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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>40C+ summer temperatures in the NEAR FUTURE
>this is due to climate change, which has led to the hottest day on record globally

What's that in American?
I fucking hope so. I hope every britbong passes away posthaste.
Actually summer being hot is due to the tilt of the Earth as it moves around the sun.
Wow just wow, hard to understand how the Science deniers on this site will try to claim anthropogenic climate change is not real after seeing this.
Like 102f?
Wake if anything of value is lost. I should get great sleep
Its because we import niggers and they bring their devil gods with them.
Cooler than Texas has been all summer
I'm not a weatherman but I'd venture a guess that if the good people over there in the UK can hold out until September, the temperature will go down.
It was 117F (47.2C) where I live today.

No big deal for us Americhads, but most delicate Eurocucks would promptly die from such trauma.

Sad, many such cases.
who tf goes to a 'beach' like this? there's a beach close to me and it's big but I never saw more than 10 people in the weekend, if I go midweek, it's empty.
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104? I don't see how this is to be alarmed over. Just turn on your AC or a fan.

What an ugly. Do British beaches really just have large coarse pieces of gravel all over? I think I have seen better beaches in Oregon and Washington.

You can't build a sand castle in that shit.

I know Venice has gone to shit, but I'd much rather drive to their and risk getting stabbed or have a mix tape peddled to me if it means having an actual beach with SAND.
fake and gay
Europeans literally can't afford it. Then they cry about climate change 3 months out of the year, every year, even though summers have always been hot and miserable since the beginning of time.
This is why the UK needs to defeat Putler and accept more refugees. Climate change isn't going to fix itself!
All of you come to Spain in the summer and you are already used to those temperatures.
I run 10km+ everyday. On weekends I make sure and go out at the hottest time. It was 107-109 depending on thermometer here in Idaho. As long as you have water the heat ain't shit. I acclimate every summer (and winter, cold is harder imho). Nothing feels better than sweat pouring off your body while you cut your own breeze by running, it's like vitality itself is made manifest. I absolutely love it. Tired of people bitching, stay off the AC and don't be a day slob
I know they have heat pumps. I don't get why they can't turn it on in reverse for the summer.
imagine all the jeets shitting on the beach.
Sounds lush

Mohammad will feel right at home
If you use AC the Americans win.
>40c summer is HEAT DEATH ZONE
poms are fucking soft
A rocky beach? What a shit hole
We should put a giant magnifying glass in the sky to roast the UK while also directing sunlight away from countries that need to cool off
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I'll be comfy in my 64 degree (that's 17.778 degrees for our eurotrash friends) home which I keep it at year round.

No I won't turn it up and I don't give a single fuck about how many pandas need to die so I can remain comfy.

My comfyness...

Europe is crowded. Densely populated. That’s why people moved across the Atlantic. You know this. Or do you?
>unless you pay more tax

That's because the water is 2C in Canada
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>Do British beaches really just have large coarse pieces of gravel all over?
No dumbass. The type of beach depends on the local geology.
That’s Brighton beach. It has pebbles. Other beaches have sand. Some beaches are rocky. In some places which are volcanic, the sand is black.

Educating Americans is not an easy job but someone has to do it.
terraforming to make the new british feel more at home
Don't worry, niggers, pakis and indians are heat tolerant. The UK will very much still be here, virtually unchanged even since browns outnumber whites 9 to 1 in the cities anyways. Fucking nigger island I hope it sinks into the ocean.
Temperature indoors is suppose to be 19C all year. That's 66,2212362461232509834052 F for you nigger mutts.
Looks like you have exceeded the wet bulb temperature.
Looks like an abandoned rock quarry.
we have had that and hotter, no big deal unless you dont have air conditioning machines>>475703901
AC isn't common, only heating
You live in a country run by niggers, worshipping niggers, with niggers everywhere. And where there are no niggers, there is the spics. Tell me, how can you live comfy under such conditions?
we have air conditioning. you could die in this kind of weather. i almost feinted once it was so hot. I had to stand outside at a funeral couple years ago.
euro pussies strike again
>we could all die cause of 104f outside zoonkies

don't need ac just crack a window and some fans
feels way hotter in England too
Well no shit wearing a black suit in such temps is going to murder you.
Total angoloid death
Sandy beaches are for literal niggers.
(I already saw your flag, don't bother replying.)
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>Oh my science it's so hot!
>There's never been a higher Temperature on record!
Fuck you Vlad.
You don't even have good beaches to lounge on in Russia.
People around me want summer to be even hotter and I think they are mental. AC will have to be a required thing.
The more immigrants are imported from hot regions, the hotter it gets.
Cheap bastard in Texas, my ac is a giant fan and spray bottles of water I keep in the fridge.
No! Not the dripping and glistening wet bulb temp!
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I'm frantically browsing Tommy Bahama rn to prepare. Global boiling will not win!
Kek, fuck off. We've not had a properly hot summer in 3 or 4 years. Todays one of the nicest days this year and it's 19c and cloudy.
Nice, i will be able to grow chillies without a greenhouse
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Pretty sure you could already do that back home in Nigeria.
Currently unlocking my ancestral memory of Bermuda shorts whilst drinking gin
I am whiter than milk
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For you 40+ C might be the hottest thing you might experience in your life but for me it's like Tuesday.
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Why are they always talking about climate change? Because they can't talk about the current military arms race in terms of weather control technology. Whoever controls the weather is the ruler of the world, he can decide from on high where life is possible and where it is not. And while the Chinese no longer make a secret of their progress and even boast internationally that they can influence the weather at certain points, in the western world you are still defamed as a conspiracy theorist and a crank if you raise the subject in any way. It's very bizarre. Instead of talking openly about the fact that anything can go wrong with these experiments and cloud seeding and that we don't know what the long-term consequences will be and that it could trigger a real man-made climate catastrophe at some point, little people are told that they are responsible because they drove their car to work and turned on the heating in winter. It's very cynical and very malicious.
Of course we do. (Posting from one right now, actually.)
Not sandy beaches, though. Those are for niggers and toddlers.
Idk i did 70 km on bicycle through mpuntains in 35 degree temperature just fine .I think the media is exaggerating
>but I have air conditioner el oh el
>I'm totally fine if Earth turns into Venus
I don't like climate alarmists either, but I also don't want to live in an oven. Hot weather sucks and is bad for nature and people who aren't adapted to it.
Well post a picture of your fucking beach then if it is so much better than sand.
You're supposed to nuke us idiot.
kek brits are so pathetic
Like it said in the last sentence the thirdie countries will see even higher temperatures before us, so once India and China dies off things will revert back to more normal
Cry me a river, that is the norm around here.
You'll get 50 degrees wet bulb. Same as Amerimuttland
How you gonna cope with that? Burrow into the ground?
Well you are black so of course you like the heat.
You shitskins enjoy the warmth, yes. But we whites don't.
>which has led to the hottest day on record globally
They say that every year now and it never matches any reality that anyone has experienced. Kill yourself immediately.
it's such a stupid looking thing to do on your time off. Sitting on sand with a bunch of stupid strangers and getting fried by solar rays while staring into a horizon of water.
>He thinks that 50°C is yet to come
Hahahahaha, what a weak guy
You die, simple as that.

But why do you even fear some more degrees?, there is no climate change, kek.
this is what doesn't make any aense to me, how is it that this supposed hottest day in 120,000 years happens to be on the few months out of the year when the U.S and Europe happen to be tilted towards the sun?
>Just turn on your AC or a fan.
ameriniggers everyone
If I bought a goddamn house in a cold area of the UK, it's not get fucking 100+F around it
Lol. I run my AC at 69 degrees so I can sleep comfy with a warm blanket. Eruocucks can sweat it out.
Cope. We are the gatekeepers of the world. You're going the way of Nazi Germany.
History will remember us fondly, for we shall write it.
Akshually, beaches are for swimming. Like the ancient Greeks famously said: a nigger is someone who can neither read nor swim.
(You niggers wouldn't understand.)
Hopefully it kills me
What's the humidity no bullshit? Here it's 26C and 50+% humidity. Forecast says "feels like 30C".
It's been really cold this year though
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No it's actually caused by not playing enough taxes to the government.
Chech his flag again bongoloid.
So why has it been a cool 21 degrees and raining all summer?

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