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30 min of Police Body Cam released #3
Body cam footage of Trump Assassination attempted released on Police Activity
Gonna be spicy
>https://youtu.be/XwBygHmIZ6c?si=84l9FkluheoQuILQ [Embed]
blood trails
moving bodies
casing counts
what a great location
can you find greg?
get 'em while you can dl and save offline
dude im not "signing in" to microsoft. reupload it
it's an official gov website anon it's not like you're hacking into something ffs, no sign in required anyway
who uses MSFT anyway
2 colors of fake blood
looks fake af
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it is required to sign in. maybe your always "signed in" (read: homo)
I don't even have a microsoft machine, your problem is you are on windows apparently
sure. im on templeos
know any good sites for 2g files? apparently there is some lame restriction on catbox
arent these bodycam videos already on youtube?
they're compressed on YouTube in OP and full resolution at the senator's website
so what's the verdict?
1. Download Winrar
2. Archive your file (this will compress the file to a smaller size)
3. Split up the file into smaller parts.
4. Upload each individual part.

Give all download links. Then after all components of the archive are downloaded by the person downloading, the parts can be put together.
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We have this photo supposedly showing the shooter dead at the edge of the roof before the body cam guys get there. Then if you look at the blurred body cam footage when the local guys show up the corpse has been moved to the center of the roof and fake blood added. >>475702559 pic related. There's a dark brown streak and a light purple line of gel squirted out like toothpaste every 3 or 4 feet. If you look carefully its obvious. Total conspiracy set-up to try to hide sniper involvement.
>so what's the verdict?
those three guys standing over the corpse are involved.
>body not zip tied
they pick him up and move him to center of roof before locals can arrive and hastily clean up original (no shot to Trump location).
>move body to center of roof to line up with sniper nest and place where shot is possible
>add 2 colors of fake and gay "movie play theater" blood all the way down center of roof to prove corpse got shot there and not where they were standing over the body.
yeah I heard of the ladders that they were left there by someone. It's very much like someone had made roof access for the shooter
Why would they need to add fake blood? For DNA because it's really Yearwick or someone else, or because they moved the body, or what would be the point of adding fake blood?
>>475704459 corpse or Patsy originally at edge of roof where crowd so you could see him from the ground.
>corpse needs to line up with where the shots came from (snipers windows)
original spot hosed down before uninvolved locals come running over Michelle the Medic and some Butler ESU guys and the Secret Service Ask Questions Kid.
Aerial pics show body in center of roof.
Giant painted on blood trail to make it look like that's where he got shot.
you can see they're using a thick line of the dark purple "blood" and a thin like of the light purple color that just happens to exactly match the product pictured.
i am APPALLED and i should make a topic on this, at the non-DIVERSITY in all of these, snipers and USSS shit, like they got one woman, oik thats a start but we need like all black women. Kamala should hire them and be the most based and get the most votes because it would be so diverse. like a sea of shit
>1. Download Winrar
>2. Archive your file (this will compress the file to a smaller size)
>3. Split up the file into smaller parts.
>4. Upload each individual part.
>Give all download links. Then after all components of the archive are downloaded by the person downloading, the parts can be put together.

what the hell? just re-encode the file?
Is it possible that despite being inside job, they didn't want Trump to die, and it was meant to be some kind of warning from (((Iranians)))?
all the diversity hires were providing "close protection" for Trump like the Agent Badonk and McMeals who can't holster her gun.
Can somebody ID these 3 guys on the roof? Do they appear in any of the other videos?
Are these file censored with blurs too?
I hate Youtube and Xwitter faggots its unreal, just post it literally anywhere else
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Is this the Harley some anons were focusing on earlier? License plate looks like 4YF66 or 4WF66.

Video timestamp is 3:13.
yes, but the quality is better than the YouTube ones by a lot. Beaver County ESU I think gave them to Sen Grassley's office and his staffer made them available for public dl
forget about it, retards here can't decide whether Crooks had a white van full of dud explosives, a Harley, or a bike.
Doesn't work even if I sign in with a Microsoft account. Upload it somewhere else if you have access
The Harley rider was a supposed person of interest that eye witnesses saw before the shooting. No one claimed Crooks rode it.
The "download all videos here" link on here worked for me instead
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Can someone check if Home Depot sells this type of ladder that Crooks supposedly bought from there? The Home Depot website is geoblocked for me.
amazing how the bitch couldn't hold 10 minutes on her spot
If I had to guess, someone left that there for him.. he was trying to enter the rally through normal checkpoint or something but was denied by senior officer (whom also tried notify SS, to no avail), so I find it hard to believe crook was carrying these ladders since it would've been super obvious, so it means someone else must've left these ladders here for him
Wait forget about it. This is the police's ladder apparently. Although earlier it was reported to be Crooks' ladder.
why do they censor his leg if its not a tattoo?
>dat mole
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In the aerial shot, which is probably taken right after the shooting, the two ladders can be seen.
ok here Ive got it. here the rundown
they knew the one guy was giong to do it. they didn't want any connection to it so they got a patsy to do it instead. they had full knowledge of Yearick going to do it and allowed him to do it, but they got this nobody patsy to go along with it because
>no social presence
but you may say, they just outted his Gab account. (((Gab))) sure they did. everything from that has had no lead. no similiar usernames relate, nothing. Plus the opposite evidence that he was a loner and was bullied. Loners who are bullied usually have no social presence, they are just that much of a loner. Those 2 things are opposite evidence, leading you to nowhere.

So they got that one patsy, Crooks to show up that day to finger him as the guy. Had him dress up in similiar clothes because they had such a hold on the Yearick guy. He looked simliar and all that so it gets a mostly pass.

thats it, thats why you are being lead down no where leads. And why they censor the leg tattoo, and the mole on his face why that has no explanation.

better than the shit Crooks claim
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>And why they censor the leg tattoo
His legs aren't censored in this video
no it is blocked there and there is a blur right there. Ive seen the video, its got a light blur to it you can see it in that pic
Show a better image. Whata bout the MOLE
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There is no blur on his legs.
oh ok.. I was looking at youtube video and thought I saw wooden ladders, but apparently it was just the police ladder from different angle


I know its mounted side-on, but everytime I see it at that event, it appears upside down.

Guys this is what I don't get. This was clearly something that was inside job, many people from different agencies including some from SS, how come Trump isn't dead? That's my biggest mystery, if they had many people in this together, and I believe they also had multiple shooters, why didn't some other shooter finish it? Is it because they don't want it to look too "obvious" inside job for normies? They want to distance so normies don't think it was inside job?
Trump is the insider, memeflag.

They need him in office and with good reason. The shooting turbod his otherwise low-energy support.

You fucking memeflag fag
I get it's possible this was faked somehow, but I don't see why they would fake it? Trump was gonna win anyway, so why do fake shooting where Trump survives?
I still believe it's Yearnick, not Crooks
What was the motive to do something like this? spill the beans!
this guy knows something, pressure him more to release the details
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Bit late, but it can serve primarily as a bump.
So, the team in the vid, michelle and rich and whoever, were only the 2nd group of people up there? It says in the vid an operator climbed up by hand (it mentions he's cut and may need stitches), they were waiting for ladders (en route), but saw the ladders in picrel. Crooks' ladders? They look like the telescopic ladders that can be bought.
To justify Trumps winning the presidency. Before the shooting it was low energy.

I fucking said this already

Trump was going to win anyway, not even the left had faith in Biden anymore

Are you going to say that before democrats could make their move and introduce Kamala, Trump had made a secure more before that, to pre-emptively have himself shot, so the boost from Kamala wouldn't have effect? Because that's the only thing I can think of, that Trump had some QAnon insider inside demonrat moloch halls, and from leaked info he knew Kamala was going to be running eventually, so he had himself shot in live national TV, to secure hearts of the populace pre-emptively, so the news of Kamala running wouldn't carry weight. Like this is most charitable position I can think of which doesn't involve some other schizo in-fighting shit.
The FBI director states that Crooks didn't use a ladder at all to get on the roof. Apparently both of the ladders seen in the images and videos are from LE.

Timestamp: 9:23
No. WinRAR has option of making mutiparts archive, it will break file into parts itself. Then assemble it back if you downloaded have all parts of the archives.
The FBI Director said Drumpf was not shot and I am inclined to believe this.
maybe there's some video of onlookers filming him climbing on the building roof.. I'm not sure.. but I recall seeing some video footage where the guy isn't "making his way" to prone position, so it could be footage where he's probably trying to climb on the building, but if it's not that it's probably him moving in prone? Cause if that footage doesn't confirm him climbing there without ladder then I find it hard to believe he got there without ladder
I thought I heard that the other day.
So much bullshit and guess work about this by multiple sauces.
The video you posted must be a while after the groups were on the roof, as the body is gone.
MEGA gives you 20 GB free.
I thought 2020 was rigged tho. Why won't they rig it again now that they are in control of all government apparatuses? How does that remotely make sense? How do you reconcile the fact you believe your democracy has been totally compromised and stolen, but think you can win an election (that will be rigged)? Damn you are dumb cattle.
>Damn you are dumb cattle.
Because for them to rig something, they need to have a democrat nominee. It's possible that Kamala wasn't even supposed to be running so they have no idea what to do because they know they can't use Biden anymore because even the left has lost all faith in Biden.. idk I guess the situation is different now than in 2020, in that they'd almost need Obama to re-enter somehow to get any real competition for Trump.. and since that doesn't seem possible, best they can do is to shook Trump and his white hat QAnon operatives "If you don't give us a war somewhere, next round will not be .22 , and it will be done by better sniper". So he wasn't intended to die because Democrats don't even have anyone to run, maybe?
wray the fbi fag said at the yesterdays hearing that they now believe crooks didn't use a ladder to get on the roof
I find it somewhat unlikely that he climbed on to the roof without a ladder but I think it's equally unlikely that he was waking around with a ladder. How did he even get it through security?
Regardless, however he did it, it's pretty obvious he got help from the inside.
It is strange, especially as the gun had no sling, so no easy way to hold/carry it when climbing up.
the other britbong seems to know something.. press him more for me will ya?
Checked. There are 4 law enforcement in this picture. Im not helping with this one, you guys are doing great.
You have asked that before.
We may never fully know the answers to questions we have. It could have been set up to try and kill trump, it could also be a ploy to get more support for trump (pity vote if you will).
I wonder where the other shots went. 3 have been accounted for, but there are at least 5 other shots. A lot of vids focus on the 3, aimed at trump, hit compowhatever, forklift, and can't remember the other. But where did the other 5 shots go?
archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240725201911/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwBygHmIZ6c

Was able to download in shitty quality but better than nothing:
what the fuck is on his upper lip
20? Shit, I remember when it was 50!

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