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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I think it's funny how all the normgroids are suddenly seeking Japan's approval of their pet political issues and the Japanese have no fucking idea what they're talking about because they don't care what happens outside Japan at all.
I love the looks on their faces. They're all like;
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Is there a more cynical one-liner than "free the hostages!" after they've killed 40+ of their PoW "hostages" and the continuation of the war would only mean more dead PoWs?

Like, these guys getting sniped are on the same mobik tier as most of the PoWs held by Hamas. They're sacrificing more people than what's even being held not mentioning the literal 200 000 dead Palestinians.
so whats the context? We know Israelis are cunts but what made them that mad at a nip?
Those are Americans in their eyes btw.
Everybody needs to ban Israeli passports.
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The context is them flipping out at a pro-Palestine Japanese man protesting in Japan because they're uppity and are unironically raised to believe that they're chosen by God to rule the earth.
How about we just ban israel.
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators.
actually they should ban all brown people
only if brown includes americans
Told you the Jews were nothing but trouble.
what hostages?
sounds like coms, which if it is coms, the jew is probably the good guy (unironically)

there's a war being played out, and while the jews have always been the "bad guys" in the west, the japs are the demons that created them.
japs (hades/ayys) are worse than jews and deserve absolute genocide, no exceptions
let the world see these unhinged rats' true face, imagine that jap old dude is a manga artist and in few months we start seeing some TKD mangas kek
holy shit, fucking based
one jew less = less crimes and war in the world.
Man if you think that's bad look at your country that's has entire cities occupied by muslim savages.
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>because they believe they are chosen by God
the same applies to asians, they have a false sense of supperiority which isn't seen by the west.
asians, especially far east asians are worse than jews, at least jews have a system of law to keep them in line, japs only stay in line when they are reminded of the real threat of death without escape.

Jews are the answer to the asian question.
if jews are degenerates, japanese people are hundreds of times worse.
I'm so glad Israelis exist and travel to other countries so other people can get a taste of just how parasitic they truly are. Trust me people, you won't believe it 'til you see it.
Muslims = Bad does not make Jews good.

Jews and Mudslimes are basically the same anyway. We should exterminate them both.
I've never seen a more misguided theory of the Japanese.
Do this mutt really believe that Japanese people stand in line anywhere because they are in danger of death at any time?
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they have the highest suicide rate in the world for a reason.
they stand in line because they dont want to go to the forest.
Kek I'd be angry at everything if I was an ugly ogre slavgroid too.
im sorry that i didnt listen, i-i didnt know...
No, SK and some Eastern Europe and South America countries are much higher now.
You guys are seriously retarded, don't think you can say anything that might have some deeper meaning and be accepted?

That dude is a mentally ill shill.
the forest will come for you english teacher-san, then you will understand why they stand in line
I hate brown people and this includes subhuman jews chimping out.
this is great. people see this and know just how fucking evil these rats are
You must think you know the world by looking only at MSN.
I've seen a lot of idiots here who lack any self-awareness at all, who think that the declining birthrate is a problem only in Japan and South Korea, for example.
Maybe you thought the Japanese were criticizing your beloved Jews and got angry and decided to say something bad about them, you low IQ mutt.
There is no goyim cattle as obvious as yours.
>your brain after shilling for years
do kikes, really? nips should force him into a hospice, it would be funny
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how many japs protest for poopenstinians anyway?
>the japs are the demons that created them.
Lol wut?
slav? are you retarded? that is clearly a north african kike you retarded mutt

also, checked
>Is there a more cynical one-liner than "free the hostages!"
Israel has almost 10,000 palestinians hostages. Over 8,000 before oct 7. Do you think they going to free those hostages?
desu it is probably all just gaijin youtubers out of control to them
what? how does that matter?
it is their country, and if they want to protest in their own country, no filthy tourist, especially a kike one, has a say in it whatsoever.
dont like it? go back, simple as.
but alas, i know brown people cannot comprehend not getting any "respect" (the one thing brown people dont seem to give to anyone, ironically)
You're replying to JIDF, it's not so surprising
>no one ever notices how close Gaijin is to Goyim
and with this you can never not notice how much Japan has in common with Israel.
a minority of mentally ill people does not deserve respect
sorry TV head
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>*has sex*
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i'm talking about long lost history, anon
hades, zeus, neptune
the primordials, etc, a time when darkness preyed on the children of light.

hades/ayys/sino-asians created the need to the jew to go into the darkness and fight against them to push them back into the abyss.
jews suffered because of it and became the monsters you know now, but even then they're still fighting against the true enemy that escaped the pit.
an ancient war, we've been kept blind to so that we too wont be corrupted by it, it takes a toll on your mind and soul

you can hate the jew, but dont abandon the jew, they're the ones that this charge has been given to so that we may have some rest.
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>Do this mutt really believe that Japanese people stand in line anywhere because they are in danger of death at any time?
I just wonder how he made it to a Japanese anime image site. Do you think he was at a con, just spewing anti-jap pro-jew nonsense, then heard everyone talking about 4chan so the jewbot decided to bring it there?
I am deeply sorry for the idiotic comments of the other anon with my flag, he is probably jewish or black, the embarrassment of multiculturalism
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>a minority of mentally ill people does not deserve respect
sorry TV head
Based self-hating jew
Cool it with the anti semitic remarks!
ironic, nobody cares what some retarded auslanders think either, should unironically be beaten by a mob for opening their kike whore mouths.
dont leave you containment zone if you dont want to face hate, everyone everywhere hates you.
It's hilarious to think that if the Japanese could do such magical things, muttsland would have been defeated in WW2 and the Empire of Japan would be ruling America by now.
America is a treasure trove of retarded people, many of them unbelievably retarded.
Jap: "GET OUT"
Jap: *???* (already fucked off back to my country??)
Fuck off kike
Hes a jew anon, hes producing a false equivalence
Lmao how's the weather in Tel Aviv toady?
Imagine going to a foreign country, they think your country is lead by a wanted war criminal and is committing a genocide.

What do?

1.) Shout at them to let them know you are in fact welcome at any country since your an entitled jew.

2.) Not say anything and pretend you're canadian.

>oy vey Gaijin don't notice
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>a minority of mentally ill people does not deserve respect
So true bestie.
none? did you forget where Japan is on a goddamn map?
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>everyone everywhere hates you
try getting out of your mom's basement once in a while you are literally the schizophrenic minority
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Imagine sticking a headbutt on that jews's nose
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japan was "nuked" so they were put in their place.
it's a war, so all sides had the same type of weaponry, not just japan, but japan was more heartless in it's implementation, hence why their soldiers were more willing to die in war, while ours are more pragmatic.

this is all above your paygrade, you are a pawn that will be consumed by the people you're defending, and will only be able to beat yourself for being so blind.


im in socal, and it's night time and calm.
a nice 77F degrees
not a "jew", as i'm uncircumcised
I agree Kikes deserve no Respect
huh? lmao i am outside most days, while you are sitting inside you kike bunkers that you diggers dug, hiding from brown people bombing you and burning down your south and north.

you really should go fight in Lebanon shlomo, you got this heebnigger!
kek, who was Nazi Germany's biggest ally?

Nobody gives a fuck anymore, They brought this all on themselves by the constant murdering of civiliand from the first fucking day they landed in the area after centuries of being btfo'd for centuries by doing exactly the same thing when they fled the area because people around them collectively decided it was time to finish them once and for all.

Intelligent? theres a case for re-examining their claims, To me they only ever developed how to write fictions lies and rhetoric then brought that to bear as a weapon against the rest of humanity.

They have made plenty of money as thieves and bought other thieves and enlarged their lying ways, anything they founded was to take and not give, they lvoe utter conflict if it means the deaths of those they hate and they dont like getting payed back for their efforts
Of course the White couple goes for kike appeasal
Your geographical location voids your opinion on anything. Like a Canadian or African.
Most jewish shit I've read all year. Kys schlomo.
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>you are literally the schizophrenic minority
Leftoid: "it's OK, were white too"
Leftoid: "Those JAPS just don't respect us whites and our power."
Leftoid: "Do you need a hug?"
Jews are worse than vermin, they are the epitome of pests.
Throw yourself into hellfire where you belong you satanic jew
you fight viper venom by milking vipers of their venom and creating antivenom.
jews are the vipers being milked to create antivenom, to fight off the hidden vipers in the wild.

jews = viper farm
japs/asians/masons/etc = wild vipers

jews are being utilized, and you want to cull them and be left defenseless against the wild vipers that prey on you and your children without mercy.

you guys are more retarded than the niggers and shitskins you hate.
>satanic jew
>for pointing out that japs are evil and this is likely coms
ok, i wont burn though and i'll be proven right before all of /pol/

you will join my side one day and you wont be happy that you had to learn the truth the way you will.
What the fuck am I reading?
>goes to anime board to shit on japs thinking it's a white power site
Where did Hades-chan go? I haven't seen her lately.
Shut up nazi
I like to go to Japan and scream and yell at the Japanese too.

I mean, how DARE they live there? Don't they know it's greater Israel?
why didnt he use the tunnels
Isn't she an Assad mouth piece? Surprised she's still active
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Someone post the Vietcong lecturing the Israeli
Palestinians killed the hostages
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figurative speech, anon.
have you not learned how figurative speech is used to propagate an idea or elucidate a concept that's difficult to explain?

jews/asians/religious cults/governments/masons are vipers
their words are venom
asians/masons/religious orders/governments prey on people with their words to enslave them or kill them
jews are used to create an antivenom to these groups venom based on truth.

i know it's difficult to comprehend, took me years to get the gist of it.
now i sort of get it.
dont worry about it, just live your life in peace and let the monsters fight amonst themselves, the true evil will be destroyed by their own lies.

it's not chaos, things aren't out of control
life is secured, you will live and our enemies, our true enemies will be crushed beneath our feet.

we won anon
I'm Japanese you stupid rat. You fear bushido as you should. It is the antithesis to your kike world vision. Japan WILL rise again and kick your rat asses to the sea
idk who she is, is she from /x/?
Americans are truly insane.
there is a rare opportunity to start sending even more jews to japan to get the japs fully on the FS Train
>why didnt he use the tunnels
Why would he, god chosen, have to use a tunnel? It's his land. He can walk where ever he wants. He was just surprised. He thought after killing those palestina nazis, that he was in the clear. He didn't expect they would leave behind killer attack dogs to chase after him. Obviously by Iran's command no doubt. He probably thought those dogs, without their owners, would get on their knees and beg him for forgiveness.

The bigger question is why did he run? Did he want them to chase him?
They know a rat when they see one.
lol America is above Japan now in suicide rates. LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL
>you fear bushido as you should.
lol, you are thinking of muslims, i've faced death, bushido is bullshitto.
japan will never rise.
no more than your snake masters.
It's nice to have pride in being white, but how in the world do he get this super complicated mental gimmick?
A white supremacist but stuck in his years of brainwashing as an American and got tired of his buddies insulting Jews so he came up with some other more ultra-stronk evil and it somehow turned out to be the Japanese?
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dont worry, you'll take the lead soon enough.
syrians are white people and it's not race mixing
I'm disappointed that the japanese who support palestine are a small group of elderly people. It's seems only then remember the barbraic genocide by nuke unleashed on their people by international jewry. I'm pretty sure Shizo Abe was assassinated by the jews
>lol, you are thinking of muslims, i've faced death, bushido is bullshitto.
>japan will never rise.
Then why do you care about the Japanese? Weren't we supernatural villains?
>Japan keeps dropping
>America keeps going up
You'll be joining them soon enough, you schizophrenic jew.
I think it's more likely IDF did it themselves when they bombed the hospitals
look up the hannibal doctrine, they are literally instructed to kill their own citizens if they are taken hostage
total kike death

>verification not required
Gaijin is Japanese a non Japanese person in Japan. Goyim is literally Jews just calling everyone lesser than them
preaching to the choir
My aunt used to own a coffee shop in the mountains of a small Latin American country and she told me the worst tourists were Spaniards and Israelis, with Israelis beating out the Spaniards by quite a lot.
Only elderly people follow any kind of news outside of Japan. Young people barely even follow Japanese news.
Also Yamagami is a national hero. Abe's entire plan was to make the exchange rate of 300yen/1 dollar and we are seeing his Abenomics put into effect by Kishida. Now that the yen is weak, guess whos buying up property? Blackrock. Guess whos pushing for immigration? The usual suspects.
Abe was one of them. Only the complete idiot liked Abe in Japan.
Why would the japs care about sandniggers though? This fuckin timeline.
Abe's grandfather worked with the CIA. His whole family are traitorous scum. He literally did fuck all for Japan and allowed shitjeets, niggers, shitskins and kurds move into the country.
Stop trying to claim your opinion as the consensus of the Japanese people, taking advantage of the fact that there are so few real Japanese people on /pol/
Damn, too many retarded people.
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Because the people who caused a nuclear holocaust on Japanese civilians were jewish:
Truman was a jew
Oppenheimer was a jew

desu all jews should be killed, including kids.
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He's right tho...
You must be an amerimutt soldier squatting in Japan. Fuck off home, mongrel.
There are seldom people in this country who hate Jews for that reason, only those who are enamored with US politics.
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The number is growing rapidly. Pretty sure the only reason Japanese haven't killed every mongrel amerimutt and jew is because white american female porn stars are hot.
As soon as you go 100% mongrel jew, why should anyone care about your existence?
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>Then why do you care about the Japanese?
i dont care, speaking the truth about japs isn't the same as caring.

nah. you can keep it to yourself
Ok, English teacher.
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by the way its "enamored of" not "enamored with", you stinky subhuman mongrel. stop mongrelising the english language.
It's crazy how JAPAC controls Congress huh? And all the Yoshis in Wallstreet and Hollywood. I mean c'mon! They're always milking that concentration camp thing for gibs too. Disgusting, ruthless people.
Jews are killing kids. What else is there to understand ?
Something about trying to exaggerate the anti-Semitism in this country is really cringe.
Japanese people only vaguely feel bad about Israel regarding Gaza after watching NHK news, and few have connected the dots and lines with US politics to realize that the Jews are the real enemy.
I have the impression your current government is far worse than Abe's. Japan is being pozzed very hard with feminism and mass immigration of street shitters as well as support for NATO, Ukraine and Israel.
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Japan doesn't need every single person to have the same opinion in order to carry out TKD. Democracy is homosexual. Japan's elites need to despise the jew, mr. mongrel.
cutlets never change
In the first place, Japanese people do not use 4chan memes at all.
Most of them don't even know that mutts is a bad word.
You are so obsessed with US politics and 4chan and you don't interact with the Japanese.
Stop this childish projection of your desires onto the Japanese people.
Either coordinated shilling or their axis roots still linger.
I've heard this before and would like more information about it, was abe truly a globohomo bootlicker or was he politically stuck and growing discontent took him out?
I don't really think that is too poor of a reason to distrust them but you guys should really focus more on the rothschilds, IMF, balfour declaration and subsequent financial enslavement of the world to the petrodollar/IMF reserve currency, as well as what uncle adolf had to say about all of that.
Careful, nip, your people's autism is blessed indeed but it comes with very poor emotional nuance and balance. The second you people go feral someone always has to put half of you down before you start to mellow out, I'd rather you maintain a calm focus but do what you think is best for your country I suppose.
It's enamored with.
>durr but 600 years ago
Enamored of sounds fucking retarded.
>They think they own the world
They know they own the world
A proof that it was a jewish bomb is that they deliberately targetted the oldest christian community in Japan located in Nagazaki destroying their cathedral. What are the chances?
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>I have the impression your current government is far worse than Abe's.
You are absolutely right but this current government IS Abe's government. They're running on all the same policies. Kishida even stated during his inauguration that he would simply do what Abe would have/would think Abe would do.
The vast majority are a disgusting people. Those Japanese citizens aren't alone, I hate them too.
post a photo of your nose. now.
kek, what kind of bullet does that? the 2nd guy went flying
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What are they mad about? I know there's hostages or whatever but why are they shouting at the Japanese?
Globalists rarely create their own party. They colonize an existing party slowly but surely, then eliminate the legacy leader to replace him by one of them, often skipping the election process. They either eliminate him by some sex/corruption scandal or physically.
Never seen a worse misdirection than this one.
Trying to go against the homeland of anime is total suicide anyway, I can see the reason behind it but you already lost the culture war kike.
You're thinking of Chinks. Chinks believe they are the center of the world and at the top of the natural order.

However, unlike Jews, they do not value the lives of other Han. Chinks would sacrifice 100 million other Chinks to slave away and starve for the greater good. Jews would make Slavs do it.
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>I've heard this before and would like more information about it, was abe truly a globohomo bootlicker or was he politically stuck and growing discontent took him out?
This is probably one of the few times when a modern assassination was not orchestrated by the CIA or FBI or whichever. Yamagami had personal motivations and his assassination completely halted Korean infiltration of the government while also exposing what "Abenomics" actually means.
Yamagami should be considered a national hero comparable to Yamaguchi.
I agree with you about the importance of the elites taking the lead in Japan. But even the elite don't know much about the viciousness of the Jews, I know because I graduated from a reasonably good university. Some are even tricked into becoming pro-Israel by Jews at U.S. universities.
You must not indulge in self gratification, the Japanese still do not understand. Let's work hard for each other before it's too late.
I have very little interest in US politics. I'm mainly only interested in TKD. You are projecting your own faults onto me, mr. mongrel.

amerimongrels shouldn't be put down for serving jews for hundreds of years?

enamored with sounds retarded to me.
Every elementary school in japan is now pushing multiracial troonshit.
>I graduated from one university
>Therefore I know the opinions of the elites of a race of people known for hiding their true "face"
To Kikes, to whom everyone is a goyim everyone is also a Palestinian.
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nah, my nose would'nt confirm i'm jewish, since it's nice and greek/spanish looking
you already assumed i'm jewish, so go along with it like the rest on /pol/
should've asked me to post pic of my penis, but i'm uncircumcised too, so i have no identifiers as being jewish except my words.
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How does it sound retarded? You say "in love with" or "infatuated with." Sounds the same as either of those phrases.
Okay rabbi
no, comparison
>total suicide
for japs

asians in general
han's are descendants of abraham (hanok, a son of one of the concubines that were sent out eastwards)
as a general rule of thumb, never trust anyone of asiatic descent (this includes russians)
Nuke 'em both
Huh, why are you so delusional?
Ask the Japanese, no one knows anything about Jews.
You are somehow trying to exaggerate it and get a good reputation in /pol/.
I hate sneering flattering like that pajeet. You care too much about what the gaijin think.
How much people move from getting shot is often exaggerated by their body reflexively seizing and jerking.

There is no bullet fired from the shoulder that imparts a significant amount of momentum to a man.
I was exposed to enamored of first before reading enamored with online lol.
It's boring to have both "infatuated with" and "enamored with" anyway. idk, i'm not a grammar expert, but stick to enamored of.

Why do I need to repeat myself? The elites of asian countries are very interested in the kike race. You think countries with high average IQs are incapable of pattern recognition? You think they can't do basic background checks on the elites of america i.e early life section of wikipedia?
Kikes got their country by doing terrorism against you. Now Paliniggers will get theirs by doing it to Israel.
Turn off your vpn chang
>enamored with sounds retarded to me.
Do you say "In love of"?
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indeed my pupil, stay safe.

jews will repent in time, japs on the other hand, they will only learn after they see the light
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this is a new one, learn the narrative, i'm a jew on /pol/
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>jews will repent in time
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Do you say "fond of"?
One way interaction vs two way.
I think the britbongs are right on this one.
christianity is retarded though....
Yeah, I actually know some Japanese people who go to the Ivy League and then pretend to be western intellectuals and become filthy kikelovers.
Wherever there is a strong U.S. influence, you'll find guys like that.
Still, they are the ones who are knowledgeable about the Jews. The Japanese really tend not to care about foreign countries.
That's one of the good things about the Japanese tho, in Europe and elsewhere, all the elites who studied in the US have come back infected by the culture wars and are messing up their home countries.
The Japanese have 3 faces. You know 0 Japanese people.
Lol you're a kike. A clip dick kike
>they think they own the world
people don't think it be like it is, but it do
there's no burials in the suicide forest, only logan paul to laugh at your rotting corpse.

when you look at your coins
a suicide tree
when you see your manhole covers
a suicide tree
when you look out into your local park
a suicide tree

japanese people are cursed and destined to kill themselves, so mock christianity, cut off your only escape.
but when the truth is revealed to you, you'll see demons that rule asia, having cursed your children to their demons.

my foreskin begs to differ
>Israeli tells jap to free hostages
That's rich coming from him, but what hostages and rape do the Japanese do?
everyone mocks christianity. how do you still believe in the kike pike religion now that we know about the Big Bang, Evolution, Dinosaurs etc?
go extinct bro.
I know because I'm native Japanese, and apart from those people, only westaboo or politically-obsessed weirdo are knowledgeable about this stuff.
I studied political science in college, but even then, not many people had that kind of knowledge.
Stop exaggerating, keep exaggerating and you will lose sight of reality.
It seems like retarded shit that would come from boomer rabbit holes. In the West pro-zionist attitudes are more likely for people born immediately after WW2 (also the exact demographic that we have more people of all) and also if they follow evangelical forms of christianity (which is much more likely in America). There are conspiracist rabbit holes that go so deep in order to misdirect any blame on anything jews do that you get retards like him some times.
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>I know because I'm native Japanese
no you're not lol
>The Japanese have 3 faces
>japanese people are hypocrites
lol, nothing new.
the public face, one that pretends to be humble
the family face, that pretends to be a pillar of authority
the private face, the cruel impotent cucks that sacrifice their children to their demons

2 nukes weren't enough, and soon enough we'll finish that payment.

mockery =/= valid critique

if i mock japs for having small dicks, that's a vain insult
but if i point out that japanese culture is suicidal and that their cultural rituals are leading their own people to their death, that's heckin' valid
Why do Jews always point like that when harassing people?
Removing the Jews is the only solution to these issues..
it must take the meds now
because western leftism is spreading and japan is now going to embrace the suicidal virtue signaling ethos
You've quit pretending to be a profound intellectual and revealed yourself to be a cheap anti-Japanese kek.
Also, you seem really desperate to protect the Jews. Why are mutts so brain rotten?
having different faces for different situations means showing class and courtesy, behaving in a way that befits a situation or circumstance. Only uncivilised monkey people act the same around everyone. Go shout at a baby, nigger.

christianity teaches equality among all humankind, which is cucked. Nikola Tesla is equal to the lowliest jeet rapist. it erodes culture, civilisation, formality, social rules, just like communism.

cry all you want but in 100 years, non-christians will be pure-bred and all christians will be a mongrelised goyslop race.
to manipulate any onlookers to think that he has been wronged, and to induce fear in the target that this might be successful
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>Why are mutts so brain rotten?
it's a judeo-christcuck mongrel.
Hitler was the west's last fight against the judeo-christcuck mind virus.
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>christianity teaches equality among all humankind
Inherent spiritual equality and physical equality are simply different.
Christianity built the most powerful culture in human history by a factor of a thousand. Atheism has collapsed that society and elevated judaism to it's highest power in history, in one lifetime.

>cry all you want but in 100 years, non-christians will be pure-bred
Lol let's check those numbers for how Non Christians behave.
>Big Bang
Christian scientific theory literally rejected by atheist scientists when it first came out for being "too christian".
Same party and their current PM was Abe's right hand.
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Thats Japan you're in Jew. Don't like it? Go gas yourself. You're lucky these Japs were peacefully demonstrating, and didn't katana slash your intestines out. You little rat faggots, only good for slaughtering civilians like the weak pussycel inbred sons of whores you are. Shaaaarmota fucking demons.
>speak the truth
>protect the jews

>being a hypocrite means showing class
this is why westerners are supperior, those with class have class in private, those without class fake it.
all asians fake having class.

my "jewish" family has more grace and class naturally, than a japanese noble that fakes it in public

there's no virtue in asia
>christianity teaches equality among all humankind,
a lie (like all asian cultures)
christianity teaches equality within the body of christ, not humanity.
>amerimongrels shouldn't be put down for serving jews for hundreds of years?
We're almost 250 and if you count freemasonry then the whole planet is culpable, to antagonize the jews is one thing, to antagonize them and America is another. But to antagonize both while America is making huge progress on it's redpilling progress is so retarded I'd have to ask you to donate the surplus of chromosomes you have to science. Don't stop the strongest military in the world from waking up to the JQ Hiroshi, especially at the cost of your country's reputation.
Assassinations organized by professional groups don't use randos with makeshift weapons. If the CIA wanted a Japanese man to kill a Japanese politician they would most certainly find one and give him all he needed, it would probably be someone affiliated with organized crime, and they wouldn't come knocking on his door claiming to be the CIA. It's easy to infer Trump's recent assassination attempt wasn't carried by pros neither because pros would've used someone who wouldn't miss at that distance.
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>Inherent spiritual equality and physical equality are simply different.
Nikola Tesla is NOT inherently spiritually equal to a pajeet rapist. That is insanely cucked.

>Christianity built the most powerful culture in human history by a factor of a thousand
Nope. European Pagans built Rome. European Pagan Vikings founded Russia, Ukraine, Ireland and reached America. Christianity caused the dark ages and set back Europe, lowering literacy rates, average lifespan etc.

>Atheism has collapsed that society and elevated judaism to it's highest powe
Christianity elevated the jew by giving them control of european banks.
How can you blame Atheism when Netanyahu can invoke God to control the christcucks in congress. Jews are the masters of christcuckery.

>Lol let's check those numbers for how Non Christians behave
Atheist gays have 0 kids. The Atheist gene pool is superior.
Christian gays like JD Vance produce kids, propagating his gay DNA. He even race-mixed. Christians will be the most gay, racially-mixed religious group in the world.
hitler was a jew/benjamite with edomite ties.
he was nothing more than another jewish-masonic agent.
interesting map, just further proves Palestine (or at least the region known as Palestine) pre 1947 was way more accepting of other religions and Christians, Jews and Muslims shared the city of Jerusalem peacefully
i don't understand why we can't just drop all the bombs on tel aviv. i'll fly the plane and press the buttons
The cherry on top is the fact they're shouting in English expecting these japanese chads to understand them, nothing bothers me more than entitled tourists going to other countries with low percentage of English speakers assuming they speak it
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>this is why westerners are supperior, those with class have class in private, those without class fake it
those with class show class in public too. america is anti-class and has been since the revolution against the british. you know nothing.

>my "jewish" family has more grace and class
i've met many jewish people. you literally talk about sex at the dinner table. filthy scum mongrel.

>there's no virtue in asia
your jewish "people" have no honour. pic very related.
don't talk about class when jews run the western porn industries, promoting filth in comedy, hollywood etc.
>my "jewish" family has more grace and class naturally, than a japanese noble that fakes it in public

C'mon boomer christcuck seriously get off your ass, you have ruined your great USA and sold it off cheap to the kikes.
Your descendants will suffer greatly because of your generation.
It is not our fault that your country is now a shit hole.
It is despicable that a shameless person, who blames others for this, should try to talk to others about etiquette
>while America is making huge progress on it's redpilling progress
every social media is algorithmically designed to be an echo chamber. you need to be red-pilled IRL first to find places where others share your opinion. its a myth that people become red-pilled online.

>Don't stop the strongest military in the world from waking up to the JQ Hiroshi
The same military that is about to go to war with Iran soon and is currently bombing Yemen? The US military follows its chain of command and will always obey pozzed zionist bureaucrats like McNamara.
The issue with Judaism is that they believe they're God's chosen people and so to them they can do no wrong.
They should've shouted in hebrew or yiddish so no one gets mistaken about who they are instead of english where they can shield themselves as American etc...
>Nikola Tesla is NOT inherently spiritually equal to a pajeet rapist. That is insanely cucked.
Actions alter your worth you fucking retard.

>Christianity caused the dark ages

The dark ages myth, what is it 2004?

>Atheist gays have 0 kids. The Atheist gene pool is superior.
Gays reproduce through rape.
95% of atheists love supporting gays.
Support for gays increases gay rape.
>america is anti-class
you no nothing of american culture.
unless you're talking about the caste system, then sure.

>boomer christcuck
i'm in my late 30's, i've sold nothing and own little.
most of my wealth is stored up in my mind (the key to my superiority over you)
though i have a guess as to why you presumed to think i was a boomer.

>my family
>compares it with some other jews
oy vey
>when jews run the porn industry
i've seen what japan produces, jewish porn is seiso by comparison, and those jews aren't my direct family, we are a different breed, one you could never hope to reach.
wait, if gays reproduced through rape, wouldn't that mean that all shitskins are rapebabies?
i imagine you as a walshart employee but instead, you sing the "we r israelshsrt" song
He is a prime example of how delusional the American Boomers (or Evangelical retards) are.
They are aware that their country is turning into a shit hole, but they are not allowed to speak ill of GOD CHOSEN PEOPLE, so they desperately look for other causes.
But no matter how many presidents they change or how much they bomb the Middle East, nothing will improve things. Yet, they continue to look for that excuse because they want to continue to listen intently to the instructions of the great sandniggers!
They are the true traitors to America.
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No, no, the Romans were supremely true

Just because you can't wrap your brain around the reality that there are times when both sides in a war are actually assholes, that doesn't mean it's not the actual reality

Both Jews AND Romans were evil assholes, and both sides either separate or together created the sick psyop of Christianity as a new evil technology to manipulate people even more
It's actually better than that. A lot of them know what jews are like, they do what jews want because they think that will make biblical prophecy come true. Evangelicals treat the bible as the literal god.
>i'm in my late 30's, i've sold nothing and own little.
Are you a Walmart clerk or something and cope as a Christcuck?
Seriously, you are a cancer on America. You don't want to admit that kikes manipulated US immigration policy into a shit hole because of your religious beliefs, so you found a totally misguided enemy in the Japanese, Muslims or some shit.
>Actions alter your worth you fucking retard.
A pajeet rapist will never act in a way that would make him spiritually equal to Nikola Tesla. Even if that were true, you are saying that they are unequal, only that they have the potential to be equal.

>The dark ages myth, what is it 2004?
Christianity started the woke movement in Ancient Rome, appealing to women and slaves. Christianity told the lowliest slave that they were EQUAL to the greatest Roman Warrior or Scholar.

>Gays reproduce through rape.
gays are born gay, like down's syndrome people are. there is a heritable genetic side to it.

>unless you're talking about the caste system, then sure.
your whole country is obsessing over a video of a girl making a joke about sucking dick

you have a small gene pool. i CAN judge you based on other trashy jewish families i've met. you've been through enough genetic bottlenecks to basically be clones of the same mongrel rodent.
>No, no, the Romans were supremely true

??? Did I really type the word "true" here? I could've sworn I typed "evil" or something there
I see, no wonder he's not a boomer.
I discover something new about Americans every day.
Jewish men need to be eradicated
Jews think their God will make every nonjew their slave and they think that time is coming soon. They were literal slave trade runners and owners and still very much have that mentality. 1800’s USA is everything you need to know about Jews. They will boldly go to your country and chain you and beat you because they religiously think you are some inferior species.
>Just because you can't wrap your brain around the reality that there are times when both sides in a war are actually assholes
Why do kikes always make these baseless accusations?

There is no objective evil anyway. The Romans founded a great empire which led to rapid technological improvements all across its provinces.
>every social media is algorithmically designed to be an echo chamber. you need to be red-pilled IRL first to find places where others share your opinion. its a myth that people become red-pilled online.
Congratulations, you're adjacent to the demoralizing mechanic of the dead internet theory that renders you unwilling to trust what you see in front of you and to assume the worst.

That logical pitfall aside if you've been following american politics for the past 8 years, or more importantly have had a chunk of your life subjected to it, you would have never under any circumstance assumed the following would have happened:
>Leftists who called you a nazi for years chanting death to Israel all around the country.
>Influencers and legacy media heads like Jimmy Dore, Tucker Carlson, Candance Owens calling out Israel to a collective audience of tens of millions.
>The president of the united states clearly stating they want to end the federal reserve and subsequently the IMF/Israeli/rothschild banking control over the world.
>NATO seriously discussing accepting Palestine.
>Seeing children sieg heil in school with no sense of dark or comedic irony.

Rest assured America is becoming very aware of the JQ.
japanese people in japan that have never left japan and don't even have passports are "murderers"-- of isrealis presumably -- because they are opposed to the genocide of gaza citizens by israelis.
thanks for the summary fellow white person
>you are saying that they are unequal, only that they have the potential to be equal.
That is what spiritually equal means you faggot. Or as close as you could understand.

>Christianity started the woke movement
Lol more fever dreams from the VPN kike

>gays are born gay
Homosexuality is an antisocial pathology that almost universally stems from childhood abuse.
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keep fishing and keep failing.

>your whole country
i'm not the whole country, sorry suicide inclined nip
>small genepool
jokes on you, i can breed outside of my genepool, my brother married a white girl, my other brother married a hispanic girl
i'm only single because i'm unwilling to work.
>horry kaka, you can'tu just marry outside of youru raceu-desu
I mean the majority of them are essentially American as they all came over from America to colonise the place.

But my point was at least what I do before going to another country is learn the bare minimum to get around and never assume someone speaks English unless I'm somewhere like Germany where most of them do. Even enough to fuck with people too like once I was in Hungary and had a crackhead chatting shit to me and my girlfriend and I kept hitting him with 'what?' in Hungarian so he'd repeat himself over and over and then told him 'I don't speak any Hungarian' in hungarian as I was walking away
when you see what jewish yentas loook like you understand why they need to sex traffick so many goy women to israel. I'd believe the world was out to get me too if i had to sleep with one of those hags.
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>fellow white person
it's what i do, fellow fellow white person.
Opposing jewish war crimes is literally another holocaust. - he said holocaustly
>Congratulations, you're adjacent to the demoralizing mechanic of the dead internet theory that renders you unwilling to trust what you see in front of you and to assume the worst.
Strawman again.

>Leftists who called you a nazi for years chanting death to Israel all around the country.
leftists have always sided with the people getting destroyed in a war. happened with vietnam, iraq etc.

>Influencers and legacy media heads like Jimmy Dore, Tucker Carlson, Candance Owens calling out Israel to a collective audience of tens of millions.
To an audience who is already redpilled. hence, echo-chamber.

>The president of the united states clearly stating they want to end the federal reserve and subsequently the IMF/Israeli/rothschild banking control over the world.
after bankrupting the country? ill believe it when i see it anyway. also, nothing stopping them from reinstating it again years later when conditions are right

>NATO seriously discussing accepting Palestine.
lmao you believe this?

>Seeing children sieg heil in school with no sense of dark or comedic irony.
kids have always done this. anyway you'd expect SOME resistance in the population as a result of Weimar 2.0. Pre-Nazi Germany did not need the internet to support the Nazi party.
>Those are Americans in their eyes btw.
This, kek. Americans will be blamed
jews believe the world belongs to them and do not recognize goy nations. israel is the only real country to them.
when your jews finally toss you retards into fema camps i hope at least one is turned into a zoo so i cam come as a tourist and toss bottles of redbull and big macs at your dumb ass.
Any man who clutches his chest like that in "empathy" is too weak to live. What a disgusting display.
Time for America to drop another "gift" on the Japanese people.
>I mean the majority of them are essentially American as they all came over from America to colonise the place.
I realize a lot of people want to shit on America, but it's bad practice to concede this much to jews. They are always jewish first and foremost no matter which soil they were born over, and in the rare instances they claim to be anything other than jewish it's purely for their own benefit or to avoid blame. When you become more aware you'll notice that all jews are jewish when it comes to receiving praise and prizes, but are all Irish when it comes to taking blame for bad personal or collective behavior.
>i'm only single because i'm unwilling to work.
If you're a NEET, say so from the beginning, I won't make fun of you.
If you're a NEET, do what you want. Don't pretend to be a weird intellectual, be honest and racist.
>That is what spiritually equal means you faggot. Or as close as you could understand.
That's not. Paul should have said everyone is potentially spiritually equal under christ, then. He did not say that though.
He said everyone is equal under christ.

>i'm not the whole country, sorry suicide inclined nip
were talking about the country, retard

>jokes on you, i can breed outside of my genepool, my brother married a white girl, my other brother married a hispanic girl
i've met more mixed-kikes than pure-bred kikes actually. the mixed-kikes are always the lowest functioning. gay, porn addicts, disabled, furries, low IQ.
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what do you think earth is, anon?
earth is the zoo of the universe, and we are the main attraction.
the summary of the video literally was "its annuda shoah... showing support for palestine is annudda shoah"

i hate kikes so much its unreal.
>NATO seriously discussing accepting Palestine.
Thisa is one is completely crazy. They are talking about accepting Ukraine, and even that is merely a discussion point for now. Though there might be some discussion on whether to sell or not sell any more weapons to Israel.
there are no boomers on 4chan. most people here are 25-45
>you're projecting (gaslight)
>leftists have always hated jews (gaslight)
>they're not all former liberal talking heads, they've always been nazis! (gaslight)
>lol yeah right
>lol yeah right
>kids have always hated the jews! (gaslight)
Wow suddenly you can't contain your narrative crafting now can you? You dropped your feigned attempt at a literary accent too.

Nips, for some reason or another kikes are trying to pit us against each other (as usual) and they've been doing this for a few weeks now I've noticed. Be aware and make sure to call out your "fellow" Japanese.
>if you're neet
i am
>dont pretend
i'm not, i am what you're reading in my posts.

i'm not the country
i live in it, but i'm not of the country, i've been a stranger in this nation since i can remember, even though i was born in it, so i'm alien to the culture and only understand it due to how i was raised.
>mixed-kikes are always X
k, not my problem.
my nephews/nieces are turning out alright in spite of the american culture (and external influences) and we'll prevail as we have always done.
we're better than this /pol/
christians are not averse to lying

i would bet a lot of money that retired boomer christcuck fanatics try to evangelise online, here and beyond. the closer to death, the more religiously fanatical people tend to get.
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I don't think you are
what's shitty is if white and black people can't tell a Jew from a person then the average jap won't be able to. they're just going to assume it's an ugly white person. sorry Japs. I like you guys generally speaking. sorry they're infecting your island
Where are the pro-israel protests IRL? Why don't we see pro-israel people outside the internet?
>schizophrenic minority
Typical kike projection, you're the most schizophrenic group in this world
you don't even know what the word gaslight means lmao.
deny all you want.

if you don't talk about anal sex at the dinner table, then you are not a real jew. jews are trashy. literally every single jew/half-jew i've met was bisexual.
you act as if jewish culture is classier than american culture, but jewish culture is the polluting element which took advantage of weaknesses in early american culture.
I believe it was fired from Ghoul Sniper which uses 14.5 mm bullets
There now. Not many but there are.
>you act as if jewish culture is classier than american culture
you read my posts as if i was making such claim, i never did.
just like i never claimed to be jewish, but just pointed out the truth and you presumed i was jewish.
i dont lean on judaism, i'm a christian, racially i'm unaffiliated, i dont lean any direction, neither jewish, greek, spanish, or italian, i just am.

you see the world through a materialistic lens while i've been talking through a spiritual lens, which is why you presume i was talking about all jews, when i'm talking about mine, those cut off from the rest of the tribe.

we have something that neither asians nor jews have, something coveted but that can't be taken.
sounds delusional. most boomers have health problems, a few with money are doing final travelling before they die. some are crackheads in welfare flats smoking crack with other broke elderly people. i really doubt many are on 4chan. i think most people here are maybe 15-45

Im 38 and think i am on the high end. elderly people have better things to do
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doubt. 4chan has weird views of the elderly. some got scammed and are waiting to die, some are travelling and going on cruises (like my parents), some have health problems, some are caring for other people with health problems.

americans get a distorted image of the elderly because they have so many 80 year old politicians but most non-politician elderly are either broke and suffering, on drugs, unhealthy, or if they are lucky retiring in luxury and travelling and enjoying their final years.

4chan overestimates how politically interested aging elderly people are.
>ummm actually both are bad!
Misdirection is all you people know
No jap ever called my goy.
If your fucking spiritual lens makes the Japanese look like Hades or some other incarnation of the enemy, your lens is completely fogged up, retard.
What in the world he chose to be Japanese, so don't criticize the Jews because they are anti-heroes who contribute to the victory of the righteous Christcuck? I don't get the autistic mindset.
yes just like how they didn't know about the oct. 7th attack ahead of time with their supposed greatest intelligence in the world and I'm not talking about their IQ. they allowed that shit to happen to justify what would come next, you think some jews in government care about some random jews from a music festival if it means they can justify killing 200,000 of a 2 million population?
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Funny how all this only started happening after Japan got really cheap to travel to.

asians thinks that they're gods.
She's not slav, arab or israeli.

She's American.
American tourists.
Israel is the greatest enemy of mankind. We christians must unite with our Muslim brothers to defeat israhell. Israhell has divided and conquered the world. They made christians and muslims enemies rather than allies which is what God/allah wants. This division must end. Israhell is the kingdom of satan. Satan must be defeated once and for all.
>can't go a post without shifting the blame away from jews onto Christians
I'm noticing things ITT. The Jap flags even admit they're not Japs.
christcucks, mudshits and kikes can all be nuked is what I want
As usual, the Jew feels guilty and projects vitriol.
What are you talking about?
Christians, especially Evangelicals, are the golems who worship and follow the Jews almost as semi-gods, and are very much responsible for enabling the tyranny of the Jews.
Of course, this is not something that can be generalized, as there are regional and sectarian differences, but as far as the U.S. is concerned, it is almost certain.
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>so don't criticize the Jews because they are anti-heroes who contribute to the victory of the righteous Christcuck?
If that anon is indeed one of the evangelical retards then yes, bible says jews do what they do because God chose them to play that role, in that respect a jew is important to this plan no matter what evil he does as it's necessary for prophecy to fulfill itself. You on the other hand are a heathen who rejected the Lord and thus you are doomed to perish when Judgment Day comes. Same reason why fanatical jews and muslims think everything they do is righteous (all 3 religions with the same root). What I find hilarious and quite interesting is that you japs kicked this hornet nest thinking you were dealing with a jew, only for it to turn into evangelical crazies. Turns out on a fundamental level zionist brainrot makes you nearly indistinguishable from jews.
americans are ruled by screaming kikes because the kikes are more assertive. americans need to grow balls and learn to deal with them.
No. They are very distant from any European population, thus it would count as race mixing.
you can stop this bullshit now. christianity in japan simply wasn't important to anyone. I'd be surprised if those people who designated nagasaki as the secondary target even knew there were christians in the city. (kokura was the primary target that day but there were clouds over it which would have interferedwith observations).
Feels for Japan. Ban Jews.
Especially dual citizenship
So the bombing wasn't all bad; Japan doesn't need foreigners or foreign religions (nobody does)
>jews bomb sand niggers and then gloat about using black mail to pass laws in the US
>"Jap" flag: see Christian evangelicals are to blame for this
I see your goddamn nose moshe.
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It wasn't exactly a secret desu. Nagasaki was the port that had been conceded to Portugal in the 1500s and they were the ones who spread the religion there. It was a crypto-religion for a couple of centuries but made legal again in the Meiji period. So by the time of WW2 people knew it as a center of christianity there.
They apparently have a bit of variation to make themselves look unique, yes, SOVL!!!!, but fundamentally, I'm pretty sure they're just crazy Zionists bots who expect the Jew-sama to exterminate the infidels and get them to heaven.
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Is it the shinto/buddhist culture that protects them?
It would include France too
I became redpilled online, I was a literal Portland, Oregon anarchist until 2020. Then I got banned from my usual faggot websites for asking basic questions about covid and eventually saw some YouTube comments that led me here. Now I have white children and know about the Jew. Thanks, /pol/!
Yeah, I thought Americans were saner until I realized that they are wholeheartedly devoted to the god chosen people.
They really believe that and are willing to surrender America to the Jews for it.
Well, maybe most of the politicians who get AIPAC money are in it for profit and votes tho.
Not quite, from the first more cryptic posts, the anon posting about vipers and venom it seems like they believe jews are necessary to live among us so we become immune to your schemes and those of other "infidels". It validates what I said before about them knowing/understanding what jews are but still going along with the plan for religious reasons. But I don't think they necessarily believe jews will exterminate their enemies for them, everyone knows they're terrible soldiers.
>it's not da jooz it's everyone else!
nice try kike
>you no nothing
Wtf is this? Grammar, man. You're a retard or spicky boy.

>i'm in my late 30's, i've sold nothing and own little. most of my wealth is stored up in my mind
Saving screenshot of this to laugh at later. Thanks.
Thanks for explaining it in so much detail.
Apparently I need to do more research on them.
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>Yeah, I thought Americans were saner until I realized that they are wholeheartedly devoted to the god chosen people.
They really believe that and are willing to surrender America to the Jews for it.
There's a big age gap with regard to this. Boomers and other kids that grew up watching the TeeVee are wholeheartedly die-for-israel, while younger gens don't give a fuck.
Ironically jews destroying religion here ended up destroying their own support structure. Classic Golem myth returns.
>christkike niggermutt
Yes, I assume that's part of it, but not because of any particular enlightenment of that spiritual practice. I suspect the component that involves ancient worship and tribalistic self-respect is far more vital. If you look at christianity it not only makes a link to judaism, but even worse is that it has a universal outlook. You can't expect to have a universal religion and also magical separation from others ordained by God because the commands to go spread the "truth" are a trap that will only ensure that you're perpetually warring with foreigners over a lost cause.
>most of my wealth is stored up in my mind
So 'bout treefiddy?
Nippon fren, this anon is fake and gay nonfrend like his imposter god of Israel, nobody falling for his hasbara and his wage should be reduced until more training
>Ironically jews destroying religion here ended up destroying their own support structure. Classic Golem myth returns.

It is a very interesting point that Jews have despised and deliberately destroyed all traditions of other religions and heresies (including Christianity), yet Jewish support is concentrated in the traditional and religious older generation.
I think they are too arrogant and have too much contempt for the goyim who are supposed to be their bread and butter.
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>I suspect the component that involves ancient worship and tribalistic self-respect is far more vital.
I suspect the gap lies in self-respect vs self-sacrifice.

When everyone injures themselves for the greater good everyone ends up as cripples.
You fool no one. Your time is running out, you filthy, scheming subhuman abomination. The walls are closing in and there is nothing but death beyond them. Tick Tock.
Well ironically there's a guy many accuse of being jewish called Adam Green/Know More News, who collects information on these things in greater detail, and most of it by looking up stuff jewish clerics say publicly. You'll find him on alt platforms like odysee, rumble and bitchute, I think. I don't fully vouch for that guy's politics but his religious exposition work does contain a lot of information about how zionism and judaism feed off of each other. If you're a clued person in esoteric studies you can also read the bible, the old testament is basically the story of how jews came to be like this. Read Genesis (first book) carefully, especially the part talking about jews in Egypt and you'll be surprised to see something like they're doing to America these days, but done to a great nation 3000 years ago.
When someone turns away after getting the spray, you simply HAVE to kick them in the gooch as hard as you can with the point of your shoe.
Perhaps in a thousand years. But your time is already up.
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their own people worship death, their culture revolves around worshiping evil and desecrating what's pure and good.
you're just mad at the jews because they did it better than you and didn't get nuked twice

you may not like me, but at least you gave an honest assessment, and that i can respect.

they just dont like it when the goyjin remind them they're mortals.

>cant attack the subject
>attacks the spelling
oy vey
>laugh later
laugh now, there's only anguish and torment in you future.

treefiddy plus interest (for my jewish side)

>the walls are closing in
lol, if you knew how true those words are, you'd be more terrified than me.
Cornel West isn't Jewish, you idiot. He had to leave Harvard because he was considered too pro-Palestine.
my people will remain, your on the other hand will be exterminated and sent into the depths never to return.
Japan deserves a third nuke but not the jews. Stay strong little takasshi, don't let them win.
POWs are not hostages
They are communists.
This nigga at the end died like a glitched out skyrim npc
Literally nobody like Israël and jews but jews themselves and corrupt shabatgoys

Israelis are banned across most of Asia. Not by the government but by local businesses.

In Thailand if you tell them you're jewish the locals hold you down and bash out all your teeth with a silver hammer.
dude appears to be extrapolating from a series of threads on here posted in 2021. searching prometheus language gift brought them up in the archives if curious. interesting read but dude has veered way off into left field with it. like, waaaay off.
They clearly do care because they’re protesting for the Palestinians who are being genocided
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Correct they call you gaijin, hakujin, white monkey and other shit.
Entirely correct about asians, kikes are not solution to anything but chimneys tho
You see kikes, nippons see hwite oppressor
you are an embarrassment to your country
Say that once you stop negroids from raping girls, say hello to Rajeesh btw he will enjoy some 8 year old Junko pussy, actually... you will be too busy drawing NTR doujinshi or Isekai power fantasy.
>tranime board
Retarded even by mutt standards
Can we just nuke both sides already? I don’t care about desert conflicts — boring. You can all scream together in hellfire for all I care.
>So by the time of WW2 people knew it as a center of christianity there.
does not follow. this is specialized knowledge even now. but it doesn't even matter: japanese, or indeed any sort of christianity is still unimportant, and it beggars belief that some people believe "let's exterminate many christians" was even for a moment a consideration among a lot of actual military reasons for a staff almost if not totally WASP. therefore it is more likely that whoever pushes this bullshit is just a troll.
I denounce the Talmud, Koran, whatever the chinks and jeets believe, etc. You are being criticized by a late 30s white family man for whatever it's worth. Saying "no" instead of "know" is a baffling mistake for a native English speaker. Grammar is important since melanin creeps don't deem grammar important. Good grammar is a sign of whiteness. A good test to find spics is when you see someone say "apart of" when they mean "a part of."
>kikes are not solution to anything but chimneys tho
if you dont wield them properly, they can bite you, but if you know how to wield jews, they are the solution to the asian menace.
this is why the masons and other powers keep them around.
I see your point but it think they are too dangerous to be kept around, they will infiltrate and corrupt everything.
>Now I have white children and know about the Jew. Thanks, /pol/!
Welcome, about fucking time.
Punch that faggot kike in the face
>I denounce the Talmud, Koran,
k, me too.
that was spelling.
sometimes i go on autopilot and my brain types the phonetic equivalent to the words i'm thinking.
it's only when i go back and read the text do i see i made this mistake.
it's not the first time, but the point still stands.

>they are too dangerous to be kept around
that's where Jesus comes in.
once our job is done (christians), then they wont be needed, and they'll be converted and will be rendered harmless.

you are welcome to continue hating or whatever, just understand that there's a greater war at play, and it's between the most venomous creatures created.
the asian and the jew.

this is why we are told to stay away from the occult, it can kill you, as it's done to many before us, and why we are told to abide by the written word of God, since it's designed to keep us on a safe path, and out of their way as they fight each other.
Who has managed to wield kikes 'properly' in history?

The bugmen are deceptive but above all cowardly, they are not a problem so long as the White man shows that he has strength in his arms
you're on a website that blindly sucks japan's cock and now even korea's
>they'll be converted and will be rendered harmless.
far too many cucks tried that and that clearly doesn't work, its why kikes now are almost entirely made up of yids and slavs larping as israelis

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