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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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NATO is purely a defence military alliance, it's not a political alliance. That would be EU, and / or US influence. Why some /pol/tards (I assume they're russian shills) assume that it's a political alliance responsible for globohomo? Are they literally retarded, or are this just part of demoralization psyop?
Russia posts here, and basically always pretends to be from elsewhere.
>Defensive alliance
>Only attacks countries
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>it's a defence military alliance
I will explain to you in very simple terms even a 5 year old like you would understand:

defence = national security = politics
military = national army = politics
alliance = treaties = politics

now tell us again how NATO is not a political alliance.
It seems you don't understand the meanings behind the words you're using
Serbia should always be bombed, NATO or not
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>pole unironically shilling for nato nazism
It's not, because it doesn't decide your national politics. It doesn't decide about LGBT, immigration, and economy. The sole point of NATO is that countries agree to help each other in case of invasion. Simple as. Unless you need it to be spelled out
>nazism is bad on /pol/
that's a new one
the second frame of your picrel is already a fallacy known as "strawman fallacy"
>purely a defence military alliance
>countries attacked: ???
>countries defended: 0
>The sole point of NATO is that countries agree to help each other in case of invasion
and that is politics, you absolute brainlet
War is the highest degree of political craft, and to say that an alliance between countries that manages the highest degree of political craft is not a "political alliance" is to say you're clinically retarded and medically irrecoverable
they are retarded, bottom of the barrel browse /pol/
Shut up dumb poolak, you took bribes from globohomo, you keep their pacts. Keep those free masonic assholes away from me.
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NATO has an open door policy. Any country can apply to join NATO. Russia can apply to join NATO. Obviously there are some qualifications one must meet in order to join, which Russia obviously doesn't meet. Sovereign countries have a right to join military alliances. Russia has no right to dictate what alliances other countries can or can't join.
Did they attack serbia with the US?
They probably attacked Libya.
>NATO has an open door policy.
you literally just proved NATO is politics
The first pic should be politicians raping kids while jews record with hidden camera.
you're a disgrace to the Polish nation
but a TOOL nonetheless
>Obviously there are some qualifications one must meet in order to join, which Russia obviously doesn't meet
Such as?
>but a TOOL nonetheless
just as you are a political TOOL to, to the retards in your government
"polish nation"
I just noticed the flag is the north star with the swastika(big dipper rotation). Pretty based tbdesu
>geopolitical alliance is political
Shocking revelation comrade
Guess which one is stronger you fucking retard, a piece of paper signed by people who lie more than they speak or actual force
NATO has never been tested by an equal enemy and, as much as it will suck for those of us who live in countries that have decides that relying 100% on a stupid ass alliance led by the US for their protection, I am convinced it will break down in the matter of weeks once the US decides to pull out when they realize they won't be fighting a bunch of shepherds with AKs but an actual professional military with air presence and artillery
You're arguing over semantics. OPs point is that NATO isn't promoting globohomo. So either make an argument to the contrary or quit getting off topic
how much do you pay for you vpn? maybe you just write it off as a business expense and forget about it?
Third world shitholes are not allowed in NATO, hence why the subhumans vatnigs ITT are seething so much
>NATO is purely a defence military alliance
why dont they defend us from the niggers invading our country?
because members of it who are not a majority shareholder have their foreign policy dictated by the majority shareholder (the US)
Then why is your shithole part of it?
Entering in NATO is politics though, it's called Atlanticism
Keep seething, subhuman
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Here's a clue, spastic idiots, these words sum up GAYTO down to one line.
Greece and Turkey are members tho?
>fund coup
>kick off a civil war
>supply the “freedom democracy opposition”
>”Were the defending alliance!!”

This will be like the fifth proxy war in which Russia puts a boot up your ass, I love it

Just like the Entente was, right? Stupid fucks will fall for 100 year old rhetoric.
Keep seething nigger
le based nato white nationalists love turk roaches when it's convenient. turks letting sandnigger migrants into southern europe is based.
>defensive alliance
>under 30 year olds within it are 50% subhuman resulting from importation
>offensively bombs Serbia, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan
>provokes war in Ukraine
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>Guess which one is stronger you fucking retard, a piece of paper signed by people who lie more than they speak or actual force
The paper. Pen really is mightier than the sword. The mere threat of possibly using force has been enough to make Russia not attack any NATO country.
>NATO has never been tested by an equal enemy
Correct, and they won't be. Because no equal to NATO exist. Let's pretend, for the sake of the argument, that we live in a magic fantasy land where Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are able to form a perfect, flawless alliance. Even in that scenario, where they throw everything they have at NATO, including nukes, when the dust has settled, NATO would remain, but Russia, China, Iran and North korea would not.
>actual professional military with air presence and artillery
Bunch of slavs equipped with surpluss western equipment, using poor military tactics inherited from the soviets, has fought Russia to a stalemate. I don't know what kind of delusion you have to live in to believe this. Poland alone could very likely solo Russia.
>NATO is purely a defence military alliance, it's not a political alliance.
You are not even trying. Literally says it's a political alliance. And military, not just defensive.
>NATO is a political and military alliance
And let alone the openly stated reason for its existence. Just another instrument of JewSA.
> “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”
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>NATO would remain
Not when the fighting age population is 50% invaders, which is less than a decade away at the current rate.
All Russia and China have to do is wait.
>NATO is a political and military alliance
kek the first thing you see in the NATO website is that, how can the dumb polack even recover. What a stupid thread
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Those regions would have been allowed to join Russia, if Russia had allowed UN inspectors to be there to ensure that the referendums are fair and not fraudulent. Russia didn't allow that, so that's why we are here. Shame really, this entire war could have been avoided, if Russia played just a little bit smarter.
Russia openly annexes big fucking pieces of land while NATO is struggling to build a 100 APCs

The whole world is watching the paper tiger fold, and is waiting to place orders for Russian Military advisor training and superior Russian gear
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>10 more years
Sure thing buddy. In 10 years it will be only 10 more years.
Yes, very based. Heil NATO.
And not political at all of course.
>NATO is great for Evropa!
>if you disagree you're a zigger!
>flags mostly from the butthurt belt
Every time lol
>NATO is purely a defence military alliance
Tell that to Gaddafi.
And he also has chutzpah to call others retarded and shills.
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>is waiting to place orders for Russian Military advisor training and superior Russian gear
You're a real comedian, you know that, right?
If Russian gear really is that good, then what are they waiting for? Why not place the orders already?
Okay, back to reality. Russian gear is so shit, Even India, FUCKING INDIA, cancelled their order of Su-57's. If that doesn't tell you how nobody wants russian stuff, nothing will. Meanwhile every country who has a even the slither of a chance to make deals with NATO, is fighting tooth and nail just to get scraps of NATO planes.
States have a monopoly on legitimate violence, as such, any institution that claims monopoly in legitimate violence is equal to a state.
Indeed. Legal semantics make everything you say legally true under the legal terms devised by the best semantics experts. I cannot say in a good faith that anything you've said is false.
Not being corrupt to the core, for one. Same reason Ukraine won't be immediately allowed to join even when the war ends. They have to clean up the corruption first
You don't understand, retarded shill! Free flow of shitskins into Europe must be protected at all costs!
You're dreaming
>10 year old /k/ope
what happened to finnish posters btw? Is it refugees or "Centers for combating disinformation"?
>political alliance.
Wait, how does that work?
What's wrong with normal alliance?
What's a political alliance?
Are they buttfriends with LGBTQP?
>nato it's not a political alliance


hohol refugees
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>didn't reply to any of my points
I accept your concession
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>thinks Finns started to just now hating Russians
Then you haven't been paying attention. We've always hated Russians, we just didn't show it back then because we still traded with them
Wanting to be ruled by the US isn't normal, it's a fringe position. And people who don't want US ruling their countries are not "enemy" or "pro-Russian".
I know finns, they are quiet and reserved people. You stick out like a sore thumb, you don't pass
>defence military alliance
Is a war alliance of the USA and his colonies
you are the most retarded ape in the Earth, NATO is USA what the USA general says is what they are going to do, and that general is following orders from the Pentagon who is following orders from think tanks
> Because no equal to NATO exist.
AUKUS bros, our response?
What you don't understand is that nobody is fucking dying for that piece of paper
Tell me how do you plan to convince a bunch of low test "males" that live domeralized to the core in the western world where they habe no land, no family to protect and no stakes in a war thousands of km away to go and fight the russians or the chinese
We have been fucked to the core by our government and made the enemy by the anti straight white propaganda. Why would any one of us actually be willing to die for that same government.
Of course you retards think the west is great and powerful, you have been brainwashed by the constant american propaganda from hollywood and live close enough to the russians to be willing to fight them to defend your country, because for you war with them is an actual possibility, but I can assure you nobody here will be goong to freeze in the fucking snow for a stupid treaty signed by the same people who are trying to brainwash us to cut our fucking dicks.
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>why is a US army extension responsible for globohomo? what does it have to do with politics?

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