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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says
>Chippy tea is now 'a luxury' due to rising potato prices
>Starmer: I will not force you to get rid of your gas boiler
>Climate change is treated as real by bongs
Damn bros, do you need me to throw a few car batteries in some rivers and streams later on in solidarity with your plight?
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Car batteries from your automatic cars you poof?
thats ray cyst
Just had a sirloin steak for breakfast after the gym. Corrr.
Watch your pretty lil mouth. I'm not the one who has to ask my government permission to own a natural gas water heater.
Nah coppers will come round your house to shoot you for hanging your washing on a line instead lol
Steakfags are such Midwits.
Send me some co codomol cucks
With sauerkraut as a side btw.
Complete colossal bummer breakfast
Look at the fucking state of THAT!
Fucking city rats
Surprised it ever stops raining long enough for you poorfags to have clothes lines outside. Here in America we can afford clothes dryers.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
As an American I use to envy the humanity of your cops however it seems over the last 10 years or so they've turned into American zogbots..
Aye you're proper hard you with your nice weather and machines to dry clothes for you, a true American hero.
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How about for trying to throw boiling water at them?
They're cunts but they're not going around shooting people for crossing the road lol
>has cyst on brain,
Ray Cyst?
And the home of the braaaaaaave
This confuses and enrages the mart sharter
I'm glad you understand that we have nice weather. Yes, we could easily dry our clothes for $0.00 outside with our continental weather. We choose to use a machine to do it merely to mock you, the Bri'ish, in particular.
Ray Cystmann
Any updates on the diversity that attacked the crowns forces?
They dont do that here either. . But it seems like 15 years ago your cops were chill asf. I think there was concerted effort to turn them into american zogbots sad.
He was having menkul elf mate and used the knives in an irregular fashion
Yeah you've proper done us by owning dryers in your cardboard houses, totally owned hombre! As they say in your dialect.
The introduction of feral niggers under the jewish insistence their humans does that
British cops have never been chill
Was he a local man with mentol elf?
They still are chill I've not seen a copper this year, just live in a high crime area it's easy.
That news cycle has come and gone.
Damn that sucks. Well hey, you guys got good beer and can get codeine over the counter.
carers refused to make my nan breakfast the other day because bacon is against their religion
I dont keep up with jewish media so am unaware of what narrative their feeding the goyim
>as police decide not to take action
To be fair, using images of politicians like that is a time-honoured tradition. We've been making and harming effigies of them for probably centuries.
But if he wants to be a knob about it, then he could make one of his own of an ethnic MP and watch the police and the left squirm.
i have my down pipe going straight into the butt. at a funny angle but had quite a lot of water but jow its almost gone. need a lid for it too, got lots of nutrition in from the dead flies
Dunno but i am sure today will be another concern troll (you) farm by certain usual suspects, police audit spergs and civnats crying about paki stomping.
>"next they will stomp you"
>"those 'lads' were doing nothing to deserve such police brutality"
Soft shite little girlymen
>codeine over the counter
lol at most you can get solpadeine max which has 12mg of codeine and 500mg paracetamol. cwe method takes too long and codeine high is pathetic. just buy heroin. also, codeine has no pain relieving effect, paracetamol and ibuprofen do.
Another day off
Might build a town on a known tornado hotspot later, whats the worst that could happen.
Yet they'll still be getting coked up, drinking grey goose (in secret) and chainsmoking all weekend. But they're autistic about pork and hijabs, classic.
Local to London, afro-saxon innit bluud
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>Treasonous pedo-protecting faggot
You just had to ruin my day, didn't you
This is exactly it. You use energy consuming clothes dryers on a day when your clothes will dry naturally in a warm breeze. I have witnessed niggers using drying machines in Florida in summer. It’s the entitlement, the idiocy, the lack of common sense and humility which we all hate about Americans.
Its an exercise in force
The Manchester airport incident was a nothing burger. But if they can shift focus of the goyim from the crown being attacked to some random paki sympathy

Thats real power
M8 they'll be gunned down if they hang their clothes out to dry, it's illegal.
>afro saxon
you just started something not good. google the phrase afro saxon.
they tried to pull the racist card when asked to send a carer that could actually do whats asked, its sickening
>entitlement, the idiocy, the lack of common sense and humility
Well it is what their nation was built on to be fair.
Those silly French ideas really didn't work out.
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How many miles do you think he gets off a full charge compared to a human?
Well well well.
Just had a lovely shower, I'm fresh and clean, unlike niggers, who smell of ass and sweat and mangoes.
Oooga booga! (Formal greetings to all stinky blicks)
fuck that labour tosser and all the droogs who voted for him. Britain is fucked because lefty cunts want my money because they are stupid lazy fat welfare claiming losers who suck immigrant cock and wank off to the thought of children being raped by muslims in corner shops
And it's the seethe of our envy which entertains us so.
Enjoy a nice and affordable midwestern lifestyle in a small town on the majestic Mississippi river, most likely.
I'm sorry that you're still living in a 1 bedroom flat and our 8000 square foot mcmansions make you so angry. Oh wait, no I'm not.
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I have both a dryer and a washing line, and i find the solar/wind green energy dries clothes faster than the mechanical heat element variety
But then you're doing what climate ninnies want you to do, so it's better to just run the dryer.
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Fallout london dropped last night lads
looks hyper gay
Wont be playing
>A series of fires have hit French rail lines, hours before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympic Games

Hon hon hon
Les BAMEs?
You are right, going to start cooking my food on burning tyres then, that will teach em.
>>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says
Paki's and jews
You lose
Cease and decyst
make me
It's going to be the most global Olympics ever!
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Cysters... not like this
sorry sir
I've known a couple of muslams in my life, and they love grandstanding about pork while committing every other haram behaviour. Probably because that's the one rule that's easiest to follow.
>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport

This would never have happened under the Tories.
twitter is just wall to wall blackpilling and demoralisation of late
Fucking hate mutts
For me it's just constant anti-reform seethe, pro and anti wogstomper, yanks countersignalling the Kamala astroturfing and some weird zoomer big brother thing called Fishtank
The Internet is dead. Its so sad what happened to it but I'm glad I was here for the wild west days of it
Steve Jobs is to blame, ISP's are to blame, may they all rest in piss.
Mental how abortion never crosses the mind of a working class slag.
The famous 2006 time cover
>You. You control the information age. Welcome to your world.
Now it's a corporate hellscape controlled by governments, bots, and groupthink. This isn't your world, it never was gonna be kiddo
From the time of "My Computer", before it became "This PC".
Now do it unironically, and you will have learned something today.
Tommys march tomorrow
>>meh robinson is gay
Do nonces actually get beaten and violated in prison? Everyone says it
Yeah I'm angry you have to drive 10 miles for milk in your gay automatic. Proper seething my head off.
Keir Starmulke sucks nigger dicks in hell
Just had a white delivery driver.
Does israel really think this is the right time to start race riots here?
>Probably because that's the one rule that's easiest to follow.
Nailed it.

only for the hour they get out of their cells, it's why you hear about "stairway nonce bashings", prisoners really don't spend that much time together
Depends, if they're Muslim nonces other Muslims will protect them.
The issue is that he kicked him in the face, and then kerb stomped him. he could have easily killed him. It isn't that he was a paki. He would do the same to you or I given the chance. They are out of control and hate us.
This is all Brexshit's fault
Poignant that
White or slavic?
It’s mental when you think of it, once someone’s in for being a nonce what do they do when released? Who the fuck would hire a nonce, suicide has got to be the correct option surely
bennies innit
No accent. Name was Steve.
Just apply at the BBC.
no, thwy are kept on a separate wing with other nonces. most nonces are debted druggies now but i have no idea how they interact with rapists and pedos. i was in lincoln on remand for 7 months and i would go from b wing to c wing to get medications and e wing was connected snd yiu could see down but you couldnt access the pedos.
Non-Muslim sex offenders get bashed. If you're white and shag a deceptive 15 year old, you're nicked, and you're bashed, because nobody will roll with you. If you're a brown nigger nonce who yodels to Allah, and you nonce an 8 year old girl, you're probably not even nicked. And if you are, brown people will destroy an entire block of ancient buildings. And after that, other nigger nonces will protect you in prison. Honest mistakes anyone could make while white = dead nonce. Outright rape or molestation of a small child while brown = protected
apologies for the run on at the end there.
>i was in lincoln on remand for 7 months
for what, being gay
Y'all lads ever had someone you knew get done for noncing?
yeh it's the easiest way & you simply join up multiple water butts to collect all the water
Well that's because Islam says it's right.
>Who the fuck would hire a nonce
no i'm not a prole, honestly if someone i knew DID go to prison it would be for noncing
Inappropriate handling of a Lincolnshire sosij.
There are some Muslim clerics now who say that Aisha was actually 19, and that her own words saying she was 9 are not to be taken as true because those are not the words of Muhammad. You should see the level of seethe this causes among Muslims. Violent rage because someone is saying their prophet WASN'T a nonce.
Are they still making appearances in these threads or have they taken a break now that the election is over?
I had a high school teacher who was always super weird. He would corner the freshmen birds (14 yo) and get really close to just chitchat in his normal voice. It was aggressively seductive body language that was highly inappropriate. He ended up getting done for noncing, shockingly, but died of coofing before his trial ended.
>going straight into the butt
Like an emema you mean?
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Lass I knew in university had a boyfriend double her age who used to be a lecturer. We later found out he'd done time for cp possession, and basically all of his former female students would say he was always trying to look up their skirts.
He tried to say the cp was some big conspiracy against him, that it was "secretly put on his computer" by a political rival because he was running for a local council position. His evidence of this was that the fuzz had to use a "special software" to prove it was once on his computer which must mean it was buried super deep in a place only the 1337est of h@xx0rs could access, but in reality that special software was basically an undeleter like Recuva or something. Not exactly high-tech shit.
Anyway, even if that was the truth he would then instantly undermine his arguments by adding shit like "but it doesn't matter if I did do it because it is natural for men to be attracted to teenage girls because blah blah standard nonce defence".
I only found out about this after we all stopped hanging around with that lass and him. I later found out it was because the girls in our group we're really skeeved out by him and didn't like being in his presence. So basically I missed my chance for a righteous nonce bash.

>Two PE teachers in secondary school were also nonces
Vicar at my church got framed for noncing around the turn of the millennium, police found cp on the church computer, but it wasn't him that did it, was some volunteer or something
this thing a jew?
But lads what do nonces actually do once released? Its baffling how that’s never talked about, bennies surely can’t be enough and they must have job restrictions surely
>bennies surely can’t be enough
blacked out drinking last night after being sober for 2 weeks. woke up next to 3 pizzas i don't remember ordering
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>not to be taken as true because those are not the words of muhammad
Sneaky sneaky. So they could throw out a lot of the quran that isn't technically muhammad's direct words. Anything that a character claimed muhammad said to them would be up for debate.
I heard some muslim once say that the quran is a secure religious text because it is still in the same original arabic it was written in, that arabic hasn't changed since the quran was written. So there is no issue over translation or misinterpretation. Dunno how true that is. But they do believe that muhammad was perfect and therefore anything he did, absolutely ANYTHING, becomes good, moral, right and virtuous purely because he did it.
>Are they still making appearances in these threads
Literally the post below yours.
you don’t go to prison for being gay. why did you think you did? is that the stories your mum told you when you came out as to stop you telling everyone
i am very capable of eating a linconshire. i actually prefer them to cumbos and lacastrians.
Been sober for just over a year now and I don't miss the blackouts at all lol. Mad how you can go to the shop with 20 quid and basically give yourself psychosis legally lol
no, you’re thinking of a derrière. im on about a storage medium for water. people call them water butts.
not a bad idea that. will be nice in the winter but im worried about them freezing up and cracking, any advice for that before i go looking through jews search engines?
You associate sosij with gay stuff? He was done for stealing the famous Golden Sosij from Lincoln Museum of Natural Mystery.
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ok so what did you do then? smuggle penises up yer bum for heterosexual reasons?
I like them ones you get in chippys (not them weird rubbery southern ones) but I never see them in the supermarket.
Was in Edinburgh yesterday. Why are there so many jet black niggers there now? Is turning into London rapidly
>Piss off the UK govt
>Get a fine
>Piss of the US govt
>Get shot dead
They've always been there gammon.
Saw 5 africans out of 10 people in total in my small town
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>paki about to do a tactical worm move
>police use reasonable force to shut it down
Part and parcel
Truly enriched
Glownigger general
Me and my wife play a game when we go tesco extra, as soon as I enter the car park, I start counting them, by time I park I am always in the region of mid 20’s
so true
the best water buts are the 200L chemical drums, you can get some used of course however it does depend on what was stored in them as you won't that stuff on plants (chemicals leech into the plastic as well). Metal chemical drums would eventually rust out unless you coated the inside with something (paint etc) to prevent it.
Music on the full Anglo Saxon breakfast show is hilarious this morning
Radio head cover - Youre a Jeet
Rolling stones cover - paint it black (Jews see a white land and they want to paint it black.
Search on Odysee only for the most commited o/ white men
They've seemingly been shovelled into every town and city over the past 2 years.
Is there a problem?
I've seen people sprayed, shot and blinded, trampled by horses, punched kicked, hit with batons, had noses broken, tripped, and seen grannies pushes over and hips broken. I've seen it live in France and the UK, and watched Vids of Australia, Canada, and US.
The only common factor was Police. Not Pakis. They are a Bong thing. Canada has Indians and no Pakis for example.
Do you not remember Covid in Australia?
Even in Paki strongholds there's Africans and Romani everywhere now
What’s the process of an ugly fat as fuck big mama nigger from a slum in Nigeria ending up in a village in the Cotswolds
Breakfast sorted then
look at starmers brekkie. never trust a husband of a vegetarian. they are pussy whipped.
when i heard he was a pescatarian, it struck me at his COVID Curry night in durham he'd have ordered the Paneer Curry which is the most pathetic thing i have ever heard.
he has the power to obliterate a capital city with nukes and he orders Paneer Curry.
It was fucking Putler?!!!!
Shithole full of cunts except one lad
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Look coppers have never done shit to me because im not a feral retard
Simple, you disgusting animal
Wait, so it wasn't isis?
Nope, I think I should be able to count to 50
Grover Washington jnr - gas the jew with us
This shit is hilarious, wfh has never been so funny
Imagine being stupid enough to miss a golden opportunity to hate on the establishment. We need mass executions of fed supporters right now.
Edinburgh is the one good place in scotland
>he was done
who was done? i got not guilty in the end. not really, i pleaded guilty for less time but should have jury trialed it.
they apply for a family visa from some distant family member in london via the fake church they are in and get approved. then they apply for social housing and take the biggest house offered to them. it's all fake african church people trafficking done via the system instead of being done via whatsapp and albanians.
If you’re a nigger or trans
Or both
Romanis are the absolute worst. Fucking disgusting pikey gypo scum.

They are the future as well - if you look into their origins it’s white Romanians who interbreed with low caste Jeets.

We will all look/act like that soon. It’s over lads.
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how would you smuggle a penis up your bum? you think the guards would notice the man attached to the penis being smuggled? anyway, if you’re not a newfag you should know why i was in, said it plenty. i also have a hate crime charge which was embarrassing more than anything.
My entire freind group knew I was a nonce. They only made it an issue when I stole the gf off the group leader. Before that I was just the group nonce. I even got babysitting duties. The 2000's were mad.
im going to have a look. i ised to use an old garden waste wheelie bin. think im going to use that to make compost in. also want to extend the back fence to the wnd of the property, give ke an extra 5 metres by 2 metres to grow in. i hope i get a council house one day.
i don't post in this general because it's full of proles
how did you end up a nonce? what did you do?
whats a proles? is that some romanian polish hybrid?
Keema is the true chad choice, give me the fucking spicy sheep.
Ok Tarquin
Disabled shit comedians
The curse of the Golden Sosij will always be inside you(r arse).
spoken like a true prole
ok deano
Bootlicking cuckold
Always loved young girls ever since I saw one naked on the beach when I was 12
You literally do post in this general, wtf am I replying to?
you could say have the top part for compost & the water drain to the bottom. It would never freeze up either. You would get nutrient rich water for plants
I'd say put on a name/trip and join the others but you're straight so you wouldn't fit in with them.
Do you feel any pride that you are English? I mean what your ancestors accomplished was legendary, and you and your descendants have invented nearly everything since the 1400s. I'm not trolling I actually take a lot of pride in my English ancestry and I think it's amazing to belong to such a dominate group.
i obviously meant i don't post in this general REGULARLY. learn context cues you moron
Did you go to prison?
Tick Tock vaxie.
although, based video.
im Welsh, not prolish.
that died off by the time i was 14/16.
how old are you anon.
he never groomed anyone apparently which is something, i spose.
What happened?
> I mean what your ancestors accomplished was legendary
your ancestors served in press gangs or factories, don't take credit for the upper classes' legacy of rape and thievery
Nope, I was tech smart. I grew up with the early Internet. Plus back in those days VK was a litteral youtube of that shit. It was everywhere. These days I am a successful family man with wife and kids.
i did for a few weeks, then i realised everything is gay and no one gives a fuck even if they say they do. ive suggested anons pool their resources and build up some sort of commune, you have to be in a relationship to join(which keeps me out cause im single) but it would work if we actually gave a shit instead of pretending we do.
the upper class did nothing. it was mostly middle class men that explored the world.
Jesus I just made it out alive
Chav culture, being a rebel. even before the 2008 recession and the deluge of bad management and immigration. i knew there wasnt going to be much hope. even if none of that crap happend it was probably going to be a reliving on the 90s. paradice now of course but still beneath mediocre. and of course i was always against the war in iraq.
absolutely untrue, it's third and fourth sons of the nobility. the bourgeoisie didn't exist until the victorian era btw
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>These days I am a successful family man with wife and kids.
so you grew out of it.
I am sorry to do it

Ey come on ye get the might w/ US eh?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Putin

Remember when he sent assassins with a chemical weapon to Salisbury in 2018, which killed a British woman with no connection to Russia (Dawn Sturgess) and put Sergei Skripal (a naturalised British citizen) in hospital, along with his daughter, and also a British police officer.

Remember when Putin sent an assassin to London in 2006, who killed Alexander Litvinenko (a naturalised British citizen) with polonium, a radioactive substance.
The Dutch nei longer take, neger cancer vriens

Ye voted LEFT ----> Ye get mine powres
just read an article on chinas ground baby flesh pills, gone into a thread on here about china and there was one webm of a child corpse on ice found, another of this bloke in a bunker and they have all these dead babies in preservative liquid and another of these 2 chink birds sorting through dead fetuses, what in the actual fuck is going on in china lads
I'm still a nonce though. I just don't offend and I'm attracted to adult women too albeit slightly less. Helps that I have a wank bank that would fry any normies brain in a millisecond.
a few upper class blokes went sailing but they weren’t the majority. sorry anon, thats just how it is. unless you have names n shit. my ancestor is a character in gangs of new york and he want upper class.
>Kut onze economische waarden

Ey vren
If ye die


Listen, but ye live
Anyone gonna watch the Olympics
chav culture was response to the world turning its back on the youth. i myself would be considered a chav but i came from a nice working class home that fell apart in the mid 00s
>my ancestor is a character in gangs of new york
my god, and you're proud of that? your ancestor being 7 fingers mccauley in scorcese's worst movie?
yeah it's mad. i keep wondering why did i even buy that shit
Ye literally pulled
Why do you drive on the opposite side of the road ?
>Lass I knew in university had a boyfriend double her age
>it doesn't matter if I did do it because it is natural for men to be attracted to teenage girls
It's the standard "nonce" defence for a reason. It's undeniably true. You are attracted to fit, healthy young women in their prime. Some nonzero number of them are "underage" because that's just how biology works. Each individual hits their stride at a different time in their life. It's not a light switch that instantly flips them from toddler to babe on some birthday arbitrarily picked by whatever government has jurisdiction of the area. The "child" porn he got done on was probably of girls that it's not even illegal to shag, just wank to. Either way though, wanking is for wankers, and if he's looking up skirts, it's only a matter of time before he's offending.
We used to drive on the left, now we drive on what's left
>It is possible that the custom of driving on the left dates back to pre-history and may later have been used as an early road safety measure. At a time when the main danger on the roads was mugging, careful travellers would pass on-coming strangers on the left with their sword arm towards the passer-by.
well that's fucking stupid
It's to do with horse riding and your sword hand.
Mine sister:

This is what it's doing however
nah, bill the butcher
>Simping for your benevolent Bri'ish government to own the ameritards
Yikerinos, Ian. Not a good look. Literally shaking rn (right now).
>t. savage sand niggers seething
>At a time when the main danger on the roads was mugging
There were roadmen in medieval England? Guess all those BBC shows weren't rewriting history after all. England has always had niggers
ok that's actually kinda cool, how the fuck did your ancestors come back here then
name one upper class explorer
all of them
Ok I can be here
some didnt leave i assume. i dont know much about it to be honest
>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says

I bet his whole family also will be claiming for whiplash from that kick too.
vrens listen don't me to speak te ye
so to be clear, he's not a direct ancestors, he's like your great great great uncle or something
Loving Fuentes and others going around telling us how based the Catholic Church is while being sacrilegious by denying the Pope of all people.
Comfy Angland Anglish seak neighbour
You do post here regularly.
something like that, id love to know for sure but me dad died a few years ago and we hadnt spoken for 20 somehing years,
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Its probably just because he is catholic himself and never really introspected on the quality of christianity
My ancestors worked in mines, factories and on farms, why would I be proud of them being done over by a load of French nonces?
>I can't vrens

But I must
This is Brit pol Jan, speak English lad.
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bought myself a 20' fan that runs at 120W the other day that just arrived in the post. Holy shit paper starting flying everywhere in my room when I turned it on full speed. Gonna be amazing with this baby on when it gets scorching hot.
brinshire, how do I join?
i absolutely do not, this is like the first time i've posted here other than dropping a few guardian articles a few weeks back
No one touches us
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He's wearing a little skirt
Even if ye do it yourselves negers
youre the reason why it wont get warm this fucking summer because youve bought that, this has been a pathetic summer.
Making its way to a chow mein near you, good lads them at the Golden Star.
What do you think of Paul Joseph Watson?
you like that yeah?
I couldnt even imagine his shock
Ye belong te us
WHY fore god's sakes

GOD is literally

K God is here fore ye
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Le based queer who fell off the radar in like 2019 lol
Some people grow out of it, some end up AA cultists and others get liver failure in middle age. All part of life's rich tapestry (that's has sick all over it)
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What an awful joke Brexit is making of the UK.
My missus has her 21 year old cousin staying at ours for a few days and every time she speaks to me all I see is her lips wrapped around my bellend.
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Alright Yank laaaa.
>Bah we always knew how God is vrens
>Follow mine ID
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What do you think of Lauren Southern, leaf bro?

Is is true that she fucks Jeets?
Creamcheese and salmon sandwiches are overrated
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Feeling festive might watch Sharpe later idk
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>Piss off the UK government
>Why do you drive on the opposite side of the road ?
so that we dont crash into eachother
they were always my fav sammich. everyone at work thought i was puff for getting them. but fuck any sandwhich that has tomato in it.
fuck you keith.
I've never seen them rated t bh.
Yeah her ex was black but she tried to defend him by saying he was "conservative". And yes she does fuck jeets as do most white women in Canada. Yes, truly. It's fucked.
Te begin with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpZvg_FjL3Q&list=PLpTHjAucqq9A2IDIsR8Ftbg7U6bKCMrcr&index=8

This RAPED mine sister
>as first the didn't

Also the Euro prize
that was quite funny. even it was more aussie than brit.
Egg mayonnaise with garlic mayo ensures nobody will bother you at work.
Those are rookie numbers. Around here you'll hit that number before walking in the entrance.
Bob Dylan however. And its ranchee
migrate when ready
Vrens mine sister had been too much and now Dylan does not take European prize

>Les go we need OUR scenario nei some Americhan scenario
>Housing crisis
>Welfare spending out of control
>NHS overwhelmed
>All other public services overwhelmed
>Wages too low
>Crime out of control

Reminder all these problems could be solved almost immediately by removing from the country everyone who had come here since 1997 along with their families.

You could just encourage them to leave of their own volition by closing all cultural centres like mosques etc, foreign faith schools, foreign social clubs, charities and all other organisations, along with restictions on access to state support, the NHS etc. Combined with giving them free plane tickets to literally anywhere else, and you could have the problem solved in no time.

These problems are simply not solvable without addressing the burden of a gigantic and growing 3rd world population.
Because in ye olden days on horses you wanted your sword hand on the side of people coming towards you.

Lot of that courtesy stuff is the same, shake or clasp hands to show you werent palming a knife or going to draw your sword.
Ey vrens. But do ye know what is ours?

cool it with the anti semetic remarks
get back in your box!
Nei ye Angland
Mine Dutch being demanding Russia demands it


I will ALWAYS sanctify ye
But Holland will not hold anything w/ out Ye
>inna sammich
Should be a crime.
>Oh you want a bite?
>Well fuck you cunt
>Am a cheese and tomato sandwich.
>You want to get a clean bite?
>You wont.
>And when you pull away, I'm gonna drag all the filling with me.
>No survivors.
> Nei ye Angland
Speak English mate
Jah Nieuw Zeeland

Even there we have it


Our course
>smoked salmon and cream cheese sammich
>there is no other choice
>he thinks i've even clocked his sammich
>he has to mention his sammich in order for me to notice
>his taste buds are fucked from years of tomato/fags/booze abuse
>he doesnt even know where salmon even comes from
>err no, no i dont.
>i just need to put up with this for another 5 hours and then its home time
>he doesnt even understand qaulity
Keith sounds like a cunt.
he was mate.
it took me 4 months for them to like me. (2 months after he left) just because of this "sandwhich banter"
if i had an extra shekel. i'd even get me a strawberry milkshake.
that didnt make it any better with my co workers.
i was having a great time though.
>Boff Whalley
That's a Beano character
>strawberry milkshake.
cut your tomatoes into little bits for satisfactory bites,
I have arrived rather late for this thread but haven't missed anything again

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