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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What does that even mean?
shut that orange nigger up already. Where's Thomas Crooks 2.0?
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>israel thinks taking out trump will motivate people to fight iran
oh we'll make sure people know who to blame if it happens
bruh he's just tempting the kikes to give it a second shot
Predictive programming alert
the tweet that killed his campaign
If they assassinate drumpth, we'll help them obliterate Israel lol
You're getting drafted chud, it's not your choice
trump likes to act tough on social media and make empty threats while being a giant do-nothing faggot in real life. remember the george floyd riots? every day he's tweet some shit like
and get a bunch of updoots.
im not going to vote, but if i had to, i would actually vote for kamala, even though i hate her. it's just that i hate trump even more, and at least the right knows that kamala is their enemy, while they think that trump is on their side. but all trump did as president was increase the tribute we pay to israel, deport fewer illegals than obama, and pardon a bunch of nigs and jews on his way out of office while the mcmichaels and jan 6 fags stayed locked up.
fuck trump
and fuck kamala
and fuck niggers
and fuck jannies
I'm on your side man, I'm voting Kamala
Jews are completing a prophecy. We know Iran isnt destroyed because it goes up against israel. Most if not all the worlds jews will return to their homeland but will be in unbelief. Rather this return is due to a worldwide push against them or a willingness due to war in the homeland or something, it doesnt say.
What if they give a lot of oil for free?
everything is so weird right now
I mean... it's just business.
Trust the plan.
Invade Iran.
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>i would actually vote for kamala, even though i hate her. it's just that i hate trump even more, and at least the right knows that kamala is their enemy, while they think that trump is on their side.
i plan on voting for koomala for this exact reason; trump is a impotent chickenshit pussy boomer & there's nothing he will realistically do to alleviate the socioeconomic & diplomatic damage caused by the bidet regime over the last four years. the only thing his victory would ensure is complacence from conservative-centrists as he escalates war with iran & yemen & jizzrael's other enemies
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Literally this. There's a reason he posted pic related when talking about Bibi coming to see him.
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>but all trump did as president was increase the tribute we pay to israel
Aid to Israel:
>Obama: $38,000,000,000
>Biden: $26,000,000,000
>Trump: $225,000,000

Trump literally gave Israel less than 1% of the taxpayer money that Obama or Biden did, and that's not even counting all the money Biden voted to give them during his 50 years as a Senator.
Yeah I dont like that kind of talk.
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He's taking veiled shots at Bibi for trying to kill him.

This is what he posted before he posted about Bibi's speech.
They don't even need to take out trump, maximum overkike showed up and told you that Iran has to go and your entire political system gave a standing ovation. The goycattle need only to hear that this is what israel wants and they'll gladly do it.
>standing ovations for half an hour
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>JIDF shilling for Trump
dear idiot, trumps amount is IN ADDITION to the prior earmarks made under obama. why do you think israel loves trump so much and made commemorative coins and shit of him? even during peacetime trump increased our tribute to israel. you really think israelis would be pro-trump if he cut US aid to them by 99%? you're a clueless dogshit, or a lying jew.
Fuck off tranny!
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>reeeeeee everyone who doesn't obsessively hate Trump like I do is JIDF
>dear idiot, trumps amount is IN ADDITION to the prior earmarks made under obama.
And? How did that change my point about Trump giving Israel a tiny percentage of what both Obama and Biden gave them? Every time you point out that detail, you never explain how it matters. I think this is just your red herring that you faggots developed to try to (((shut down))) this objective measure of who gave Israel what, because it ruins your whole "Zion Don" narrative.
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>im not going to vote, but if i had to, i would actually vote for kamala
Oh, it's you. lol
The light is shed.
It means Mossad will try kill him and blame it on Iran.
By the way, your samefagging is still obvious.
If shooting trump starts a war with iran, israel will make daily attempts.
Based Trump. After this the Iranian communist regime won't even attempt to put another hit on him. If they even dare to try, they will get wiped from the face of the Earth.
If Iran took out Trump I'd be the first one to go to fight. They are jealous of our democracy and our alliance with Israel. They already have the Democrat party in their pockets. The only thing standing against them now is Trump. They had their chance to take him out and they missed. Now they are fucked. Kamala has no chance of winning. People know the democrats are a bunch of sellouts.
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Why has Trump spent the last week putting his own nutsack in a vicegrip and doing whatever he can to suicide his support? He had to literally just not talk between now and November and he would have strolled into office. Between him picking Vance, the RNC Weimar circus, and chest thumping war with Iran, I cannot think of a way he could've self obliterated harder than he's been doing. What the fuck is he thinking? He somehow deflated all the hype from the post assassination attempt and debate.
If these kikes kill President Trump im moving to iran and digging ditches for them idgaf ill support them any way I can.
>obliterate Iran
Kek, at this point it's just barking of a toothless dog. Muttmerica couldn't even defeat Taliban or Houthis.
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Man this kikery tickles me good. It's like hearing bullshit from my crazy ex

> - Netanyahu: "For Iran, Israel is first, America is next. So when Israel fights Hamas, we're fighting Iran. When we fight Hezbollah, we fight Iran. When we fight the Houthis, we fight Iran. And when we fight Iran, we're fighting radical terrorism."
Yuh cos America is right on the border with Israel

>- Netanyahu: "We're not only protecting us, we're protecting you!"
we're doing you a favour goy

>- Netanyahu: "That victory is in sight. Israel's defeat of Hamas will be a powerful blow will be a defeat for the Axis of Terror."
The light at the end of the tunnel, words which every American hears before a forever war

>- Netanyahu: "America and Israel today can forge a security alliance in the Middle East to counter the growing Iranian threat. All countries that have made peace with Israel and all countries that will make peace with Israel can join the alliance."
anyone part of the Jewish empire is ok

>- Netanyahu: "Despite these times of upheaval, I'm hopeful for the future. I'm hopeful about Israel, because the Jewish people emerged from the depths of hell, from dispossession and genocide, and despite all odds we've built a powerful and vibrant and safe democracy."
yes they certainly come from hell and the very best the Jew can build is a house of cards where everyone is miserable

>- Netanyahu: "Israel will always remain America's indispensable ally."
We are YOUR best ally, just don't ask what Israel does for America that's antisemitic

>- Netanyahu has finished his address to Congress.
>- Netanyahu received more than 70 standing ovations from the Congress.
does any other country go on stage to address Americans? Has China ever done it?
Based. Iran is the originator of worldwide stability, spreading all the way to South America.
They actually fit a lot of the "ebil joos" tropes
Shut up, bot. The adults are talking here. Iran has the Democrat party in their pockets. They want Trump out because he's the only one who will get in their way. If Kamala wins they will kill Trump the first week and she won't do anything about it.
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I hope this backfires dramatically and Netanyahu gets him shot to blame it on Iran. A subhuman shabbos golem deserves to end like this. Imagine dodging an assassination and knowing that it was Blinken and his gang but instead blame a third party to please his jewish masters. He thinks it pleases them but these people despise weakness and they only have contempt for him.
Now i am completely convinced that God saved him only to humiliate him and cause the downfall of Pissrael.
We shouldn't expect any less from Trump.
He was mentored by the Gay Jew Roy Cohn.
He was surrounded by Jews his whole life working in Jew York Real Estate.
His daughter married a Jew.
As Elon Musk says "“I’m Jewish by association. I’m aspirationally Jewish."
That's basically Trump.
Just substitute "Iran" for "Israel". Even the phraseology "wiping off the map" is always used in context of Israel
Wtf is this now?
Red heifers bro.
The cope is starting
>everything is so weird right now
The Brush
of a
Butterflies' Wing
my goodness you're dumb. Here's a (you) so you can afford to buy some lube tonight faggot

always remember the prep
always remember the Nayirah testimony
Is he trying to lose on purpose?
>we've built a powerful and vibrant and safe democracy.
wait, where?
The deep state won. Trump looked invincible on stage but that was just an adrenaline rush. The fear must have set in later, when the adrenaline wore off and he realized how close they were to killing him. Trump knows how to play to a Christian audience but it's clear that he prefers this world to the next, so I'm guessing he made a lot of phone calls that night telling his opponents "okay, I'll play along, just don't shoot me again".
>Wtf is this now?
God, I hate this kike lover.
He has lost any and all credibility at this point.
You know Iran was behind BLM, right? Do you support woke policies? Because if you support Iran then you are supporting wokeness.
>They are jealous of our democracy and our alliance with Israel. They already have the Democrat party in their pockets.
Shlomo, use an American VPN, you inbred fuck.
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in their schizophrenic delusions anon
Shut the fuck up Texas
Top comments
You are just bad at this.
You really are.
The JIDF is doing a shit job nowadays.
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kys kike

AD VICTORIUM for the brotherhood of steel
Kek he’s baiting the establishment into a war in case they try to pull off this shit again. You have to admit he’s been running his campaign like an absolute genius this time around
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>OBLITERATE Iran, wipe it off the face of the Earth
There was no assasination attempt.
The whole thing was a PR spin to give the orange nigger some credibility.
Exactly. The American psyche has NOT changed since the early 2000s Dubya era actually, same world view and same tricks, "Greatest countey in the World", "Freedom and difference" it's all the same and Orange man will bring the cattles to slaughterhouse just like Dubya did.
You can't do shit on your own, can you, shlomo, you inbred shitskin.
I dont understand how /pol/ can still side with Trump after 4 fucking years of nothing. No arrests. No swamps drained. Fucking nothing. He's a kike asset and he always was you fucking shitskin retards. Worse than fucking kikebook boomers. You're choosing between two kike puppets. Dems still cowtow and vote for aid to the Edomite faggots in Israel while telling their constituents they're against said vote and nothing happens other than "outrage" on social media for a few weeks then its forgotten and they'll still vote for them again. Both sides are going to keep fucking you over and you'll pick whatever side personally fucks you over less. They'll have their little televised hearings like with the ATF and then nothing. No arrests. No prison. Nothing. The US is fucked and Trump and his kike backers aren't going to save it. Nothing is going to save it. We're well past saving outside of a total civil war that sees all sitting politicians hung and any prior politicians are banned from running. No more career politicans. Now if that little miracle happened you'd then have to hope lightning would strike twice and citizens would go along with genociding every fucking nigger and foreign shitskin. That's never going to happen so we'll keep pretending we have a "choice" in our elections until niggers and shitskins reach critical mass and there's not enough white people or other non-retarded races to keep things running. That's your future you fucking retards. You don't have a choice and you never did.
Nobody sides with him (besides jews) after he cucked on every major promise last election.
There will be no war against Iran, shlomo, you inbred pussy.
And if such a war were to take place, muttsrael will get nuked.
All hezb needs to do is land a nuke in tel Aviv and it's ogre.
he's such a fucking retard, it's unreal
this guy gets it
Unironically, he is acting relatable to his audience, it's what all politicians do. kek.
I didn't understand the dumb Jew. Maybe he is too gay.
>There will be no war against Iran
I can sense the brownoid fear

>if such a war were to take place, muttsrael will get nuked.
sandnigger iran has no nukes

>All hezb needs to do is land a nuke in tel Aviv and it's ogre.
those gypsies have grad tube rockets and some rusty scuds.
if you are still going to vote for trump then just shut the fuck up forever about jews and ZoG.

bibi has been calling for invading iran for about 20 years now with fake propaganda about them getting nukes,

trump is 100% going to attack iran if voted in, he is already trying to blame iran for him getting almost gibbed.

This shit is so obvious, jews are setting this all up make their goyimUSA die for them in another war.
Kamel-toe-a Harris: "I do not support HAMAS or Hezbolla!"

There goes all her support.
Is this fucking fag legit retarded or something? Ever since the assassination attempt, which should have been a golden opportunity, he's done nothing but sabotage his campaign.
>he's done nothing but sabotage his campaign.
Bibi does not like people he cannot blackmail.
Retard alert!!!
man, that shabbos goy looks pissed off, guess he was properly put in his place
>It means Mossad will try kill him
neither does trump

sandniggers on suicide watch
what it means is that the fake political theater now prepares people for the war with iran (and 'opposition' to the war as a commercial product, just as it is a product to support the troops)
The assassination attempt could have been his catalyst to wake up and realize he needs to get rid of the 3 letter agencies, and put an end to jewish power in US politics.
But because he's a boomer retard, he thinks Iran was behind the attempt. Crazy how much he's wasted the pro-Trump vibe shift in a single week.
Trump does not NEED support from Hamas or Hezbolla. Kamel-toe-a Harris does.
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All part of the plan
Whoa, not the craziest prediction but pretty solid.
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2 more weeks trust the plan trust sessions
>I can sense the brownoid fear
Shlomo, you are the one begging your racial superiors to fight your wars, you inbred pussy.
> sandnigger iran has no nukes
It most likely does.
But only way to find out.
> those gypsies have grad tube rockets and some rusty scuds.
They have drones as well, along with some cruise missiles.
Anyhow, that's all that's needed to BTFO your worthless race.
You can't fight kike, so delusional cope posting is all you got.
My CIA fake cattle farm country news is already filled with Orange man assassination attempt is related to Iran, it is so clear that goy cattle media has the same guidelines here.
Why and how is this support even maninfasted.
>Kek he’s baiting the establishment into a war in case they try to pull off this shit again.
Primary plan was obviously to kill Trump but secondary was to blame Iran and have a Republican Nimrata/Pompeo ticket win in November and go to war with Iran for vengeance in Trumps name.
Why is Trump threatening the deep state with a good time (from their perspective)?
The whole thing was staged.
There was no assassination attempt.
It was a PR stunt to give orange nigger some credibility back after cucking for 4 years.
can you sandniggers stop labeling white people as jewish?
absolutely pathetic.
imagine living your life according to one badly written sandnigger book.

>It most likely does.
you have no idea. if they had a bomb then everyone would know. by the underground tests.
they'd trigger earthquakes and spiked radiation levels.
you dumb fuck

>They have drones as well, along with some cruise missiles.
they have aliexpress kid drones and katyusha dumb rockets from ww2.

>plan was obviously to kill Trump but secondary was to blame Iran
Two failures.
>Why is Trump threatening the deep state with a good time
You have to make them want it before you tell those whores to get TF out. It's better if they lust you before you get rid of them.
trying really hard to impressive jewish donors
Dude is old as fuck. If they get Trump we should probably consider more peaceful options.
My autocorrect does this two. GODFUCKINGDAMNIT!
>we should probably consider more peaceful options.
Let them kill each other. It's better that way. Put band-aids on the survivors. $10 trillion per band-aid.
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>can you sandniggers stop labeling white people as jewish?
You will never be white, shlomo.
> you have no idea.
Neither do you, you coping inbred kike shitskin rat.
> if they had a bomb then everyone would know.
>×by the underground tests.
No need for testing when you already know it works, the NORKs had nukes since forever, they likely just copied their design.
> they have aliexpress kid drones and katyusha dumb rockets from ww2.
Even if that was case, it's more than enough to BTFO you.
They have plenty of rocket artillery and medium range BMs.
But cope some more, shitskin kike.
You're a retarded gorilla nigger who will convince no one.
>You have to make them want it before you tell those whores to get TF out. It's better if they lust you before you get rid of them.
That doesn't make any sense. If they murder him tomorrow shills/msm will use that truth social post as a rallying cry/consent to go to war with Iran. If they don't murder him then it doesn't hurt him or the American people, but it still doesn't do any good. It's just a bad idea as far as I can see.
Lol what's iran done? Seems more like trump-jew is just seething for his full-kike masters
>That doesn't make any sense.
You need to know whores. NEVER have sex with a whore. If you do, you can't pimp them out.
>What does that even mean?
it means he made a deal with the devil, he offered his life for wealth, and now he has to pay up, so he's trying to ensure that he holds up his end of the bargain.
this is why most politicians are old, they know they'll need to pay the piper at one point, so they ensure that they live their lives in wealth and power, and pay up in the end.

trump is hoping that the devil takes his payment with a headshot, but Justice doesn't work that way.
he wont receive a quick death, he will come face to face with death, he will see his destination and will beg for mercy and redemption, but he sold the lives of innocent people, so he wont escape.

there will be no lone gunman, no quick death, no escape from the torment of the knowledge of what's to come.
he will see the aegis and receive the revelation of eternity, without grace or mercy, raving madness will consume him the last days of his life, and the fires of hell for eternity.(like jordan perterson is showing)
Don't worry, it's just some epic 4D chess, and he won't take dick that has been circumcised at 8 days old up his asshole like he did before.

Trust the plan goy
can someone do a 3d trajectory of the projectile?
It is all Federal Reserve Uniparty.

The current destruction and subversion of the US by the Federal Reserve using:

-QE to counterfeit our currency & undermine its value
-MBSs to acquire land & buildings
-Congressional Public Issues for deficit spending to destroy the futures of the nation & the youth
-the Intragovernmental Debt system to skim off of GAS treasuries & the non-marketable government securities of US savings bonds, SLGSs (special securities issued for states and cities) and large government retirement funds such as the Thrift Savings Fund (managed by BlackRock), etc.
-their repo casino to pawn treasuries and undermine long term investment
-reverse repos to pay MMFs to NOT invest in the US economy
-metal market rigging via paper contracts to keep the prices of silver and gold low
-margin loans to fund risky hedge funds and family offices that endanger our global economy
-FX market rigging to check kite at their other implemented debt-based central banks
-the US taxpayer to fund the Ukraine war & steal its resources
-their authority to undermine innovation in crypto
-inflation to destroy the middle class
-interest rate hikes to kill off more small banks
-China investment to undermine the US & global stability
-regional bank vulnerability to target entire sectors
-its clout to protect its largest primary dealer, JPM, from prosecution for aiding & abetting sex trafficking at the highest levels of government, industry & finance
-their Sect 13.3 emergency powers to misallocate capital, reward failure & acquire assets during their avoidable, engineered crises using SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) LLCs
-conflation of their increasingly-WORTHLESS Federal Reserve Note with the US Dollar (which is a fucking UNIT), thus destroying the value of a US Dollar on the world stage & threatening our global economy & national security

We need to dissolve the Fed, nationalize its twelve regional Federal Reserve bank franchises and AGAIN ISSUE debt-free US Notes.
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Treasury issued at least $2 T EVERY FUCKING MONTH for Jan-May.
They are fucking DESTROYING the US$ with their Federal Reserve Note.
The jews are gonna kill trump

And blame it on iran

The jews are gonna kill trump

And blame it on iran

The jews are gonna kill trump

And blame it on iran

The jews are gonna kill trump

And blame it on iran
lol David Malpass on bloomberg just admitted they issued $23 T last year alone
It's a threat
>either you are pro jew and go to war with Iran or we kill you and go to war with Iran anyways
haven't read yet
trump is really doing everything he can to lose votes.

all these dumb nigger has to do is tone down his kike worship for a few months and ride the assassination hype wave. Not start talking about more wars in the middle east
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holy fuck
the real question is:
how much damage will boomers do before they pass on and will it be irreversible?
he never rises to the occasion, no matter how many chances given
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off to work, to try to give value to the fucking ever-multiplying Federal Reserve Note

Deflation and inflation and other economic terms are FUCKING MEANINGLESS when one class of persons HAS FIRST ACCESS TO and IS BEING PAID FOR the issuance of any newly-created currency. Money does not mean the same thing or have the same scarcity (or have the same value) for all persons in the economy. As some do not earn their money (via real productivity), money is more liquid and less valuable for them, as they have exclusive first-access to the newly-issued currency and they also decide TO WHOM it is allocated via our current debt-based NYFed primary dealer financial system.
As long as we have a cartel of private banks getting paid to issue the currency, the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE will lose EVEN MORE value for those of us that truly do earn it via productivity.

IT IS THOSE OF US WORKING that choose to prop up this class of parasitic, skillless invalids debauching our currencies worldwide via the Federal Reserve and its increasingly-worthless private currency, the Federal Reserve Note.

US Treasury-issued, debt-free fiat US Notes are the already-legal, interest-free sovereign currency solution to our debt problem and monetary policy parasite, the Federal Reserve Uniparty.
A lot of people do unfortunately, /ptg/ still exists and every thread like this is filled with boomers coping and calling anyone who doesn't delude themselves about Trump a bot. 2020 is also pretty late to get off the Trump train, he sold out on his 2016 campaign promises too and was identifiably kiked from the beginning. I'm glad if people realize it even if they realize it late but don't pretend nobody was telling you back in 2015.
Agreed. Kween Kummalot is brat af.
If you obliterate Iran how to get the Petrodollar back? Iran is only useful as a threat. Also Iran has no interest in having pro Hummus pro Gozer protesters act the fool. (Lionel Nation dropped this insight). Israel has more to gain from them raising a ruckus. Perhaps Israeli glowies are eghong them on. But of course coming from the left nothing will happen to them. Shooting trump using a mental case so as to get Nikki Hayley look more like it could be an Israeli ploy than a Iranian one from a Cui Bono perspective.

And they could say the shooter was Iranian groomed as a causus belli - how convenient!

Not saying this is true, but it at least is more plausible than 'Iran did it'

And fuck Iran. Just lets not die for Israel which seems to be more of an enemy/threat to the US through political manipulation than Iran ever was by any means historically. At least Iran honestly proclaims 'Death to America' precluding g them from ever being a serious threat.
Democrats get my support because there is no political solution and accelerationism has been working great. Everyone is pissed and broke and it feels like food riots and rolling blackouts are one competency crisis away. If the system so much as blinks its going to get its throat cut.
Jews run the show retard. Once the boomers are gone it will be mexicans outnumbering everyone and voting like low info retards.
Accelerationism is cope too though. Okay, the system is one crisis away from getting its throat cut but who's next up when it bleeds out? Without movement building it's not going to be you and siegefags aren't interested in movement building.
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Look if Jews have to attack Jews to justify that Jews attack Iran, then Jews will, it's just in their nature, but what's really concerning is how
Jews are now Jewing other Jews
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H O L Y _ B A S E D

zion don being a cartoonishly slutty whore for israel is the opposite of weird
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> u are jooish
how are these related lol
So true. 12d chess. you're a genius
Bombing Iran is just his special interest
red heifer soda ash soap it washes away the broken anus of children cuh
same here fren. one can have a respect for an enemy, no respect for the grifter of the elderly and poor
>white people aren't allowed to stand up for themselves
australia is the perfect example of what happens when whites give up their guns, absolute dystopian orwellian hellscape shithole full of fucking faggot assed niggers, nuke australia today
Erm, no, obviously the jews and Israel WANT Trump so there's no way they would try to kill him after trying every other means to destroy him and remove him from the presidential race for the past 10 years. Trump absolutely staged the assassination attempt himself by hiring some teenager with an unsighted AR to take potshots at his head on live TV to help him win a race he was already winning! The jews are in complete control and never fuck anything up ever!
>guys Trump merely pretended to almost get his head blown off on live TV!!! the jews are in control and want all this to happen exactly as it is happening! No way the glorious and genius jews could ever fuck anything up!
The jewish dickriding from you (((memeflag))) wearing faggots is getting tiresome
They 100% have Epstein tapes on Donald.
Was/is Trump supposed to be the new 9/11?
Whaaat? Why would the jews kill Trump??? I'm told by every (((memeflag))) on /pol/ that the jews WANT Trump in office!!!
>ignore 4 treacherous situation monitoring back stabbing years anon
a bad man took a shoot at politician and miss, it make it all OK now
>accelerationism has been working great
At just giving jews more power. Great ideology, retard.
>Ignore an entire decade of the kikes trying to destroy him financially, legally, and now literally
Why do all this if they want him to win, (((anon)))?
No proof
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Arron your stick out and you always will since you whole mentality is alien and unnatural to us. look almost human but sound like a broken demon bounded thing. It can be changed, let me help you, you was raised in supremacist doomsday cult worshiping impotent false god imposter. Let us together denounce the impotent fake and gay god of Israel YHWH
Imagine going to war for dead Trump!!!
He assassinated general Salami and now he's shaking in his pants.
If Iranians kill him at least we know why.
they were ready to blame Iran,
but the shooter missed
Black Rock must do a better job recruiting ....
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>we've built a powerful and vibrant and safe democracy
Always makes me chuckle hearing this when I remember that Netanyahu has been in power almost as long as Putin, and he accomplished that by pandering to the same exact people (post-Soviet mamzers and noviops insecure about their ethnicity)
Who is going to fight? People dont give a fuck anymore
that's dumb. how would they tie crooks to iran? even if he missed why wouldn't they go ahead and tie him to iran anyway?
he was just an incel trying to go out in glory and blew it
>Is this fucking fag legit retarded or something? Ever since the assassination attempt, which should have been a golden opportunity, he's done nothing but sabotage his campaign.
Yes, he is retarded. That's how you know the assassination attempt was real
mossad will kill trump and the jews will use the media to push the US into attack iran.
>The US
This isn't gonna happen. The next four years in America is gonna be good and both democrats and Republicans know it so they're gonna fight tooth and nail to get that golden opportunity spot.
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>everything is so weird right now
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they'll target the boomers for support, and the retards with their propaganda, they'll do everything they can.
then they will implement the draft and force all the goyim to go and die in the middle east.
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>secret masters not sure what's going on
lol, funny, we the retarded incel neets know what's going on, yet they dont?

interesting times indeed.
You hear that racist nazis? Time to get drafted
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it's time
Are you retarded , he’s saying that if Iran assassinates him we should bomb them.
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but isn't blackrock jewish owned?
wasn't the shooter jewish?
isn't mossad jewish?

this isn't adding up, since it's jews trying to kill trump, why would we attack iran?
Boomers are too old and too coward
This is not the American spirit you tea drinking britfag.
The only call he likely made was to delta force to replace the secret service. He played golf after and talked shit. You're weak post is for silly cunts.
He phoned " His Excellency" to ask if he had been a Good Goy.
As unlikely as it sounds, they've been trying it, and Netanyahu just doubled down on it.
Weak post for and by silly cunts.
Don't forget Warp Speed. He helped turn most of humanity into mutant abominations.
Not voting for anyone else either, though. I'm convinced now that voting is meant to degrade your soul.
Politics are theater for the slave class, merely Jewish soap opera designed to convince the non-Jews that there's a political solution. It's really that simple.

Only 2 things really matter before anything else can get fixed:

1) all zionists (Jew and non-Jew alike) need to be deported or hanged for treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason);

2) all Talmudists and their advocates and collaborators need to be deported or lawfully hanged for promoting crimes against children (the Jewish sacred Talmud tells Jews that they can fuck kids AND the Jewish sacred ritual of the circumcision is forced genital mutilation of 8 day old male babies).

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:

Proof that Jewish power has total control over the US body politic:

Proof that Jewish power controls the US financial system:

Proof that Jews control the Media:

Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing):

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:

Proof that Jewish power is at war with the 2nd Ammendment:

Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East):

NOTE: if the archive.vn links do not work, try changing the link first part to archive.is or archive.ph
There is no need to vote now. King Trump has been endorsed by "Gad".
yeah the orange nigger is a weapon ... which is good - but he's a weapon in the hands of the jews ; which makes that retard a problem.
>heh, we murdered Soleimani, nothing personal goy-guys..


the orange kike hypocrisy is unreal.
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Reminder to kill all the drafting officers and their families and go full insurgent mode as soon as the draft is enacted. And of course enact the total zionist death protocol.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Always leave a redpill compilation link on all draft threads.
There are no political solutions:
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Trump hurts the US for the benefit of Israel and Jews when he:
Pardons Israeli spies:

Pardons Jewish career criminals:

Passes anti-1st Ammendment laws for the benefit of Israel:
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Publicly praises Israel as an ally when he should be condemning it and demanding for Israel to be sanctioned for selling US secret military tech to China:

"Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China"

Documentary about how Israel has been selling US secret military tech to China and still is:

"How Israel betrays US"

"Israel and China a ‘Marriage Made in Heaven,’ Says Netanyahu"

"Former CIA Phil Giraldi: “Israel Steals US Technology”"

The NSA sends all its raw data to Israel, including information pertaining to Americans worldwide including those living in America:

Donald Trump groovels to his zionist masters and complains about Israel not having enough power over the US body politic:
Backup link:
Trump reinforces his anti-1st Ammendment stance for the benefit of Israel in 2023.
See pic related:

Here’s the tweet from October 14, 2023.

Replies to that Trump's anti-America tweet are very telling:

Also worth a read thru the replies:
"Universities literally have classes teaching students how White people are racist and evil.

What has this stupid faggot ever said about that? Any calls for anti-White subversives to be removed?

No. He only gets activated when his jewish friends and donors are criticized.

Keep calling for free speech censorship to protect jews. Great election strategy you bought off retard"


When college students criticize Israel's war tactics, we get bipartisan Congressional hearings and universal condemnation of “antisemitism.”

But when those running the colleges mandate unabashed Anti-White hatred, all we get from Congress is universal silence.

Noticing this disparity is then counted as an “antisemitic hate incident” by the Anti-White ADL, who demands more Congressional hearings to address "the rise in antisemitic hate incidents."
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Kill yourself low IQ pedophile/jew.

Talmud (Jewish sacred book) quotes (sourced from an official Jewish digital library):

Sanhedrin 54b 20:
"What does it mean that the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boy? Rav says: It means that the Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. And Shmuel says: The Torah does not deem the intercourse of a child who is less than three years old to be like that of one who is three years old."


Ketubot 11b 6:
"An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye."


How relevant is the Talmud as a sacred book for Jews?

"The Talmud (/ˈtɑːlmʊd, -məd, ˈtæl-/; Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד Tálmūḏ) is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology.[1][2] Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to "all Jewish thought and aspirations", serving also as "the guide for the daily life" of Jews.[3]"
Death to Israel and all the traitors who support it as legal punishment for the crime of treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason).
it's not about youth or bravery
boomers are cowards when there's accountability, but they are brave when it comes to rhetoric.

they will be brave in calling for action, but only because they know they wont be the ones dying in the frontlines (their sons/daughters will)
Gen X aren't going to do anything. Milenials will star in films depicting how brave the Zoomers were when they died.
comfort beats the courage out of strong men over time.
they wagered all the kingdoms of the world on that.
No one is going to fight.
If they turn off the internet and tell zoomers they can't have it back until they sign up they will fight.
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i sure aint

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