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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Same weak father as pederson
And you imbeciles think he is smart
Cant even raise a boy lol

Trans women are women!!
You are just jealous
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>be chud
>strictly police how your son/daughter behaves because muh trad gender roles
>give your kid gender dysphoria
>they troon out
Many such cases. I know of 2 trannies IRL and they both have a conservative upbringing
Yes, Mr. Musk molested his own kid. A surprising amount of American parents have done that since almost half of zoomers are homos. It only stands to reason.
hits pipe
reality will hit him hard like a brick once hes 25-30 years old with no dick and no womb
Yeah but he is not american.
He is african.
elon doesn't raise his kids, he uses the r-selection strategy, because he is an african nigger
this is like 5 years old news, its the reason Elon changed it to x and made the check mark to be purchased. you can also shit talk about faggots now cause of what they did to his son
Trannies are one in a thousand, and you know two? Seems like there's a common denominator (you).
Sad in any case
So what? He has like 20 kids, he’ll abandon this one and make 3 more
Trannies are 1 in 200. You should get out more
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>cant even raise a boy
You can't even raise yourself to be a boy, faggot.
Trannies are 1 in ∞. Psychopathic fetishists are 1 in 200.
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The reason it has come up in the media again is because the trans son/daughter completely wrecked Elon on Threads earlier this week, accused him of being a pathological liar, absent father and mentally ill drug addict
Sad. Why have kids if somebody else raises them up weird.
He's got like 10 of them, one was bound to end up like this growing up in California.
Elon was African in nationality alone, retard
> "I am legally recognized as a woman in the state of California"
Oh wowzers, fkn told! Chuds and racists on suicide watch from the hardcore debunking!
> faggot
t.someone who unironically shills for Elon Musk
I'm sure this sounded really profound in your head
>oh no my dads a billionaire, i could literally do anything i want. Guess ill start sucking dicks and chop off my dick
Not really but it seems to be upsetting you.
Trans women are legally women in a majority of the world, and the exceptions are all shitholes like russia
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>Liking musicals and saying "fabulous" at 4yrs old means you're gay
No, it means the boys mother was Rad Fem that put serious effort into raising her son from the earliest age possible to be a non-threatening male (gay) and eventually took the dive and went full chemical castration on the boy (transitioning).

Musk is just weak, limp dick, father and went along with his overbearing ex-wife.
great minds think alike
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>trannies aren't real....even though I know exactly what you're referring to and I also believe that thing exists
A 14 inch string with a loop on the end is legally a machine gun.
Damn dudes got good genes. Even when your son troons out he’s a cute girl. Damn
nothing wrong with musicals, are you telling me you didnt watch merry poppins in elementary school?
Correct, trannies aren't real. Luke Skywalker isn't real either even though we both know what I'm talking about because we have names for fictional things.
sucks you still will never actually BE a woman though
Luke Skywalker is a name for a fictional concept. "Tranny" is a name for a human being who exists in real life. Hope this distinction helps
Musical are extremely jewish..
This is why it's important to have multiple children
they're women in places that lack balls. russia still has balls left, which is why they aren't recognized as women in russia
I don't want to be a woman. But I understand that this stuff is socially determined so, if a majority of societies on earth agree they're women how are they not women?
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Why are Chuds so hot and bothered by trans girls? XD
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Yeah international faggotry is definitely caused by the right. Kike.
This, 100%. They're full of programming, and it's dangerous to young mind
You were so close.
Would impregnate, elon nigger better hurry up and invent artificial wombs for his sissyfied offspring, literally the only chance his gene line not meeting dead end.
You shouldn't have voted for Biden, libtard.
he's just doing what single mom do
I think Elon already does... In his sleep.
Because mob rule doesn't dictate reality, stupid. If human went extinct male and female would still exist in nature. There just wouldn't be an intelligent creature to label the opposite sexes with "male" and "female"
Israeli meme flag detected. Russia recognized trans women as women only until they got dragged into a war and decided it could get some mouthbreathers excited to die lol
Most countries that don't recognize trans people are garbage shitholes, Hungary is the only one I can think of off the top of my head that's livable
and it shows in his mating strategies
I think it has to do with sterilizing and mutilating children by force while demanding everyone play along with delusions or face prison Lysenko-style.
>be autistic
>get the cool space and rockets autism
>have autistic child
>they roll the bad ending tranny autism
Many such cases
I bet his other kids are into shit like dinosaurs and trains
I want to sterilize and neuter all Dane twinks and replace them with big beefing BBCs.
>countries that don't recognize trans people are based
Mob rule actually does determine the definition of words, frfr ong no cap. That's why the end of the prior sentence has a certain meaning now that it didn't have 10 years ago

>If human went extinct male and female would still exist in nature. There just wouldn't be an intelligent creature to label the opposite sexes with "male" and "female"
It's like you recognize these are categories that emerge from the human brain but choose you endow them with metaphysical mythological significance anyway
Based on child labor
no need to flatter, you had me on based
>BBCs and sandchads are based
>absent father figure
>kid turns into tranny or to drugs
Many such cases. His interview with Peterson was cringe to watch. It was just him trying to excuse himself for not being there for his son when he needed him, and shifting the blame from himself to others. Pathetic.
Here's a fun piece of trivia: the USSR was the first country in the world to ban lobotomies.
What is this retarded debunk? This kid is actually retarded.
First of all, he wouldn't remember shit from when he was 4 years old, no one does unless they're 5.
Secondly he admits to being harassed for being feminine and queer, but a 4 year old saying fabulous and liking musicals? No, that's completely unbelievable. So I must assume the feminine qualities he had as a 4 year old was sucking cock.
He hasn't been there for any of his 12 children, had with three different women. All have grown up without a father figure or male role model. He's the ultimate deadbeat dad, a real piece of shit
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Everything has a context. In (((your))) country, yes
What you're thinking of is feminine and masculine. Those are social constructs. Also i said mob rule doesn't dictate REALITY you stupid fag enabler
Shut up roasty. Elon Daddy is the role model to millions.
California chews troons like him out and then spews with the rest. tranny will be cryign in few short years once it's impossible to hide male features
Lobotomies were replaced by psychiatric drugs. Conservatives don't actually have a viable medical alternative for transitioning. You just say 'muh lobotomies' because I guess you can just believe whatever you want if lobotomies existed. The earth is flat because scientists used to believe the sun revolved around the earth
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imagine when varg's children will troon out or become muslims/christcucks
Explains a lot about the state of the US if that is true
you need to wash your mouth from gay cum you've been drinking
Post more IR BBC goon porn DX
Man and woman are social constructs. We know this because society has a bunch of messy exceptions that get sandwiched into these categories, and that these categories have changed over time alongside social norms
Some jewish paperwork you had to pay for says your a "woman" but when scientists dig your skeleton up later you will be categorized as male. your fantasy doesnt make reality.
Since chopping off dicks and tits does somewhere between nothing and increasing the suicide rate I do in fact have an alternative: do nothing.
why do you need documentation, medication, and surgery to affirm a social construct? Just live as a femme twink
Anthropologists will distinguish my skeleton from that of a late transitioning trans woman by noting the lack of skull surgery or breast implants, the clothing on my corpse, and the name on my tombstone. Didn't scientists call some dead viking a trans woman recently?
Having a BBC decreases the suicide rate. So all white twinks should be replaced by BBCs.
If you want to pretend to hate trannies because you're such a rational logical scientist I'm afraid you're going to have to refrain from retarded statements like "chopping off dicks and tits does somewhere between nothing and increasing the suicide rate"
holy shit you're really relusional.
tranny spotted. tranny in denial spotted. faggot spotted. soon to be statistic of tranny suicide spotted. grab a large knife fellas. it has revealed itself.
Cool. I accept your concession.
>China and Iran accept the validity of trans medicine in reducing suicide because of the western Jewish conspiracy guys
No, I'm tired of these fucking mental ward faggots posting about trannies every 40 fucking microseconds.
Why are trannies always so rebellious and angry and contrarian? You understand that female nature is being weak, accepting, and following the male leader. You're not doing a very good job of hiding your malehood with such rebellious personalities.

You are in fact, men.
Is that why you saved an incoherent meme of someone who supports trans rights saying ywnbaw that was only made in the last couple days? You love it closet case
This is some real incel shit. Maybe you should go outside and talk to some women
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How does this explain trannies with liberal upbringings?
Women are the physically weaker gender.
Women have to take care of their children.
Women follow the leader (in this case the state).

You're not being a woman, you're acting like a male in a very rebellious and fighting manner. You have to understand that even though you want to be a submissive pussy bitch - your natural character gives you away lol lmao
>understood what it meant
You can't even utter a coherent fucking thought.
I'm glad you're fucked up. Bitch.
>I want to sterilize and neuter all Dane twinks
>sleep around with a bunch of whores
>do tons of drugs
>be absent father
Gee I wonder why his son ended up being a tranny
Its genetic. He has tranny genes from his mongoloid jew father.
And make sure to keep telling yourself that everyone is closeted, just to maintain the illusion that people actually fucking like you.
His whole interview was also staged to save his own face. He's vocal about anti lgtbbq, but his own son turned into a tranny. He could see the irony himself. He didn't care about anyone but himself.
You can ride with him when you both are going in the same direction, but don't stick with him for too long, otherwise you will find yourself in a place you don't want to be. He's not someone who will save you with no strings attached.
the WORDS themselves are social constructs but what they define is something concrete. Biology. Your logic is flawed and you've come undone
You'll never be a woman, at best a feminine man and most people with sense will not respect your views. Eat shit, queer.
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Didnt want to answer my last question? they never do. ywnbaw
hahaha no. those are just teenagers being faggots. actual trannies are less than 1/10000
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chuddy is just working backwards from his conclusion.
>red pill
>milo yiannopoulos

is he stuck in 2016?
It's amazing how nobody on the internet has anything negative to say about the bullying he said he was a victim of. Nobody is saying something should have been done to stop the bullying. Puberty blockers was the way to go after the bullying drove the him to suicidal depression. Complete insanity.
My father was always there for me, supported and raised me and I grew up as a normal straight man without any weird thoughts about my sexuality
Really makes you think huh
Liberal trannies = too much plastic water bottles and goyslop as kids
Conservative trannies = harshly enforced gender roles

This is my hypothesis
I don't actually understand what it means. The ultra progressive squad told netanyahu ywnbaw? It's literally just a conservative slogan slapped on something without any rhyme or reason. If the message is just ywnbaw you can just type it instead of trying and failing to be clever
>He is african

He fathers a lot of children like a nigger. He says retarded shit and I wonder if his IQ is single digits.

Confirmed - Elon is a nigger.
? I'm not trans but people seem to mostly get along with the office tranny I know. Maybe if you work a blue collar job things are different
>talking shit about your son to the whole world even if he's a faggot
This is the kind of stuff you handle behind closed doors. Musk is a shit dad
And I'm gonna seduce and fuck his cute son
is it wrong that I want him to suck my dick?
the mechanics of buttfucking are quite gross from what my gay cousin told me, involving enema, vaseline, and the faggit has to be drugged up to take his big dick
is this sarcasm???
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>what they define is something concrete
>okay so it's not chromosomes
>okay so it's not gentials
>okay so it's not hormones
>okay so it's not gametes
>okay so there are exceptions and i can't actually define it in a concrete manner and it's based on vibes but.....it's concrete reality and not a social construct!!
Conservatives believe in bullying people for being feminine so what did you expect. They don't actually have any solutions for these people they just want them to go away
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>File: 1720829115073v.png (16 KB, 640x584)
WTF is this shit? I know phonefags get lower res m to save bandwidth but I've never seen v, is it a JIDF code?
He has like 109 children, statistically at least 1 is going to be gay
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this thread is real strange
started by Ghost of Kyiv with german flag, and then we see "Trans women are women!!" from identical name with hohol flag, then "You are just jealous" from rus flag, clearly it's one shill using 3 VPNs and I think he's from Tel Aviv
You're off your meds dude. You're not making any sense. If your chromosomes are out of wack, if your genitals are mismatched, if your hormones are fucked it's not because you were born mistaken, it's because you're a genetic fuck up and you don't deserve to be alive. Abort all genetic freaks. You were not supposed to be born like that. You just muddy society with your unclear state of being.
>You're off your meds dude.
JIDF shills say that, are you JIDF too?
makes sense slide threads are one JIDF loser talking to himself using multiple VPNs
how do you know you're not a tranny too if you haven't tried it?
Did you read his post? He's literally not making sense. Just writing shit so I'd respond to him. He's a desperate loser or mentally unstable
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Whoa. He talks like Justine
Elon Musk: Correcting The Record About My Divorce

Oh well. I just watched JP and Musk, in the first 30min
>JP agreed that Musk "figured out" philosophy by reading Hitchhiker's guide
>JP implied that "Grok" will save all of humanity's knowledge from AI/woke
>Elon said "a cell is not conscious" because it "doesn't seem to be".
I hope his gay son fucks mikaila peterson up the ass
>He's a desperate loser or mentally unstable
I think it's his job, in Pissrael they have mandatory military service, some of them may not be fit for combat so they give them thankless jobs like this, starting a thread with german flag, then replying with ukie flag, then with russian flag.
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>Elons son is a faggot. Ghost of Kyiv
>Ghost of Kyiv
I have trouble believing a kraut would LARP as '''Ghost of Kyiv'''
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I wanna fuck Elon's son brutally in both his holes and then beat him to death with a nail hammer when post nut clarity hits.
One possible solution is if the victim of bullying wants puberty blockers, then the bullies also have to take them. It would double profits at least.
>That writing style
Lmao that troon probably posts here
that's the sort of reaction they want to elicit, give you a tranny fetish.
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>That mid Atlantic accent.
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>I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness
By whom? Why call out the father and not them? Probably too traumatized. Schools that can't control bullying should be sued or shutdown.
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>your chromosomes are out of wack, if your genitals are mismatched, if your hormones are fucked it's not because you were born mistaken, it's because you're a genetic fuck up and you don't deserve to be alive. Abort all genetic freaks. You were not supposed to be born like that. You just muddy society with your unclear state of being.

You seem to be having a meltdown and calling for the genocide of all intersex people...I thought this was a very simple matter of concrete biology and now we need to radically re-orient society to protect your feelings?
>he wouldn't remember shit from when he was 4
His twin was the one who liked musicals not him. It's not a debateable memory it's musk not being able to tell his kids apart.
"Intersex" people are freaks of nature that don't deserve respect.
Because his father failed to be there to protect him and guide him like a proper parent should do. I wouldn't be surprised if Elon told him to fuck off because he's busy arguing with trannies online.
Okay but did you notice that intersex people are still considered men or women, or sometimes both across a single lifespan?
>they don't deserve respect
This sounds like you're trying to change a social construct thats been around for millennia because your ideology doesn't fit. Face it, gender is a social construct
What people say don't matter. Abort all freaks of nature.
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That's how I raised my only white son too. He was conceived through IVF, because my wife only has sex with black men
no such a thing as intersex people. You're either straight or a faggot. Faggots had it pretty good already. it should be illegal for them to get surgeries to catfish hardowrking godfearing men
No you silly Colombian sex and sexuality are too separate things. An intersex person is a genetic fuck up, not a cock sucker or box muncher
I like Elon but this is 100% his fault. Children who are raised at least somewhat decently do not end up as troons. I wonder what the rate of divorced parents to faggots/troons is like compared to children with married parents. I am tempted to believe that it makes an important difference.
>His twin was the one who liked musicals not him
if another of his sons becomes a tranny, Musk is really gonna lose it
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I wonder why it is that all my mulatto sons are cis, but my only white son is trans
Hating intersex people is pretty fucked up. You just want things to be mad at at that point.
the real ones are like 0.001% of the population. Every "intersex" person you know (including Elon's son) is just a faggot or someone with other mental issues
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You are on /cuck/, what do you expect? We are all stupid on here
Knowing that most of the 11/12 probably inherited his autism I would be more suprised if it were only 1.
If you get in the way of chuddy's imagination of how biology works you need to die so that he doesn't have to admit he was wrong
Such is life in California. Make Arizona Bay a reality.
Luckily Elon has, like 10 more children that can turn out great
>10 more
He set up another franchise.
For real... He must be scared for β-100-OCT3/4 , (the son of tranny lover Grimes). I think that's the kid he likes the most
Musk and Grimes have 3 kids now. Clearly he's not that scared
I didn't know they had so many... But there's only one that's always with him and seems to be his favorite (the one didn't have through surrogacy I think)
I would be scared... celebrities love to troon out their sons for some reason.
>t. muslim diasporanigger in Germany
You're not his father
He has like 12 kids in total the 3 are júst with grimes
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