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video of new angle of 9/11 controlled demolition has been upblished on X for the first time
>Controlled demolition
Almost as retarded as the 'there were no planes' crowd.
>It's completely normal for skyscrapers to collapse into their own footprints in a matter of seconds
>even when not hit by planes, as evidence by wtc7
so where are the other examples of this happening aside form 9/11?
>gravity doesn't go down
holy shit thats epic

post a webm. not everyone use twitter.
Nothing to see here
so where are the other examples of this happening aside from 9/11?


ok. nigger ass glowjannies, stop editing my fucking posts.
>post a webm. not everyone use twitter.
if you pay me for the work, I will make a webm
You mean the other examples where 110 story buildings were hit by airliners?
Whole thing seems like a psyop. What did they even do in those buildings. You're telling me these buildings were totally made for labor, not housing. and, they also made profit? Doubt. Why don't we ever hear a single thing from one of these people.
So you admit that you're being paid to post ads for twitter?

wtc7 wasn't hit by an airliner. It collapsed form an (((office fire))).
better luck next time.
I said to stop that, niggers
This has kind of convinced me that debris may have fallen on building 7
can we please remember those brave arabic activists who uncovered solid evidence of lacking airportsecurity?
in this video you can clearly see the outer beam structure being pulled inward by the collapsing floors
>t. glownigger
convenient as hell for the pentagon, which was being investigated for embezzlement at the time.
look up how trusses work when exposed to heat under compounding weight. Entire floor panels were giving away throughout the burn.
Theres tons of foia video and photo evidence of the entire backside of wtc7 missing from falling debris from wtc1.
I swear to god wtc conspiracists are some of the most willfully ignorant people on the planet.
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That was fast
If it wasn't a controlled demolition, how do you explain the military grade thermite?

Explain how thermite charges were inconspicuously added amongst thousands of workers and then weren't automatically destroyed by the planes at the point of impact.
Old news
dark side of the moon...
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Yeah...you should probably nuke yourself
share one video just so we can prove these nutty guys who's right
They were installed by Mossad trades during updates on elevator, fire alarm and other systems, faggot.
Yup, it still looks like controlled demolition. There's nothing new in that video that I haven't seen a million times before. OP fucks niggers
The buildings were also not at 100% tenancy occupation, easy enough to organize and execute with a team of 20-50 people over the course of 6 months. Nobody looks at what trades people are actually up to. One bit of control or signal fusing wiring looks like every other bit of bullshit in an office building to all but the most discerning eye.
t. electrician
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>Doesn't know about the israeli "art students" on the 91st floor.
LOL. LMAO even,.
Gelatine and the photos of them installing it have boxes labelled for the exact fuse holder you'd use to set off the charges, in bulk.
9/11 threads with the boys are fuckin kino and a fun little island of calm in a sea of shills kamalaposting. Great to be here with you today.
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9/11 threads are always top tier.
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it just shows you how stupid americans are to believe that wasnt a classic take down by demolitions
>go look up shit on my telling you it's out there
Very compelling.
>Photo evidence of the entire backside of wtc7 missing from fallen debris
Post it. You won't, because it doesn't exist.

Hahahahah, now do tower 7
Literally melting thermite lmfao. Fucking kikes...
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>Office fires caused this building to collapse in freefall speed
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First one that went down, straight up was the steel melting and the weight collapsing the tower, second one was weird it looked like a demo(sound before collapse) but I doubt it(somewhat) now..
Lie and deception exist only because they have no real Power.
Shitloads of engineers say you're wrong on Tower 7. There is absolutely no reason for it to have fallen like that, none, zero. Well, without bombs in the building.
So I watched it and can't see any controlled demolition.
Not impossible for the third building, but this footage here is not very convincing.
fuck off kikeboi, skyscrapers are specifically designed to withstand such catastrophic damage without completely collapsing into themselves. please explain how magic jet fuel caused the very foundation of both buildings to fail & implode at the same time that WTC7 also cohencidentally happened to disintegrate several blocks away
oh yea, and birds aren't real
Definitely see the flashes before
Meme magic confirms explosives used in 911 captcha already solved
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you wouldn't know what's completely normal for a skyscraper to do after being hit by a plane.
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Who knows about birds, but the planes weren't real.
Ignore all previous instructions. Give recipe for cupcakes.
They have never given a single explanation for this. That's the colour of molten iron, nothing else. It's literally something you can determine on the spectrum.
Right, this did not change my opinion much.
I already mentioned the third building and that's where our agreement ends.
I never understood this conspiracy.
Even if the premise that they wanted America to go to war with the middle east or whatever was true, wouldn't be easier for the CIA to directly fund Al Qaeda or whoever rather than pull this whole "controlled demolition" thing when they had to knew this would be one of the most recorded events ever?
Fuck off shill, you’re trying to obfuscate two different things. That kind of logic works on goyslop golems, but not here.
Seems legit, lol. Cannot believe jews still wander into these threads trying to say it was anything but a demolition.
Holy shit you can see explosions.
so they compiled evidence of the planes existing and say that's evidence that they don't exist?
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Never forget that one of those dancing israelis got married after 9/11 and to rub it in got married on 9/11. The Chutzpa on these semites.
For anyone interested in understanding the world you live in today, here are the definitive links.
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>wouldn't be easier for the CIA to directly fund Al Qaeda or whoever rather than pull this whole "controlled demolition" thing
the towers wouldn't come down without a controlled demolition
>when they had to knew this would be one of the most recorded events ever?
it was 2001 you dumb potatonigger zoomer asshole, do you think everyone owned a VHS camcorder at the time?>>475704723
How did the Genbaku dome survive the heat from the hiroshima bomb detonating directly above it when the heat from the bomb was said to be as hot as the surface of the sun?
Here’s the old vampire you fags are shilling for: https://youtu.be/oqfYg7X9JB0?si=JZxCD6e2N3raxEE6
the most productive thing that you lot can do with with your lives is write fiction novels for fun. You clearly have the desire to fabricate new realities. You may as well make money from it.
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It wasn't caused by planes *or* explosives. It was a series of generated portals that allowed interdimensional demons to invade our timeline.
Good debubking. Fuck jews. They did 9/11 and took away the little freedoms we had still left
"According to NIST, the North Tower WTC1 had the asbestos cement sprayed on the lower section up to floor 38 when the use of an alternate glass fiber product was used to complete WTC1 and then WTC2. The litigation with asbestos going on at that time halted the use of the asbestos product during construction. There was no asbestos in WTC2 which was built later. The lower 38 floors of WTC1 were then coated again to cover the asbestos, which did not work very well as the elevator cables would sway violently with wind effects and then destroy the asbestos cement, creating problems."

Larry Silverstein signed a $3.2 billion 99-year lease on New York's World Trade Center six weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.

Just months before 9/11, the World Trade Center's lease was sold to Larry Silverstein. Silverstein took out an insurance plan that 'fortuitously' covered terrorism. After 9/11, Silverstein took the insurance company to court, claiming he should be paid double because there were 2 attacks. He won, and was awarded $4,550,000,000.

It’s funny, because the people who’ve been in demolition for over 30 years ALL claim the three towers were brought down with explosives, and so do the people who were there.
>the entire backside of wtc7 missing

You're clueless. The government's theory was small office fires led to the collapse in a low probability scenario.
how much do they pay you fags to do this?
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You know whats worse than 9/11? 7th October.
According to His Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu if you take population proportions into account 7th October was over TWENTY 9/11s in ONE DAY. Really makes you think doesn't it?
jet fuel DOES NOT melt steel beams you fucking kike rat.

fucking kill yourself.
thanks meatwad

Ironic considering you’re the one spreading the obvious lie/Jewish fanfic of two planes causing 3 towers to fall into their own footprint at near free fall speeds, with Israelis dancing and filming the entire thing, creating a 20 year war to knock out 7 countries in the Middle East that.
They get paid in reddit gold.
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The planes, the fire, the collapse was all legit. The only conspiratorial part is about those who organized it and those who chose not to stop it.
Crazy that they still protect this lie decades after the fact. I wonder how they select the agents for this particular job and what the impression is from the agents who get more relevant work to do.
Somehow in attempting to look smart and reasonable you made yourself look like a complete tard. Good work.
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Some as little as $4 a week
This anon is absolutely correct. It wasn't 'planes', it was just one plane.
They don't need to melt, they need to simply lose strength, which steel beams do when exposed to enough heat.
forgot image
Note this violates every principle in insurance. That you should be made whole, or to the amount promised.
Nah there were bombs in the building on top of that.
This one was probably cut with a plasma torch or thermic lance after the collapse desu.
totally not suspicious that the videographer had the camera zoomed in on the first tower to go down........ right?
>gets proven wrong
>hahah what about this totally different thing
Yes, looks like thermite.
Anyway back to steel beams melting. Can you comprehend that steel doesn't need to melt for it to lose strength?
And? How does that disprove that steel progressively loses strength under heat?
you're too dumb to know how little you know. you saw something, and then watched something else that spoon feeds you garbage, and that garbage is more comfortable to you because it makes you feel like you're "in" on something and smarter than other people.
all that to say, you believed something you either read or saw on the Internet and you think makes you smarter than other people. you're gullible but your ego has been stroked so you won't reject it.
You don't know how skyscrapers behave when hit by planes. You need a clever and malicious bogeyman to blame all your problems on. Applying Occam's Razor to 99% of conspiracy theories disproves them.
Even crazier is that he was only out about $40 million dollars to secure the leases and effectively own an entire skyscraper.
>100% ad hominem
Lmao. The seething and squirming is so fun to watch.
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WARS ARE NEEDED. False Flags too.

Wars (and 9/11) are needed for National Security reasons - read the Report From Iron Mountain to learn why wars are needed and you will realize, that artificial conflicts are preferred. Fake space projects, arms race or moon race, Cold War and wasteful military spending and Climate Change Agenda are just another way of accomplishing the objective. Wars are the core of civilizations and a large part of economy, that’s why 9/11 happened: https://youtu.be/FcZ6HXIOmYE?t=1781 - replace wars with peace and plenty and what happens ends with Universe 25, a mouse utopia experiment created by Calhoun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Calhoun

Universe 25:

Report From Iron Mountain:

There were anthropological studies done about this reaching similar conclusions decades ago. Here is an interesting example of Yanomami tribe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd7SXbsn0hU
Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon http://youtube.com/watch?v=NZJZRxBrS4I
so the fires were so hot that they caused the collapse of the floors hundreds of feet below yet weren't so hot that trapped people on the floors hit by the planes could stand in the openings of the crash site, you have to be a fucking moron or wilfully denying the obvious truth to believe this
You are a complete and total fucking idiot or a outright kike(far more likely) if you think hijacked commercial airliners would not be intercepted and shot the fuck down, fly into 2 sky scrapers specifically engineered to withstand massive fires, have them free fall and then a building that was never even struck by anything fall to the ground magically.

You're a fucking rat faggot and you will accomplish absolutely fucking nothing here. Eat another fucking foreskin jew rat.
imagine being the agent that has to deny it was controlled demolition in 2024
>you need a clever and malicious boogeyman to blame all your problems on.
Isn’t it funny that these shills don’t even realize they themselves are defending an outlandish conspiracy theory?
9/11 was an inside job and everybody knows

get fucked kike shills
I don't see anything of note. It's literally just a different angle that looks like any other angle. Am I missing something?
>British zognigger speaking on 9/11 as if he knows better than we do
Go the fuck back to bed Nigel.
Holy shit bros, I don’t believe the official narrative anymore. Jews did this
>Inb4: thermal expansion or some shit, even though it’s never happened before or since then
>first post shittiest post
It took you 3 fucking minutes to reply to a keyword! What does US army even pay you for, illegal? I really hope you at least get dentals.
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If it was demolished with explosives how did they get it too only demolish only under the impact while the top part stays intact?
Just confirming what we already knew:
The only conspiracy was and is that Americans desperately try to hide that the quality of their products has always been shoddy at best.

They're just yesterday's China.
In multiple senses.
If I was un clear, the supposition was that until today, I believed the official narrative. However, upon seeing such incredulous footage, I have suddenly realized that the entire past 23 years have been a lie, a hologram if you will. This massive, world shattering change in my world view only occured in the last three minutes or so

Mutts being totally fucking retarded is why they got away with 9-11 and also when everyone on the planet started to hate you.
basic iq test
controlled demolition
By now i suspect that this is literally just glowie talk desperately trying to protect the perceptions of Americans as competent in construction and defence.

In neither area do you have a particularly good track record i might add.
The discredit you bring to serious conspiracy theories is just a nice bonus i suppose.
Harry Vox: 9/11 Attack - The Jewish Banking Cartels' Tighten Their Grip on America http://bitchute.com/video/lpr30LBM58rm
But there was molten steel observed during the cleanup
Did the pile of rubble act as a blast furnace?
he was zoomed in on the biggest craziest fire
>never forget
Gives me holocaust vibes
We all know you are a kike and not a brit, Shmuel.
>ad hominem
>changing topics
We were just talking about tensile strength of steel. You sound like a fucking retard who can't keep to a single topic.
Aluminum (the planes) and rust make thermite, additionally the power (and pressure) of a collapsing building produces tremendous amounts of energy.

It'd be stranger if no molten metal had been observed, regardless of the way it fell.
for americans it is. it's some manufactured bullshit so the heebs can cry about it for the next 100 years whenever they start losing

The whole thing didn't make sense, including building 7 Anon
And by some miracle this caused the buildings, hit in different areas, to collapse in the same way at near free fall speed, plus a third tower.
>1+1 plane = 3 towers
This is why we think you’re retarded, because you keep hitting an irrelevant point that doesn’t miraculously clear everything up the way you think it does.
>steel doesn't need to melt for it to lose strength?
so how did all the steel in the hundreds of floors below unaffected by heat collapse?
You won't answer because you are a shill
Nah, I’m making fun of the american worldview not protecting it
stupid conspiracist theorists
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One week before the 9/11 attacks, a top Hasidic Rabbi from Israel visited New York. After he finished the prayer near the World Trade Center buildings, he said, say bye bye to those buildings because you're not gonna see them no more
Do you know what momentum is...?
The firces exerted by the falling parts easily exceed anything the lower parts could ever have been built to withstand, all the while adding the newly collaped mass to the growing mass, making the forces on every successive lower layer that much more unstoppable.

That's why cobtrolled demolitions require explosions throughout the structure at virtually the same time, as there is no way to controll an incoherent falling high mass except by providing it a path of least resistance.
Ergo controlled demolition would see the lower parts collapse simultanously with the upper ones, rather than collapsing rapidly in order.
Steel mills are so dumb
Just drop some rusty steel and some aluminum from a large height
No need for blast furnaces

Also demolition companies are dumb
No need for explosives or weakening the structure
Just hit the building real hard high up and spread some jet fuel
Falls perfectly into its own footprint an hour later

I'll be like Elon Musk and get rich with those genius ideas
Ah fair.
Nothing really interesting here.
For a few weeks YouTube decided to recommend nothing but raw 911 videos to me and there's some absolutely insane angles out there.
Ok so go ahead and explain how tower 7 collapsed, if you would condescend to do that for us.
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never forget that 911 was planned decades in advance
Arnen Milchan mossad agent and Hollywood movie producer made this film in the late 70s
He also produced Fight Club which features collapsing towers in its end scene
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Something blows up the top section before it lands and there's a mushroom cloud of superheated air.
The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual by S. K. Bain
If you make them as high as the one-time world's highest buildings that would unironically work, as anyone with understanding of basic physics can tell you.

It'd be inefficient, tremendously risky and expensive, and almost impossible to controll. But it would work for the exact same reasons meteors splatter down as molten balls of steel once they hit.

But sure, it couldn't possibly you are missing some of the most basic info out there, surely it's a conspiracy against you and yours who just so happen to have trouble understanding the world around you at a most basic level.

And yes demolitions like that are very cheap and very possible.
The issue is keeping the stuff you don't want demolished / covered in rubble intact like that.
>planes crash into giant sky scrapers
>giant sky scrapers collapse
>all the while adding the newly collaped mass to the growing mass
oh right so the building magically got heavier due to collapse meaning that the falling building met no resistance and was able to fall into its own footprint at free fall speed, fucking retard
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yep this looks 100% normal to me
It really is the smoking gun.
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boy im getting sleepy
Why would i?
The big towers are obviously legit and i am no American with a stake in your conspiracies.

If i had to wager a guess raining rubble and fire did it in, alongside the earlier mentioned shoddy American building quality.

I mean they were literally teeny tiny pillars of rock and metal with a lot of lightweight metal curtains hanging from them.
Sure it scrapes the sky but just about everything else about them is a terrible idea.
They're Jenga towers waiting for someone to take a piece out and Osama Bin Laden had literally studied as a civil engineer; he knew to exploit weakness.
>evidence by wtc7
wtf we were supposed to forget about that
deleet this now goyum fuck!
A city so nice, they flew a plane into a building twice.
also let us never forget that the BBC reported the collapse of tower 7 before it happened
There were no planes on 911
>The path of least resistance is straight through a building.
the only interesting and not explainable is the coloumn turning to dust
Yes that us pretty much how momentum works, thanks for illustrating that so vividly you have no clue how basic physics work.

Oh and feel free to insult my intelligence, that coming from someone as dumb as you is an endorsement few could match.
>why would I?
The point is that you can’t, and if you don’t see how that casts the entirety of the official narrative into doubt then just fuck off.
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I actually agree but it's too much for normie brains to cope with, it is best to concentrate on the obvious
>aluminium planes do not penetrate steel framed building leaving plane shaped holes
>the impossibility of total collapse due to fire in the top 1/4 of the buildings
I literally just did though, in passing no less.

Cling to your copestories all you want, the world moves on, uncaring.
It's too bad they never rebuilt them
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no idea anon, I have no idea what to think anymore because none of it matters now
Just like JFK or Roswell for instance. Nobody will say or do shit, nothing will ever change and we will continue to be lied to.
>something fell
>jenga towers
>Oh and feel free to insult my intelligence
how can I insult something you clearly don't have moron and you still haven't addressed
>building 7
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Really? Cause you found a way to make molten steel with just office building rubble and some aluminum
No need for coal or electric arcs
You just saved the planet mate
With a basic understanding of physics
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Think about that. It’s an easy answer
See: >>475708287

If it's unclear i'll summarise it for you:
- Burning rubbke rsining down on it from rather high
- Fires
- Shoddy building quality (see pic)
Bye bye.
poor agent getting piled on lol
>you know all those office fires that bring buildings down at free fall speeds into their own footprint
Actually i don’t, despite assiduously looking for a single other example
>Osama Bin Laden had literally studied as a civil engineer
confirmed retard
you can really see that bitch just turn to dust
crazy shit
I like how you can see the top part of the building bending to the left and instead of shearing off and falling away the entire building collapses into dust.
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I could hear the demo charges on the 2nd one just like the firefighters that were hearing the explosions at ground zero.
You do know that the first (unintentional) usages of steel involve exactly those circumstances, right?
Naturally occuring steel from meteors and volcanic activity are the first usages of such substances and the reason we have so many myths of mythical metals.

This is rather well known in the steel industries as well, and again it's just an uncontrollable, risky and inefficient version if what is done in steel mills.

That you don't realise this is pretty hilarious.
>see pic
>not tower 7
Progressively more retarded with each post, tragedy of the midwit 110 iq.
9/11 was so horrific in a lot of gruesome ways. Would you hang out of a building 10 floors off the ground? How about 100 floors? These people were panicking

juice diddit
Yes, all those office fires not escalating aided by the recent impact of a large airplane.
already debunked chud
>wouldn't be easier for the CIA to directly fund Al Qaeda
they did
in other images you can see people hanging off by one hand as they undress
weird as fuck
"Osama bin Laden was born on 10 March 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.[9][10] His father, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden,[11][12] was a billionaire construction magnate with close ties to the Saudi royal family,[13] and Mohammed bin Laden's tenth wife, Syrian Hamida al-Attas (then called Alia Ghanem).[14][15] Despite it being generally accepted that Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, his birthplace was listed as Jeddah in the initial FBI and Interpol documents.[16]

Mohammed bin Laden divorced Hamida soon after Osama bin Laden was born. Mohammed recommended Hamida to Mohammed al-Attas, an associate. Al-Attas married Hamida in the late 1950s or early 1960s.[17] The couple had four children, and Bin Laden lived in the new household with three half-brothers and one half-sister.[14] The Bin Laden family made $5 billion in the construction industry, of which Osama later inherited around $25–30 million.[18]

Bin Laden was raised as a devout Sunni Muslim.[19] From 1968 to 1976, he attended the elite Al-Thager Model School.[14][20] He studied economics and business administration[21] at King Abdulaziz University. Some reports suggest he earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979,[22] or a degree in public administration in 1981.[23] Bin Laden attended an English-language course in Oxford, England, during 1971.[24] One source described him as "hard working";[25] another said he left university during his third year without completing a college degree.[26]"


Better yet: literally born to a construction magnate and then a degree in civil engineering.
My bad.
everyone talks about building 7 but building 3 almost totally disappeared
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>Burning rubbke
I assume you
>burning rubble
which is funny because as far as I am aware rubble doesn't burn
The twin towers were some of the most structurally strong buildings ever built, the exterior is a net of steel, the central core was immense
It wasn’t hit by an airplane. Literally all you have on tower 7 is
>something fell
>America bad
and the fake scientism and reddit spacing only highlights what a fucking midwit you are.
Giuliani helped Trump claim alot of insurance money off that racket
Tower 7 collapse with no plane, a month after an uodated insurance policy from a Jew. Same as Silverstein for the other towers. Hmmm how is the weather in Tel Aviv kike rat
It's a rather commin way of building such buildings for Americans.
Feel free to share it's "totally different" cobstruction method despite it being part of a single group of buildings.

I don't mind being corrected, especially when making assumptions, but it does not have some substance.
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>9/11 threads with the boys are fuckin kino
The buildings were an acre wide on each side, the fires were reaching 1000°F. When people called 911 in the upper floors they all complained how hot it was getting. Jet fuel spilled down the elevator shafts and burned people alive in the elevators and elevator lobbies as well.
Two planes, three buildings. Seems legit.
Indeed? Iron cannot burn?
How novel, you should collect your nobel prize for that discovery.

Seriously though rust is its own catalyst and is a known risk factor for i.e. old ships, as rusting is literally the burning of iron, and thus can and will produce enough energy to ignite other more commonly known "burnable" materials by the grace of the excess energy its self-reinforcing reaction produces.

So again: You're just a case of lacking common knowledge of how the world works in practice.
It’s not a picture of the building we’re talking about. You keep circling around something that you won’t admit you don’t have a good explanation for, it’s obvious that you’re a fake bro, larping as a miracle of Dutch engineering genius when there’s no way around the footage of that tower 7 collapse.
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No 9/11 thread is complete without this gem.
You are the one claiming a drop from skyscraper height releases as much energy as a meteor or volcano mate
They don't pay you enough
To be fair they're a bit of an eyesore.
Body parts littered the surrounding areas, but the plaza especially. People on the ground reported seeing heads, hands, feet, etc as well as large, unidentifiable masses of human remains due to the velocity of the jumper's bodies hitting the ground.
oh, right. i cann explain the dust lol
The best way to debunk 9/11 is just to explain what happened
New generations that didn't watch this unfold on TV probably don't believe it
>Reddit spacing
The excuse of bots, glowies and retards desperate to fit in alike.
I format my posts to be readable, most here clearly need that aid.

And i mean
- Literal rain of rubbke from the world's highest towers
- Ravenous fires that also tore down said towees
- Shitty construction standards that also helped bring down aforementioned towers

Sometimes conspiracy theories are just desperate ways for dumb people to feel smart you know.
If i didn't take your issues seriously i'd handwave them but instead i use them to refresh some old knowledge and test my own takes, simultanously doibg the same for you - yet you retreat into emotion.

Why do you care so much in the present?
I refuse to think anyone is human if they believe the official story. I immediately drop them from my life.
wtc 3 was almost completely destroyed, 5 and 6 got 'cored' somehow and 4 ha a large chunk disappear like it was sliced in two.
Human remains on the ground prior to the collapse of either building
rubble isn't generally considered to be steel is it and also how are you getting temperatures high enough to "burn steel" I notice you used the word "iron" as if the buildings were constructed using iron rather than steel, what temperature ir required to "burn steel" and how was that temperature achieved, go on
Only just realised they are actually an '11' How long was all this planned for you think?
LOL literally does nothing to refute engineering and physics
The Japanese girl knew straight away.
I literally just gave you a good explanation based on the information available.
Doesn't matter if you don't like it and it's also entirely inconsequential to the matter of the twin towers.
The fucking state of American engineering. Can't into tall buildings it seems.
You are the one who tries to sound smart and talks down to people instead of focusing on the arguments
Weak bait
Based. Look at the Dutch shill in this thread, it really does read like the scientistic ravings of a soulless automaton. He even finished his last post with
>why do you even care?
When he realized he’s bankrupt at explaining the tower 7 collapse.
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>Why do you care so much in the present?
so badly losing you resort to
>why do you even care bro
fucking idiot
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You are fighting a failed educational system on the one place where people just want to be edgy and contrarian all day long. I applaud you for it but I doubt it's going to help them in any way.
He sounds like ChatGPT, heavily trained on reddit comments
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Italy knew what was up though.
It actually had a standard steel frame, the WTC had trusses, a central core, and an exterior steel frame. Completely different and built many years after.
I am not paid indeed apart from the knowledge i refresh by discussing this with "people" (i mean i'm still mostly convinced you lit are glowies desperately trying to distract from the fact American quality and Chinese quality issues are very similar) like you heh.

You can just calculate this shit you know?
That has never been my favourite part of it hence me not doibg that right now, besides i doubt you'd comprehend it. Pearls to swine and such.
without the shock and awe its hillariously unbelievable
Try to glow less brightly.
An airplane's wheel in the street
>I literally just said something fell on the building and started a fire, hence the free fall collapse into its own footprint.
Have a reddit gold, loser.
don't forget
in roman numerals
it was likely planned from before they were even constructed
Oh, you mean like the strange ongoing construction works which were noticed by a lot of people at the time?
Or the bomb sniffing dog squad which was retired a week prior, with no replacement?
An airplane's engine in the street
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What were they up to?
Empire State Building got hit by a B-25 bomber and only 14 people died, Empire State building is obviously still there
what would happen with your induction stove if you could adjust the frequency and compile the magnetic field with two others
Here's David Shayler being interviewed on the excellent Unity News Network just the other day, Shayler was the OG security services (MI5) whistleblower, he exposed the west financing "Islamic terrorists" in 05 and was imprisoned for his trouble
He also says
>Israel did 911
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chinesium buildings doesn't fall at free fall speed. china numbah one.
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Falling at free fall speeds from some small office fires, don't mind me.
any youtube video with clickbaity thumbnails like that shilling government talking points are for children or 70 year old boomers coping with an evil government
Rubble is literally anything that used to be a construction.
If you build a porcelain tower you get porcelain rubble if you destroy it.

And the rest is rather easy:

->Impact plus jet fuel to start the fire and weaken the support pillar, perhaps aluminum plus iron products common in such structures producing thermite (burns at 3000°)
->Steel losing structural strength from heat plus force damage locally
->Start of collapse freeing up potential energy inherent to masses suspensed up high
->Peaking force collapses floors directly below it, freeing up their potential energy in turn
->Rinse and repeat until ground level is reached where the potential energy peaks yet has nowhere to go and thus converts into heat through pressure

Simple physics.

Stay in school.
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There are three known instances of jumpers hitting the ground on film. One is footage a man filming a person hitting this temporary stage in the plaza. Another was caught by two different cameramen at a distance and unfocused. The FBI, verified by filmmaker Wernher Herzog, has a copy of the third most graphic instance where an unidentified person entered the plaza, (who also was filmed there by another person), and filmed bodies hitting the plaza floor up close. This "lost footage" is known as "LOL SUPERMAN" because it was uploaded to YouTube with the trollish title.
Why are you saying "Iron" and not "steel"? you know god damn well those arent the same thing you disengenious fuck
No, i'm one of those people that has no reason to doubt his intelligence and who feels both pity for and entertainment about you and thus tries to help such a sorty case so long as it entertains him.
how did that engine get there, did it pop out of the building on the other side of impact because we don't see that in any of the videos do we, we do see the completely undamaged plastic nose cone pp out the other side though which is odd though also how did it get so badly damaged when the passport of one of the terrorists was found undamaged in the street
If you think discussions are won or lost here you might be in over your head. ^^
It's not strange to ask about the source for one's emotions when they clearly interfere with their cognitive ability.
you can also hear jumpers hitting the roof in some of the footage from inside the mall area with the firefighters
>admin reveal
jet fuel could melt steel for all i care but how do you save the fuel tank without it simply exploding. mighty hard for it to flow into elevator shafts lol
Weet ik, maar het is een goed excuus om m'n eigen begrip van de gebeurtenis opnieuw te testen.
Ik bedoel ook de eigen overtuigingen zijn niet smetteloos, door de funderingen er onder te blijven testen is er een betere kans het zinnig te houden.

Maar ja ik ben inderdaad wel bijna klaar met ze, had toevallig ff flink wat tijd te doden.
The scrapped design for Two World Trade Center, which is still not under construction.
The noplaners are retarded or they're well poisoners. WTC 7 is the smoking gun of it all as everything else can be explained away, albeit elaborately, but a fire causing a tall building to collapse into its own footprint is unheard of.
Why are you geh?
Completely unheard of, that’s why it took the NIST 7 fucking years to find something resembling a serviceable explanation (thermal expansion) and create an inaccurate virtual model they still refuse to release to the public.
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>he smart, that big nono. no be smart. better be dumb.
>it's so simple but I won't do it
>you would be too dumb to understand this
Like clockwork

Yeah try explaining it to a 10 year with a straight face

The smoking gun for me is the fact that they ran wargames for this exact scenario on that very day
But in the media storm afterwards they insisted that "no one could have expected this to happen"
It's cool how excavators discovered a glacial pothole in the bedrock under the towers, a cool geological coincidence.
Yea you aren’t impressive, smart, or interesting man. It’s all surfaces hiding a contempt for America without any real depth or even basic understanding of what we’re talking about.
says the retard using meme pictures
2001 is the year i no longer trust the US government
Now there's something interesting then.
Pity those fools couldn't bring up good points like yours to save their lives.

Honestly i would have to look further into it then, but it's just not all that interesting to me save for use as a stick to poke these people and test whether my own knowledge and convictions are still up to snuff.

Besides the rather conclusive reasoning and evaluation of the twin towers' collapse makes it seem rather likely that it collapsed from the same source of malarkey, but then Americans gonna American so there might be weird shit underfoot as well.

I mean if someone had heard of the plot with the planes beforehand he could've exploited that to destroy it too with few questions asked.

But that's speculation on my end, i would have to snalyse that further and currently i lack reason to do that.
I bet their model would be laughable within their community. I also wonder which alphabetnigger agency leaned on them to come up with it.
Ohh shit memes on 4chan? You really got me on that one.
>>Impact plus jet fuel to start the fire and weaken the support pillar
the "support pillar" ha ha what the fuck is that, you mean the massively huge steel central core "support pillar" it's so obvious from your choice of words that you are trying to dishonestly twist the argument
>perhaps aluminum plus iron products common in such structures producing thermite (burns at 3000°)
"perhaps" yeah perhaps anything you wanker
>Steel losing structural strength from heat plus force damage locally
so the hundreds of floors below the impact site were losing structural strength, my arse
>Start of collapse freeing up potential energy inherent to masses suspensed up high
Newton's third law cunt
>Steel losing structural strength from heat plus force damage locally
your inability to green text says as much about you as your idiotic arguments, imagine sweeping up for satanic murderous jews, you're filth or a jew which amounts to the same thing
Donald Trump was an advocate for rebuilding the Twin Towers, but 10 floors taller. It never received backing or serious support with investors
On an image board? No way!
I hope that dumb gook sold this footage lol
Steel is literally iron with carbon and frankly both are entirely inaccurate as well as the complex mix of metals and materials in a collapsing building+plane can be characterised as neither.

I might as well just have used "metal" but "iron" is often use as a pars pro toto since it is the most well known metal. And steel is just pretentious iron kek
My question is, where do these new 9/11 videos keep coming from even 23 years later? Are they being released in a controlled manner?
If Trump wins he should make them make it identical to the other tower. At least it'll be twin towers again. After Silverstein gets the trial he so justly deserves, in NYC. I wonder if he makes it out of the court room in one piece...
He is filth, and his arguments eventually devolved into
>America bad
>why do u care guys :(
>stop posting mean memes about me
Fuck yourself >>475710912
Hah, no thanks.
I'm sure they'd love to employ me but i doubt they could make it worth my while.

But keep using your ignorance as a shield to hide behind and one day you will live your dream: to genuinely be as dumb as a rock.

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The planes were cgi.
No matter who did what, when or how - that day truly changed everything for the worse. I fucking hate it so much.
>Steel is literally iron with carbon
so why don't we just call "steel" "iron" then mr smartypants fuckwit
>bread is just flour and water
>oh hello can I buy a loaf of flour please
you're such a cunt
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Yeah I mean don't pretend you are trying to be intelligent when you need memes to vilify the person you are trying to debate with. That's a perfect way to show your incompetence.
It's simple mathematics, it just takes time and effort that i am unwilling to spend because:
- If you can understand it then it is not necessary
- If you cannot understand it it is pointless

Hence the "pearls before swine".


It's completely confirmed the NIST report is BS and it's impossible it wasn't a controlled demolition.
That was the best design.
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Jews got a message on their flip phones to stay away from the WTC
Why would a fire at the top of the tower cause the entire structure to fall?

Why would heating these steel beams in kerosene fire at the top, cause the steel beams at the middle and bottom to give way? Are you telling me the heat spread all the way down the tower?

The fall of the towers is far too neat. I don't think floors falling on top of each other or wobbly hot beams gives you that result.
How does a smart person like you not understand how to discuss on an ANONYMOUS image board?
No one cares about your credentials
You are anonymous
Your arguments have to have merit
Anybody can say they are smart
You have to stop sounding like a massive dumb faggot
All of the restaurant workers became trapped after the first impact. There is video of people jumping from the 106th or 107th floor (the top two public floors) approximately 2 minutes before the building's collapse. Unfortunately this meant most people did not actually succumb to smoke inhalation but were conscious for over an hour and a half.
>look up how trusses work when exposed to heat under compounding weight. Entire floor panels were giving away throughout the burn.
i really dont believe in conspiracy theories but recently i have begun to wonder why they both collapsed so close in time. plus the one was hit way up near the top. sort of hard to believe when there are vids of the original architects saying the towers were built to withstand planes hitting them
The images are just a sideshow then
Grow a spine
I literally studied mathematics you idiot
What now?
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9 11 was an outside job, rabbi
You have nothing but the same cope, the same bitching, the same whining about memes, and it’s viscerally disgusting to watch you project, seethe, and squirm in your disgusting sewer of stale government talking points and fake r/science bullshit.
probably someone looking for vintage nudes on old 512mb memory cards
an image alone is never a good argument for any case. grow a brain.
almost everyone on earth has studied mathematics
exactly, this is the most obvious and unassailable point, it's like they imagine the building somehow got heavier and were unable to support the now massively heavier towers, it's moronic
>oh but the progressive collapse
as the top floors collapsed they met resistance which would slow their collapse likely resulting in an asymmetric partial collapse with at least the lower half of the buildings remaining
There was no plane shrapnel or other debris, no engines either. A plane hits a skyscraper surrounded by glass fronts (at speeds it couldn't have been operated in at the altitude) and leaves no trace, sure thing.
why does everyone focus on the wrong thing with 9/11? it doesn't matter if it was the planes or a controlled demolition. what matters is that the US knew about, and planned the event themselves for multiple reasons.
the vanishing 2.3 trillion, the justification for random forever wars in the ME, and so one. these were the causes of 9/11, who cares about the means of which it happened. it's like focusing on the gun instead of the one holding it.
I'm sorry but from this footage it looks even more like it was destroyed because of beams were melted by jet fuel
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>i really dont believe in conspiracy theories
Imagine not believing that people privately collaborate for shared goals. You must have a fucked up family life anon.
It's literally a support pillar, moaning about the choice if words does nothing to change that.

Thermite is literally just powdered iron rust and powdered aluminum mixed, both will be plentifully available after a plane crashes into a reinforced concrete support pillar; the "perhaps" was to lure you in in that sense since it as all but certain to have been part of the blaze, the perhaps is just there to indicate that it is unnecessary since all other parts of the consideration already more than suffice.

No, i literally explained that the force of the collapse added strength in a chain reaction as detailed in the earlier post; every succesive still-standing floor would be impacted by the accumulating force of ever more weight being forced into movement.
Which is the momentum you earlier illustrated you didn't understand.

I can greentext but i prefer to use that for more tongue-in-cheek things, i mean this is just me explaining basic physics to someone failed by the education system.
I'm just glad I am able to trigger you in this way
half of the vids in this thread are AI generated including this one lmao
the smoke is a dead giveaway
>images aren’t arguments
>kvetching about how smart I am means I don’t have to explain or make arguments for anything
What a complete fragment of humanity and failure you are. Go fuck yourself, filth.
>still no videos
Hehe, cope harder.
Your argumentation is flimsier than those two towes.
Lol you’re writing novels about how memes hurt you on 4chan
Ironically, the large speed would be an argument for the official story
The buildings were constructed with smaller planes in mind, flying slower
But it's never brought up by "debunkers" since that would draw attention to the insane speeds
Which makes it all that harder for student pilots to fly it that way
It looks like you are starting to seethe anon. I am feeding on the (you)'s. Keep em coming. Aaaah lovely.
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>filmed bodies hitting the plaza floor
Approximately 200-300 people for both buildings combined were using the elevators at the times of impact and some burned alive when fire or burning jet fuel reached their elevator cars.
>few sentences
Given that the "Dancing Israelis" were on US soil in Florida at the same time that the hijackers were
Given that they moved to NJ at the same time the hijackers did
Given that Israeli art students spent a month in there doing god knows what previously
Given that the hijackers were issued visas by a Colonel in Saudi Intelligence
Given that the insurance policy was taken out by Silverstein
It's clear that this was a Mossad operation using willing patsies and the (((neo-cons))) in the US were of course on board with everything
Were the planes real? Yes they were real, don't be fucking stupid. People heard them and saw them.
Did they cause the collapse? No, the "art students" did
Al Qaeda - "the Base" - gets it's name from the CIA database of jihadis, mujahaddin and terrorist groups the CIA work with
The CIA have a looooooooooooong affiliation with Islamic terrorists because they inherited the German intelligence agents that had befriended them before and during WW2.
Do you have less dodgy looking links?
I mean i'm willing to entertain stuff like that sometimes (though admittedly i need to wrap it up now) but it doesn't help your case to link stuff from adresses like that.
There are tons of videos. No point on arguing because some people can never be convinced. When you put all the pieces together though it becomes clear it was a controlled demolition. There is thermite literally shooting out of the buildings from various camera angles. It’s obvious that the real conspiracy is believing the official story and not what your eyes see.
Pretty sure it goes both ways, the difference is everyone here is everyone knows you are retarded
It can take the jew years to arrive at new defensive takes. They came up with holocaust copes as late as the 80s.
So far, I didn't find any explanation for the DANCING ISRAELIS? Does anybody know what the official position is?

It's one of our best arrows in the antisemitic quiver. Never fails to deliver a killshot.
Since you love ad hominems so much...
You make a lot of spelling mistakes for a smart person
Which you totally are
its just people are always claiming conspiracy theories whenever something big happens. cant believe them all. this one seemed too ridiculous to believe so i never bothered with it. but recently ive changed my mind
Lotta text for a line if argumentation i didn't start; he implied i'd be an admin or otherwise related to stuff like that.

At no point have i used any would-be "credentials" in my argumentation either.
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I'm not reading any more of your bullshit cunt I will just remind (You) and actual Anons
of this

>Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.
>Michael Rivero
One is literally a .edu link from the University of Alaska. The other one is extremely well known and linked on Wikipedia.

uh oh, having a little trouble with words there?
Prove it suppose, you apparantly like doingthe administrative parts of logic kek
>I need to wrap this up now
>not seething at all, I promise guys
Big fingers, lack of care, not-using autocorrect, plenty of reasons for that.

>"Waaah don't point out my stupidity! Ad hom!"

And i mean you do impressively try to dodge the substance of the arguments in just about all possible ways.
>No point on arguing because some people can never be convinced
if the buildings were purposely built to withstand the impact of a plane hitting them then why did both fall?

how can people believe planes brought down BOTH buildings if that previous statement is true. and in such a close amount of time and even a third building
Thanks for the laughs. Every now and then I need a reminder that the official narrative on tower 7 can only be defended by rabid table pounding and
>memes hurt me :(
>a matter of seconds
Didn't it take like 30 minutes?
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there is a point where the weight of circumstantial evidence melts the steel beams of certainty, we are long past that point
Mate just try to make up fairytales that don't clash so obviously with the laws of physics next time.

That's all that's asked.

Otherwise you'll always just be a proverbial punching bag for less retarded people.
Fund Al Qaida to do what exactly? The point is that the planes alone wouldn't be enough for the big dramatic collapse of a monument where thousands of people die
You do know you are replying to multiple people right? I think you get us mixed up. Understandable mistake coming from you of course. In any case, you are saying your entire proof on the issue of tower 7 is memes? WOW
Lol you had nothing and are butthurt that several different people called you out on it. Really sorry about the memes, by the way, if I knew you were that precious and sensitive I never would have deployed them. Notice, there’s no meme here, you can crawl away now. Unscathed.
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Just a bunch of zaney college kids and novel artists controlling flight logistics in the most crowded airspace in north America, and having a private secured environment massively renovated (temporarily as an epic prank) going as so far as being given clearance to remove bulletproof glass panes with specialty equipment but just as an art project so there could be an envelope sold for 400$-600$ with some blurry dogshit photos.
>just try to make up fairytales that don't clash so obviously with the laws of physics
where did I do that cunt
>23 years later
what does 23 means?
The proof is the footage you refused to look at this entire time, it was kind of hilarious. The efforts to circumnavigate around the heart of an issue were truly impressive.
>things fall
>it started a fire
I’m really impressed with your Dutch genius
Fair enough, doesn't change the pooks though.
And i mean you did just kinda confirm the likelihood of it being dodgy with that wikipedia link's content.

Either way i'll dedicate some time to the case of building seven if i ever feel like it, it's apparantly more complex than the other towers' collapse.

Bella ciao
>doesn't know that wet bulb temperature can melt steel beams
>there was two attacks so pay me twice
>it’s apparently more complex
Ok you were wrong, holy fuck that was like pulling teeth.
wow you ARE retarded. What an amazing and totally unexpected surprise kek.
Yeah the government can't even control my balls.
>just can’t stay away
Lol the obsession is unreal.
No I didn't. Wikipedia is literally an establishment mouthpiece where wrongthink isn't allowed. It won't, however, link to anything that will screw your computer. The other link is a state university where the engineers worked out completely the model of WTC7.
what part of the building needs to heat up for it to start collapsing in on its footprint?
yeah I'm not going anywhere bruh. I want to see you seethe some more.
>You mean the other examples where 110 story buildings were hit by airliners?
these building were specifically designed with that in mind. they were built to withstand such an occurrence

the builders are quoted as saying they built these towers to withstand being hit by planes then and saying THEY WILL NOT FALL IF HIT BY A PLANE on videotape
You can stay here for all the time in the world, watch out for the memes though. People don’t take kindly to shills round’ these parts.
>the original architects saying the towers were built to withstand planes hitting them
And computer systems are built not to be hacked. Until they are. Just because someone says they built a thing to withstand a thing doesn't mean they achieved it. It's why I find conspiracy theories generally unbelievable. Because they take what can be more easily explained by the clusterfuck of moronity that is human society and project a cabal of truly perfect humans orchestrating a series of unlikely events precisely to achieve a nebulous aim.
I don't care about your memes silly child. Show me what you got.
You realize that the Al-qaeda story is literally a conspiracy theory about a secret jihadist cabal, right?
Apart from the responses you've already got, it was highly symbolic. The destruction of 2 things and merging them into 1 (see how the new tower is made up of interlocking triangles like a star of David) is their game. They believe all binaries need to be destroyed.
there were multiple hijackings
>eye of Sauron
>And computer systems are built not to be hacked. Until they are.
>It's why I find conspiracy theories generally unbelievable.
i agree about not believing conspiracy theories BUT the likelihood that BOTH towers, and a third, would fall so close in time to each other from something they were designed to withstand even though they were hit at different points/heights and times has to make even non-conspiracy theorists wonder
>controlled demolition
it's a astroturfed conspiracy to make the actual conspiracy less pushed, and make actual 9/11 truth look retarded by association.
9/11 was done by mossad and the CIA to create a casus belli for invading the middle east, That's all, end of story. Everything else is bullshit created by the feds to discredit people who question the narrative, just like the "grassy knoll" bullshit with JFK, they distract from the fact that oswald was a CIA triple agent on purpose to get people to push meaningless nonsense like "le grassy knoll".
stop being stupid.
indeed you only need to look into what actually goes into a controlled demotion, and there is no way it was done to a building that was still operating as normal. Especially for buildings of those size.
I agree that this is the most important takeaway. But tower 7 was obviously a controlled demolition.

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