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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ok so The cop suggested to her to move the water.

He said “yeah we dont want there to be a fire in here”.

Then when she does, he shoots her. Why?
She was holding a deadly weapon now
When an Officer of the Law tells you to do something you do it. We live in a society with rules and the fine folx in blue are putting their lives on the line daily to ensure our safety.
Why no link nigger
Wut no. He told her to just turn it off. No? I'm pretty sure. And even if he did tell her to move it, it's to another burner not off the stove. Where else would she put it? Melt her counter?
>scarred for life
>shoot sheboon
Not really a choice is it
>oven mitts are a deadly weapon
I don’t know. I haven’t watched the video. These videos are heavily astroturfed around elections, and I generally don’t participate in astroturfing campaigns.
it's been 24 hours already. it's not as important as you think
The cop backs away from her holding the water and she notices his retreat, and she asks him why he's leaving, he replies he's getting away from her and her water.

This is the wrong thing to say to a mentally ill religious person and practically guarantees they will say something about the person being a demon.

Go up to some mentally ill schizophrenic weirdo who has a water bottle and be like "Oh man, I better stay away from you and your water!" and the person will be like "Begone demon" or "Get out Satan" or some form of that phrase.

That's why the woman said the "rebuke you in the name of Jesus" comment. The cops provoked the comment out of her. Then they interpret her comment as a threat and escalate.

It was bad policework. If the cop was that worried about a fire he could've walked over and turned off the stove.
The cop knew she laid some stupid trap. The first words out of her mouth were a lie.
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>crazy demonic nigra throws boiling water at cops
>gets shot
scalding is a thing, nigger
Thanks, another case of demon niggers
the pot of scalding hot boiling water is
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"fire," get it?
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>he shoots her. Why?

because the cop is a kike
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>scalding is a thing
not when there isn't any water involved

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In the heart of Illinois, where the Nigger animals roam,
Deputy Sean Grayson, he stands alone,
Got his badge and his gun, ready for a fight
while the Nigger menace is boiling water in the night.

You better fucking not
or I swear to God
I’ll fucking shoot you in the fucking face

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

[Guitar Solo]

In the Niggers dirty living room,
Planning his ambush, full of fury and fear,
Nigger lunges with the pot, trying to cause third degree burns,
But Sean's not the kind to let a Nigger reign supreme!

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

With a flick of the wrist, the trigger pulls tight,
A shot in the Niggers head, Nigger lost the fight,
No more boiling pot, no more sneaky schemes,
Just a Deputy legend living out pols dreams!

No More Niggers!

[Guitar Solo]

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

So here’s to the deputy, keeping the peace,
Against all the Nigger madness that will never decrease.

Total Total Nigger Death!
(Total Total Nigger Death!)
Total Total Nigger Death!
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>water on the floor up to their feet
>(((no water involved)))
the nigger is u, double nigger
kill urself, nigger
Who cares?
Once less nigger, one less pigger.
Don't ask why it happened, just be glad it did.
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>>water on the floor up to their feet
>doesn't even bother to give proof this happened
>just (((says))) it did

jews are the original niggers

who do you think invented the ghettto?
Oh my fucking God just get over it already. Some boiling water handilng nigger got shot, so fucking what? If anything, cops should shoot niggers everytime they are called because of them. Stop cluttering the board with this shit, Chaim, you won't make this into Saint Floyd 2.0.
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>ew goy let retard kikes that wanna kill people
>just let 'em DO IT

the hebrew language
this is no lie


>language family

basically I'm saying all jews..

all jews?

they're all

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stfu lting nigger, u a lying shit, the steam from the boiling water is clearly visible in the video near their feet, faggot
i wish they'd let me kill you
you'd get it then nigger shit
fucking shit, just declare open season on these niggers and let us eradicate them off the face of the earth




Why are Circumcised-Americans such huge pussies? 'Scared for life', 'feared for safety'. Low IQ, pussies. Most americans are little scared cunts. It's based killing niggers, but your police is pretty fucking pathetic. Guns is a last resort not first option. If I ever encounter police in america im shooting first, I don't trust those motherfuckers.
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>the steam from the boiling water is clearly visible



haha... well

you talk shit
like a stupid nigger jew

but you DON'T
have a fucking


look how butthurt piss-pants little nigger kike you got with your response


i would call you a nigger kike when you failed to provide SHIT

and there you go, being a HILARIOUS baby bitch kike
retarded cop will now be convicted for jail for killing a nigger lmao, who won here, police are still hated and america still panders to niggers, so i don't understand exactly what you are celebrating
>Ok so The cop suggested to her to move the water.
>He said “yeah we dont want there to be a fire in here”.

the pot was full of water so there was no danger of fire anyway, obviously.
Lamo you end the clip just before it hits the ground you deceitful cunt
>stfu lting nigger, u a lying shit, the steam from the boiling water is clearly visible in the video near their feet, faggot

thats what happens when you shoot someone holding a pot full of hot water. when their head gets blown off, there is no longer a live person to hold up the pot.
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>things happened goy
>the water hits the ground

and yet you can't prove there was any water in the pot for the first place

this is what rocks my balls about NIGGER DESCENDED JEWS

they talk shit

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where'd you go you

It's amazing to watch this cope now that you retards have been proven absolutely, positively wrong. Grasping at straws now. He asked her to turn it off not move the water. What lie is your next thread going to be about?
The molack statue is the cherry on top. Not only are you a pathological liar, but you also worship a Cananite demon.
>you a pathological liar
you just call people liars but don't have any proof?

so basically you're jewish
Weird strawman /pol/tard.
It’s not unreasonable for someone to move a pot after suggesting that if its still on the stove, a fire will start.
>He asked her to turn it off not move the water.

he had no right to tell her to do either and holding a pan in your own home is not a crime.

how does it feel knowing he is going to get his asshole violated in prison?
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>t. a blind nigger that never even saw the video and just read another (((provocatory headline)))

>nigger premeditatedly assaults white officer with intent to cause grievous and permanent bodily harm with boiling water akin to an acid attack
not over yet booboo, this was self-defense
nigra spewing acid like a demon at whites but not nigs
>america panders to niggers
maybe zog does, but America does not and never will
niggers are african
africans will never be American
niggers will never be American
America and niggers are entirely antithetical to one another.
A nigger lover is not American and an American will never be a nigger lover.
wut? this guy is completely innocent
that nigra set the whole thing up to try to jail an innocent cop

that nigra would be alive right nao if she had just stayed down, but the satanic nigra could not help itself and carried about its premeditated attack on the cops
Jesus never went around throwing boiling water at people.
the utter state of clown zog these days
ok listen you enormous pussy


is not PROOF
You have the proof on you, show the whole video in slow motion, instead of cutting it off right before the boiling water hits the ground.
Why are you spamming this big nose?
Fuck off.
And you dafties stop responding.
>It’s not unreasonable for someone to move a pot after suggesting that if its still on the stove, a fire will start.

it's 100% a reasonable thing to do. of course the officer's instruction was nonsense becasue there was no risk of fire.
No it isn't. Makes sense as to why you have a confederate flag, as you're a genuine spineless beta pussy boy.
As a Chef, you little twinks blatantly lying about "muh hot water deadly weapon though" have zero basis in reality, incel post harder twinks.
Replying to >>475706793

notice how this KIKE


jews sacirifice their children to demons
>that nigra would be alive right nao if she had just stayed down, but the satanic nigra could not help itself and carried about its premeditated attack on the cops

seems the authorities dont agree with you. murder charge and throw away the key when convicted which he will be.
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>You have the proof on you


>over there goy
>look over there
>then prove my point for me
>that can't be proven
>and even if it could
>i would have proven it myself
>but i can't
>cuz im a lazy kike bitch
>and the son of a (((whore)))

finally you admit the truth
Show the whole video in slow motion or concede.
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shut up u dumb nigger kike

post proof of something


or go bury yourself in the tophet with all the other rejected jewish children where you belong
Canadian? Makes sense. Your rights come from the government. Mine are my birthright.

Shut the fuck up retard
Last chance to post the whole video in slow motion so people can see for themselves.
there's no reason to talk so much about this. Cop is in the wrong. Charge him with murder or at least the cop alternative of a murder charge
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i don't care if zog agrees with the truth or not
the obvious truth is the obvious truth
that nigra was out to permanently injure those officers in a lame nigger version of an acid attack
it was called out and it tried to go through with it anyway

the only reason he might get convicted is that no one has the balls to nuke the green dots
these niggers are a satanic plague and should all be shot
if they'd declare open season i'd take care of at least 10k of them myself
but the nigger menace is allowed to exist
these monkeys are a disease that ought to be eradicated off the face of the earth

shut up lying idiot
kill urself

go watch the video and find the screenshot urself with the steam, asshole troll
im not doing it for you because your a goalpost moving faggot trying to waste my time when i have better things to do, nigger shit
so you can't prove shit

and you're a dumb kike memflag

I have the video on my computer not on iPhone but you’re clearly in possession of it so why don’t you show the video in slow motion so we can see it.
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He knew she was chaos by her lying about the car and general erratic behavior. When she picked up the boiling water she said she was going to rebuke him in the name of jesus implying throw the scalding water on him. He, having spent years around chaos in the once proud town of Lincoln and who is pumped up on testosterone and a million hours of liberal bullshit, snapped. What happened next is hard to tell since she is out of the picture. He overreacted obviously, as she should rightly be at home babbling nonsense about crackers while simultaneously being victimized by the local niggas all paid for by the rest of the state's citizens.

And fuck you for ignoring the ten million stories of DeShaun shooting an Uber drive in the face instead, because you're just another retard in a third world shithole about to pop like a zip on the back of a 400lb tranny who is planning on voting for Kamala 5 times.
>i have the proof
>it exists

ok post it
>I can't

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u aint shit nigger

>keeps poasting >>475707760

>public video
>(((not proof)))
kys nigger

get off the internet and stock those shelves nigger
Ok I will find it
Here it is, the boiling water hits the ground makes stream.
russia may be a madhouse, but usa is a madhouse with armed patients
Thats a paid slav troll at the most
She argued and wouldn’t turn it off. You can hear her tone of voice when he asks why there’s hot water running and she literally starts making violent ape noises. This bitch deserved it, she kept trying to hide the fact she was gonna throw burning water at them after gaining their “trust”
I watched the video, I try hard to be unbiased, she was on the couch, told to get identification, to be fair, where was the non lethal? Saying headshot and let her die is kinda showing contempt. Find a Donut video, he analyzes police shootings quite thoroughly.
>Hire someone who has tattoos onto the police force...
The fuck did you expect was going to happen?
>Thow boiling water at cops
>They open fire on you
it was clearly a set up, she tried to lure cops, funny voices in her head told her so.
Let me get this straight
>cops get called because of some noise outside the house
>arrive and check to see there's nothing there
>instead of leaving they enter the house of the woman that called the cops
>woman is crazy and or on drugs like 30% of all Americans
>talks gibberish
>instead of leaving because there is nothing to do for the police there you poke around and bother the woman for her ID and try to stir shit because of the car on her driveway
>YOU tell her to move over to the pot and turn off the stove which she does
>in doing so she takes the pot of water for whatever reason, maybe to put it somewhere else
>6'5 250 lbs cop gets scared by that for some reason and tells her to put the pot away
>she calls him out as a demon for that
>Cop draws his weapon, freaking out, telling her he is going to shoot her (?!)
>woman is scared now and ducks away, pot still in hand
>Cop still threatening to shoot if she doesn't remove the pot
>woman stands up in an attempt to put the pot away as told maybe, we don't know because the cop starts shooting immediately as she rises up
>declared her dead even tho he says she is still breathing
Wtf. This is straight up demonic. Don't give me shit about this huge dude being scared of boiling water, literally just fucking leave bro like just step away. You don't even have a reason to bother this woman in the first place.
>sign in
Post a webm or go back to twitter dumb ass
You people genuinley ruined this website oh my fucking god
Why did he ask her for drivers license when she isn't in a car?
>Ok so The cop suggested to her to move the water.

>He said “yeah we dont want there to be a fire in here”.

Nigress said "I'll throw boiling water on you"

He says" dont you fucking dare or I'll shoot you"

Nigress says "I'm sorry saar I'm sorry saar I didn't mean too"

She makes a move behind counter and gets her head blown off for threatening police

>Then when she does, he shoots her. Why?

Then nigger kike OP with accelerationism fantasies asks "WHYYYY KILL NIGGERS WHYTIE" to stoke the fires for his fantasies of white men dominating him and his entire kike nigger race.

Gotchya nigger kike anarchist.
>Nigress said "I'll throw boiling water on you"

she said nothing of the kind. do you think what you wrote is funny or something?

You somehow analyzed the situation correct until she gets back up. She at that moment decided to throw the water.

If you have premium youtube turn to 1080 enhanced bitrate and put in .25x speed.

It becomes clear as day as every frame is shown and you can clearly see her throwing the water. You can even see the anger in her face as she does it.

This will be an interesting trial. Murder 1 is likely overcharged and gives him an out which likely will mean riots when he gets off for that charge.
>This will be an interesting trial.

it will be a quick trial because only the schizos on /pol believe she threw anything and they don't serve on juries.
to id her. they felt she was full of shit and she probably was, there was nobody roaming around her house.
>He told her to just turn it off. No?
No, but pig shills keep pushing that narrative to convince anons too lazy to watch the video. He said "deal with that water", then freaks out as soon as she does
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Pagan cops def had demons
saved gonna blast this in the hood
>Throw water
>>They fire

Water beat fire
Proof no water!
Proof cop kill wo-man!
>to id her. they felt she was full of shit and she probably was, there was nobody roaming around her house.

she never said there was. for christ sake why bother commenting if you have no idea of the basic facts.
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>no water
i guess the floor just starts dissolving when the air in the pot hits it
I'm undecided and you make a good point. Will you take the hot water challenge and post it for us all to see how relaxing it is to have boiling water dumped on your head? You can shut these chuds up here once and for all.
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Poor it out responsibly down the drain and follow instructions like a white woman next time Mammy'

What the fuck does the president have to do with who local police hire?

>Rebuke a demon ZOGbot
>Expect them not to retaliate

Bro what was she thinking?
>Having shit in your face doesn't kill you
>Oh ok, I guess that means you'll post a webm of you smearing shit all over your face then!?
This is how retarded you sound. If your best defense for killing someone is that they were holding a pot of hot water that they could theoretically throw at you then you are fucked and going to jail. What's the point of even denying this?
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>be muttmerican
>want to cook pasta in soap water
>get your head blown up
a pot of boiling water can easily blind you
New shocking photos of crime scene just dropped
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>Be american
>Get killed for holding a pot
>In your own home
>In your own kitchen
>by the cops you called

It's just too funny.
Partner needs to be charged with accessory to murder.
On the other hand though she was obviously mentally ill for calling and speaking to police.
>hottest man in history lying on the sexiest flag in history
God bless America, I love it so much
Holy fucking shit who cares.
>dead nigger = good
>pig in prison = based

Why are you so bent up over happy endings?
you, apparently. you necro'd the thread after like 25 mins
Please kys asap unfunny faggot
>load front page
>see threads
>make post

You’re a faggot. And now it’s back on page one again.
cops had no way of knowing if that boiling pot of water also contained bleach and sugar
i'll take a murder charge over being permanently disfigured
/pol/ is the only place I see this story. No cares faggot.
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sure, newfag. enjoy your visit.
WTF? Why did she grab it and throw it at him? But at the same time, why the hell did he immediately pull his gun out before she even did anything? Doesn't really make sense.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
>It was bad policework
So was saying he would shoot her in the face. Everything went sideways very fast. I'm also a bit shocked to see some ancient 4:3 rear projection TV. WTF? How old is that shit?
Then again my mom still had a 20 year old TV being she like it and refused to let me buy her another one.
Bumping again just for you, leaf.
Right on time, sneed bot

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