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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why is there so much unbridled dissatisfaction and hatred towards women on /pol/?
Have you ne er met a woman OP?? Shit go touch grass.
Islamists. The boys are raised spoiled and entitled.
everyone here is an incel
because it's been too long since a woman blew me
I hate women with unbridled passion.
It is the femoid on her iphone that killed our first amendment rights.
It is the femoid in the voting booth that opened our borders and demands the mass murder of children.
The femoid is a force of pure human evil and it must be destroyed. Every femoid must be killed during the civil war, along with their simp defenders.
Femoids have a moral duty to bear the brunt of the suffering of the civil war they nurtured and created. It would be unfair to ask more men to die than women in a war they engineered.
I don’t women, I hate women in positions of power and positions of equality with men. Women are great to be around if they recognize their subservience to men.
Just begging to die like this
Idk you tell me Rabbi, you keep making those threads.
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because they let themselves and other women get niggered
very dishonorable desu
niggered trash ought to shoot itself but it lacks any honor or worth
this is the biggest problem on earth at the moment and must be resolved by total nigger death to prevent even the stupid ones from falling into that all destructive trap
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I recognize that tiger. It was owned and cared for by a boer in South Africa who keeps a lot of animals on his compound and makes videos about them. He's a bit odd and probably a bit scammy, but his tiger videos are cool.

Video with the same tiger, that had a lot of health problems.

You just know
they dont hate women, they hate what they have become. What weak men have let them become.
kek i've been looking for this forever.
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Because they hold men to extremely unfair and unattainable standards.
Cope, faggot. What they've "become" is obviously what they "are" and it's what they always were beneath the rules of the patriarchy making them not be repulsive and monstrous. Women are an existential threat to our survival. Now that kikes have cracked the code on how to use women to destroy a society they will always be a dagger pointed at our hearts ready to kill us and give our enemies as many bites at the apple as they like.
No. We have the technology now to replace women permanently. We can, must, and will use that technology to put a permanent end to the fag hags. An end that transcends civilization, culture, and time.
I was the same until I met a nice girl and eventually married her. I consider myself very lucky.

I used to hate women. For me, I was raised by a crazy bitch and didn't know how to interact with sensible women. So I just gravitated towards the worst types of women. This reinforced my hatred of women.

I like pol for the less hateful free speech it has, but there are a lot of broken boys/men on this forum.
mommy didn't hug them
They don't have 3+ children, support mass immigration and are the beneficiary of social programs and entitlements.
Probably too much hence their splitting between whore/madonna.
No one hates women.
We hate whores. Whores are evil and of the devil.
>using Tinder
What happend to meeting women through friends
Aint gonna get you rejected this hard. On Tinder they can do this but not IRL cause SURPRISE must people arent gigachad and ook like a normal human being
That's pretty much the opposite, in my case. My mom is cool and isn't a whore. And always warned me of dumb bitches.
Cuz shills always use divide and conquer to take the heat off the jewish ruling class.
Even then, why would you want to sleep with a woman who views you as subhuman just for not being exceptionally good looking?
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Feminism tells men that women don't exist. That's really handy, dontcha think? Many men are doing assessment and analysis and saying YES to feminism's hidden gift to men.
I think a lot of it has to be shilling. "Hate the mothers of your own race, goyim!" The tradcon larp is a way to shut aside all the angry energy of people who are fed up with the system and channel it into something that's no threat to the regime. They don't care if you fuck whores or live on a farm with your tradwife as long as your anger is directed to "society" or other such nebulous forces rather than the regime itself.
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Jewish propaganda.
Very tiresome and overall boring
Do you even leave you house to go grocery shopping or is your entire world view cherrypicked images?
The woman you complain about are the exception not the norm.
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>We have the technology now to replace women permanently.

Found the transhumanist. DotR can't come quickly enough for my liking, fucker.
Because they vote for the destruction of everything and pretend like it's a good thing somehow yet never explain it

Feminsm is idiotic and makes 0 sense at all

Even a "teacher" I have for a class I have to take says she's a feminst because she wants to get revenge on men for dumping her

They have the tact of serial killers
Your mom is a narcissist and she groomed you to be her “husband”
This is a place for White Men to revel

Fuck off
Because they fuck lots of Chads and not their looks-match.
Because they used their vote and stupidity to ruin the West.
(Disclaimer not all just the majority of em)
but they didnt. Cause their perception of you wasnt assblasted by social media and rather was whatever you saw on the street. Now they believe 7foot gigachad runs around and they deserve him cause social media warped their perception.
She has a husband - I have a dad who said the same thing. Unlike most of you.
Artificial wombs are already real retard.
Stop replying to these faggots
Trust me, she groomed you to think no one is good enough for her golden boy.

She has ruined your life. Any female you like, she will hate.
It serves the demoralization agenda. From what I've seen and as far as I can ascertain, /pol/ is actually a pretty normal-looking slice of humanity. Probably there are some women out there who express subtle cues to them that they may be interested. The purpose of this poison is to make guys think that either it's impossible that any decent woman would show interest. If she seems decent, then she must not be showing interest, and if she appears to be showing interest, then she's the town bicycle. It's trying to set people up for failure under the guise of giving them the hard truth.
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Stop coping. More couples meet online than through any other medium. Online dating sites don't represent some fringe sphere of women, they don't exist in an obscure vacuum. They're perfectly valid indication of how the average woman actually thinks and behaves. These types of women absolutely ARE the norm.
all women on social media have made it clear I'm not worth their time and have zero value (unless maybe I'm paying for overpriced nudes)
the jewss have misdirected the anger of the incel at its fellow goyish victim of Talmudic subterfuge
It's jews, they blame everything on everyone else. They are like: I hate women. I hate niggers. I hate Indians. I hate chinks. I hate tarnnies. Duh. We get it. You hate humans. Get back in your caves you ugly goblins. Jews.
so ban online dating?
female acquiescence to jewish mutilation imposition. why shouldnt i hate the enemy.
This is a homosexual board.
Dating apps are predatory pimps which exploit women.

If you want a girlfriend, get a rich person hobby like golf.
Latent homosexual. Usually a trait in clinical narcissism. Hence the whole madonna/whore perspective split
"First met online" doesn't necessarily mean dating site. Example: many hobby groups organize themselves online. If they met online through a common interest, then attended the same meetup together, then they "met online." The graph also seems to have a pretty big "other" category. I guess if they met through a hobby or common interest in person, that wouldn't be counted for any category.
Post BuzzY.


its literallt jews
they want men and women fighting
they want niggers and aryans fighting
they want all goyim fighting

and they want you to believe space is fake
I love women. They're cute and fun to be around.
What’s buzzy? Buzzfeed?

It has been known throughout the FBI for years narcissistic women hating is often resultant from latent homosexuality.
Personally I think hobbies are a good way to meet higher-quality women who aren't trying to win the virtue-signalling Olympics online. Who wants to date one of that sort and have his whole personal life plastered all over the public internet? Gross.

Wont let em vote though. Nor would they care if society didnt force them too
>Why is there so much unbridled dissatisfaction and hatred towards women on /pol/?
because women live on tutorail mode and still complain and try to emasculate men

all women you see in any relevant position is there because she sucked the right cocks or because theres some boomer kike that want his dick sucked
Mentally ill spergs that are addicted to hentai and they don't take care of themselves so women don't even look at them.
im a woman and i hate them. i hate myself for posting in this slide thread.
1.8% here
I'm not even Chad.
it's just shills anon.
they're like
>look at this anecdote of a woman being shitty on twitter/reddit.
>this is why women shouldn't be allowed to live
it's utter tangential clickbait bullshit.
Because I went outside, as people say, and it's just as bad as I expected
Government run online dating like Japan is trying is probably the answer. Dating apps are all owned by one American company whose business relies on you NOT finding a partner, so you can keep swiping and looking at ads and paying subscription fees. Dating apps not matching people is now becoming a matter of national security with birth rates cratering.
There's not enough hated. Still plenty of simps willing to give everything they own for a whiff of some used pussy.
>Government run online dating like Japan is trying is probably the answer.
State mandated BBC househusband bulls DX
This. But it's also that way with American boys aswell. They're raised spoiled and then they get thrust out into a cold world and do the first thing that comes naturally to them (anger and resentment). It's not their fault, but they don't know what true parental effection is. They only experienced their parents spoiling their childhood to keep them from causing trouble in the community when they were minors. Now that they're adults they have to take responsibility for themselves and never learned how to because their parents and relatives did everything to please them as children. They never have to grow up, and it's somewhat impossible when the entitlement is so heavily ingrained into their psyches in their youth.
I think the predominant "women have all become whores" narrative in the ad nauseam incelbait shill threads is the opposite of the truth. I think if anything women seem like they have low libido these days, probably because of all the prescription drugs they're taking. They also act like every woman dresses like a streetwalker. I think women dressed skimpier in the nineties and aughts, and they started covering up more due to all the propaganda blasted at them about "the male gaze" and men all being rapists.
Excuse me?

There will be no casual sex going forward.
House husband gives me the ick
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>hatred towards women

Because every woman over 24 has a HUGE 'slut confession' they have to make to their 'true love'
Post tits, pls.
women want to be men in everything except for dating, in dating they still want to be women.
they do not
>approach men first
>cold approach men
>date men worse looking than them
>pay for men on dates
>search out young virgin men

women are beta males who birth other beta males.
They are a poor imitation of men and the worst part is a significant number of them are multiplying.
actually had multiple girls pull this shit on me. good thing I respected myself enough to tell them to get lost. 2 of them are early 30s cat ladies now (I'm 40).
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Then post tits, please.
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their cunts stink
>>men approach me first
>>I cold approach men
>>I date men worse looking than me
>>I pay for men on dates
>>I search out young virgin men
Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad :3
>their cunts stink
>*whiffs some big beefing Chad dick instead*
Back in my day women were only accepted on 4chan if they showed tits first. Women understood this and paid the toll. Now they think there should be no toll to pay and that's why I hate these uppity cunts.
give me my 15 seconds back
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They wait to tell you about their niglet
>Why is there so much unbridled dissatisfaction and hatred towards women on /pol/?

There isn't that much if ya think about it. This place is full of ugly neckbearded faggots and men who can't get a relationship with a woman AKA men who are disillusioned and angry at women. I'm surprised 90% of the threads on /pol/ aren't woman hate.

Women should never approach men.

I see some pick mes here and there defending 50/50 dates. I despair for them. He should present a diamond on the first date.

He could if he wanted to.
thanks for sharing that you enjoy sniffing cocks, homo
>Women should never approach men. Only men should approach men.
Shut up roastie.
All that money they have and they can’t spend a month getting hobbies, a new wardrobe and finding the perfect restaurants to wow their dates.

They have money right?

If not, it’s themselves they hate.
cause it's by majority non white board

How’d you meet her
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>Why is there so much unbridled dissatisfaction and hatred towards women on /pol/?
They deserve much, much worse.
It's only natural. Eve ruined everything.
Swiping grindr at a LGBT rally.
he's kind of a good looking dude. Looks like Jude Law but with hair and pencil neck.
so what's up with this meme of whatever computer character being his wife?
I would not have believed this until I saw on tiktok that is true.

White guys on tiktok defending their women.
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cause they are fucking stupid cant do anything right dont listen and to reiterate stupid just can't fucking listen to reason and do everything based on emotions instead of logic and facts
White femoids on dating apps and a lot of time irl say they only want 6’ 2”+ chiseled square jaw, six pack abs, Henry Cavills when it comes to White men, but then they’ll go and date a fucking 5’ 8” dysgenic, skinnyfat, likely small penis, shitskin male and spread their legs easily for them.

That’s what drives me to hate them with immense intensity. I’m planning on getting my revenge on all white females in minecraft when this country inevitably collapses for these reasons.
>needs to save the white race
>white whores would rather fuck all the things and race mix thanks to generations of Jewish manipulations
gee I wonder why /pol/ hates women.
is she allowed to get up any time she wants or is the tiger in charge!
which version were you looking for? theres astronomical amounts or theres a few
i dont know whats being said.
>i have a small twink penis because of Jewish manipulations
Cope XD
>That’s what drives me to hate them with immense intensity. I’m planning on getting my revenge on all white females in minecraft when this country inevitably collapses for these reasons.
The best revenge is living a good life with a loving tranner who truly cares about you and your happiness. Something a normal female is incapable of.
Because all women do to competent men in modern society is steal our opportunities, tone police every remaining space, or use sexuality to exploit us. Fuck women until their rights they never earned are taken away.
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>is she allowed to get up any time she wants or is the tiger in charge!
When the tiger is finished he'll pull the spiney prick out.
Trad trans traps are the last bastion of traditional femininity.
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>KGB ?
>Trad trans traps are the last bastion of traditional femininity.
I think they are the only chance for a man to find someone feminine who is truly capable of love.
clarify your point
Netanyahu is Polish.
Imagine hybrid
Because none of these niggers actually put effort into meeting like minded women to impregnate
they expect it to fall into their laps
they also want a "trad wife" yet dont want to support her.
>What no pussy does to a motherfucker
That accounts for most but not all of it
Why are you posting an AI?
Multiple streams by non European men advocating the control and spiritual bondage of women.

What they wear and think.
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this is how khajit are conceived
do sperm will fight other species of sperm in the female vagina and uterus? i find it what would hapen if you dumb all mammal sperm into a woman vagina, who would win
Man, I want a pet tiger so much.
I bet it will come out whit a tail my bro, we can only hope
your kind will be the next to be exposed for the degenerates you are
just keeping them out of positions of power would suffice, along with kikes.
oh shit, toll paid
maybe the hibryd will come out less annoying like your average human woman, more obedient when trained and kinda feral

mercy killing. late term abortion. should've went to nggrland.
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>Because none of these niggers actually put effort into meeting like minded women to impregnate
You clearly know very little about women. Are there extreme outliers? Yes. Emily Youcis would be an example. Most supposed "RW" females are just fair weather friends (larpers) like Lauren Southern, and cannot be trusted.

Women are empty headed, formless creatures that assume the shape of whatever container (society) that they find themselves in. Cats do it physically. Females shape shift politically and moraly. By definition, most females have ZERO principles, other than personal survival/comfort.
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>Why are you posting an AI?
She's not AI, but the pfp might be filtered.
>words of shit
that willy is tiny. is that why he trooned out cause women laugh at his silly little willy?
>this is how khajit are conceived
The woman later accused Khajit of sexual assault and he was arrested and later forced to pay child support.
That is AI anon.

It’s glaringly obvious.
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>that willy is tiny. is that why he trooned out cause women laugh at his silly little willy?
If they were my gf, I would tease them about it every night if it turned them on.
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Take it easy anglo femoid
They literally fucked around and found out.
File deleted.
>That is AI anon.
>It’s glaringly obvious.
Filtered, maybe, but not AI.
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hahaha the old woman shoes hurts my soul no matter who wears them. also, no, you can not sit on my face. also, why do trannies do cosplay in the shittiest costume? its just a printed swimsuit. if ya gonna cosplay make it elaborate
Polish Jews, with rare exceptions, don't consider themselves Polish. And they have a heavy chip on their shoulder against Poland. They hate Poland more than any other country, it being Catholic and the place of holocaust. Ironically Poles did the most to protect kikes through the centuries of jews being chased out from everywhere. Well, joke's on us.

He found the tranny!
Anon. That is an AI.

I hardly think you don’t already know that. So I will assume you are subverting western nations.
No hatred here. Dissatisfaction? A bit. Women are easily manipulated and are pack creatures. As such, they’ve been the vanguard of normalizing degeneracy.
>toes hanging over the end of shoes
lmfao i spent a lot of time around women and always noticed little things like that which would annoy me. anyway, bro has long ass toes hahahaha
>take it easy
you are a nonce in the making
look at its hands anon, that is an ai image.
They are so incompetent.
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>hahaha the old woman shoes hurts my soul no matter who wears them. also, no, you can not sit on my face.
I'm a guy. The dolls sit on my face. I'm also not a foot fag so I don't know about old woman's shoes.
stop it, faggot. I almost saved that pic before I realized this is from your tranny collection
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>I hardly think you don’t already know that. So I will assume you are subverting western nations.
Here's the onlyfans, maybe everythings AI
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>I almost saved that pic before I realized this is from your tranny collection
KeK Have some ass to go with the tits.
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>look at its hands anon, that is an ai image.
Maybe you're correct. Hands definitely look weird.
Anon, are you living in the year 2015? 80%+ of only fan accounts are AI run by men.
A woman typed this who is projecting. Nobody I know in my generation were spoiled. They were all fucking neglected.
im not having it. regardless. its nasty and i dont know why im itt.
why? people strike up conversations regardless.
They are devoid of conscience.

Like demonic puppets
>Anon, are you living in the year 2015? 80%+ of only fan accounts are AI run by men.
I didn't know. How can I get in on this action, do I have to be a Jew?
How crass.
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I heard this website users have "women hate folders" and use them to spread hatred around.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
>Why is there so much unbridled dissatisfaction and hatred towards women on /pol/?
Women are easy scapegoats for the failures of the low-effort lives exhibited here daily.
>They hate Poland more than any other country, it ... Ironically Poles did the most to protect kikes through the centuries of jews being chased out from everywhere. Well, joke's on us.
It's as if it's poolaks' fate to be the perpetual cocksleeve for other global powers to only get backstabbed by them later on
(Britain and WW2 comes to mind as well)
Holy shit how unattractive. Women are fucking niggers. They lack any grace under the surface.
Because kikes spam the board 24/7.

So, how is the pussy going? Everything fine there? Chill bro, just asking for a friend, lol!
Pioneers of women’s rights

You can’t gave it both ways
women are bitches, whores, sluts
traitors, complainers and useless
they also hate men more than men hate them

AMEN, true to that! Words of wisdom!
Kikes always have it both ways, that's what kikes do, they stir shit.

Based and wise Anon! Thanks for sharing your expertise! Godspeed to you!
You’re the one posting anti-women content…
Fake video
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>1 post by this ID thread

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