnigger.
What did you just say, bitch?

No. Kikes and jeets are a match made in heaven, but China ruling over Saudia Arabia, Israel, India(and every middle eastern gene) is a match made in heaven which they NEED.
Indians NEED proper communism in their life. Russia is too relaxed with its communism compared to the Chinese.
You're niggers.
Just stay out of Europe.
I understand perfectly that India is a disgusting shithole and the civilized countries non-indians built are as tempting to the jeet as a cold beer is to a man in the desert. I just don’t fucking care. I don’t care how bad you want it, you are a parasite and I hope you go down with the ship. We’re full.
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>As long as worldwide immigration is allowed and possible
Yeah fortunately people are opening their eyes and that whole thing will soon be shut down and all the nonwhites made to go home.
>If a ship you are on is sinking and the nearby ships are allowing you inside, why would you not go there?
Because it was you who sunk the ship and you'll sink the ships that you come in too.
And it's the JEWS that are allowing you inside, not us.
Someone else is opening the doors to our homes, just like Jews opened the gates of Toledo to Muslim invaders in 711.
And you slink in through that Jewish hole like the rats you are.
>Asian men
> Because it was you who sunk the ship and you'll sink the ships that you come in too.

Shitskins all subconsciously know this (they wouldn’t want to live around white people if they didn’t), but they’re too dishonest to admit it.
Your life getting harder is a consequence of immigration, sure. But attacking immigrants who are leaving a worse life behind is just retarded. Your issue should be with the governemnt, not those who want a better place to live in.
Do you seriously think just one guy can fix his whole country? Also why would i do that when the alternative is better?
>Why would i come there if the wages and living conditions arent better than where im from? Just to personally annoy you?
Why the fuck do you not go to work in China? ah because even in fucking China they have standards like wash yourself, get a fucking bachelor's degree, finish 12 grades, know how to use their tools. Wash yourself.

Shut the fuck up you're not even Indian, you're a jew false flagging.
Post your address right here, bitch.
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Sure you can blame us for not massacring and genociding the Jews so none of this would have happened.
Jews need their host nations to be multicultural hellscapes so they can blend in and, as a result, flood their host nations with outlanders. All those rapes, terror attacks, shootings, murders and general ethnic replacement is because Goldstein cares so much about his own ass that he will gladly your entire race and culture to protect it.
After all, the Jews are here in our societies doing the exact same thing that you're aiming to do, leeching from our success.
In fact you both are scammers, and there is a lot of shared blood between Poos and Jews.
Pakistan is South Asia.
What happened to their religion of "We'll revive" or "Go to Buddhism heaven" ? they're not really religious then if they fear death and obsess so much over living, do they?
>Immigrants fuck everything up
>Discouraging immigrants by making them feel less welcome is le bad though!

You are a stupid nigger. You deserve to have been born in india the color of poop.
They have zero sense of civic mindedness.
We understand that it's in your interest to come here, but we also understand that it's in our interest to stop you from coming here. You need us but we don't need you.
Indians are shit coloured parasites with nigger IQ and Jewish tier culture.
Try figuring out how to use a toilet first
>Do you seriously think just one guy can fix his whole country?
Of course not, are you fucking retarded?
You should get together with your own people and make your country better.
You know like every White civilization has done.
Every civilization forms as the image of the race that builds it.
You are not entitled to what we have built.
You have to build your own.
You 50-iq subhumans are so fucking dense, nothing goes through your head.
You ever seen gypsies? their whole mentality is PvP. And their idea of work is to scam, beg in the streets, steal, rape, breed with superior people they don't deserve. Indians deserve each other, the problem is they're living on the same planet as us and the arabs/jews have been slowly infiltrating Europe for 5000 years.
What do you mean, all they do is lie and scam. That's the only reason how they managed to get out an immigrate over the world. When an indian person looks at you the very first thing that comes to its mind is how it can take money from you. They are to be seen as nothing more than rat filth
The Indian hindu culture is evil and anyone following it is evil as well. Nigs at least can be trained to follow the majority culture to a much greater extent.
It sounds like he's staying they're suck ups
I'm not falling for the obvious bait but the meme isn't even accurate. the 2nd generation Muslims/Arabs or whatever tf in Europe have no fucking children, they have less kids than Europeans actually.
actually no one but nogs and maybe jeets are immune to this phenomenon.
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There is no rage whatsoever though as long as people keep to their own homes.
Diversity has never worked once in the history of mankind.
Quite the opposite, diversity has ALWAYS created conflict and deteriorates the society.
Roman Empire fell because it became too diverse.
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You will never be White.
Finishing 12 grades, having a college degree and knowing how to wash oneself happens universally

Do you fags think simply harassing war refugees and telling them to go back and fix their countries is a solution? Its the same here except on a smaller magnitude.
You are delusional if just getting a group and working towards betterment produces a good result within a couple generations given the huge population and corruption here.
Fixing stuff here simply isnt possible in like 5 decades or so.
Niggers and Russians are like neutral evil. They'll very readily commit to doing evil deeds if taught, but gypsies... middle easterns are born with being sadistic projecting hypocritical unashamed contextless retards.
Seriously, what is this whole mentality of "Blame the victim for being too weak" "Blame somebody else for your own problems" "Blame the 90 pound 12 year old girl for being raped cause she wasn't strong enough. "The weak should fear the strong" what the hell is this mentality?

This is why I wish China would FINALLY have a serious war with India on the level of World War 1 & 2 and the Napoleonic-Russian war. With China obviously winning. They're so close to each other and so diametrically opposed, why don't they hate each other and go to war with each other?
Communism is all about "being equal" while the government controls everything. Indians are all about "muh caste system, segretation, don't marry him cause he's not part of your clan despite all poo being the same color brown". "Nuuuu he's not the same exact shade of brown as you".
>Finishing 12 grades, having a college degree and knowing how to wash oneself happens universally
All except India. India is that giant cancer blob on Earth's skin that needs to be eradicated before it spreads.
You still dontget it. We know you need us and our superior countries, but we don’t need you, we don’t even like you. So we don’t want you here. Stupid nigger.
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didnt even read
>writes an essay over just a sentence
confirmed jeet
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Jeets are definitely immune.
In fact there used to be a race of White Aryans that left Europe and settled in North India.
Because jeets use r-selection breeding (shit up as many babies as you can and don't really take care of them) same as niggers, they bred like rats until the Aryan race went extinct (whites use K-selection, which is less children but take better care of the ones you have).
That's where the "we wuz Aryans" meme comes from, because the modern Jeet has <5% DNA from the extinct Aryan race.
Our White homelands will face the exact same fate unless we throw these people out.
Indians are so fucking dumb they'll readily project onto others and ask "Goddamn thieves!! how could somebody be such a scum as to steal??" while genuinely being incapable of realizing the irony and looking in the mirror.
I genuinely shit you not if you tell them "Practice what you preach" they'll just keep droning on "Practice what you preach, yes"
They are like literally ChatGPT except dumber. All they do is parrot , they are incapable of realizing anything. They lack self awareness and contextual and social cognition. All indians are autistic, the annoying aggressive kind of autist, unlike chinese who can at least be taught be something.
Communism is extremely retarded and caste based discussion is being increasingly frowned upon as time passes and the people become more educated.
Im in medschool now you retard. Literally everyone i know whos my age is in college.
As much as you dont want us there, it simply wont stop until things improve here, or until your government closes immigration. Arguing on 4chan doesnt help either of it.
Incredibly retarded.
shut up Poohammad, you're just a jeet with a different religion.
>Fixing stuff here simply isnt possible in like 5 decades or so.
5 decades is an incredibly short time. Then you will do it in 5 decades.
Most of Europe was bombed to shit and wartorn just 70 years ago.
Did our people leave to go somewhere else and leech from other people?
No they didn't, they suffered and they rebuilt, to leave a better society for their children and their people.
Something you jeets do not understand.
It's because you are what you are, that your society is shit.
All the corruption, scamming, etc. is done BY YOUR PEOPLE.
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All the other races operate like Jews when they come to leech from White countries.
When one of them gets into a place of power, it will spread out like web and they'll hire from their own tribe as much as they can.
Several U.S. towns have been taken over by Chinks this way, I don't necessarily mean demographically, I mean the town government. And they are corrupt as fuck. Chinaman steal and cheat just as much as the Jeets and Jews do.

The White European is pretty much the only race in the entire world that DOESN'T cheat, steal, corrupt, deceive, subvert, practice nepotism and usury.

That is why our societies are the best, because we don't fuck each other over.
We have the innate ability to put our actions in larger societal context, understand the basics of game theory, that everyone is better off if everyone plays the position of "i don't fuck the other person over for my own gain", which is the quality the other races lack.
Being able to trust people with handshake deals is what creates efficiency that the low-trust societies simply don't have.
"Trust" is much more efficient than "Verify" when doing business.
If you order steel from a Finnish steel mill, you will get exactly what you ordered, every time, without fail. You don't have to put in extra resources to check the quality every time.
If you order steel from a Chink steel mill, they will try to fuck you over, make more money by making it cheaper and lower quality and not what was agreed upon. This type of business is pervasive everywhere in Asia with the exception of Japan, who are like honorary whites.

What the Japs have realized and we should too, is that our race is what makes our culture, and we should keep our societies homogenic, homelands of our people, or the high trust society will be lost.

The other races don't have the same meritocratic ideals than us, they'll simply hire someone incompetent from their own tribe.

White Nationalism is the solution.

>It isnt your personal house if the gates are open and theres a loudspeaker inviting everyone in.
^This is how pajeets view White countries. Poos think our countries don't belong to the native people who built them, they're for everyone, because jews and other freaks are encouraging subhumans to invade and degrade the quality of life for everyone.
Poojeet nigger, you are not owed, nor do you deserve, proximity to White people. Everyone hates you. People hate you more than they hate niggers, which is quite an astounding feat. You're all going to be killed off or get sent back, much sooner than you think.
>Im in medschool now you retard. Literally everyone i know whos my age is in college.
Indians don't have college, retard. And the college's standards you do is on the level of your English and English accent, so shut the fuck up. You should not be able to be hired unless you finished college in Britain, France, Germany.
>jeets are just tanned whites
>pakis are not tanned whites
>therefore we are not jeets
QED bitch
>Blood and Soil
You should go out how Adolf did.
Youre just an emasculated chud who cant get his government to do what he wants. All you can do is argue here. Nothing you do is helping your people, if anything, this discussion just makes me want to come there even more.
> or until your government closes immigration.
You mean until whites kill you, until we spread a religion focused on Indians committing mass suicide so they revive as white people instead of mixbreeding and until everyone or 1 smart scientist kills the elite from the shadows sponsoring all this bullshit.

Seriously in 20+ years why do I never publically hear how much Americans were paid to house niggers or how much Europe is paid by the elite to accept immigrants? WHERE ARE THE PAPERS?
I mean, if i can clear the same exams your students have to get the dame job, i'd say we are equally qualified.
Murder wont help your case at all. Remember when George Floyd was killed? America was engulfed in riots despite him being a criminal. Mass murders will just make you ostracised in your own country.
>Niggers and Russians are like neutral evil
This is true, especially with niggers.
Niggers aren't truly evil like the Jews, Jeets and Chinks are.
They are no more evil than a Gorilla is, if a Jew lets a gorilla in to your house and it rips off the head of your child as an impulse, the Jew is at fault, not the gorilla.
Niggers aren't really evil, they just do evil deeds because they are animalistic, they lack impulse control and critical thought, they cannot think past self nor into the future.
Take example this video, did these niggers plan to beat down that white girl?
They did not, one of them just acted on impulse and then everyone followed on impulse like a pack of niggers.

Of course it's entirely Jewish ideology that 'all races are equal' when clearly they're not.
And such wild animals should never be let in civilized society, they should live in the jungles of Africa among their own.
Jewish ships bringing in niggers (first slave ships to America, now NGO ships to Europe) is utterly destructive to civilized societies.

But Jews/Jeets/Chinks, the JJC actively schemes to take everything that isn't bolted down, they can't think past self either but they can think to the short term future and they can lie and scam, something that niggers don't do.
Jews and Chinks are Lawful Evil, trying to find loopholes in laws and society to scam as much as they can, while Jeets are Chaotic Evil, they just scam as much as they can without a proper long term plan, they don't care whether its legal or not.
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We need to take the Kuran and flip it the correct way. The Kuran atm is upside down.
Goiym = non-whites. Chosen one = white people.

We need to adopt a jew mentality against everyone else.
This is how the jews/merchants have won. 15 generations of merchants being merchants and mixbreeding with whites to appear they have whiteskin.
If genes simply made mixbreeding with genes not cause the skin to be white then the arab/persian/ottoman/jew would have never taken over Egypt, Sparta, Rome, Greece & Anglo countries.

Why the fuck is Hungary not filled with mongols? Why were even the mongols so decent as to fuck off and not breed, meanwhile those disgusting persians do nothing but mixbreed and stay in their conquered countries? they are literally The Thing.
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Makes sense, no?
Are you this mentally ill in real life too? Can you imagine saying these to someone face to face?
Whites are to be blamed for INDIA,

why do they become INDIAN when they live in a tropical continent for a long time ?

total Timmycell death.
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All this coping will not change the fact that you getting fuck hard deep in the ass white trash you will never be like before keep seething on 4chan like a faggot dick sucker you are
Yes. Go commit suicide already if you want to revive as a white person.
C'mon I thought all Indians were religious.
You're not religious and you'll never be religious you dirty rat.
Europe is so fucking pathetic. When will you get tired of brown men raping your children?
Remove the smartphones, remove the internet, give guns only to white people, eat the political elites behind the shadows, remove all instances of "equality".
I really cant think of you as someone worth talking to if you'd even consider saying that to people IRL. Youre mentally ill.
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Hidden in Jewish banks in offshore jurisdictions that no European on American investigator can touch.
I only remember such papers leaking once
So the information leaking out basically never happens.
Jews are very careful about truth not getting out, for example people still believe that Holocaust happened even if there is no evidence of it and in fact all the evidence points out that its just a hoax.
We really need to get the Jew off so we can start telling people the truth.
Even the nonwhites coming here know very well that all races are not born equal, but the Whites here believe it because the Jew spouts 24/7 propaganda to brainwash them.
The programming is starting to crack though, you can only have so many jeets shitting on your beach until you start to realize that everything the Jew told you was a lie.
And the non-white people do NOT belong in our homes.
Good luck going to Finland and getting your fragile skull crushed like an egg shell by a man that's a foot taller and weighs twice as much as you.
Shut jew boy faggot you say Pakistan and India are the same right? Then you and the jews are the same trash you both white you both inflicted so much pain and misery on this earth
You know youve lost if threatening violence is all youve got. Also i dont think there are a lot of 7 foot tall Finns who think like /pol/fags do.
I look forward to the great flush. When you mongrels finally get what you deserve. Disgusting shit skin maggots.
We got tired of the Jews running things in the 1930s, remember?
You however joined the team Jew instead of team White, and this is what we got now.
Trannyism, race-mixing, miscegenation.


Don't act like the Jews are not doing to that country too, in fact Whites - the people that built USA - will be replaced as majority within a generation if you don't depose the Jew and remove their destructive policies >>475707268

In fact, the Jews that have taken over your government are killing anti-jewish nationalism from over the seas.

>Terrorist Designations of Nordic Resistance Movement and Three Leaders

>The United States remains deeply concerned about the racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist (REMVE) threat worldwide and is committed to countering the transnational components of violent white supremacy.

>Today, the Department of State is designating Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended.

>As a result of our actions, all property and interests in property of those designated today that are subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S. persons (entities and individuals) are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them. Terrorist designations expose and isolate entities and individuals and prevent them from exploiting the U.S. financial system. Moreover, designations can assist the law enforcement activities of U.S. agencies and other relevant enforcement entities and governments.


That is what the Jews are doing, they are designating opposition as TERRORISTS, and what that designation does is kill the movement's ability to become a legitimate political party, no corporations or organizations can work with them anymore, they can't have bank accounts or money, it's done kaput.
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So unfortunately it seems that you have tied our hands from doing anything, if you can't remove the Jews from USA you'll doom Europe too to the same non-white fate and destruction of our once-beautiful White societies.
European Nationalism cannot rise when Jews in USA are blocking it from happening.
If you don't stop the Jews soon, not only you're going to get the White race extinct but you're also going to get another war in the Middle-East, against Iran this time.
>Everything that would make us look bad is a FALSE FLAG
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>the state has a monopoly on violence
>but threatening violence means you've lost
Look at all those armies and police forces losing because they used violence, you retarded shit-colored shit-eater.
We all know you aren't 6' either, you little turd boys are smaller than chinks; your average male height is 5'4".
>you are a loser unless you work public sector

I'm 6' 4" and I'm not even tall, just slightly above average.
Average Finnish male height is 6 feet.
Our women are 5' 6" on average, which is taller than the average Indian "man" at 5' 4".
Even our women mog you, kek.
Reading the posts by poos towards White anons in this thread is like observing a disease use language to justify its existence towards healthy cells.
Stop scamming our elders ranjesh, stop eating cow shit, stop giving the rape stare towards anyone that even remotely looks like a woman, in fact stop raping people or animals. work on your hygiene and stop smelling like a open air spice bazaar. how about that? the smarter ones among you figured it out and adapted WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR THE REST OF YOU TO DO THE SAME
>no saar we are just like the other cells
>we are not cancer saar
jeets are literally just tanned fins. you should let your women breed with them. i mean not like you could stop inevitability anyways
>I'm a Finn.

Ok Abdul,
Type "Muhammad is a piece of sh*t"

Prove you are a human, not a dead zombie!
And Catholics... Ted Kennedy and lots of other catholic dems all voted for it too.
Could you please Type "Muhammad is a piece of shit" ?

Thank you
Your sister's good friend
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This is what the Jews have designated as terrorists btw.
A peaceful and orderly people of European nationalists that are concerned about the future of their own kind that is actively destroyed by the Jews.

Meanwhile the Jews who are actual terrorists, literally over HALF of the Israeli PM's have been terrorist that have done actual terror attacks like the King David Hotel bombing that killed 91 civilians, have been actively doing genocide against the Palestinians since 1948 and doing it right now, whose Prime Minister is charged for crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court, that ideology - Zionism - supporting that is not only perfectly kosher and valid in the USA but also endorsed.

Kikes are the roadblock that is preventing ALL the White peoples from taking back their own homelands.

You're asking a lot from them.. I mean, how do you turn a shit pie into an apple pie? It's impossible if the pie is fundamentally made of shit and piss.
Any White person reading this, you have to answer this >>475712341
Vishnu is a piece of shit
>Indians are just tanned Whites
This couldnt be more wrong. Youre nothing like whites.
They look like bald soicucks lmao
Extremist nationalism is cringe regardless of who you ask
Bongs should have killed more jeets, 150 million is not enough. Nords do not become jeets by living in India just like dogs do not become horses by living in a stable. There you go Visajeet. Now smear yourself in shit
There's unironically more human shit on beaches in Canada now than has been at any other point in history. The only thing that's changed is massive east Indian immigration for the sole and express purpose of creating a slave caste in order to suppress wages and increase real estate prices.
jeets are literally just tanned nords.
>Extremist nationalism is cringe regardless of who you ask
Do you understand how retarded your statement is? Obove statement is one of the dumbest things I have seen all week.
But what's wrong with "Muhammad is a piece of shit" ?
>for the sole and express purpose of creating a slave caste in order to suppress wages and increase real estate prices
This basically. Jeets are a weapon of the elites to further increase the wealth gap between the working class and the elites.
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Sandniggers worship the prophet muhammad who is literally a pedophile goatfucker and street shitter.
Muslims are so rapey that they needed to drape their women in sheets so they would not rape them on impulse and then their society would be destroyed from all the rape and the cycles of revenges that ensued.
They realized that they are rape apes with low impulse control and adjusted their culture accordingly.
Every culture forms around the race, that is why your culture is eating shit, thrashing your environment and raping everything that moves.
Jewdaism, hindoodooism nor shitlam have any place in our White homelands.
Our culture is based two things, Nordic paganism and Lutheran Christianity.
Our people are White.
That is the people and culture that built this land, and that is the people that should only be allowed inside these borders.

I hate the fucking fact that I had to "prove" that I'm not some shitskin goatfucker, posting from a Finnish flag should be enough.
When the flush comes, all the muslims will be gone too, they have no more place in OUR home than you do.
Blood & Soil is the most important principle for preserving the culture and people.
Literally just look at them. Its like a cult, no individualism, even down to beard styles. They unironically look lile some wojak memes.
Cope harder jeet-adjacent jeetoid.
are you calling me a tanned nord?
>Breeding like rats is what my life is all about!!
That was not my point you 75 iq microcephalic call centre nigger. It was your statement. Read it again and wallow in its utter retardation.
Holy shit the falseflagging indian revealed himself as a zoomer.
How about researching the genetics and haplotype groups ?

jeets are nords who lived in a tropical region for a long time, or nords are jeets who have lived in Nordic region for centuries.
Why do jeets think that using the angle of tanned whites muh ancestral aryan race will change the fact that they are repugnant shit eaters?
Who cares what’s ugly Muslim camelfucker coward thinks
He spends all his day spreading fake propaganda about whites on the internet
>Indians are just tanned Whites
If spray tans were made from feces.
This is on the level of zoom zooms saying "Lol you actually got into college? lol you're earning 10s and As? lol actually trying? lol cringe, lol tryhard. everybody look at the tryhard with 10/10 grades and let's laugh at him at what a tryhard he is, lmao. Come smoke with weed with us and ruin your life, rofl, even lmao.
This is what gen-Z sounds like.
How tf am i a false flag? Im the same guy as >>475712619.
If they didn't lie about anything and everything they would be left with the truth, which would be to kill themselves.
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No doubt.
The Jewish corruption of the Catholic church was one of the reasons that Protestantism was founded.
However I don't have anything against our Catholic Southern Europeans, they're fine as long as we keep the Jews away so they can't corrupt.
Jews corrupting isn't unique to Catholics anyway, Jews corrupt absolutely everything they sink their filthy claws in.
Can you stop being stupid

Jesus Christ Indians are not good at lying. Leave lying in the hands of the experts; jews.
You arent getting 10s and As, youre chimping out in 4chan.
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Jews succeeded to subvert evangelical Christians in North America.
How they did it?
A Jewish banker Samuel Untermeyer, family friend of the Rothschilds, wanted to subvert Christianity in the USA for the Jews.
He then commissioned a 'shabbos goy', Golem Cyrus Scofield for the task.
Scofield wrote the 'Scofield Bible', where he perverted the teachings of the Bible and subverted them for Jewish benefit, and this version is what is used by Christian scholars in the USA, and that is how Jews were able to subvert the entire religion.
This is the reason why Christians in USA love jews, because they're being deceived. And ignore the fact that in reality the Bible explicitly says that
>Jews are the children of Satan (John 8:44)
>Jews are the synagogue of Satan (Revelations 2-3:9)
If such subversion of an entire faith is not a mark that the Jews are an incarnation of Satan, childrens of the Devil, demons walking on Earth that need to be exorcised, then I don't know what is.

Catholic church is corrupted by the jews too
and the corruption is the reason why Protestantism came to be in the first place.

The founder of Protestantism is very cognizant of the JQ, as is evident from his book "On the Jews and Their Lies" (1543)
Yeah the Jews killed the Christ, it is now left to the task as Christians to get rid of the children of Satan, the Jews, to purify this world.
Of course the greatest trick of devil is to trick people it dont exist, which is exactly what Jews are doing.
But there is hope, more people are getting wise to Jewish tricks every day and discovering the JQ.
FFS, you indians need to stop trying to use the phone to talk to me about your shit job offer, i can't understand a fucking word you are saying, so either learn English correctly or type a damned email. Also, stop stealing all of our IT jobs, you ignorant fucks.
Fuck off jeet
When i see you subhumans i have same vomit reaction as if i see faggots
>we wuz karl johan vattenspann n shieeeet
Lmfao. You are one retarded nigger. You hate yourself so much that you want to be us. Even Indra himself vomited upon the sight of your turd brown ilk, so it is understandable.
In fact I think we should do away with the modern interpretations of Christianity that has been tainted by Jewish influence and go back to the roots.

>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

The plan of action sounds good even to this day.
We only need to execute it, and expell the Jews.
Indians are south Asian. You'll never be White you raping, low IQ nigger.
Holy shit we are done here. Give me your address or I will find it for you. No no we're done.
I am finding your address in a second and hiring a pack of New Delhi pajeets to rape you in the ass if you even live in New Delhi.
I swear to God if you make me pay anymore than $1000 to have someone rape you in the ass I'll come down there torture you myself.

Your address now or I will post for you in this thread.
C'mon c'mon c'mon this isn't a joke, this is real life.
The internet isn't a joke anymore.
what is this? you think is a joke?
your culture is fundamentally imcompatible with ours
religion alone is enough to prevent it and
you don't make any efforts to assimilate

if you fully sssimilated, at best you would be short ugly smelly weak annoying trolls

without, you are on the genocide table
Like (You)?
Shut the fuck up and stop projecting.
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Finns are Indians who lived in the northern region, or Indians are finns who has lived in Indian subcontinent for centuries.
>We have this impossible plan that will be met with extreme force from various armies of the world, we just have to execute it
You sound retarded.
kek fins confirmed for jeets
genetically speaking, indo aryans are pretty similar to whites, dravidians are not
culturally speaking? probably not
It has no value to me

You are us, not the vise versa.
To be fair, I wrote software in many companies and never encountered someone who understands software engineering. Code illiteracy is a big problem here. Maybe Americans do better than Europoors.
shut the fuck up pajeet
as for your meme, those HECKIN BASED muslims' children will do exactly as the white caricatures do because that's what this fake and gay society preaches
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Holy shit
>Who brought prosperity even as they trampled
holy shit
>We wuz Gandalf Vingulmork Alfgeiersson and Erik Wäderhatt Anudsson n shieeeet
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One Post rage bait by this Jeet I.D. and you retards gave him his rupees.
The absolute state of election tards
No wonder they’re always hanging out in front of train tracks
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You've bastardized and corrupted the cultural inheritance that your White ancestors left to you, and you've turned something that was beautiful thousands of years ago into eating shit and drinking piss. Your pathetic existence is a warning to the world of the dangers of miscegenation.
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>we wuz aryans
was already addressed in picrel >>475711335
just because you have remnants of White DNA that has been miscegenated to nothing doesn't make us the same the slightest
Anything under 100% European blood is not White, that is literally what White means.

Learn to read the thread before replying, jeet
Nice cat
Book characters ? Nigger names ?

Some Swedes may have R1B, which
is british haplotype. R1B=R1Beta.

The Brits are negros,

Their language(English) has eastern European roots.

So, is that your superiority ? I don't think that's superior in any sense.
kek the plapjeet. literally just a tanned fin though
>This kills the pajeet
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Ugh..race-mixing is disgusting no matter who does it to whom. It's like nothing was learned from what happened to India >>475711335
Race-mixing is succumbing to the Jewish Kalergi Plan which they are actively pushing in the West to eradicate the White race
>Book characters ?
They are Swedish kings. Rest of the post is 75 iq strawman we wuz kangs shit. Not surprised. Go and pray to the eight armed lobster woman that you'll become huwhite, you turd brown lovecraftian horror.
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In fact they flipped the script in their latest race-mixing propaganda that just dropped, instead of the usual Black Man-White Woman, it is now White Man-Black Woman.
Jewish creativity at its' finest.
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Every Single Time
False data,

Europe CANNOT be the root of any inteligent species, I can explain.

But I won't, you don't deserve to know everything.

Inteligent species CAN flourish in that region but CANNOT orginate there.

You are nothing but Neanderthal bastards, created by Aryans.
>I can explain
In english, a language the bongs hammered into your worthless skulls, lmfao.
Ok 57 IQ Neanderthal moneky !
Did you not look at >>475711335 , you stupid jeet?
Go hit on a renaissance painting on instagram you retarded call center faggot.
>In english, a language the bongs
I explained that here the language >>475715699

But you said this instead
>Rest of the post is 75 iq

"Eastern Europe" is the keyword.
>I explained that here the language
Did you "explain" it while huddled up in a pile of shit smeared straw? You are so incredibly stupid, that the irony of you acting high and mighty in fucking english, escapes your microcephalic jeet mind. Now go and take a shit for the 400th time today.
Oh oh, do their inbreeding map next!
I would like to state something:

I'm not promoting Jeet immigration to your countries.

Jeets are no humans, save your countries.
English has indo-Aryan roots, Brits have zero% Aryan blood(Eastern European).

That's should help.

English IS ours, it's not an alien language to us.

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