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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Doesn't a belief in freedom and liberty extend to sexual proclivities
The things I like are good. The things you like are immoral.
Chudcels don't believe in freedom or liberty, and they have deluded themselves into thinking getting mad when 2 men kiss is going to make it easier to get laid or something
As long as it's two adults (more is bad) I don't see why gay sex is bad. If there were no AIDS I'd fuck a different ladyboy every month.
Wasn't there a study on this that straight men have the same reaction to seeing maggots?
I can't blame them for getting angry
It doesn't have to. It shouldn't. Sex is a huge responsibility and most people are not responsible with things that make them feel good
It’s their freedom to put their dicks up eachothers poopshoots, and it’s my freedom to find it absolutely vile.
as long as I don't have to see or deal with it
then it becomes some kind of assault on my fucking eyes
I hate seeing men kiss or anything else, but two shemales are cool.
You’re finally getting it anon
Why should it?
Nooo we have to feel like we're better than others and like we're overcoming something!!!
No. The intent is to foster salubrious human flourishing by not making spontaneous geniuses till the fields because that is their lot. It does not mean we're gonna let you eat shit, spread disease and rape children.
Thought you don't believe in social science studies?
In your own bedroom? Yeah. In lap dancing for kids at drag shows? Kys.
>In your own bedroom? Yeah. In lap dancing for kids at drag shows? Kys.
Seeing Americans viscerally disgusts me. Should Americans be banned and only allowed to exist inside their own homes?
I think it is more than fair to say that (((liberty))) was only ever instead to be sexual in nature. They are synonyms obviously.
Who, me? I mean most of them are bullshit, sure. I could believe the maggot study though
Americans repulse me and ruin my day. Stay inside your homes and don't go out.
the fuck are you doing in Merrica?
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The Sexual Revolution and it's fruits have been a disaster for mankind
I don't believe in freedom for shitskins. Just Aryans. Shitskins need to exist under the boot of Aryans.
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Make me.
>tfw brits repulse me
I wish I could move to America already
Kek naisu
I hate to tell you dude but nationalism as defined by borders is over. Globalism is the future, the only question is which kind. It doesn't matter which direction the world moves in from here, I can damn sure tell you that it's not moving in that one. Now seethe about it and get swept under the rug.
Sexual immorality leads to ghetto niggers and chuds and roasties and trannies alike. All miserable bastards. Spawned by bastards before them. Generations of bastards now. It's created hell on earth. Bastards everywhere I look. Male and female. Cursed for all time unless a miracle happens.
>A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.-Deut 23:2
Americans are more disgusting than homosexuals because Americans are homosexual and American.
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Make sure to avoid those muslim no go zones if meeting up with your date
Avoid the real no go zones in your country, the beaner and nigger zones, where hundreds of shootings happen every weekend.
read genesis, sodomite. you have the freedom to go to hell, faggot
Not reading your joo joo book, faggot.
>ancient sandniggers said a thing so it must be a fact!
Funny thing is we can cause our country is huge. You're being gentrified by sand niggers and can't even protect yourself lol.
>Doesn't a belief in freedom and liberty extend to murder and violent rights?
woah woah woah there fella
Jump in a fire faggot
like asking if a belief in freedom and liberty extends to stealing. it's a moral issue
right wing conservatives have never shown that they give a shit about freedom
The left hates freedom so kys
Why are straight men so fragile?
Yes, it does. But heterosexuality is the social norm, and homosexuality must give way to it whenever there is a conflict.
There’s always been different levels to freedom and liberty. Generally wealthy people are the only free ones. That’s why it just barely coming out that Hollywood and politicians have been fucking 13 year old pussy since forever. None of them ever go to prison for it. If you did it, you get 20 years and you’d only last a few weeks before some based Aryan convict plunged a shitty knife into your throat.
yes, but only in private and if noone is harmed
You can't even prove the link between foods and obesity. I'm not going to listen to you about moral advice.
I don't know... is it actually a fragility thing? There's probably stuff that disgusts you too, maybe you're not disgusted by straight people kissing because it's so normalized for you. It's kinda gross to me because I hate women enough
It's like saying someone is fragile if they recoil at the idea of being smeared with shit.
Well im pretty homo but I am bisexual and im not bothered by seeing people kiss unless they were revolting people to begin with.
Right, I did say maggots, which are absolutely vile
>im pretty homo but I am bisexual
Are you bi but like 90% of the time gay?
Freedom doesn't last without Wisdom
Lol fucking retard op, american freedom is only for rich people. Removing sexual rights from women only effect the poor. Rich conservatives still take abortions and have sex with everyone because they are better than you. Just like jews are the gods chosen people.
>sexual proclivities
they should be legal but not promoted because they're not normal or productive for society.
nuclear families should be promoted.
>Doesn't a belief in freedom and liberty extend to sexual proclivities
untill daddy goverment tell you to put a face diaper and inject yourself with military grade genic therapies
False equivalence
> b but muh but sex
Impossible challenge mode: don't visualize literally everyone having sex?

Ya. I personally think more men are bi than would admit to it. Never understood why gays insist pussy is gross
Errr ok? Why does the vax matter? Fuck the vax. Also fuck mudslimes who ban homosex.
No, I can't see that. I think every gay man is 100% gay because if they had even the slightest chance of being straight, they'd just go for it to avoid homophobia.
I'm sure there are actually plenty of secretly bi straight men, but I doubt there's gay men hiding that they could actually be straight if they wanted to be
>avoid homophobia
I live in a very gay friendly area. Idk why avoiding homophobia is a concern? My friends don't care and if they did i wouldn't really want to be friends with them.

I was always destined to be a social misfit, sexuality aside.
Well, maybe shit is different these days, I'm almost 30
But if things are so much more liberal, why would you think gays are pretending to not like vaginas?
Really, they are just disgusting, they smell like fish (which I hate the smell of) and they just look like some weird slit between your legs
The penis and balls is beautiful and the fountain of cum is delightful. We are, objectively, the superior sex, and I'm glad to be gay because I can often avoid being around women
/pol/ is capitalist, democrats, national socialist EXCEPT for sexual issue; which /pol/ is 100% communists.

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