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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Where is the outrage towards him he is literally worse than tranny Chris (who is of course also bad). Yes normies don't like him but your right wing incel young types usually like him.
That bastard!
The faggot is getting sued for posting lies
I posted the link
Is it just me or are a lot of high level pedos and other scum being swept up recently?
Canary, coal mine.
The younger they are the easier they are to be dominated.
No that's a twitter link
>screenshot of a twitter post of a youtube video
please kill yourself
no to defend the guy but many people say things like "10 years ago" or whatever number and they dont mean that exact number. ppl often just use it as a place holder for a rough guess they have.
I never liked this guy for 1 second. If you base your judgement on 4chan/pol/ principles you will automatically mistrust and despise

1. Jew and sayanim mischlings
2. Niggers
3. ecelebs who are verifiably "cancer".
4. people who never read books ever (niggers)
5. people who mock you for cooking your own food.
6. people who ask you what color you Bugatti is.

IOW...Andrew Tate.

7. Oh yeah I forgot; faggots who strut and sashay about wiggling their bums like anal erotic catamites in a state of indecent shameless heat.
>Yes normies don't like him but your right wing incel young types usually like him.
I don't think I've ever seen a 4chan post championing Tate. I've seen a lot of posts mocking him though.
He's trying to boost his reputation among his islamic viewers.
Yes, that black mudslime pedophile rapist should've been lynched by now.
where is the proof he is a hebephile?
Nice try hebe.
Under 18, you're a pedo.
Get an education
hes a fucking lame
I fucking LOVE roughly fucking women and choking them, then telling them to look in the mirror while I do it. So hot
On along enough timeline, every tranny is also revealed as a pedo. There is your outrage.
Based she likely deserved it if she was hanging around those circles. Doubt she learned a valuable lesson here though
Why are fat american faggots like this
Since when is that rape? Some girls like it, nothing gets them wetter than that.

>14 yo
It's legal age here
those boobs are at least 23yo
>It's legal age here
Pretty sure it's only legal if the man is 19yo or younger
no, 14 year olds are legal legal
No, read it up, age of consent for minors is limited to people who aren't older than 5 years than the minor
there is no such thing
bulgaria and romania and the rest of eastern europe 14 is legal and you can marry with parent consent
No you're wrong. A 60 year old can't fuck a 14 year old you retarded gypsy. A 19 year old can. Also applies to marriage with parental consent.
It only gets funnier everyday as humanity attempts to find champions for it's own freedom and resistance against technocratic enslavement and pure Hell on Earth and simply cannot fin any one at all.

What a fucking waste of a species.
Funny though, I'll give it that.
yes you can, you can be 90 years old and have consensual sex with 14 year old boy or girl
but you can only marry them (that's a contract) with parents signing
I looked it up and in your shithole there really is no close-in-age exception, what the fuck
I checked randomly Romania Croatia and Hungary and there you have to be not older than 3 or 5 years (depending on the country) if the girls is a minor
come visit and have sex with 15 year olds
beating 14yo girls is based though?
Only if it's your daughter.
if a woman has hit puberty, it's not pedophilia
words have definition you leftist scum
You have to watch and tell her you don't care about her or her life while I do it. You have to let me record it and show it to the mother of your daughter.
It's the only way I can get off, and it sounds like your country exists to get me off.
Retard kys
if it bleeds it breeds
it is very simple
Answer this question.
Why does your country exist?
Why does your daughter exist?
Why does your country exist?
If you have the intelligence to answer that question, you have the intelligence to understand you have no right to speak to me directly and to only speak when I speak to you first and give you permission to answer.
You have permission to answer my questions.
bulgarian state was created and destroyed many times
this is like the 5th state, 3rd Danube state
it was created as a result of some empires colliding and creating power vacuum
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What do you expect from a Muslim? This is their "culture".
I'll answer the question for you.
Your country exists to sell your daughters as sex slaves to foreigners.
I do not give you permission to respond to this post.
if you do DNA testing you will see that modern bulgarians are old europeans literally native to these lands
And the tape is where? Oh yeah made up
Girl looks like an adult to me in the vid. Fuck off with this number bullshit. Crazy for a 14 year old to be into that shit, then again I've met plenty of 18-19 year olds who were into worse. My 18 year old ex wanted me to break her fingers. I smacked the fuck out of her to the point in surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops but I was way more tame than that. She does shit with fire and needles now that I just can't stomach. Estrogen is a hell of a hormone in terms of how it cucks the brain.
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Um, sweatie, it’s not rape or murder of the child is a goyim. It’s an offering to Moloch. Cool it with the antisemitism.
You did not answer the question, because you are not intelligent enough to understand a simple question or to carry a normal conversation.
I do not give you permission to respond to this post.
during turkish occupation
there were literally villages that provided turks with wives - they were called with names suggesting that

attaturk is half bulgarian as a result, turks got bleached by bulgars

since bulgar are natives, breading is easy
I did not give you permission to respond to my post anon.
You should have known better.
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I inseminate you with my chudness
Romania upped it to 16, big sad
>in the vid she is a fully grown tattooed roastie with vocal fry
>she is romanian?
>she is lying and saying she is 26 later because she is a ROASTIE
>that's not a sexual act
>he called it a sexual act for what, clout? lol
>that's normal eastern europe culture
>anglos are pathetic but so are mulattos like tate
Nobody likes tate that's why he spends all his money to buy popularity.
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Good thing woman never lie about their age..
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What did Top G mean by this?
pathetic fag
my grandma born first child at 16
How old was the father?
This also chinlettes that claim to be alpha male vitality kangs while wearing a beard to hide their geta genetics
Just because you think /pol/ gives a fuck about that nigger, doesn't mean we actually do, cunt.
Well you know what they say.....burn the coal...
He's a kike, only shills and mutts will post this mutt
discord faggots would keep posting their circle jerking eceleb here, is like a standard for years now, fuck zoomers.

Nothing can be worse than trannies
Wow, so what? I'm not supposed to care if two underage humans have sex, but I'm supposed to be outraged if one is twice the age or more? Nah. I have better things to do than care about this.
he's a quadroon but fucking a 14yo girl isn't a crime
>a goyim
Goyim is plural, retard
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>Andrew Tate Raped and Beat up a 14 year old girl
she should've been at home instead of out with a nigger
coal toll paid

no harm no foul
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we can go deeper
A toast! Here's to humanity's demise. Good riddance to the greatest failure that nature ever produced.
Based.. Fuck cunts.
That's hot as fuck and based as fuck.
Good goy.
I think I will.
Yea man and like the date is so cheap I mean they are impressed by the simplest things like she's so excited to go to some fancy place and try this and that on the menu and then you go and buy her some clothes there and she's so excited you can see it on her face, unlike some wretched 30 yo loose whore with thousands of miles of cock and tens of HPV strains and struggling with her candida infection that won't go away that wants you to have a house and an expensive car or she won't even talk to you.
Internet "personality".
To hell with him.
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Tate literally saved mankind, nature is healing, youth is rising
Pedophilia is a made up feminist word. It doesnt exist.
He is a mudslime mulatto
Fake and gay.
Tate only rapes little boys and 14 is way too old for him.
women finish puberty around 13-17. so they are ready to breed at this age. jews are allowed to do it when they hit bar mitzvah so maybe you and the rest are brainwashed modern jew cattle. would make sense that they dont want most Europeans breeding with healthy young women. They want them all to themselves or to have their pet niggers rape them or have them brainwashed before they give them to you. did you know jews are the cause these laws?
Somebody post that law and order SVU meme
He worked self-admittedly in camgirl business and also bragged about the fact that simps who would get scammed from their money still came crawling back to look at those same girls.

That is enough to tell you what kind of person he is, and his excuse was always "I did what I had to do because I was from a ghetto."
i dont know i tried having sex at 8. never got it in her but we definitely felt something. I also notice thet feel it when they are around 5 or 6 cause when i was that age my dads step daughter made me put my hand down her pants to finger her. i think she was around the same age as me. but depends when they can breed, some girls can develope faster. I still think to wait around 13 or 14 is better. but once they get their period they are definitely ready
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You thought this jew tranny was special?
He never broke the law though, you are just mad it wasn't you making his money.
I mean, him shilling for pisslam was enough to immediately categorize him as the worst of human trash
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a whore lying about her age, now that's never happened
Based swedes not losing sight of the real issue.
Mudslimes get rope
>s-shes lying
ok, what the fuck is up with this?

there's tons of other ecelebs that do not get every single new tweet about them made on this board

tate is literelly the same as KaiCent or xqc or other random smuchs
he's just another influencer, he doesn't even do anything in his life but talk on his podcast

we dont get threads for olga herring or Behind the bastards or any other podcasters, but for some reason there's like an automatic thread for every single time andys name pops up on the internet

it's absurd, just make an eceleb board already and make a general for him there, this has nothing to do with /pol/, he's literally not a politician he's just some bum
hell naw
16 not 14.
Did you watch what you posted?
That might be legal depending on where the video was taken.
Even 14 is legal in some places in Europe from my understanding but we would need some Euro's to clarify the rules in their country.
That being said, the guy is scammer and a scum bag.
Wrong. Under 18 you might be incurring in someone below the legal age of consent changing from state to state, not a child.

otherwise all the ancestors you are proud of would fit that category

Minor yes, pedo no.

Media intentionally blurrs the line so people can't know shit from crayola.

This move is intentional to remove our will to reproduce altogether.

There is child, pre pubescent, pubescent and fully mature.
Depending where you're from.
Tate is a literal faggot
but so far, not a pedo
I’m getting really tired of the constant sex scandals. I don’t think I care anymore, it doesn’t matter who is doing it.
I think we all agree he is a faggot.

But he has sex with minors and that will eventually (legally) bite him in the ass. Not a pedo tho as far as I am aware.

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