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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Just love your kids, alright?
Okay Kubrick
Doesn’t he have like 5 boys? Why the fuck does he care if one of them wants to trans themselves to death? Fuck that little ungrateful toad.
He had one job as a man. and it wasn't toy cars or social media cancer.

Someone should tell her to love and accept the future rapists of their son and show gratitude and forgivness to this person
t, someone in their early to mid teens
that's the reason of west decline
>you can do whatever you want sweetie!!
and then you end up with the current state of white women
we need sharia law
Trans and homophobic parents frequently get abandoned by their kids. Not only did my sister tell my parents to fuck off, but my brother and I did too. They're miserable and lonely and it's entirely their fault, all they have to do is stop obsessing over trannies. I genuinely don't understand
I'd rather my kids be addicted to crack or commit murder than be trans. Simple as.
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>Meanwhile my Husband and Trans Teen are rolling on the floor
The dude has a hundred kids or something. No surprise if you get a defective one in the mix. Redundancy is important with any serious projects.
t. a standard Dutch cuck
It was to sit around and play make believe with his son while coddling to his mother's brain rot?
Discipline is part of love.
not disciplining your kids is an act of selfishness.
I hope Elon funds a war against the United States government.
you can say Jews or kikes here
I can see why he rebelled against globohomo after losing a son.
Elon Musk is a cunt.
...and nothing of value was lost. Their kids won't provide them with grandchildren so they may as well be dead.
I saw him rebelling at the big congressional blowjob of Bibi.
>Love your mutant fuck ups!!!!

Elon sent his children to his own special yeshiva.
And you wonder why they're all gay.
I can bet you a million dollars, all of Elon's sons are buttraped by jews once every day.
brush yo teef nigga
He raises his kids like he runs his companies. He doesn’t.
/pol/ is the resistance to the reddit transnazis.
Nah. Should have done home schooling to avoid the bullying from Jamal during formative years.
I see Alex Caraballo is lying again. Elon said his son Xavier is dead. He didn't say his daughter Vivian.
Do you think she'll blame herself when the kid kills itself, or will she find some way to blame it on literally anything other than her actions and bad decisions?
Likely the latter.
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As much as I think people that pushes transgenderism needs to be lined on a wall, I think if you have a child that really doesn't think he belongs his own body, the best thing you can do is love him the way he is and try however you can to allow him happiness.
If it means calling him "Shirley" instead of "Sebastian", well then so be it.
I'm just putting it out there if anyone needs to hear that.
doesn't matter, still going to kill himself, still chemically castrated, still extremely likely he's going to molest kids, still a dead end for your bloodline leading a meaningless empty life that only makes the world worse for his existence
>deadbeat father

Hes unironically a nigger
Demons love Satan, news at 11
Musk isna deadbeat tho
He admitted He hinself sitned the paper allowing puberty blockers
Because He didnt give a fuck.
>>Musk isna deadbeat tho
>bring a dozen fatherless children into the world
he's no different than a nig
If it changes gender its no longer your kid you birthed a girl not a boy.
I'm becoming divided at this point. On one hand I want to make hormone blockers illegal and only allowed in few cases of medical emergency. On the other hand can't hate Elon more for being a complete zionist who ignores a full blown genocide of a population occupied for 70 years.

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