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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The US has always tried to destroy and erase the ancestral identity of the White people who live here. Unlike Black people, who almost always identify first and foremost as Black, White people in this country have been domesticated into accepting some arbitrary and meaningless "American" identity instead of their ancestral background. This is a big part of the reason why there is a lack of a cohesive White identity and culture in the New World, as well as justification for the rulers of this country to send hundreds of thousands of White men to murder their brothers in Europe in multiple wars. The "American" identity is as meaningless as it is vapid and it is a form of cultural slavery that is only enabled by willful solipsism. Throw off the chains, brothers. We are not "Americans".

wrong blacks don't know where they came from thye only knew they was slaves and and all blacks be slaves masta, you caused this on yourself.
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Findians are the peak "Americans."
Americans are Anglo-Saxon settlers and all 19th century americans knew this. Jefferson believed that the Americans were fulfilling their ancestral inheritance by throwing off the norman yoke and forming a republic society like their pre 1066 forebears. He believed the Anglos were an expansionist republican race who left the forests of northern europe to settle Britain and were now settling America.

The nativist attacks on hyphenated-americans was an attempt to assimilate all non anglo white immigrants into this American nation. Of course jews/communists/immigrants began reinterpreting "american" as an empty identity without any exclusivity outside of a passport. Therefore they could become "American" without giving up their ethnic distinction.
>Americans are Anglo-Saxon settlers and all 19th century americans knew this.
The problem with this is that "American" is just a concept rooted in the imagination and it is liable to change with the times. Debatably, it was a stupid concept in the first place, as well, as it served no purpose other than to divide Europeans.

>Of course jews/communists/immigrants began reinterpreting "american" as an empty identity without any exclusivity outside of a passport.
And that's correct. The American identity is nothing but a product without meaning. It is pointless and detrimental to the White people here.

I disagree. I think, with diverse ethnically backgrounds we've grown to create an American culture. Our problem is we are disunified. For instance, gym rats and tech geeks are naturally at odds - yet WE created both subcultures.
We like football, baseball, mma.
Classic rock music
Heavy metal.
Video games.
We like guns and beer, and even those who don't understand that is our American culture
Think about it
When blacks try to act like this it stands out as poserish n "token"
Even their own kind will make fun of them if they are too much like us
Regardless what subculture they chose to immulate
>I think, with diverse ethnically backgrounds we've grown to create an American culture.
There is no "American" culture. White, Black, Hispanic cultures all diverge and are different from one another, even when originating in the same country. I've seen such a similarity of culture produced by all White people of New World countries.

>Our problem is we are disunified.
Because unity is not natural to humans. It is especially unnatural when you try to pretend different demographics are all the same.

>We like football, baseball, mma.
People all over the world like this.

>Classic rock music
>Heavy metal.
>Video games.
These are all White things disproportionately appreciated by White people regardless of country.

>We like guns and beer, and even those who don't understand that is our American culture
Guns and beer is not culture. Alcoholism has been a part of Europe for thousands of years and the guns part was only due to political resistance, of which is highly illegal and discouraged, now.

Are just bydlo, of which exist in every culture.

None of this is "American" culture. It is White culture and can be seen in every country in the New World with the exception of guns. "American" means absolutely nothing.
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nuke the nigs
>The problem with this is that "American" is just a concept rooted in the imagination and it is liable to change with the times
So is every other nationality. Modern France claims anyone can be french. Just because you reject an ethnic component to "American" doesn't mean that it's inherently non-ethnic.

>served no purpose other than to divide Europeans
How is consolidating whites into an American Anglo-Saxon identity more divisive than wanting them to revert back to a dozen different hyphenated identities? That doesn't even make sense. Sorry you're a ellis island mutt without a sense of heritage, most my ancestors landed in Virginia and New York 400 years ago and created America as a colony of anglo-saxon civilization. I feel very connected to my American identity and I'm not surrendering it because some foreigner wants it.
>So is every other nationality. Modern France claims anyone can be french.
And that is the problem. "American" does not mean White/European. It's just some abstract concept tied to a piece of paper. It has no meaning and is completely arbitrary. Unless you're a civic nationalist, it has no purpose and is actively detrimental to White people.

>Just because you reject an ethnic component to "American" doesn't mean that it's inherently non-ethnic.
"American" is inherently non-ethnic. It means nothing but holding a piece of paper that says you're "American".

>How is consolidating whites into an American Anglo-Saxon identity more divisive than wanting them to revert back to a dozen different hyphenated identities?
Because all White people are not Anglo-Saxons, but we are Europeans. The American identity was constructed to first de-ethnize immigrants and followed to its logical and current conclusion, to deracinate us. We are White people; we are not "Americans" because that isn't real. Unless you're part Native American, a DNA test will not tell you you're "American". It has hardly anything to do with what you actually are, which is a descendant of Europe.

>Sorry you're a ellis island mutt without a sense of heritage, most my ancestors landed in Virginia and New York 400 years ago and created America as a colony of anglo-saxon civilization.
I'm not a foreigner. I was born here, but I do not identify with the US because there is no reason for me to. It is completely illogical and baseless.

>I feel very connected to my American identity and I'm not surrendering
Then you are holding White people back from unifying and advancing our interests. You are the person that will kill your brothers in Europe over a meaningless flag.
And it's funny people talk about shit like muh 400 years when that's next to nothing. Even the Romani have been in Europe longer and the Native Americans dwarf your 400 years by thousands.
Except you’ve fallen for another trap, there is no such thing as “white” culture. Because saying that basically takes a multitude of different groups and lumps them all under one homogeneous umbrella. Would you say that an English man is the same as a German? Or that a Scotsman a French man? Fuck no, they are their own separate cultural groups with their own identities, traditions, and idiosyncrasies.
You sound like a dimwit desu so this is my last response.

>"American" is inherently non-ethnic. It means nothing but holding a piece of paper that says you're "American".
Words are imaginary and their context change. Just because a word has been subverted doesn't mean it's new meaning is inherent. You didn't even respond to my French example because it perfectly illustrates my point, it's an ethnicity that has recently been deracinated. "European" will be next.

>Unless you're part Native American, a DNA test will not tell you you're "American".
100 years ago "Native American" meant white. The Native American party was a white supremacist political party. Sorry you seem ignorant of time and space.

>I'm not a foreigner. I was born here, but I do not identify with the US because there is no reason for me to.
You didn't even refute my accusation, probably because I was right. I didn't accuse you of not being born here, i said you were an ellis island mutt.

>You are the person that will kill your brothers in Europe over a meaningless flag.
Damn, we should airdrop you into Ukraine and have you explain to the slavs that their multigenerational blood fued is actually imaginary. I'm sure they would throw down their arms in the face of such sound logic.
nope. Europe is full of fresh of the boat Africans and they do EVERYTHING to bury their history

>they do not speak the language of where they're from
>they do not teach their children about anything from their homeland
>1st generation nigs already have absolutely no knowledge of language or history
>2nd generation is COMPLETELY disconnected aside from knowing they're black

preserving things is simply not an African trait and the European doesn't understand that so believes it must be someone's fault it happened (slavery, oppression etc)
You'll never be European.
>Even the Romani have been in Europe longer and the Native Americans dwarf your 400 years by thousands
So what? Thousands of years and they have nothing to show for it. The nation you live in was built beginning 400 years ago by my ancestors.
>Except you’ve fallen for another trap, there is no such thing as “white” culture.
There actually is and pic related one example of it. The problem is that it's not often identified as such because it's freely given away by civic nationalists and monopolized by flags. Fight Club? That's White culture, but we are robbed of it by it being filed under "American", even though it resonates with White people around the world and is the exclusive result of us.

>Because saying that basically takes a multitude of different groups and lumps them all under one homogeneous umbrella.
No, that's not what I'm doing. I never said or implied that there aren't specific European ethnicities and cultures because there are. I am saying that "American" is not one of them. We are just blends of European ethnicities and that transcends any and all flags. It's not the flag that made us who we are, but our ancestries. I don't identify as "American" because it's not who I am. I am a White person and that is it. If the US stopped existing, it would not change who I fundamentally am. That is the issue. We are not "Americans". We are White people and we deserve our own identity and the Pan-Euro ideal is what benefits us the most.

You can identify however you want, but objectively speaking, it does hold us back collectively as a people.
>You sound like a dimwit desu so this is my last response.
How? Just because I don't hold your flag? No, you're just egotistical and don't like disagreement.

>You didn't even respond to my French example because it perfectly illustrates my point, it's an ethnicity that has recently been deracinated. "European" will be next.
How are you going to call me a dimwit when I specifically greentexted your French part and directly addressed it? The same thing I said about "American" also applies to the modern conception of "French".

>100 years ago "Native American" meant white.
Which makes no sense because White people are not native to the Americas. If you're a White person, about half the country has UV that is too intense for your skin to take in without strict regulation.

>The Native American party was a white supremacist political party. Sorry you seem ignorant of time and space.
What's ignorant is being an immigrant and calling yourself a native. I'm sorry these people bought into the delusion, but their delusion is not reality. If you take a DNA test, you presumably will get back overwhelmingly European results because that's what you accidently are. Your ancestors did not evolve and originate on this continent.

>You didn't even refute my accusation, probably because I was right.
You said I was a foreigner. A foreigner is someone born in another country. I was born in this one, so I can't be a foreigner. You make zero sense, yet call me a midwit.

>Damn, we should airdrop you into Ukraine and have you explain to the slavs that their multigenerational blood fued is actually imaginary.
It is meaningless. That war is nothing but an economic war to benefit the upper class of Russia. Like you, they choose a flag over their own people.

>So what? Thousands of years and they have nothing to show for it. The nation you live in was built beginning 400 years ago by my ancestors.
So what? Productivity =/= nativity.
*European results because that's what you actually are
>There actually is and pic related one example of it
Ah I see, you’re a child that has jumped into memes and hollow symbolism in order to make up for your lack of an individual identity. So here is what I’m going to tell you
1. Read some history
2. Ask yourself who you are as a person, examine your actions, personality, interests, thoughts, and pretty much anything else that has to do with you.
>I never said or implied that there aren't specific European ethnicities and cultures
I never said you did, I you were trying to lump the all together and ultimately homogenize them, which ironically enough is why you don’t identify as an American.
>I am a White person and that is it
Okay you see that right there is the issue, because ultimately you’re taking a bunch of different groups and placing them under the auspices of one common identity and culture. Because people with actual cultural heritages don’t just say “white”. They would say English, French, German, Danish, etc. which makes me think you don’t actually know what your cultural background is.
>White people in this country have been domesticated into accepting some arbitrary and meaningless "American" identity instead of their ancestral background

Same happens here, and its more dangerous than most think.
I really believe if most European peoples saw themselves as Englishman, Germans, or whatever, they wouldn't call themselves white trash, or embrace a stupid watered-down consumer/sport based culture that isn't theirs.
Moreover, they'd probably act far more intelligently and live better lives if they stuck to their own communities.
>Ah I see, you’re a child that has jumped into memes and hollow symbolism in order to make up for your lack of an individual identity.
That image is factually an example of a broad White culture and nothing you can say disproves that. That is not a meme or "hollow symbolism"; that is an example of broad White culture.

>1. Read some history
I do and nothing here is relevant to any sort of point you're trying to make. "American" is meaningless. You want it to mean Anglo-Saxon settler exclusively when that is so long and dead that it's unreal. You can tell "American" identity is a product by how quickly it changed. First, it meant Anglo-Saxon settlers. Then, it meant all White people - except not really because there were also Blacks here and they have a long history as being referred to as "African-Americans". Then, we are in the state now that anyone is an "American". That is how you know it's nothing but a product.

>I never said you did, I you were trying to lump the all together and ultimately homogenize them, which ironically enough is why you don’t identify as an American.
I wasn't doing that, either. There is overlap, yes and there is an overall White culture, but I am not saying or implying that there are not individual European cultures, no. I don't identify as "American" because "American" literally means nothing, has no benefit to me and does not represent me.

>Okay you see that right there is the issue, because ultimately you’re taking a bunch of different groups and placing them under the auspices of one common identity and culture.
No, I'm stating what I am. A Black person knows they're Black, regardless of whether they're from Zimbabwe or Nigeria. It's the same thing. Yes, there are subgroups, but that doesn't invalidate the main category. Plus, I'm not of a specific European ethnicity, but a mix of them.
Exactly, these meaningless civic nationalisms are just a dilution of who we actually are and inhibit us from building a meaningful identity that productively and accurately represents us.
>That image is factually an example of a broad White culture and nothing you can say disproves that
1. It isn’t since it’s just depending what you specifically mean that is a subculture that is based around a style/aesthetic and not any specific ethnicity or culture.
2. If I was wrong you would be able to actually give a proper counter argument instead of basically saying “nu uh” but thank you for proving me right and showing that you’re a child.
>I do and nothing here is relevant to any sort of point you're trying to make. "American" is meaningless
That wasn’t the point I was trying to make, I was making about the importance of cultures and their origins, cultivation, and evolution.
>wasn't doing that, either
You were, and now you’re trying to justify it by saying that the all of the similarities between them means that you can just bastardize and lump them all together as if it was one homogeneous super culture. Which is frankly something that you should be ashamed of.
>No, I'm stating what I am. A Black person knows they're Black, regardless of whether they're from Zimbabwe or Nigeria
Except a person from either of those places would just say they they’re Zimbabwean or Nigerian, black people say they are black because they have no idea where they come from culturally or ethnically. It’s why America has blacks and not Africans, and why you’re just “white” and not anything specific, it’s especially telling since you won’t even say what it is you are exactly. Like what is your cultural background? Where does you bloodline come from?
Slavs and germans lived side by side, why does Joe send missiles to ukraine to kill russian children?
>It isn’t since it’s just depending what you specifically mean that is a subculture that is based around a style/aesthetic and not any specific ethnicity or culture.
Oh really? So, what race does the goth subculture originate from? What race seems to disproportionately be attracted to it? What race seems to disproportionately express said subculture? You're being very intellectually dishonest.

>If I was wrong you would be able to actually give a proper counter argument instead of basically saying “nu uh” but thank you for proving me right and showing that you’re a child.
I did give you a counterargument. You said there was no such thing as "White culture" and I proved you wrong. Shall I do it again? Here you go:

BTW, I don't much take seriously attacks on my maturity from someone who couldn't have a discussion without immediately turning hostile and start namecalling.

>That wasn’t the point I was trying to make, I was making about the importance of cultures and their origins, cultivation, and evolution.
I know cultures and their histories are important. That said, the American identity is largely meaningless and arbitrary. A Black person in inner city Chicago is just as "American" as some on a farm in Kansas, yet they are hardly have any semblance to each other. Yes, I know subcultures exist, but those are not subcultures. They are different cultures and any unity of some flag tying them together is illusory.

>you’re trying to justify it by saying that the all of the similarities between them means that you can just bastardize and lump them all together as if it was one homogeneous super culture.
No, I said they can all be categorized under a broad label. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese all have different cultures but what would you broadly classify them as for the sake of practicality? Asian.

>person from either of those places would just say they they’re Zimbabwean or Nigerian
Not if they're contrasted to another race.
*kid on a farm in Kansas
Hate 4chan's character limit.
Anyway, guy I'm arguing with, I have to work today and must therefore get to sleep. Sorry to cut it short.
america's heritage is black and native american
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>Oh really? So, what race does the goth subculture originate from
So this is going to be your going to use? It’s even more damning since you just told the other guy that someone doing or making something on it own doesn’t mean it is inherently apart of their culture.
>You're being very intellectually dishonest
No I’m just pointing out your hypocritical thinking and inability to see the irony in your own logic.
>I did give you a counterargument. You said there was no such thing as "White culture" and I proved you wrong
You didn’t, you just showed two things and didn’t attempt to elaborate or explain either. And what makes it worse is that you’re currently contesting why the goth subculture is white culture so obviously the matter wasn’t settled.
>I know cultures and their histories are important. That said, the American identity is largely meaningless and arbitrary
Why? Why do you think that? Is it because you lack any sort of identity of your own and so blame American culture for it?
>No, I said they can all be categorized under a broad label
But that’s not all you’re trying to do, you’re attempting to champion some idea of “white” culture in lieu of any specific culture.
>Not if they're contrasted to another race
What other race would there be? Also why are you so incapable of saying what your ethnic culture is? Because in doing that you’re only lending credence to what I said in that you don’t know and you’re just using the term “white culture” as some cope.
Literally ever since one of them, like, history is mostly just one group murdering another and then enslaving or assimilating what remains.
>america's heritage is black and native american
Hi kike.
You're not seeing the woods for the trees - this is why it's always so jarring when seeing replacement so obviously displayed in advertising. It's very clear that this is indeed the agenda because when you see blacks they are always in clearly and recognisably white settings, devoid of any signs of their own heritage and cultural identifiers. They are very incongruent in surroundings which are alien to them.
I’m not missing anything, I’m pointing out a very basic concept in regards to cultures and how said cultures are subverted, bastardized, and destroyed. Tell me, do you think that saying tha putting all of these cultures under some umbrella will lead to them flourishing? Or just end up diluting into one another and turning everything that was once great into some incoherent mush or differing parts and pieces?
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niggers are not American.
Americans are not niggers.

niggers are african.
niggers are free to go home back to africa.

niggers are owed nothing.
niggers deserve nothing but a bullet in their lack of nigger brains.

America will vomit up the niggers if they do not leave fast enough.
It is written.
No, I agree entirely with you sentiments. I'm just pointing out that there is a certain amount of cohesiveness which is identifiable within racial types, identifiers which are noticeably absent with other races. Homogeny is the only acceptable path through which a cultural identity can indeed flourish and this is a naturally and instinctively understood phenomena (as the Sentinelese ably demonstrate), but there are significant commonalities within races which are clearly identifiable.

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