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Trump may approve $500 billion Lend-Lease for Ukraine and lift restrictions on weapons

Former US Secretary of State and ex-CIA head Mike Pompeo wrote about this in an article for The Wall Street Journal, talking about Trump’s likely peace plan for Ukraine.

The plan involves strengthening sanctions against Russia, lifting restrictions on the supply of weapons to Ukraine and the abolition of restrictions on their use and the $500 billion Lend-Lease program.

“Instead of burdening American taxpayers with new bills, let Ukraine borrow as much as it needs ,” Pompeo said.

Lifting weapons restrictions on Ukraine would lead to "a build-up of America's defense industry," he added.

All these steps “will allow Trump to determine the terms of the deal,” in which case the conflict will “immediately end.”

Trump will start WW3 and his would be assassin will go down into post apocalyptic history as the man who almost saved the world
Is there someone I can vote for who won't do this shit?

Fuck Ukraine, that corrupt faggot country.
Dr Jill Stein
Yes we need to give away money to Israel no restrictions
Good goy
This is just like the Project 2025 bullshit: people trying to put ideas in Trump's head in hopes he'll enact their agenda.
He won't do any of these things.he wants to be good buddy buddies with the world dictators and specially dear mr.putin. pompeo is just publicly vouching hoping the orangamanus gets a wind of it and change his mind (he will...flipflop about things 100/ times a day because he hasno real forward agenda beyond brown people bad whistling).

Truth is, Trump's most likely """peace plan"""" is toilet Russia keep asuch as they want, force ukraine to accept (else he'll let Russia take everything with zlensky forced to exile or asssasinated). Then refocus usa military industry into supplying israel with everything under the sun (and table) vefore marching head on against iran

For trump bringing back putin as a great leader of cultural wisdom into europe is a priority. The idea that he will in any way strengthen nato, defend ukraine or ever even blink too hard against russia is laughable and ridiculous. But hey nothing like a good shill story from a gutless, ball shrunken sycophant like poompeo
Maybe it's because the consensus among high iq world leaders is that Russia is a shithole than needs to be contained. Incel chuds opinions on mongolian basket weaving forums are irrelevant.
>Lifting weapons restrictions on Ukraine would lead to "a build-up of America's defense industry," he added.
they have already spent close to 200b and nothing to show for it why the fuck would another 500b suddenly do the trick? Thats just going to drive inflation up
>Trump will save Russia
Trump was the one who put sanctions on Russia that Biden rolled back
Also first lethal aid to Ukraine
>it's because the consensus among high iq world leaders is that Russia is a shithole than needs to be contained
Rofl, no. It's because they think they can defeat Russia. That's what all this NATO expansion has always been about. They only way they can do that without nuclear war is by using retarded Eastern Europeans as cannon fodder.


The real question is, why is destroying Russia so important that they're willing to risk WWIII over it? The answer is, China.
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russia destroy europe(including ukraine)

usa destroy middleast(including israel)
>Trump may nuke the moon.
>Trump may fund $5T manned mission to Uranus
Is this the new narrative setting? Claiming he 'may' do things he's never discussed doing?
>Is there someone I can vote for who won't do this shit?
No. If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us.
>Trump says he would restrict NATO
>If you don't pay you get kicked out
I don't buy that nigger article
Trump will start ww3 but there was no would-be assassin that was all theatre, bud.
What happened to building the wall? kek
WTF I love funding Ukraine now!??
>It was Mr. Trump who in 2017 lifted the Obama administration’s arms embargo on Ukraine, providing it with the Javelin missiles that helped save Kyiv in the earliest days of Russia’s invasion. More recently, Mr. Trump gave political cover to House Speaker Mike Johnson when he maneuvered to pass additional military aid.
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How will they pay back the loans after they lose the war and Russia forces them to stay out of NATO? This is like giving a loan to a heroine addict, you are never getting the money back
Well the plan is to fool both the Ukrainian population and the US population to keep the war going.
>strengthening sanctions against Russia
It will surely work this time.
>let Ukraine borrow as much as it needs
Implying it was charity before and not in credit. Implying Ukraine has the ability to pay it off and all that printed money won't burden Americans with even more inflation
>lifting restrictions on the supply of weapons to Ukraine and the abolition of restrictions on their use
How's that operation against Houthis going on? Everything's fine? Prosperity guarded?
Genius plan by the neocon. Keep on the good work. It's not like retarded politics like that put the US in the place it is now.
EU will pay pigland's debt to the US, pretty sure it was already proposed
Every single thing in geopolitics is so gay these days. This shit war is going to go on endlessly and trump will cuck on ending it
They should just do what Hitler did. Make 1,000,000 drones in a year then launch a blitzkrieg.

How do you even defend against that besides nuclear warfare? It seems like they don’t even want to win in Ukraine. At this point it’s just a massive sacrifice.
Imagine thinking the paypig American peasants who's tax money has been lost are important. Whats important is the elite children of defense contractor CEOs getting money from more contracts being signed.
>It seems like they don’t even want to win in Ukraine.
The Biden/Obama position has always been preventing the US from using its hard power.
That includes not giving Ukraine the weapons they need when they need it. Hence the Obama embargo against Ukraine, the rollback of sanctions by Biden, the too little too late trickle of military gear to Ukraine.
is that a nigger?
Kek, Pompeo is out and Vance is in. If Trump wins Ukraine, the Ukraine will sue for peace within weeks.
>is that a nigger?
That's 100% American. Been here since 1619.
The war is essentially already oyver.
There's no more masses to conscript and daily bombings in the major city has knocked out it's ability to produce electricity.
Nearly every city in Ukraine is on perma brown-out

They've been on the defensive for a year now and no major operations for 6 months.
I don't understand what the plan for the west is at this point other than to use Poland to begin the fight anew
And Poland only has less than 100k soldiers even to fight, that's like one battalion for one operation

So what does Ukraine buying up more American debt even me other than to just launder western dollars?
They don't want the public to know that, so they are hoping enough people are stupid enough to believe that the Ukraine will both win and pay us back. Even if the Ukraine did win, it's economy and demographics are so fucked there's no chance of it getting paid back.

usa can't even pay its interests on its debt, much less come up with 500 billion for ukraine
Who's going to make them retard? China?
no worries bro, just gotta pay that big mac a little more
Chase Oliver, the LP candidate. He has said he would end all aid and weapons transfers to Israel and Ukraine.
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Biden made muttland more weak and pathetic than at any time in its ignoble history. Semites are faggots and cowards and will be annihilated in an eyeblink without constant Aryan babysitting. Therefore Israel's ONLY chance of survival is literally to MAGA.

Trump will pledge unending support for Israel and the Khazar Kaganate of Ukraine. He will institute the draft, allocate a $5000 budget for the whole thing. The Reddit battalion will journey abroad toward glory against Iran and Russia, and Trump will cry bitterly as his plans continue to fail. Commie kikes will mock his military defeats, thereby bringing the full wrath of ZOG down on their heads.
Russians can't vote in the US, Ivan.
What an interesting line of attack for the establishment.

They must really dread Trump's second term.
Is Pompeo out of Trump's inner circle? I would be pleased to hear that Trump kicked him to the curb. As long as he's still hovering around behind Trump, I can't discount plans like this as much as I'd like.
It wasn't meme javelins which made a difference. Nobody even uses or remembers them at this point. Territorial defence with good old RPGs did the job just fine. And now using RPG projectiles on FPV drones.
It was mass mobilization that was the key, with more than million servicemen already in summer of 22. And Russian intelligence failing to predict this. Instead expecting a quick operation with limited forces against minimal resistance, not even bothering to at least organize proper recruiting and be prepared for proper war from the start. And rolling with this limited group of 180k for half a year against ever increasing unfavorable manpower disparity. Postponing own mobilization due to political inconvenience. This all led to failures in 22, not western "wunderwaffe".
And today it is exactly the same manpower problems that are plaguing Ukraine instead. Despite having infinitely more deadlier military aid from the west than simple ATGMs and MANPADs. Russia on other hand was able to organize recruiting without the need of constant mobilization and harsh measures like closed borders in Ukraine.
Pompeo was one of the backstabbers like Pence, but that weasel will always fall in line behind a winner.

This is just him trying to prepare his own hobby interests for such an eventuality.
>At the beginning of February 2022, the
armed forces received about 150 Javelin ATGW launchers with 1,000–1,200 missiles, 2,000
NLAW, as well as a large number of rocket-propelled anti-tank grenade launchers. Since Ukraine’s partners at that time were persuaded that, in the most optimistic scenarios, hostilities would be centred on street battles in the largest cities, the anti-tank weapons transferred were intended for close combat.
Just talmudic shit. Gotta have someone buying our debt since the nepo baby pedophilic inbred jewish retards that run the systems still think debt = money.
Honestly. I don’t have much hope for this place. I know for certain Russia will not win, at best they’ll get backed into a corner once a unified assault is launched from NATO + America then drop their nuclear arsenal. China however is a different story, nobody has any idea exactly what they have, and the fact they’re posturing with balloons to mock the US means they know what America has.

It’s a pretty much an AI race at this point, whoever can automate drones and military technology faster will win total global domination. Issue is the people who can do this are all but dead, there will be no replacements, and the only way I can see the west winning is if they fix the economy by I hate to break it to you but kicking out every non-white non-Asian out of the country. Unless they fix the cultural shift going on right now, and make the country inhabitable for those actually useful in this regard then there’s no point.

The people who should reproduce are not. And every year hope is lost. Thanks to Jews who aren’t stupid but too blinded with hate to see what they’re doing. And China of course playing devils advocate.

I never thought the solution was “kill all jews” but certainly if the west is to win they have to forfeit their decision making power and bite the bullet. You either risk Nazism or you die anyways, but those retards still think they can win.
Pompeo trying to wreck Trumps election chances?
What's the mood among the public? Polls show that most Ukrainians believe that they will win (which is more optimistic than any country in Europe polled, save for Russia).
>Instead expecting a quick operation with limited forces against minimal resistance, not even bothering to at least organize proper recruiting and be prepared for proper war from the start. And rolling with this limited group of 180k for half a year against ever increasing unfavorable manpower disparity. Postponing own mobilization due to political inconvenience
This is it
We should be talking about the "2022 Ukrainian political crisis" instead of a state war that got out of hand, if only they took the gamble to commit harder at the start
feels like a week ago that there was countless media attention about that big 60 billion dollar military package that was gonna stop the russians once and for all and allow ukraine to take everything back. several months later russian advances have not stopped and are actually accelerating and they even opened another front in the north. all those fancy wunderwaffe like HIMARS ATACMS have achieved absolutely nothing (russians even parading the shot down ATACMS wreckages containing 70's intel CPU's on TG kek). yesterday more bradleys and abrams destroyed in the pokrovsk region, the best ukrainian mechanized brigades (fully NATO trained and equipped) in full retreat.

it's just a bottomless pit. the more you spend, the more you lose.
>What's the mood among the public?
>Polls show that most Ukrainians believe that they will win
Polls don't mean jack shit. People will simply not answer truthfully because of fear and pressure. Like how can you answer the question about making territorial concessions, if it's breaking the law? Denying the territorial integrity of the country. But even polls show that much more Ukrainians are in favor of negotiations now.
You know Finland will pick up the bill.
>70’s intel CPUs
I’m telling you all the men capable of designing these things are long gone.
Women’s rights destroyed civilizations advancement once again.
>all those fancy wunderwaffe like HIMARS ATACMS have achieved absolutely nothing
Eh, HIMARS have forced Russian forces to disperse their equipment and not concentrate forces and there have been some cases where ATACMS caught Russian AA with their pants down
But as with any new weapon they learned to counter its effectiveness
>wreckages containing 70's intel CPUs
Well, it doesn't really matter, terminal guidance calculations don't exactly demand a Threadripper or something
That's grim
Does domestic propaganda laud the F-16s that will save you any day now, or is this narrative just for the international audience?
>Cede land in the east and west frontiers to Russia and EU respectively.

>Change name from "Ukraine" to New Khazaria.

>"Loans? What loans do you mean goy?"
history has shown that russia keeps defeating itself, why the west has to intervene i'll never understand
cool, but SMO will proceed regardless
>keeps defeating itself
That's the history of US though.
Each war you have just brings dollar closer to becoming toilet paper.
The only W during WW2 was sleeper L as US was established as jew vassal state (going strong till this day).
Only 90% of taxes collected goes to inflation. We can still print trillions.
Anon, democracy is a kike trick sold to normies to give them the illusion they have some control over their lives.
A Real Trump Peace Plan for Ukraine:
"Kill Mike Pompeo"
>Israel OP
Kek, like pottery.
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Look there, kike. You failed to grasp the reality of the situation, the average American despises sending money to your fellow kike in Kiev, and will not support the fucking war that only benefits you and the corrupt government there.
Also, when NATO decides to initiate WW3, the American youth (those who are redpilled on you, of course) will not get drafted, and willing to wage a civil war on that issue.

Get fucked!
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Even if Putin signed it (And he would) It will never last. Putin will be replaced sooner than later and Russia has got serious nationalistic in the last 3 years. You can't cap that.
>Every single thing in geopolitics is so gay these days. This shit war is going to go on endlessly
Russia can easily do a 10yr war. Did it in Chechnya. The problem with starting a dumb war with a country famous for having a 100 yr war.
>Kek, Pompeo is out and Vance is in
This, tech, chem oligarchs want this war ended asap. They determine the course of the war like the oil olugarchs on the Russian side.
peace plan? lmao
No faggot I am always right with my intuition and it says Drumpf will disappoint you retards and do exactly this. He will say it's a loan and a win for murican economy which it is. He will get briefed about all the shit russia is doing to undermine your country and he will be pissed.
It would not last IF the west and Ukraine were retarded but they will never let their guard down again. Ukraine will be the wall of Europe.
He’s going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
>high iq world leaders
Like...? Anna-Lena? Bojo? The granny gynecologist who nobody even voted for?

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