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If you’re a doctor, doing so will end your career. But even if you’re a lawyer or a dentist, you’ll soon find your regulatory body warning that if you persist, there’ll be adverse consequences for your continuing practice.

Why is this?
vaccines are the only product that fit the description of a weapon of mass destruction, and further, the only GMO product that does not need to have a licenser to be used
Vaccines can be questioned. Just don't be surprised when colossally stupid questions are treated as colossally stupid.
vaccines are a byproduct of WMD development
much like nuclear power plants can't be insured against catastrophic meltdown, vaccinees cannot be insured against vaccine risk
so states fund victim compensation schemes, in both cases, to keep plebs placated enough that the research and production of WMDs is not challenged or hindered in any way
>states fund victim compensation schemes, in both cases, to keep plebs placated

This is true, get vaxsick get a payoff to keep you quiet.
>Why is this?
lot of money in vaccines
People had limitless access to knowledge since the invention of libraries
People just prefer to remain ignorant because it's easier
what is stupid about my body my choice? Or my kid's body my choice? I'm all for people pinning whatever they want, just don't force me into your cult
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You are right, intent plays a part, but it's binary, there are always 2 options. Second one is being genetics. People never thought it was the lack of access.

It applies to all tiers as well, there are things you and me incapable of learning, simple as.
Literally just make a contract that you force doctors to sign before they give you any vaccine indicating that they are liable for any injury

Then they will stop giving it
People used to say the same thing about the "lack of education".
We are the "most educated" we've ever been.
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Sputnik and sinavac are good vaccines because they were made by learders who loved there people
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I never took Trump's vaccine. But then it was probably just saline water, we will never know unless RFK gets in but he won't since people don't even want to know what juice they took into them for some reason they blindly trust the government despite what they may SAY their actions say otherwise.
I'm a doctor and I basically just didn't take it (the vaccine). Still I could only criticize it anonymously. There were articles in the Finnish medical journals where those most vocal against the vaccine psychosis were untruthfully ridiculed and shamed with their faces and employment information etc. in an effort to have their medical licences and jobs taken away but it seems that no one was even fired and the, not even the people who fell from the edge and went full retard with a true psychosis (though some of them could have been a controlled opposition to make opposition seem ridiculous).

The covid mass psychosis/hysteria was a good reminder that we're the same people who burned witches on a stake. Fortunately at least the Finnish justice system mostly held up to the totalitarian pressures. The vaccine passport still was a thing and most people just caved in so there's a great need for analysis and discussion. Unfortunately there has been no analysis or discussion whatsoever about any of the happenings and everyone acts like nothing happened. I'm not sure if we're now better or worse prepared for the next mass hysteria.
Being an antivaxxer means your IQ is below 80. Who in their right mind would hire a literally retarded sheep?
28 year old woman died suddenly, and the media refuses to talk about what her cause of death was, so it is most likely a heart attack caused by the covid vaccine:


15 year old Egyptian swimming champion died suddenly at age 15:

Another vaxxed healthy young person, who has died suddenly. Another person killed by the covid vaccine.

15 month old baby died suddenly:

Her friend died suddenly of a heart condition (caused by the vaccine) in 2021:

Italian football (soccer) player died suddenly during the game, and died on the soccer field:

2 more young people died suddenly:

13 year old girl died during soccer match:

I remember previous to 2021, when the covid vaccine was released, that this kind of shit almost never happened. Healthy young people don't just drop dead suddenly.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old who died suddenly:

25 year old white girl died suddenly:
you will die suddenly, vaxtard
>I remember previous to 2021, when the covid vaccine was released, that this kind of shit almost never happened. Healthy young people don't just drop dead suddenly
I don't remember it either, it would have been shocking and well remembered.
before the vaccine, if a healthy young person just died suddenly, it would be national news.
It's not complicated. The science is settled-- vaccines save lives.
When a large part of the population are as stupid as pig shit and will believe what respected people tell them, then there is a responsibility to tell the truth.
God knows how many lives get destroyed on a site like 4chan where most posters have the mentality of 3 year olds.
Drink bleach!
Don't go to a dentist/doctor/lawyer/therapist!
Don't pay tax!
Vote for a criminal wannabe dictator!
Believe that every person with different skin colour to you is inferior!
Don't try to form a serious relationship with a woman!
It not settled. Some vaccines may save lives, the majority probably cause more harm than good. What is certain is that they make alot of money.
A good goy never ask stupid neither smart questions.

A guy I knew died aged 48 of a heart attack in 2018, his family arranged a celebrity football match to raise money for research.

Who would even do that now?
this is the apocalypse
I would say that every Pol user except me is extremely cynical about life. That attitude of not trusting anybody, of thinking that everyone is out to get you, comes from your upbringing.
No fathers, useless parents, abuse, bullying, family tragedy.... Pol users would have these things in common.
It's unfortunate and it stops you from living, from having serious relationships with a woman you respect, from traveling the world and meeting interesting people.
what a stupid notion, you can't fix stupid, you'll only make yourself a fool in the process
you can throw the all the worlds knowledge at it, fuck the meaning of life and how to save us from world hunger, there will still be dumb fuck retards that call what you're offering dumb instead
>Why is this?
it isn't. nobody cares if you are vaccinated against covid or not anymore. and the unvaxxed are still vaccinated with a bunch of other stuff so its a moot point.
The social group with the highest vaccine refusal rate are people with PhDs (including me btw)
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I have travelled the world and been in your country as well. I dont distrust people, BUT, I can analyse statistics. I understand how to apply Bayes theorem for instance. When I see things that are obviously technically incorrect I simply dont believe it. The people telling you the incorrect facts might well be sincere. They are still wrong though.
Yeh internet made everyone aware all non whites are stupid
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See post-
>lot of money in vaccines
nope. that last covid vaxx, apart from causing inflamation in the heart initially had the cancer causing sequences from SV40 in it. Go and look at the cancer stats. Its causing massive harm years after the injection.
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>i r smart
don't have to be an "academic" to guess mystery drugs might be bad for you
for the normies.
true. the study showed that Phds were the highest group to refuse the vaxx and the next highest were high school drop outs. I reckong the high school drop outs already had a level of independent thinking. Very similar to a PhD mentallity actually (in that we verify things independently)

Vaccines are softkill bioweapons. Ready for round two?

"Pandemic 2.0" Incoming. mRNA Vaccines to Get Emergency Use Authorization for "Bird Flu"
not sure I believe its an actual deliberate population reduction. That would be the biggest crime in history so far if true! I think its a side effect of perverse incentives in legislation and probably, lobbyists and political corruption. A solution to this is to clean up (in a corruption sense) drug and food regulation.

TV doctor in UK recomended vaxx and it killed his dad. Now against the covid vaxx and has examined the data
>If you’re a doctor, doing so will end your career. But even if you’re a lawyer or a dentist, you’ll soon find your regulatory body warning that if you persist, there’ll be adverse consequences for your continuing practice.

Because only a fool would challange vaccines in general looking at the history of mankind so far.
They are one of the biggest triumphs humans made against nature: The immunity against diseases that plagues humanity for centuries if not millenia.

If you live in europe you can go look at old cemetires somewtimes and if not you can go check your ancestors online: They had 10+ children often half of them died before reaching the ripe age of fucking 10.
They were killed by diseases that dont exist anymore because they were exterminated
> I believe its an actual deliberate population reduction.
I can agree with you.
i'm vooting rfk
ok misquoting me, but, one thing you could do is look through the US patent database. in 2015 there was an animal 'contraceptive' vaccine. It was mRNA and created a spike protien. It worked. Then after about 3 years killed most of the animals given it. look it up.
>They are one of the biggest triumphs humans made against nature: The immunity against diseases that plagues humanity for centuries if not millenia.
Clean water and sanitation reduced communicable disease, not vaccines.
I had not heard of this.
"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” - The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell, Page 92

"Looking a little deeper there is the possibility of substantially altering the intellectual and moral natures of individuals by some sort of hormonal injections; already great effects have been produced on animals." - The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin, Page 76
High school dropout here. I'm also Phi Beta Kappa and spent 9 years of my public school tenure in gifted ed. The very reason I dropped out was because I knew I had nothing in common with most people I went to school with, who, surprise! All got the vax. I lived in rural Missouri when COVID panic hit, where virtually nobody except Walmart enforced mask mandates, but there was still pressure to take the clot shot from shoe size-IQ idiots (mostly women, shocker), including my ex-girlfriend. I'm a contrarian irl, so even if it had been tested and proven to be safe and effective, I wouldn't have taken it simply out of spite for everyone telling me to. That being said, anytime the media, the government, and the vast majority of normalfaggots try that fucking hard to stick me with a needle, I'm going to do everything in my power to avoid that, because there has never been a single time in my life when those three entities have agreed with such vehemence upon anything beneficial to anyone. It is always, ALWAYS malicious.
I did not misquote you, kek...

I'm well aware of the bioweapon Spike Glycoprotein, the BSL4 labs etc. Been researching vaccines for 25 years fren.
You sound vaccinated
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Homeopathy and Vaccines use the same principle of a particle of poison is a curative. i.e. Hair of the Dog medicine.

What they are calling vaccines now want to get that hair of the dog into the cells of your body, as though that will make any difference.
>look at all these retards doing their own research and making up their own minds
>just watch the news bro they tell u whats goin on
>Homeopathy and Vaccines use the same principle of a particle of poison is a curative. i.e. Hair of the Dog medicine
I have said this before and been lambasted over it.
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s/byproduct/wmd product/
fuck vaxxies
mash' Allah
There are other factors. sanitation. good nutrition. polio posterboyvax caused cancer due to sv40 for decades as well
>roven to be safe and effective, I wouldn't have taken it simply out of spite for everyone telling me to. That being said, anytime the media, the government, and the vast majority of normalfaggots try that fucking hard to stick me with a needle, I'm going to do everything in my power to avoid that, because there has never been a single time in my life when those three entities have agreed with such vehemence upon anything beneficial to anyone. It is always, ALWAYS malicious.

Good on you. I got an even better early warning. Knew someoner who after failing a phd got a job as an internet 'fact checker' linked to BBC. He struggled with freq domain math at college and asked goofy questions aabout pointers in C. He was raving about qualified doctors coming out against the vaxx. he was a beleiver in the vaxx and still is. but him being so indoctrinated made me v suspicious.
they have fucked themselves in ways that are far worse than trying to get us to follow their destructive path
how many boosters did you get ?
>he didn't get all the boosters
It's like you want to kill Grandma.
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uhhh see the holohoax... brought to you by the same people...
I wonder though if he went half way and is kind of in denial but had 2 or 3 jabs..... lots of them about
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Vaccines are a pseudo-science.
You can find innumerable studies in reputable scientific journals comparing unvaccinated and vaccinated populations.
They all conclude that unvaccinated populations have either the same health outcomes or better health outcomes than vaccinated populations. I've never found a study that claims unvaccinated populations have worse health outcomes than vaccinated populations.
If the health outcomes of the unvaccinated are the same as the vaccinated, then vaccines are useless. If the health outcomes of the unvaccinated are better than the vaccinated then vaccines are bad for you.
So vaccines are either useless or bad for you, there are no other conclusions.
Take the Amish.
The Amish have a very low vaccination rate, approximately 2%.
However their childhood mortality rates are either no different from, or better than, vaccinated populations.
So what is the point of childhood or indeed any other vaccinations?
And obviously the "covid vaccines" weren't even vaccines.
An average 10% excess mortality rate per annum in many heavily vaccinated Western countries since 2021 is something that hasn't been seen since 1945 and shows that these injections were more of a depopulation effort than anything else
Because that’s the real mob. World wide, all encompassing monopoly on ‘healthcare’. It’s like finding out the town pastor is also the leader of the local Satanic cult… like the Dragnet movie.
ya met a nice couple here on vacay (see rare flag) stayed in touch... wife just said she worked for a non profit... later find out her 'non-profit' was giving away the clot shot to people who didn't have access... welp talked to her husband a few months ago... she got turbo cancer out of nowhere (was very healthy) that went through her whole body and basically destroyed most of her organs in record time...
seems like there are too many 'bad coincidences'. two men at my work get heart attacks after 2nd jab, both not the sort you would expect to be unhealthy, both good low wieght. another after 2nd jab gets cancer. family member gets very ill at age 25. maybe this is depop. I dont want to beleive it. but it may be true. could not stop some of my family members getting it ; got the vaxxie you are mad you might die of it nonsense. One family member told me I ought to be held down and injected with it. fucking moron is an estate agent I have a phd in STEM subject. I have gone from being stunned by the vaxxies, to being angry to now being very sorry for them.
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based, they went mask nazi here in USVI .. cut the legs off a new pair of boxers and wrote HOAX on them.. just wore it hanging around my neck,,, still wouldn't pull it up even when (especially when) Karens were policing the stores... was a horrible but eye opening experience confirming my worst suspicions about how sheepified 90% of people are.. even people I previously thought were smart, including most of my senpai and friends....
why cant the vaxxies die off faster?
that was a very annoying thing. I used to be in the army and I saw all these adds at the start of covid for people to learn to be injectors of this crap. they thought they were helping out I guess. but it was another little clue that this thing was very big and planned. the depop idea is getting more and more credible.
I went to the supermarket in a british army s4 gas mask once during the maskies time, just to see if people got the joke and smiled at my ironic statement. nobody reacted. totally brainwashed. total ignorance of any basic pysics of how small virus particles actually are. And incidentally, that would have blocked virus unlike the paper rags that were on peoples faces....
r u some kind of eugenicist? Do you think people who got fooled into the jibby jabby dont deserve to live ?
Kids sometimes come in on stroke alerts now. This never happened before the jab. Never
If this person is so educated why they still use "yall"
Niggers never used textbooks and dictionaries. Just because we have the index of knowledge (computers) doesn't mean they'll use that to learn anything either
KEKEISTAN greatest country in the world,
all other countries are run by little girls!
hahaha I did the same thing with my snorkel gear... a few people thanked my for making them laugh in retarded times
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They are just upset that their Mashiach is taking too long.
could be ironic. you had to be a bit dippy to get jabbed
I'm not saying I'm not retarded, I'm just smarter than you.
football pitch near me, mainly runs soccer games for 7 to 12 yr olds, got issued with a de fribbulator. WTF!!!
Virus particles dont like not being surrounded by easily filtered mucous. Widespread mask use made flu rates drop precipitously. You are not as clever as you think
> malachi
who gives their child such a foul title
beign an anti vaxxer is turning out to be a factor in human evolution. I mean seriously!
it takes time to squeeze people out of their lifes' assets - treatment for diseases that baffle doctors are very very expensive
I think the flu rates were the same. if you run the numbers you see lots of flu dropped but many deaths were written up as covid. anyway you are the thickie here. you body has some very effective mucous linings on its airways. its part of your body ANYWAY. the mask was just a sign of STUPID. it might as well have had it written on it. it prob made things worse. it was a good place to grow bacteria!
cancer is a good one. in the uk there are long queues for treatment. but pull out 30k or so and the op can be done with a week! And its normally dont by an NHS trained doctor who works 25 hours for the NHS and moonlights. He has no incentive to reduce the queues. hed rather do the work for extra money!
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>every Pol user except me
hur dur, strange u have this cancer at age 25. oh yeah you got your boosters. the nhs queue in this area is 12 months. oh dear. u could go private for 30k though...... longer we leave that cancer more likely it is to spread.... your chioce.....
questions like
>how can we know the long term effects of mrna gene therapy without a time machine?
Science is BS that's destroying society and humanity. Scientists are retards who think that all of reality can be reduced to engineering principles but not being actual engineers don't understand the completely artificial nature of all engineered systems and believe in retarded shit like "things have probabilities" and "p values are reality." Humanity was never in danger of making itself extinct until "science" sold us on the idea that we are machines that should live in boxes. Now everyone is a unhappy pill popping or screen addict who can't even be brothered enough to fuck enough to replace ourselves because of these morons called scientists.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN8GAEnXKLY
Poor or corrupted science is destroying peoples faith in it. the unis need to up thier standards and apply so backbone, oh wait, the unis are run by administrators, and they get lots of funding from big pharam and the like, oh dear,,,,
>the mask is a sign of stupid
The mask is to prevent you from spreading your face juice everywhere without everyone having to monitor you to cover your mouth when you talk, sneeze, or cough. My god how can people still be so fucking retarded about this? When you talk tons of micro particles of saliva fly out, but you just don’t give a fuck about spreading it to other people or what?
you have this completely wrong. the virus particles are tiny and they float around like smoke above people and can travel large distances in the air. this was all proved in the 1930s'. The mask and droplets idea was kind of 1910 thinking. honest you have the wrong end of the stick. I am sorry for you that you prob took the jab. I did try to tell people at the time but I just got abuse, mainly. My sciencey mum listened. by estate agent brother did not.

The mask was utter nonsense. I thought it was more about compliance and people being very frightened and clinging to anything they could do. bit like giving someone a rope to pull on a ship when there is a storm and they dont know anything about sailing. the rope is tied up to the mast but stops them causing trouble!
"face juice" from exhaling is bad.....ignore evolution....breathing out is bad okay....
Exhaling causes disease....the science is settled. Just suffocate yourself to be healthy. t.scientist
Information is useless to 80% of the population. That's why universities and progress thrived when only the intellectual elite were there, making use of it. Society works best when the smartest are doing all of the brain work, and the other 80-90% are doing the grunt stuff.
Oh really, so that means breathing out makes germs ? maybe maskie boy should hold his breath to prevent us getting ill. SCIENCEtm.
naw they let people off from the difficult bits rather than fail them. I knew someone who could not do a stats module. I could not beleive it they let him skip it.
Funny how the same people who tacitly fear overpopulation via green policies were so focused on "saving lives." They could have just let covid run quietly and reduced population painlessly.
it causes cancer is nearly all animals except a few species of monkeys. very very nasty stuff.
>why is this?
not really. covid was somethign between a. cold and a flu. they had to get the jibby jabby in people to really start reducing the population.
them and black women cat lady people running for office
>Just make sure the questions adhere to The Science®.

>I'm not sure if we're now better or worse prepared for the next mass hysteria.
You and I are better prepared. Vaxxoids, I don't have much hope for them.
Exactly. The story made no sense.
All the vaxxies are sick and dying rapidly.
>They could have just let covid run quietly and reduced population painlessly.

Sure. It's almost as of they knew it wouldn't. Funny, that.
bird flu! I mesn the vaxxies were incredibly annoying. but if they fall for that one.......
People were pulling their mask down to sneeze, constantly fiddling with them then touching food etc..
Science causes gay people and trannys.
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masks don't work but even if they did their enforcement was utterly nonsensical
>have to wear mask to enter restaurant
>be seated
>now you are allowed to take off your mask to eat
how did this help anyone?
i want them to fucking die. Why cant they die faster?
I have seen you posting for months on here, fighting your arch enemy, 4chan.

Why dont you enjoy living in a snake free tropical paradise instead of fighting your so called enemy?
The only "successful" mrna injection prior to the "safe and effective" injections for covid.
Do you think the world will be better without they type of people who got fooled into being jabbed ?
yea most parents are shit. This is why marriage and family should be abolished and children should be raised collectively by robots or the government or something.

Family is the greatest evil in this world, the concept of family and marriage.
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>Why is this?
vaccines are clearly intended for something else
If you can smell smoke or food through your mask, then it isnt stopping much smaller virus particulates at all.
>beign an anti vaxxer is turning out to be a factor in human evolution.
being willing and able to question authority
being of an independent enough mindset to not just take the word of those who claim to no better at face value.

Those in capable of agency, of self governance, are less than human and will be slaves for all eternity. Not because someone will shackle them, but because they are unwilling to free themselves from the limits placed on them by dependence on others. They are not adults but large children.
>They could have just let covid run quietly and reduced population painlessly
That's what they did. They intentionally placed infected individuals into retirement homes. They intentionally lied about the vaccines. They intentionally lied about covid in all regards. They intentionally ignored a hundred years of pandemic response best practices. Millions died as a result until covid was no longer potent. At a certain point you have to admit they did this intentionally.
That is literally what they are doing and why they have emcouraged divorce and single parent house holds for decades now.
Well because jews and their debtors like to burn books too.

Invest in the wrong book and suddenly a jew appears at your doorstep.

"How did you know mr jew?" You ask
"None of your beeswax goyem, now we need that book back or else"
It's a side effect of Hollywood's constant virus fearmongering. The fear overrides any critical reasoning skills.
Public health was never a concern in this, conditioning you to be obedient of even ridiculous demands was the goal.
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Here's a question for you: do you know what an adjuvant is?
Vaccine orthodoxy is a cult which is old, big, and damaging enough to humanity that RFK jr's single issue antivaxx posture cancels out even his zionist gungrabbing climate alarmism, unironically.

Vaxx worship is the most powerful gambit of the globalists plan to implement total surveillance, CBDC, social credit, etc. Once it crumbles they'll need to switch plan fully to the climate shit. That isn't their first preference though because normalfags have demonstrated for decades that they don't like being soft-inconvenienced, but they do love being hard-governed like vaxxcattle.
If you were a conspiracy theorist you MIGHT think the animal contraceptive vaccine has been used to kill off and sterilize people too stupid to smell a rat!
a helper. in a vaxx something to kick the immune sys into waking up, prob something nasty!
how can we speed up the vaxxie die off? These threads are good because they inflict horror, fear, dread, and fear into the vaxxed. We must keep making anti-vax threads daily, to continue to torture the vaxxed scum
>Do you think people who got fooled into the jibby jabby dont deserve to live ?
I do. They could've just done it themselves and that was that. Instead they militantly attacked me for not doing it and talked about taking my child away. These people deserve no sympathy and no quarter. I will not forget what they did to me, my family and society.
And what happens if your immune system "wakes up" and sees something other than the virus you've injected?
ou just want to torture them? I was cross with them when they tried to pressure me to take it. But the only two who really pressured me (it did not work btw) are now suffering. One has cancer and the other has a daughter who has become very ill (from being super healthy and clever). they have been punished enough.
>they have been punished enough.
No they haven't.
If covid was ever a plague, the population of India would have been decimated.
tell them to do more cardio and take a lot of vacations to far away places
more early vaxxfacts
>turkish/indian mudmagic mixed with jesuit subversion
this was the retarded orthodoxy that was later trumpeted as the greatest medical discovery in the history of mankind, in the form of the smallpox vaxx, for which they rigged the stats in exactly the same way they tried to for covid
>but TRADITIONAL vaccines used to be safe and effecti- ACK
thats because they are jewish
>people thought
nah. onky americans did. they always confused intelligence with knowledge.
People thought that? Obviously people are stupid because they are too lazy to seek beneficial information or they don't know how to apply the information they learn.
They've been using the phrase safe and effective since at least the 1980's when I saw it used in news articles. They've never worked, have they? I'm just astounded they act like a 100 year old tech is necessary for life after tens of thousands of years without them.
Source? There has never been a double blind, placebo controlled study done to show vaccines reduce all cause mortality.
>being willing and able to question authority
>being of an independent enough mindset
i debated this with randos at a bar yesterday and its worse than i imagined
they don't just not care - they actively and aggressively call bullshit on basic facts and points of history that can be looked up in mere seconds
case in point, i read a description of how the thing works to them directly from the CDC website and they called me a conspiracy theorist who was making shit up because "that's not how it works and my boyfriend is a scientist so he would know"
Sounds like your problem stems from talking to women and/or fags.
>colossally stupid questions
how do we know vaccines work?
lol, shut up
If all you seek out is stupid videos of people doing fag dances and jerking off to troon porn then yeah the access to information is irrelevant.
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>criticizes stupidity
>uses the word "y'all"
You're ignoring a large subset of the population that equates being able to google things with intelligence. I've met several people that pretend to be smart amd have all the answers because they pull their phone out and google every little thing. That's not normal.
Because vaccines are one of the primary weapons in the Jewish war against humanity.

Below is probably the greatest video in history on the topic, literally europa tier.

Jews, Vaccines and Viruses:


You’re part of the problem. You still won’t tell your patients that all vaccines are poison and that virology is fake. You’re a coward and you’ve broken your oath.

Any doctor that isn’t whistleblowing is part of the cartel, period

Attacking people and saying they are stupid for refusing vaccines is functionally the same argument as saying there is no possible reason to refuse vaccines which is the same as saying that vaccines are totally infallible.

To believe that anything is totally infallible you necessarily must be brainwashed or deluded because that doesn’t apply to anything, especially something man made, especially something made by big pharma, especially something made by jews.

It is far more likely that you are brainwashed than that vaccines are infallible
Thalidomide in the 60s was 'safe and effective' too
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It makes endless money since babies are forced to get injected and babies are born every day. Biggest scam ever and it is the reason why big pharma is so powerful.

It has caused brain damage, allergies and disease for over a hundred years now.
You’re either dumb or a woman.
No vaccine has ever saved a life, ever.
Damn, they really went all out.
The marxist deep state can put pressure on professionals. Fortunately for me, and most of my bretheren at the bottom of society waging away, they have no real leverage to persuade us. We were never the beneficiaries of the new priesthood of woke like the professional class was. We were always the slaves abused at the bottom for our whole lives. Given scraps and expected to die with clockwork efficiency. I never took the vaccine. Nobody could force me to take a vaccine. I choose. I am more free than any of the professional class. I have real true freedom because I choose my genetic destiny for myself. I don't allow some pharmeceutical corporation or some WEF cult in Europe decide for me. I decide. My fate is my own. I choose NO. Nobody can force me to do anything.
This is incorrect. White conservative American men are clearly the most intelligent group, perhaps Japanese and some Middle Easternrs also.
White women and other women however are far less intelligent than even aborigine men.

The primary observation from an honest study would show the primary predictive factor in intelligence to be whether you are male or female, that makes the most difference in adults above the age of 16
other than being literally diseased
> looking at the history of mankind so far.

By ‘history’ do you mean ‘Jewish propaganda’?
Yeah but I have had people suggest utterly daft things to me especially at football matches (oh look theres a hole in the fence we can get in with the arsenal and have a fight) but I did not take them up. I admit the pressure for the vax was not as obviously a route to self harm or trouble, but, what do the vaxxies deserve. they face death and ill health already.
link to book?
They deserve more death.
thanks for the link, fren, I will watch it later.
here have a medal, edward jenner has a matching one
>Edward Jenner, father of vaccinology, was the great, great, great, great grandfather of Caitlyn Jenner. The word “Vaccine” was derived from the Latin word for cow.
The real mob is the Jews and they control pharma and ‘science’ in general.
I refused a tetanus recently after a deep cut in the woods. I am begining to be more frightened of big pharama now. I was kind of scared they would sneaklily give me a covid jab too. they ad my med records open and I told the a&e doctor I had had a tetanus five years ago. she could not see it in the db. but I just dont trust big pharma now.
Watch it all the way to the end, there’s 3 lectures on his channel and it gets better every lecture. Not a single wasted minute.

Then watch this, interrogation of Stanley Plotkin vaccine pioneer (long nose mafia)
Holocaust Fiction, also.
I never understood tetanus shots. What good is a vaccine if you've already been exposed to the pathogen?
its coming . they all seem so stupid though.maybe its gamblers mentality. the bad thing wont happen to them. they all kind of know its bad. some have had jabbs but spared their 10 year old child, almost like they think that the fact they took it means somehow the medical establishment will be nicer to them or something.
They murdered my daughter with a ventilator and covered it up and tried to blame covid. She was a premature twin and doing fine and then they killed her and tried to steal my son using social services
yeah, it was a girl who went around trying to 'start a debate' (more like pick a fight) about the "current presidential situation," so i changed the topic to something i was willing to argue about. but it wasn't a debate, it was just her appealing to emotion and "common knowledge" and interrupting every 3 seconds
>debating foids
I hope you learned your lesson.
yeah well last one I had was 20 years ago at least. I have this slight irrational fear maybe, that when the medical astablishment gets you on drugs thats a spiral down. Had family member in eartly 90's went for 5 miles walks ate well did not drink. Had a dizzy spell got put on heart meds (prob not req) and she is dead within a year, downward spiral...
I go to a club where there are athletic skills involved (so everyone relatively fit). One had jabs and boosters, died of a very fast cancer so fast it 'suprised' the med estab. Gosh this really could be pop red. it could really be. wonder where the target is. 1/2 a billion down from 7 ?
how can we speed up the vaxxie die off? These threads are good because they torment the vaxxed and remind them they will die. And these threads filter out into the wider internet, as memes and ideas originate on 4chan before spreading out into the wider mainstream society. So by continuing to post these anti-vax threads, we are all doing more than you can even comprehend. We are speeding up the apocalypse and collapse, by torturing the vaxxies.
I am so sorry to hear this. did they try to take your son because u refused vaxx for him ?
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I dont want to torture them,. although they were HORRIBLE to me and pressured me (even slightly job rel to vaxx) I hate seeing them suffer from cancer and heart probs. even though they were arseholes did they really deserve this ?
Yes, yes they do.
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it's like communism of medicine
but they were essentially tricked. they were told there was a pandemic and if they did not get the stupid injections they would be in a worse position by traditionally reliable sources (govt, news, media campaigns). Are the guilty ones not them ? They are just the cancerous sheeple, the pitchfork rent a mob. The reason the news is cencored is to keep the goons from causing too much trouble, not to stir them into lemming like mass suicide?
I've seen some of the most damning bits of plotkin's testimony because Aaron Siri for ICAN is using them to demonstrate the reality of vaccine research to various state committee hearings atm, but it's good to have it all in one place

here's Ray ObomSawin's talk return, doesn't get into the politics of anything but a damning story of their fake efficacy

his was the first video where I learnt vaxx tech is centuries old voodoo rubbish and that the smallpox vaxx was literally commemorated with sacred cow/moloch imagery
maybe they do deserve it a bit. imagine if someone had somethign I know next to nothing about, like a car gearbox. If someone was trying to mend one I would not give them 'advice'. Yet these vaxxies were trying to get me to take it as well. they were not doctors or even nurses. but they still tried to push me to get jabbed. Actually you have a point....
Here's my vaccine thought experiment as Neoplatonist Christ Follower (not Christian religionist).
Guided me well from 30+ years ago as wayyy pre Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist who is has never been wrong in predictions but for one, the 2020 election (missed it but recovered in two weeks).

Vaccine Rufusal Rationale: Critical Thinking

1. How an object or material effects another object or material.

2. The duration of the effect/s of one object or material on the other.

3. Body is a natural object and in a positive or negative symbiotic relationship with other natural objects. As it is the vessel for what is the most precious object in my life, my consciousness, is not my body the most precious and valuable object in the world?

4. How are positive or negative effects determined? By interactive trial and error, observing and measuring of the effects for the entire duration of contact or long/short term duration and effect of contact.

5. If a never been in contact before object comes into effective contact with another object, is it reasonable to determine the positive or negative of the objects relationship for the entire duration of their contact or effect?

6. Can and should the positive or negative of effect be determined with impartiality?

7. So, I am not at all against the idea of vaccines. In considering interacting with an unnaturally produced material that has never interacted with the human body and specifically my own or those bodies who I am connected too, would require satisfying obvious questions or concerns.

As my body is highest value object in the world. Satisfaction of three simple considerations are of the highest importance and priority in not just medicine but in consideration of every temporal interaction.

A. Duration of contact of every object.
B. Holistic effects of contact for the entire duration of contact or effect.
C. Absolute impartiality, integrity and thoroughness in determination.

i want the world to burn, so a new age can begin
Yes, even if they were tricked, they still carried water for those deceiving them. That at least makes them complicit in the whole thing. If only a little more of them could've been like us, we could've sent the pharma jews packing. Instead, they all did their bidding and policed others. Fuck them all. Let them all die excruciating deaths so that me and mine might live.
the same is true for pretty much all phamaceutical drugs. its just the most severly enforced when it comes to vaccines
well that is kind of happening. if the deagel thing is right that means a large de pop. that will change balance of power in some places and will cause inevitable wars and disruption. you have you wish.
I do wonder what the world will be like though. I am getting near retirement age but as an electronics/C/asm/DSP type person will always be in work if I want it. but its going to hurt! that 5 years while the pop adjusts and lots die off.
Like point 3. the mRNA (and DNA too) as manmade being introduced. well thats a recipie for disaster.
were the medical staff forced the jibby jabby in sweden. I used to live there in 90's. Was a really nice country. Liked the winter in stockers too, nice -10oC squeaky snow in the mornings!
Maybe it will breed out the dumbos.
Election means nothing. Fraud means DJT still CIC with all future benefits thereof, etc etc, small potatoes.
Obviously tearing down Central Bank system. BRICS forming alt (future UNIT + memecoin) system. Steady as she goes.
The wars? All a show as part of above. No one getting to destroy the world. But it will get everyone's attention.
Elon controlled release of all the tesla 100! years hidden free energy tech, obviously.
Got it.

What comes next?

Free to cheap energy
No Central Bank system or protective layers of toadies.
All military sent home to rebuild and mind our own business.
If none of the evil that has controlled the world is left in power what does the system look like?
Not the obvious boom in everything per free (cheap) energy and precision manufacturing of anything to all.
But the levers of power.
How does it work in age of transparency and access to compendium of human knowledge for all?
Knowledge and Power to manifest our thoughts into material from that knowledge.
Kind of a great equalizer post bloodlines. One big Meritocracy, only needing platforms to exchange whatever value you have with anyone else.
Hierarchy very difficult if not impossible to maintain in that environment.
Hierarchy of one among the masses.
Age of the Janus face of Satan is over. Acolytes sold out.
4k year old Age of Rule by Fear, blood and death is closing.

Welcome to the Age of the Janus face of Lucifer in knowledge and light.
Prince of the 'power of the air'.
Or being made to appear as that? Difficult to know, isn't it?
i dont think anyone was forced but if u refused they might change your work duties

anyways i think they changed the laws after the pandemic to be more fascist and allow them to fire for the next pandemic

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