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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She's gonna win, isn't she?
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Trump will win.
You shut the fuck up, this is Trump town, we're not going to listen to you
We took this board in 2016 and we're not going to give it back TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN YOURE A DEMOCRAT SCRIPT BOT RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED
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>"DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob you can get any career you want" she said to herself, out loud
omg omg I'm going crazy for Kamel ho omg madame president omg
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This shit feels fake like Hawt Tah girl
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Keep posting wagie

Wow this is so fucking cringe

Keep it up
The Brat album is not popular/mainstream.

Name one Brat song.

It's an inside joke for chronically online gays.
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They have probably already spent 50-100 million on the all fronts propaganda blitz. She's the Kathline Kennedy of politics. The second she opens her mouth in public it will be ruined.
What the fuck does brat mean? I'm too old to parse this meme. Which is ironic because kamala harris is almost 60 years old.
Like the most popular song has 8m views


Yet the Katy Perry "FLOP" has 11m

It doesn't matter.
All of these headlines are made up.

>Create illusion of popularity before fraud
>Less people question the fraud and assume plausibility
Is what I think the idea is here.
By all means, let's have a Brat presidency. Defeating Eric Cantor big neocon poohbah earns him a shot at it.
Yeah. There's a 2008 vibe in the air. Zoomers are feeling that aura that we all felt back then. To her credit, her speeches since her announcement have been impressive and her ad game is on point. I'm voting RFK anyway because he still holds those old school Democrat beliefs that are long extinct but ngl, the hype for Harris has been way bigger than expected.

I was all for Trump at one point but he's basically selling cabinet positions.
You know it's over when the best points drumpftards can come up with are
>She laughs weird
And that's it kek
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>We took this board in 2016
That did happen, we remember.
Seems the media have decided so.
I don't think a glowie meme targeted at 15 year old girls will be too successful at winning her the election to be honest.
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most forced ass meme I've ever seen, if she wins doing this shit then we're in a worse spot than I thought
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Trump loses and the country wins.
The propaganda machine for Harris these last days has been insane. I understand they have realized there is real danger Trump might win (OR their failed assassination forced them to change tracks), so they are going all in. The only thing I am hoping for is for democrats not to be evil enough to actually provoke a war between Russia and Europe before the elections. Pretty please with a cherry on top.
I don't understand this form of shilling. Kamala doesn't have very good odds of beating Trump, but if I set that aside and imagine that Kamala is sure to win... then what exactly? Does that show that any of her ideas are good? No, democracy is not a gauge of truth or fitness of a candidate.
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>Spam internet with forced memes
>Declare victory
Jews are literal cargo cult niggers
100 days. They have no choice but to go full speed ahead. A 9 month campaign packed into a little over 3 months.
She's 60 and she calls herself a brat...
I've not seen any organic movement for Kamala. I've seen plenty of people that otherwise were adamantly non-political create art of Trump's fist pump and talk about Trump.
>t. boomer

She's not a brat. She IS brat. Huge difference.
Fakest and gayest thing I have seen in quite a while.
I guess if Kamala wins I might buy a few more cans of baked beans, since the Democrats are the more likely party to start a nuclear war. How far do you have to have slid down the NPC zombification slope to change your views based on which zogbot wins an American election?
But in all seriousness, you should be concerned about someone named Harris getting the nuclear codes.
Yes. You only need 1% of support to win nowadays.
It's fucking amazing
A brat is a child kek.
You could’ve had Mark Kelly (generic congressional Democrats are all ahead of Republicans as of now) at the top of the ticket like Obama wanted, but you’re now stuck with the diversity hire, because Biden was angry at being forced out of the race
Skibidi Kamala IS crap.
Why do they keep calling her a coconut? I've only seen it used pejoratively, "Brown on the outside, white on the inside" like banana for Asians and Oreo for blacks.
She said something stupid once about falling out of a coconut tree
I was over at my dad's house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work, we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboys and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to an auto mechanic (friends since high school),

"You know what? She ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again.

"Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Oakland Kam's got my vote this year."

I looked around and all I saw were hands nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of "Yes sir" and "Damn Straight" from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
It’s not gonna last if Kamala doesn’t appear serious/presidential, here’re two things I hate:
>how she sometimes gestures too much
>the way she claps back at the crowd with that smarmy smile
Can you imagine Bill Clinton or Bush (either one) or Obama or ANY male president clapping back with that sickly sweet smile?

Another thing I hate is her use of Beyoncé songs because basically Beyoncé to Kamala is like Vance to Trump, ie playing to the small core of her/his supporters. She overestimates Beyoncé’s appeal and optics, she’s popular but no Taylor Swift, she needs more middle of the road songs

Anyway I think it’s going to be a challenge to keep the momentum, once the novelty wears off it’s going to be a matter of voters hating a Trump presidency more than wanting a President Kamala

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