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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There seem to be two primary flavors in American interpretations of the war in Ukraine:

(1) Putin invaded Ukraine out of imperialistic ambition, and we must continue to arm and support Ukraine not only out of a moral imperative in upholding Ukraine's sovereignty and global democracy (which we should seek to spread), but because otherwise appeasing Putin would encourage further violations of international law and national sovereignty, or
(2) Putin's invasion of Ukraine is understandable as a rational reaction to the West's continued expansion of NATO, as well as to various but relatively consistent indications of bad faith or duplicity in the West's (particular America's) actions towards Russia and internationally. In order to quell Russia's fears and reduce the risk expanded (or especially nuclear) conflict, we should advocate for a peaceful settlement that is likely to be very favorable to Russia (aka accept some Russian war aims).

It's difficult to deny that Russia has ample reason to distrust the West, but ultimately it's also difficult to believe that Russia would be some bastion of democracy, or even a functional one, had different steps been taken following the fall of the USSR. Early elections in 1993 and 1995 turned out big wins for an extreme far-right white-supremacist party on one hand, and a communist restoration party on the other. Russia has never had a functional democracy in its history.

Russian bots don't help the situation any either, but what do you think should be done about Russia and Ukraine? Can Drumpf save us?
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Hello, Judeo Christian American here. I am real concerned what the war in Ukraine is costing the tax payer.
OP here, from oblast California, I don't know what your post is supposed to imply
>Early elections in 1993 and 1995 turned out big wins for an extreme far-right white-supremacist party on one hand, and a communist restoration party on the other
What the fuck are you smoking? Demschiza was winning by a landslide
>Russian bots
>save us
Trump=civil war
choose wisely
Who gives a shit what the average retarded American thinks. They only know what their favorite talking-head tells them.

The actual split in the United States is between the China-Hawks and the Russia-Hawks. The China-Hawks are realists like Mearsheimer who think it is stupid to pick a fight with Russia when the real enemy is China. The Russia-Hawks are the neocons who think if they can knock out Russia, China will be easy.

Both hate Russia and China. They only disagree on strategy.
>Can Drumpf save us?
The Trump plan is basically to dismantle the overseas American Empire, because the only thing that unites the rest of the world is their hatred for the United States. The moment America ceases to be a threat to Russia and China, they'll cease being allies and become enemies again. If America goes back to our more isolationist, or at least Western Hemisphere-centric foreign-policy, we can go back to using divide and conquer tactics to keep our rivals fighting with each other. Which will make America seem like the lesser threat.

As we dismantle our empire, our industry will be brought back to the United States, which will also help rapidly grow our population to bring it closer to parity with China. Basically, we will have stepped back for a few decades but then come out stronger than ever.

The downside is, we basically have to give our vassals. Which means Europe/Japan/South Korea/etc will all be left to fend for themselves. Which basically means they'll become vassals of Russia/China, and other large resource-rich countries.

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