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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Anons, what do you unironically think about my country - Kazakhstan?
Ever since its independence, it has done a nice way to stabilize itself later. In the 90s, we adopted two constitutions (first in '93, second in '95 after the political crisis), in 00's, we had our petrodollars profits been gained. In 2010s, we entered in a stability, which was almost ruined in Qantar (January protests of 2022). But, whatever, there is currently some tension rising between ethnic Russians (to whom i belong) and Kazakhs due to the ongoing Ukraine war thus religious extremism. Do you think we still have a bright future ahead?
I Iove it
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I've met a few Kazakhs. Seem like simple people that likes alcohol. Never been to the country itself, so dunno.
I don't know, do you support Putin's regime? That's about today's Kazakhstan, about your history, i don't know much.
You have a cool flag.
Kino flag
retarded asiatic people
based and redpilled on women
10/10 history
10/10 landscape
>Do you think we still have a bright future ahead?
as long as you stick with brics and don't get CIA'd
Used to be, but no longer after the fact that his troops are taking some villages with 3 people in in on Ukraine instead of cities.
I appreciate it.
>Anons, what do you unironically think about my country - Kazakhstan?
It should not exist, it should be just some oblasts of Russia and not more than this.
Commies were retards by fragmenting Russian Empire.
You have a beautiful country. Don't ruin it by importing subhumans.
Speaking of them, i've heard that there are lots of Indian students in Almaty. Whileas i'm from Oskemen and haven't seen any once, i'm wondering if they're gonna arrive there too.
I'm married to a Kazakh woman and we're currently vacationing around Kazakhstan.
People are fairly chill, albeit a bit on the lazy side from what I've noticed. I always call them the Asian Mexicans because of their laid-back and no rush mentality.
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>But, whatever, there is currently some tension rising between ethnic Russians (to whom i belong) and Kazakhs due to the ongoing Ukraine war thus religious extremism
What? You will also say these extremist massacre your kind?
Chill sky turks. Islam is stupid though, but there are plenty worse things.
you like a far off distant Chinese brother
who we kept fighting
tell the Russian squatters to sod off back to russia
You very nice place,not like bone brained uzbekistan.
My fiancé is ethnic Kazakh from Astrakhan and fucking hates Kazakhs and calls them stupid animals with a subhuman religion, always thinks of herself as Russian
So not great I guess?
Also you gotta stop taking Saudi money
I love Kazakhstan but I love Belarus more. No offense.
All other countries run by little girls with inferior potassium.
Only met.one khazak and we talked about eating horsemeat.
Now tell me about the wimmins.
Out of Asians, you are the only ones that look like normal humans and not top chinky
Your men still look like men and your women can still look like normal women
Cuckolded self hating mentality
That person is a larper with memeflag. Disgusting animal
I'll never blame a woman for hating Islam honestly
American here, where the fuck even is this "country". I bet you faggots live around Pakistan and enjoy getting raped by Muslim pajeets.
Ahahaha! Get fucked niggers.
You stay where you are, and aren't retarded brown people. So your Alright
Its not somewhere i would think about visiting
I want to visit it one day.
I lived there as a toddler and I remember how I hated Kazakh language as they began their de-colonization efforts after the fall of the Soviet Union. Just look at the replies, everybody here thinking you're an ethnic Kazakh without reading your post or knowing anything about the demographics. Nobody takes that place seriously. It got beautiful mountains and lakes though.
Theres nothing to visit, it's just soulless cities and deserts.
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The slightly asian look of your women is perfection
As long as you keep the streetshitters out
Just don't come here and live here for a "better life". Stay where you are and make sure your country prosper and we can do business and help you help yourself. Buy land and defend your nature before it's all parking lots. You shouldn't join any side, defend your own and protect your beautiful country.
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Cool flag.
Prairies make for a really cool landscape, I'm from a hilly region so I really enjoy the sense of infinite extending land.

Interesting genetic makeup, being perhaps the other side of the Finngol coin.
Cool language.

Can you recommend me some nice Kazakh songs?
Preferably with clear pronunciation so I can enjoy its sound.
Here's some Portuguese in advance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzWjCElF6kY

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You can convince her to use IVF and insert a 10/10 White girl egg inseminated with your sperm into her uterus and have 100% European children.
Huge country and would like to visit sometime, especially Astana
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Europe will fall under the onslaught of herds!!! tremble before the fast maneuvers of the mongolian cavalry
nice wages, decent living, growing economy, but rural Mambets are... tiresome
t. work in finance
Cute girls
Post kazahk grills
>Anons, what do you unironically think about my country - Kazakhstan?
I think it's a russian vassal state filled with asian muslims. If you're white you should leave. Whites have no future there.
Borat was filmed in Romania fyi
Whites have no future in general
Shes based
Kazakhs , exept the urban ones, are really subhumans have have been living in tents and drinking horse piss Up to the Last century when russiane came and build them buckear reactors and schools
They are in actuality Just Low IQ Muslim chinks.
The urban kazakhs are different people.
The rural kazakhs, the majority are subhumans they we're 100 years ago.
I've had a fascination with the silk road since I was young and would definatly want to visit Kazakhstan for all the historical stuff
I’m planning a trip to Eastern Europe. Thinking of dropping by to see Kazakhstan. Looks like a nice place. What are some cultural I should know?
Mambets flooding cities now.

Almaty isnt the same as it was.
I would like to visit Kazakhstan and Tajikistan someday, both are very pretty, probably the prettiest -stans.
fucking retards
>would definatly want to visit Kazakhstan for all the historical stuff
There's nothing historical to see there, it was unsettled prairie land before the Russians came, the silk road didn't pass from there
The only historically significant part in the entire country is Almaty and that's if you're into Soviet history
If you want to see Silk Road archaeology, the ruins of Merv, Sogdians, Greco-Bactrians etc. you need to go to Turkmenistan, Afghanistan or the oases of Taklamakan in Xinjiang
All places impossible to visit as a westerner right now, funnily enough
Worked with a guy from your country very cool dude, looked Asian but had a Russian sounding last name is that common there? Love from leafland

Uh oh she's based B>O
Eat shit Hans , nobody likes people who hate their own culture
all i know is i saw some retarded kazakh kid singing about skibidi toilet on youtube shorts
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Good place to poop.
Highly recommend.
They don't even know how bad Indians are, so plenty of room for profit.
he's a yid
You are good at rugby union including the women
The only civilized country in middle Asia with educated people. Cool TV series
i like it for the most part. been in the west and south central regions several times. theres still a bit of that old soviet attitude if you have to interact with any kind of governmental agency or person but if you avoid that as much as possible you're good.
Not sure what you are talking about bro, Kazakhstan doesn't even make top 50. I'm pretty sure that almost every post soviet country is ranked higher.
Kazakhstan is cool but I've never heard anyone congratulate them on rugby.

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