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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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i want him to win solely because it would be immensely funny
You'll get what you want
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don't care, still voting for kamala
He will absolutely 1 billion percent lose.
yeah giving 100% of our paychecks to Israel is hilarious. letting wall street jews rule over us is hilarious. kys.
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With this digits I expect my anus to be firmly tongued by a nigger
Trump will win
Completely wasted digits

Not gonna happen chud. We’re cackling with Kamala
He will. The unprecedented shilling and spamming, with no regard for appearances, betrays their desperation. Over here it's par for the course, but they're flooding even npc forums.
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May your quads make the GEOTUS' return a certainty.
Trump is part of teh Swamp now
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The real reason why you want him to win is because the US will then wage war against Iran. Sweatie.
so true. he's shrek and his vp is donkey
Yeah, can't wait to hear about how many scoops of fucking ice cream he's been eating all over again.
Nice try subhuman.
Maybe post a pepe as well and your sad excuse for astroturfing will be complete.
you really need a new playbook, intruder
part of me wants to tell you to fuck off but I realize its not you, but the propaganda instillled in your little brain

I pity you.
so exactly what's happening now?
>no new wars started in his last time of being president
>he ended wars
Yeah, ok.
to further explain mt position:
I think the only real weapon against globohomo is abstinence
from sex
from voting
from social media
from society
JD Vance already said at the RNC a Trump presidency will invade Iran, try to keep up sweaty
Now he's screeching about starting a war with Iran. But I suppose that's also a smokescreen and a 9D chess, right?
Both outcomes would be funny
>Trump second term to the horror of everyone
>Laughin' Kamala humiliation ritual all over Trump's ego and possible civil war
not really. it's not even funny anymore
HE'S not funny anymore
no one gives af anymore, it's cool in the normie way to like Trump now
don't get me wrong i think he'll win yeah fine wahtever i'm not excited about it
it's not 2016
he's not 2016 Trump
I tried to force myself to get back into it after the shooting. I mean that should have been the trigger point to bring back the aura
then monday at the RNC you can tell, it's just over
he's just another republican now
sorry bros, we tried
Checked. That's my voting strategy too these days, I choose the most entertaining candidate.
>Laughin' Kamala
This has to be the lamest insult I've ever heard. Trump really is sliding into dementia rapidly if that's the best insult he can come up with
You believe what politicians say?
Was it Trump that said it?
Has he started war with iran? NO.
So shut the fuck up.

He also said that he will build a wall and he didnt.
Yes, when politicians say they're going to invade another country I tend to pay attention instead of going full cope denial like you are currently

Israel is picking fights with all of Irans allies currently, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and anyone that is remotely paying attention can see this is all headed towards an invasion of Iran as a favor to Israel
Fuck of leftist faggot.
>israel is picking
I think you have it backwards. So far what ive seen, its the iranian allies that pick fight with israel.
Agreed. Clowns win in clownworld. Honk honk.
>britbong calling anyone else subhuman
You’re delusional and underestimate the disgust we have for what they did at the RNC. Heathens, faggots, niggers, and jeets. That’s what they showcase. Not one promise made for white working men. Not one.
Doesn't seem like a good reason.
>I think the only real weapon against globohomo is abstinence
>from sex
>from voting
>from social media
>from society
yeah you're really sticking it to the globohomo elite by being a recluse with no influence over anything.
it sounds more like your dressing up your laziness as heroism.
I just want incandescent light bulbs again.
yes it is. american politics is a comedy.
So you're suggesting Republicans are threatening a massively unpopular war for votes? Wouldn't the more likely explanation be that they're beholden to their Israeli masters?
>So far what ive seen
you're not paying very close attention then. Hamas didn't just start a fight for no reason.
Everytime someone starts ranting about jewish conspiracies and overlords i know hes a prohamas leftist faggot.
Fuck off.
go to gaza and tell that to those who are interested about your prohamas faggotry
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>let's support politicians who say spout neocon platitudes, bemoan withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, take money from Jewish megadonors and profess to further Zionist interests in the region at the time when the said region is on the brink of a major military escalation and possibly a regime change
How about no?
Him losing would be way funnier.
Seeing you retards melt down and try another Jan 6th would be hilarious.
So basically like the last times
You realize you don't have to be slavishly devoted to Israel to align yourself with the right-wing? What is with right-wingers trying to outcompete each other for how hard they can gargle Israels balls? Both Hamas and Israel are bad guys, Israel has killed over 186k people in Gaza so far, which is by anyone's definition a genocide
The guy is a conman who worships Israel and married his daughter off to a jew.

He needs to win because he is modern America personified.
Kamala winning would be much funnier desu, hopefully they cheat again and make her POTUS
Not if Iran, Russia and China decide to attack American spec ops bases after the next Iranian general he assassinates.
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trump loses.
I hope you're jewish because if not this is really cringe
>leftist faggot
If this is the face of American conservatism in 2024, then I'd rather be communist desu senpai.
Im finnish-israeli jew. So think about it.
Fuck palestinians and fuck arabs. Fuck all muslims and niggers too now when we are at it.
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>I just want incandescent light bulbs again.
No shit, brother.
Oh so you're not going to be rational on this topic at all, thanks for letting me know so I don't waste my time responding any further!
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Based Pole
Well if it wasn't getting rigged for him before it will be now. Quads cements it
Nah, this is modern America personified. This is why I want him to be her VP, he's a pretty epic orator too.
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cant argue with the numerology
Starting to feel this as well, Trump was a disaster, did fuckall in reality when he could have acheived greatness. Too much Jew influence and he will stack his regime with filthy hook nosed Kikes again.
Checked and based
I want him to get beaten by a nigress - it would be even funnier.
he will win, and it will be the end of america
see, if he doesn't, the right will never do anything, few protests maybe and few posts on social media and they will suck it up
If he wins, it will activate all the unrest actors in the US, from glowies false flags, to left militia, to blacks to everything, not to mention the potential major wars with other nations, US will collapse if he wins, and he will.
The reality is it would just be a malaise for 2.5 years, with an economic downturn somewhere in late 2026, where Trump accomplishes virtually nothing, and either dies in office of a stroke, or leaves in shame after the next election which the GOP won't let him run in and he won't have the energy to care any more anyway.

Its unironically Joever for Donald and Joe and their entire generation. The only thing left for any of them is a trip to the morgue and then the cemetery, all due to age related senescence
Kamala is pro gaza and anti-aid which is the based position considering reality fuck this clown
Blacks will become more savage if she wins. When Obama stole it, feral niggers were wearing:
"COMMANDER IN CHIEF" shirts with his evil face on it, acting even angrier than usual.
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If he really plans on installing a fucking Blackrock CEO in the U.S. Department of the Treasury, then it's truly ogre.
Uppity niggers - funny.

MAGAs being beaten by niggers and claiming they really won by their beloved jews stole it from them - funny.

Racewar - funny.
I thought that was a joke?
>called Buttigieg
>is actually gay

I want him to win because God supports him
It’s not a joke, there’s a quote from Trump in June saying Larry Fink and Jamie Dimon are in contention for cabinet. He’s denying it now but there’s recordings and Trump is a prolific liar.
Total Hilldawg victory would be the funniest outcome to me.
Quads of truth, it would be funny.
For me personally its preferable to have a clear enemy in office than a fake right winger selling you wolf tickets and false hopes, we already know Trump is not on our side even remotely, fundamentally there is no difference between him and Kamala because the deep state runs the show for both, Kamala is also far more incompetent so it will remove even more legitimacy from ZOG
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More like archons.

yeah the seething of the germon media and the rest of the left is worth it alone
>Kamala is also far more incompetent so it will remove even more legitimacy from ZOG

Exactly, she's like high octane guzoline in the incompetency accelerant stakes.
Same, I don't even like Trump and he sucks jew cock but I hate the people who hate him so much more I just want to see them cry
You want to pwn the libs?
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Good take.

Trump no longer brings anything good to the table, not even rhetorically, and now he's totally manacled by the special interests; it's become clear he was never on our side, what with him entrusting important positions to Kushner, Tillerson and the likes. The presidential runs have been nothing more than an ego trip.
Quads end the conversation. Trump will win and it will be funny
consider yourself an honorary canadian
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Well, he did appoint Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, so it wouldn't be totally out of character for him.
Their attempts get more obvious as they become more desperate. It sucks now but it’s probably a good thing. Right over target
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Indeed. The fact that his father was a notable Gramscian scholar of Maltese origin is even funnier, it's just one big pile of coincidences.
Can somebody who's neither left or right nutjob explain to me, realistically what are his chances of winning? I'm starting to see posts where kamala has a lead in certain states etc
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65% chance of winning
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He's somewhat likely to win, though it's still early in the race. Let's face it though, Kamala is pretty terrible and extremely unlikable and his being a conduit for Zionist interests makes him a clear favorite. But then again, we will see.
Kamala is pulling ahead in California
Yeah, pretty much.
It's too early to tell. Biden dropping out is a whole new race. But one thing is for sure: it will be a close race. Remember that Trump only won 2016 by 100K votes in three states. This time it might even be closer since Kamala is in many ways more appealing to voters than Hillary.
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>I'm starting to see posts where kamala has a lead in certain states
This is her joining the race and getting a bump in the polls. You need to wait for a couple of months to see how she's doing for real.
I know Jan 6th wasn't real because I wasn't invited
I think Kamala will appeal to fewer people. Everyone had been hearing about Hillary Clinton for ages and she had a reputation for at least being competent. Kamala doesn't have that.
Also Hillary was older, which gave her an air of experience, and meant she wasn't threatening to younger and middle aged women.
Leaning into this whole "brat" thing is going to put off middle aged women a lot.
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Don is such a brazen fucking liar https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/donald-trump-walks-back-support-jamie-dimon-treasury-secretary.amp
Would consider, but didn't.
C'mon, Kamala would be funnier. Trump already did a presidency, it was funny at the time but this would be a rerun.
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Conservatives are getting better at pilpul than Jews, impressive.
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He said the “radical left” made it up, when he said he was considering Dimon himself.

He’s a compulsive liar. He’s also close friends with Fink. NYPost was discussing Fink likely to get a cabinet position less than a week ago https://nypost.com/2024/07/20/business/the-odd-yet-interesting-choice-of-who-trump-may-tap-to-be-his-treasury-secretary/
I hope Todd Howard defeats them both and makes everyone in this country play Skyrim again or face death
>Implying it matters who POTUS is
>Implying US elections are real
We're going to war with Iran regardless of who our executive puppet is, retard.
>the establishment candidate that sucks jewish cock 24/7 is funny
>not kamala
Harris has started to distance herself from Israel today, it’s not so certain this will happen under Dems https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/26/kamala-harris-benjamin-netanyahu-us-visit-palestine-israel-gaza-war

Vance said it would happen under GOP though
The election is going to come down to a few key swing states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan etc. At the moment, Trumps numbers look good, but the real odds will be determined based on Harris VP pick and the how the debate will go.

I personally estimate a trump W, 300-350 EC votes.
>he wants a reasonable candidate
Get a load of this goy
It would be funny to see your ass drafted and sent to blow up in Iran.
POTUS isn't who decides who the US goes to war with.
Do you think the red congress is going to disagree? Did you miss the grovelling they did to Netanyahu earlier this week?
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Well, she could be lying to appeal to her voting base which is predominantly leftist and besides, nobody likes war, children getting torn asunder and civilian infrastructure getting razed to the ground other than the Jews and their deranged conservative lapdogs, so it's likely to be popular among non-partisan voters as well.

While there might be some wiggle room for decision-making in the White House, that's debatable. Either way, it's pretty retarded to unreservedly shill for Trump at this point.
>Do you think the red congress is going to disagree?
No, why would I? My point is that we're going to war regardless, the fact that the GOP wants to go to war doesn't contradict that point in any way.
>muh red, muh blue
They're both profiting from the same MIC.
Even funnier is watching Ukraine get raped by Russia
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I think it's over for Trump if Kamala picks Mark Kelly for VP, he's a former navy captain and space shuttle commander ffs, he's also a centrist.
He's also related to Ned Kelly.
Hamas didn't start a fight at all. IDF flew into Israel on the dumbest most visual method of transport possible so as many people as possible could post it on Twitter, shot a few Israelis, then the Hannibal Directive kicked in and Israeli choppers gunned down the rest.
I want him to win then abolish term limits
I hope it pisses of all the Kamala bots too
Nice quads lol.
Checked, thought the same during 2016
More than anything the big laugh as the liberal fantasy world comes crashing down again in tears and violent rage as they take to the streets once again to burn and pillage their precious democracy.
>2016: wouldn't it be funny?
>2020: ahahah, ahhh... ok but let's be serious now.
>2024: but... wouldn't it be REALLY funny?

Basically the election trilogy rn, and of course he'll win.
To quote the greatest band in American history
>You cant always get what you want

Its all planned anyway. Jeets will flood the west no matter what and the dollar will be worth less year over year. There is no vote that will fix this so might as well vote for whoever is funnier.

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