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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do Americans really put a humiliation ritual hat on schoolchildren that misbehave like I see on TV ?
Not anymore, sadly.
When I was in elementary school they would either put problematic kids in the corner desk facing the wall and fill out a document about how to not be a fuckup for their parents to sign.

The funny thing later on in my school life, my district superintendent moon cricket tried to reform the punishment system of detentions and ISS because he noticed based on the stats that nig-nogs would get punished more and harsher than whites. Tried to get teachers diversity training. None of that is going to help niglets in middle and high school from acting out. Superintendent later resigned after photos of him flipping off the camera at a game but he did give us a lot of snow days.
Every American should wear these when abroad so we can identify them before they manage to open their stupid childish mouths.
no now they put them in special education prison. which permanently destroys any chance at gaining socialization and mental aptitudes for marriage and economic self sustainability. They mostly only do this to White men. classifying them as adhd or add, women are not allowed to be placed in special education because that is sexist and they should be free from any consequence of acting out in poor behaviour. The same kike nonsense goes with niggers too, because they were slaves and that they are too stupid so putting them in special education would be racist because all of them would be placed there.
I've seen the same here. All the special ed kids were White boys
No wonder Boomers are so fucked up
My boys are like working dogs that need to run. Far more suited to a mix of physical and academic than the purely academic feminist education system we have now.
True, girls are better at sitting still and learning about fractions. I always thought boys could learn that by going to a work site and building something with their hands
They say teenagers were always rebellious, troublesome and moody. I don't believe it. Boomer say everything was always the same, it's cope for them being blind to what's going on.
That guy can't even into cursive, he needs a spanking.
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They've even pozzed PE; no split between the girls and boys, faggoty non contact sports, a fully decked out gym that never gets used. Shits fucked.
We used to, at least when I was in school in the 90s. By that point we had phased out hitting with rulers, but if you acted up, you would be brought to the front of the class and made to do humiliating things like write things on the board and say you were a terrible person and things like that in front of the class like a struggle session.

desu shit worked, more deviant kids got straightened out pretty quickly. We were also allowed to fight, so after a few brawls the social pecking order gets straightened out.

This was all-White rural school, though. Can't really do things like that in nigger-infested areas because they fight dirty and things like that (10 on 1, weapons, etc.).
Holy fuck, really? At-least in my day girls and boys were split. It was still 'no contact rugby' though, I have no fucking idea how that's suppose to work though
yeah but the worst is when you have to wear it on foreskin inspection days. it means you acted up while everyone's pinus was out
elite schools do all kinds of humiliation rituals, schools for the masses that's phased out, military does it
anti-bullying stuff for the masses, ego-breaking for the elite
why do you think there's so much asperger, alienation, losers, incels etc today, total epidemic
Sometime last century, in some cases yes.
The origin of the conical cap is the more interesting thing. There's a reason they tried to degrade it over the years and bury its significance.
Mate around 99/2000 I once rugby tackled a kid so hard he was off school for 2 months. They're making a conscious effort to turn them soft.
yes it was use in the 1800's and early 1900's
based klan member
grocery stores at the time you had to give them a list or told them what you wanted and they get but you had to pay first before they gave you the stuff unlike today.
Sam Hyde dropped redpills too big to be allowed
Maybe that would have toughened me up a bit, I was a really soft faggot in school. A few years back (late 20s) I took up American Football. Every time I'd come back home from practice, I was covered in bruises, it was awesome
Sadly, I actually broke my hand and it took a whole year to heal. I'm sure as a kid it would have healed a lot faster and I wouldn't have been discouraged
/pol/ is like 85% zoomer now.
Now they have the white kids kiss the niggers dirty sneakers. Listen to trannies read fag books while dressed as demons. Teach nothing of use to kids. So yeah it’s much worse than it was.
I wish it was like Japan. Where girls had to wear certain outifts. when i was in school everyone wore a white shirt and i think blue sports shorts, the ones with tiny holes in them and were stretchy with a white rope inside the waist area.
Not anymore. Everything here now is backwards from all that came before. Really the truth is that the businesses are supposed to serve the customer not the other way around like it is now everywhere you look.
Hey that’s racist how were niggers going to steal if they had to pay first? Also roof Koreans beating back the mods of disgusting apes.
I'm a skinny loser myself. Even though I bulked up 10kg and plan to bulk again this fall/winter. But anyway I remember two kids in one of my schools, among of the smallest and scrawniest kids, when I started at that school I remember them as being relatively nice people. One of them later lived close to me, and the other was at my high school in a different part of the school. Both developed into constantly pissed looking assholes who just stared at the ground and whatever. I might have had some of that myself, don't know. But either way I think it happens at puberty. Everyone is really equal as children. Then at puperty guys like that begin to realize that they're low status and are forever resentful at the world for it. But such guys have a role to fill too. In the past they would have learned to accept and be happy with what God gave them. Today not so much. Forever bitter at God really. There was a website that talked about how autism is really satanism, but I can't find it anymore, I wonder why.
Not anymore. Humiliation as punishment is no longer allowed, sadly.
Here's a spic comedian, Carlos Mencia, talking about the dunce cap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TEDYOqe_Y8&t=965s
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Man you are one butthurt faggot in every thread every day. I hope your life improves and thus you live a happier life.

Only suggestion I will make is maybe try NOT gargling an olympic sized swimming pool worth of semen every single day
I thought that was a UK thing
You should ask them
>I'm a skinny loser myself.
But not really. I got two dates this summer. I thought I was an incel but turned out I'm actually a chad.
“Spic” lol isn’t he some kinda Muslim
Never been a UK thing, at-least in the 2000s-2010s
I could see the dunce cap being like, 40s USA, it seems like a really old thing -- every photo is always black and white
stores keep everything in the back area were employees were allowed only, that changed when the first store started allow people to get the stuff off from shelfs, but the check out area was bassicaly caged off and you had to pay first before leaving the store, but that changed and stores became like they are now in the 1940's 1950s
We need to bring it back, humiliation is one of the most effective ways to dissuade someone from being a piece of shit. If you don't agree, you're a piece of shit already.
>swearing every sentence
he didn't get spanked enough
no you don't. japan uses collective punishment in schools, where everyone can get punished. which turns everyone into narcs and shit (this persists into the business world, and adulthood). trust me, japanese school is what you do NOT want.
That sounds like Catholic school
wearing uniform is fine though. my school here in the states had required uniforms. one day a month we could wear whatever we wanted though on a friday.
and now you have a whole new generation of deranged imbeciles
Don't forget sticking kids in "gifted" classes.
Nothing helps the socialization of nerds than having them attend a special class once a week while telling all the other kids they weren't smart enough to qualify for the special privilege.
yes but you can easily spot them when they say stuff like "bruh" or the odd one "he cooked" and ones like "L" and "w" which mean lose and win. It appears kids today cannot say these two simple words due to overstimulation of internet usage.
I remember in first grade whenever i did something the teach didn't like she sent me out into the hallway. I must have been sent out at least once every week
He had a German last name but changed it to a Spanish one to fit an image.
Mexicans are big-time cussers. idk if you even noticed that most of the Spanish words he's saying are cuss words, as well.
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>my district superintendent moon cricket
I have never heard of this, are you referring to advanced placement? I have never been in advanced placement classes. But I have walked into one as I had a period where I worked for the front office, delivering notes to teachers that would excuse the students so they could go to the front office. It looked like normal people and I assume they were just over achievers and not particularly smart but what did I know? I never got into the classes.
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I don't speak Spanish but I know pendejo and cabron.
>Frito Pendejo
something like "fried idiot"
down south we really like our rice and there's this punishment where you sit on our knees for extended periods of time, typically in the corner
, so we combined them. Not confirmed btw but i think it was done to people who spoke french.
What does it say on the chalkboard? Is the last word, Good? It's weird because the I and G? are both unusual and the B in the word Be is capitalized.
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The 6 purposes of schooling as per its creator:
1 - teach unquestioning compliance by forcing children to agree with things which are visibly false
2 - conform all children, smart with the stupid
3 - prohibit learning more than required
4 - ridicule and ostracize undesirables so their peers see them this way to keep them from breeding
5 - categorize everyone
6 - select custodians to take over this
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Daquaan makes me wear one of those that says "whitey" when I misbehave.
Imagine living in a society where behaving like a nigger was not acceptable
Moon cricket is another term for googles, joggers, youths, ect.
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In my case behaving like a nigger would entail having sex with my wife
And I was soft compared to guys the generation above me. Really makes you think.
Holy fucking autism, it isnt the 1920s anymore.

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