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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>when inferior races colonize vs when superior races colonize
>bwc vs shooting everything up like a nigger
Which one is which again?
That meme made me search Latina porn but they don't look like the meme.
Aryan blood is sacred, you don't mix it with the beastmen.
But the spics aren't superior. Clearly the 2nd option is better from a eugenic standpoint demonstrated by observable reality in the Americas.
I would do the same if I couldn't bring my family with me and all I had was men around me for weeks at a time. Granted I heard that after a while Spaniards would move with family like Britbongs to the new world establishing the Caste system they know and love today.
Tia cyrus
What if your colonizing other whites?
Nevermind, I'm so used to these threads trying to make the case for miscegenation being the better option I just assumed you were doing it too. Carry on.
It would have been somewhat based had they not also imported niggers. I have seen the videos of the natives and they are quite cute sometimes.
Have you seen how good Mexican women's asses are?
Obviously don't breed them
spics arent white, dumbass
Some are cute though
Literally no reason to breed with savages. You have your own women to fuck. Kill all non whites
Maybe I can find some I like in Eastern Europe or something, German women no thanks
How's your colony? Oh wait
thats a full fucking Spaniard castizo not the typical ugly fat mestizo/amerindian
Theres some confusion about the flag on the left. What a stupid american. Could you please tell him what nation the flag on the left belongs to? Smh
Just walk around Walmart, beaners love to bring their 6 daughters with them
For me it is Veronica Rodriguez
You are retards, learn how to read.
You have to learn to see the world through eugenic eyes, anon. I don't see a woman with a big ass, I see an indio with some mediterranean mixture that may have a large buttox to attract males of its kind and yes, I am dead serious. Learn to dehumanize the other races because thats how you should think. They are not the same species as us.
I'm not into bestiality.
Reading that in a German accent made me chuckle.
I can read but I like left over right.

>Pocahontas buried next to her English husband in England
>Aztecs, all dead.

This histrionics revisionism is retarded.
>Latina porn
You shoud ve more specific.
Cubana, Baiana=nigger sis
Gaucha gostosa=Hans's sis
>Aryan blood is sacred,
Agree with you Hans
>you don't mix it
You SHOULDN'T, but historically speaking that's what happens since 2000BC when Aryans invented the chariots
>with the beastmen
You meant beastwomen, Hans, right?
Germany barely has cute women, most are masculine and annoying feminists. Swedish boys mog German women
How many women in Brazil look like this >>475704191
I already said my peace on that. These have come up 1000x before making the opposite point of yours. I assumed it was just another one of those. Next time put it in the title.
>You meant beastwomen, Hans, right?
Haha yes, obviously. My point is that breeding with animal-women is a downgrade for aryans, while it is an upgrade for them. Don't mix.
Uh huh, Latin America is a real beacon of human progress.
My point stil stands, half breed.
Ok, then what are still acceptable options outside Germany?
>reading the picture from left to right
>reading the text from left to right
It's not hard anon, unless you're a kike or clinically retarded
Slavic women or you race mix with a Latina or Asian.
All of Europe. It's not a catastrophe if a German mixes with an Italian woman or something. Mixing with 3rd world goblins from South America, Asia or Africa obviously IS.

Just like at fucking spics, are they really a net gain for the world?
I didn't read it is what I'm telling you anon. I saw the picture, thought "goddammit they never shut the fuck up (assuming you're a shill)" and came in here to post what I posted. Maybe I should slow down.
German woman
> expensive and ugly
Slavic woman
> rumored to age badly
Asian woman
> Everyone thinks I am an incel, son will be an incel
> Son will be dumb le 56% but penis happy

Those are all horrible choices

Lots but they used to be men.
What about
> Moldavia, Greece, Turkey, Serbia

They are less Western so maybe they are not as jewed
This makes no sense because the retarded British didn't kill all the nasty jeets and now the entire world must suffer for their mistake
lol but I think she is very cute
>fine: germanic, med, slavic, celtic
>bad: sand nigger, chink, spic, curry nigger, nigger
It's really not that fucking hard, just stick to the European genepool.
I normally asume anti-spic threads are just poojets coping even among browns they are at the bottom but I will give you the benefit of doubt, were you just bored or did some latino fucked over you because maybe you have a funny anecdote you can share with all of us.
rare good german take
What's wrong with fucking your Slavic wife when she's 69? She'll look like a milf.
Are you retarded?
Nahuatl is still spoken today by millions of people
>My point is that breeding with animal-women is a downgrade for aryans, while it is an upgrade for them. Don't mix.
Absolutely right, Hans
Until their mid 20's, most of them. Unless you are in Bahia state or some bumfuck favela, that have Nigeria tier nignogess.
In south except for beach cities, them girls are literal Hans's sisters.
South America could have literally been a white ethnostate if the conquering whites had the foresight to rid the shitskins and turn it into an ethnostate. Alas it has become a mongrelised shithole where the mutts dislike and outright hate whites.
Just look at the state of South America, you aren't exactly Japan lmao.
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you need not occupy a whole other post to correct the spelling mistake. infact, just turn off your internet, you are frustrating to behold
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The man on the high castle was a good series.
I have heard they hit the wall hard

> mid 20s
So they hit the wall hard too? What besides Asians does not?
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The most populous areas of the Americas prior to the arrival of Europeans was the Aztec and Inca empires. Still after disease and war, these areas were the most populous, and there was more intermixture between European settlers and native populations. In North America there was also intermixture, but there were less natives, so most Americans are 31/32 parts European and 1/32 part sioux which they all like to claim to be.
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That meme is literally 100 years old kek
>calling Spain non white
no, he means beastmen. Men also refers to women as does Mankind. If you took a moment and look at how "man" is also seenl in "woman" you may notice something quite familiar, such as it too has thr word man in it. Many people mistake this due to jews.
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Based Anglos doing the right thing as usual, that image was most definitely made by a beaner to encourage white men to race mix with their own oompa loompa goblins.

A World where the Reconquista failed, and where Iberia remained under Muslim rule would have these positive improvements...

>New World Colonized by more diverse selection of states.

>UK, Sweden, Denmark/Norway, Netherlands, Italian states like Genoa or Venice, France and maybe a few others.

>The Golden Age of Piracy would take on a whole other meaning, North African Corsairs would rule the Caribbean through key outposts from the Islands, the natives of said Islands would also have become Muslim.

>A Series of Sultanates would form on the Islands on many of the Caribbean Islands.

>The Aztecs either convert to Christianity or Islam, and cease human sacrifice anyways. And becomes more prosperous as a result.

>It's also worth noting that these two empires would also live on, due to them not being wiped out by disease and the spanish. Likely developing immunity to old world diseases.

>North America would likely be colonized by the British, French, Swedes and Dutch. The absence of Spain and Portugal in this world means that the French, Dutch and Swedes likely prosper much better, having a longterm prescense.

>It is likely that at some point the Swedish, French and Dutch holdings eventually become their own indepedent states. Or be absorbed into a very different U.S, for this sake we'll call it "Columbia".

>Columbia would likely have a higher native american prescense, and encompass more land, possibly all the way north into Canada, and Alaska.

>Columbia would likely also be multicultural, having many official languages, including possibly Dutch, Swedish. I'd also wager that large swaths of it would be French speaking too.

>Most importantly there would be no cartels, drug trade, narco-states, high crime and brutal attacks by criminal enterprises.

>Poverty would be significantly less, the issues that affect the U.S today in regards to illegal immigration would virtually be non-existent.

Perfect, Isn't it?
The french are the cruelest of all: They force the natives to learn french.
They do not even fuck them and they deny them the peace of death.
Aryan blood is actually alien. And the alien genes are 100% concentrated in the human y dna lines. Meaning, actual aryan blood is only of patrilineal descent. This is why 70-86% of human y-dna is completely incompatible with all sapian species on Earth, wheras only 2-7% of human x-dna lines are incompatible with sapian species on Earth. And what's more, the old European y-dna haplogroups are the least compatible (and largely Rh-), you know, the blue eyed black haired pale white skin peoples in Europe for at least the last 12,000+ years that have zero associations with the aryan populations that came to Europe much later (R y dna groups). This doesn't mean you should race mix with brown eyed 5 ft tall 80 iq goblins, it's just showing that it's the y dna lines that are actually most critical in understanding what actually has occurred on this planet before.
I want some of what your smoking
Don't look into patrilinear genetics and deep dive into human genetics in general. Some of what revelations talks about is 100% real (sky dudes came to Earth and bred with human women and their offspring became the heroes of old, also 120 year human telomere cap). There were several big 200 post threads on these topics in the last few days. Pro-tip; those sky dudes were caucasian white af mf'ers.
>shitskin mudslimes rape natives
Anon, I...
>So they hit the wall hard too?
As a rule of thumb, yes. The india kuruminha genes are like that.
Any non-hag huewomen are either unmixed european, japanese or lebanese, with rare exception.
Reminder that Niggers just want to genocide everyone and everything in their way so they can have a “harem” and then cannibalize each other the next day until there’s nothing left but nigger bones on the ground. They don’t accept anyone or anything and are NOT your friend
I bet pre-spanish blood injuns looked more like abos. Gross.
emiyi on chaturbate
Pêro Vaz de Caminha, Portuguese explorer that discovered Brazil, wrote on May 1, 1500:

>”Their feature is to be brown, in a reddish way, with good faces and good noses, well shaped. They walk around naked, without any covering. Nor do they esteem to cover or show their shames; and in this they have as much innocence as in showing their faces. Also walking among them were four or five women, young, who thus naked did not look bad. Between them walked one, with the thigh, from the knee to the hip and the buttock, all dyed with that black dye; and all the rest of her natural color. Another had both knees with the curves thus painted, and also the laps of the feet; and her shames so bare, and so innocence thus uncovered, that there was no shame in it. One of those girls was all dyed, from the bottom to the top of that dye; and indeed she was so well made and so curvy, and her shame (which she had not) so gracious, that many women of our land, seeing such features, would be ashamed, for not having theirs like her.”
relatable post in many situations
>I bet pre-spanish blood injuns looked more like abos.
It really depend on the tribe.
Some of them just look japanese/Siberian sakha, some other tribes are as fugly as abbos.
Warrior tribe Kadiweu, unmixed genes, natural proteic diet, end of 19th century:
Same tribe, mixed w/ marrano, carb diet, present day:
reminds me of this kek
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lmao look in the mirror
dysgenic animal
>look in mirror
>blue eyes
>brown hair
>great facial structure
You need to go back Mohammed
i read tail, disappointed, it started well
jew trying to stir up conflict between England & Spain. Are the Spaniards about to kick you out again, Shlomo?
>brown hair
most white New England families have a cherokee great grandmother in their family tree
No, Aryan. Brown eyes is the big no-no. Nothing wrong with brown hair, as long as it isn't black. Also blonde looks less masculine on men.

Here's a continuation of your post, don't leave out reality, deutchbag.

>Wake up

>Look in Mirror



>Misshapen facial structure, crooked nose, ghastly brow.

>Realize I'm a Turk
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When you hit puberty, you'll release how useless and unimportant hair and eye colour are. Just those two specifically.
It's not rape when Spaniards do it.
They didn't, their DNA is from completely different lines. But not all of them looked pretty neither.
>and her shame (which she had not)
kek, this archaic manner of speaking is really neat, wish people started speaking like this again
>blonde looks less masculine on men
if you're blonde, I'll assume you're a woman. No questions asked

Retards who are obsessed with hair and eye colour are the male equivalent of astrology girls. That's a fact.
I want Spanish gf.
Yeah I'm well aware that's a jungle indian I don't want those.
Nah, but the cuck government has been playing the Palestine recognition card lately and shilling it to all of Europe. It's enough to get the old Shylock mad.
>Muh dick vs genociding brown people
except there are proven studies that confirm darker hair looks better and is more attractive to women, unlike astrology
Ok, lets do some cultural exchange.
I'm not the one obsessed, that retard who made fun of brown hair is just retarded. Also checked.

It is astrology, hair colour doesn't matter. It's the face, body, personality. Like a 2/10 with the most silky, beautiful, shining black hair won't be attractive to women.

You can swap that scenario with blonde, brown or ginger and it would be the same.
Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women on such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.

the thing is that in NA there werent as many as in other parts of america
not only there were fewer, but at that point in time the technological and demographic supperiority was big enough to move the native out
lol, he doesnt know
the way we humans value the "personality" of other human is just by its looks
jungle chinks out, niggers in
Also, a huge oversight when discussing Mesoamerica and the Andes is the logistics of genociding the two most densely populate regions in the Americas, both pre and post Columbian.
That's how it was, and on top of it the women were all naked all the time, except maybe in places like Mexico where they were a little bit less retrograde. The only way to avoid it would've been if they all looked like ugly niggers.
tfw German traveling through Spain.
Their girls are top.
Unfortunately the language barrier makes it difficult.
I'm all for it.
Love your country.

Can you supress the innate retardation nearly every /pol/ack has?

And do you have some modicum of attractive(ness?)

Then al hope is not lost, deutchebag.
Same when they talk about how we murdered all of them. Just look at Mexico and see how bold of a lie that is. In retrospect we sometimes wish we had been savage towards them all like that.
You should be able to see with your eyes if they look acceptable for you. You'll find even women that look somewhat like yours all over Europe, in greater or fewer quantities. If they look more like gypsies that's probably best left alone.
and then you woke up
>Their girls are top.
Really? I remember being disappointed.
If we roll back women's rights we can legally exchange women (not our married wives, but single women in general) with each other until both parties (meaning me and you) are satisfied.
One doesn't need to be white to be able to notice when another group isn't white, even slavoids.
Shame I think they look quite cute

As long as they are not German or Austrian
kek, spotted the subhuman
>when chads colonize vs when jewish vampiric freemason faggots colonize
I sympathize with the British because brown women are horny as fuck and desperate for your cock, the Spanish could never know the extent to which these brown vixens will steal your genes
>fucking a bunch of unwashed animals
>having sex with the animal like a brown vs shooting the animal like a white
>That meme made me search Latina porn but they don't look like the meme.
It also explain why the US became a superpower and South America became a corrupt shithole. Turns out sticking your dick into anything that moves, thus spawning a race of mulatto abominations, is not a good idea.
>fucking a bunch of unwashed animals
Okay Mohammad.
Would you rather they fuck their own shipmates? See that's the difference between chads and freemasonic psychos. Gotta deal with the overflow of testosterone and libidinal energy somehow.
Jerking off is always an option you fucking subhuman. It's not like prison where they have to spend 10 years in the tiniest space together.
>Turns out sticking your dick into anything that moves, thus spawning a race of mulatto abominations, is not a good idea.
France send a bunch of ethnically French "fallen" women to "New France" and it worked out well. (picrel) Apparently the Queen of Spain (Isabella?) didn't think the new world was a proper place for Spanish ladies.

White women in politics cause permanent destruction. Kamala will start WW3
>women in politics cause permanent destruction. Kamala will start WW3
Oops. It's White women VOTERS that have destroyed America.
>inferior women want to steal superior seed
No shit. It's also why racemixing is so dangerous. Brown people are absolutely obsessed with having a white partner. It's the only thing that could give their pathetic life a semblance of meaning. They see it as the biggest trophy. And kikes heavily play into this and add fuel to the fire and desperately want to mix asian women with white men and niggers with white women. All to destroy our race.
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>Belgians don seyson dey niggers
He excluded balts, sorry bro you don't count
Some are awesome, you don't know what is it to fuck a woman until you have had a brazilian.
Could be worse, really
Let's be honest, Spain and Portugal wouldn't look that far off Latin America without EUbux
>South America could have literally been a white ethnostate if the conquering whites had the foresight to rid the shitskins and turn it into an ethnostate.
The Queen of Spain refused to send women. Blame a stupid white woman for ruining a continent.
I wish the spicndians looked that.
Pretty sure that’s bullshit, it would be like less than 5% of families
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Some parts of Spain are like Mexico.
Their road infrastructure is great, but so many abandoned buildings and other infrastructure, that is plainly.. broken?
But I also saw something like that in Romania.
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>"make love not war" faggots have now filled most of the new world with racial abominations that commit absurd amounts of crime, including some of the most fucked up atrocities that you never wanted to see
>"just make war" chads now run some of the most successful and peaceful nations on earth
When did you realize that ethnic cleansing and raising the average IQ in the most forceful way possible actually works and leads to stability and prosperity in the long run?
why tf is the picture rotated
>canada still exist
They're using the gun powder wrong though.
>why tf is the picture rotated
Your phone metadata is fucking with 4chan is what someone wrote in a previous thread. Phoneposting?
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>For Nazis, the psychology of the Spaniards deemed incompatible with the ideal Nazi Germans, particularly regarding their Catholicism. Also, Ottavio de Peppo noted that Spaniards' religious sentiments were useful to weaken Germany's position because of that contempt of the nazis to the Spanish psychology. Hitler himself said that "All of Spain is contained in Don Quixote—-a decrepit society unaware the world has passed it by", because Spain was a stagnant nation dominated by three elements that Nazis detested; the aristocracy, the Church and the monarchy, past and future, since Franco had promised a royal restoration

>Also, Hitler referred to Spaniards as "lazy", of "moorish blood" and in love with "the greatest whore in history", referencing Catholic Queen Isabel. Wilhelm Faupel, Nazi director of the Ibero-American Institute, conceived his cultural foreign policy as a tool to restore the German presence on the world stage ("Weltgeltung"). Faupel then putting all his care to prevent the racism inherent to the regime from scaring away its "multipliers". Thus he sought, through the Ministry of Propaganda, to have certain libels of black legend removed from circulation, such as those of Arnold Noldens (pseudonym of Wilhelm Pferdekamp), one of whom p. ex. it bore the title Afrika beginnt hinter den Pyrenäen ("Africa begins behind the Pyrenees")

>«The Spanish people have a mixture of Gothic, French and Moorish blood. ]...]. The Arab period [...] was the most cultivated, the most intellectual, and in all respects the best and happiest period in the history of Spain. The period of the persecutions followed, with its incessant atrocities»
Conquistadores were jew conversos. Not whites, not christians. Once you know this fact, everything they did makes sense. They divide and conquer their way across a continent, robbing everything of value, destroying any source of knowledge books priests entire societies. Raping subhumans is typical jew behavior, look at hollywood jews and their sheeboon wives as an example. And the worst part is their actions are a blood libel against spanish christians who they pretended to be while carrying out their atrocities and breeding a mutt jew population to be used against the whites.
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>Some are awesome, you don't know what is it to fuck a woman until you have had a brazilian.
Imagine the charge you would get out of fucking her in the shower.
I used to bang a Brazilian chick that looks exactly like the meme. Good times!
Well, Brits are notoriously homosexual, so that makes a lot of sense.
Brits treated the natives with velvet gloves though, much more than the spanish did, they just brought their own women with them to colonize, thats pretty much all there is to it
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>José Tomás Boves (Oviedo, Asturias, September 18, 1782 – Urica, Venezuela, December 5, 1814), was a royalist caudillo of the Llanos during the Venezuelan War of Independence, particularly remembered for his brutality and atrocities against those who supported Venezuelan independence. Though nominally pro-Spanish, Boves showed little deference to any superior authority and independently carried out his own military campaign and political agenda, even challenging Royalist norms by arguing for land ownership to pass into the hands of the pardos, mestizos, and Indigenous rather than the landowning elite

>Boves used a very demagogic discourse against the classist and racist elites under the slogan "War against the White exploiters of the Brown and the Indian!" and "The lands of the Whites for the Browns!", together with promises of booty, revenge and social advancement, led to the fact that in October, just two months after the start of his guerrilla warfare, he had more than 2,000 men under his command, and by December they reached 3,000, at which time he sent his deputy, Francisco Tomás Morales (1781-1845), to recruit more men in the province of Guayana

>As with most residents of Venezuela at the time, Boves was supportive of the juntas established in Venezuela in 1810, which were created after news arrived that the reigning Supreme Central Junta in Spain had dissolved itself due to French advances in southern Spain. His activities against the Republic began only after Domingo de Monteverde's incursions into central Venezuela. He joined Monteverde's forces when they took over Calabozo in May 1812 and was named commander of Calabozo in January 1813. Alongside Monteverde, Boves would be one of the first to mobilize castas, Indigenous, and enslaved into functioning militias fighting against the revolutionary forces
>He participated in the unsuccessful attempts to stop Santiago Mariño's invasion of eastern Venezuela, and after the royalist government collapsed, he was granted temporary permission to act at his own discretion by his superior, Field Marshal Juan Manuel Cajigal

>From this point on, he never recognized any superior authority. Making use of his knowledge of the llanos, he amassed a large army of llaneros, known as the Legions of Hell, most of whom were Indigenous, pardo (mixed-race), and formerly enslaved, that dominated the south of the country for the next two years until his death. He lived among his soldiers, and exposed himself to the same risks in battle as them, thereby gaining their extreme loyalty. Although nominally royalist, Boves turned the old colonial order on its head. He ignored Cajigal, who by 1814 was captain general, even when they were campaigning together, and appointed political and military commanders of his own choosing. Further still from his mind was the Spanish Constitution of 1812, which should have been in effect in Venezuela during this time. Most striking to his contemporaries, however, was that he allowed his llanero soldiers to engage in a class and race war against the landed and urban classes of Venezuela, fulfilling the latter's fear, since 1810, that the revolution could devolve into another Haitian Revolution. (Compare Hidalgo's assault on Guanajuato.) Boves's army became feared for its liberal use of pillage and summary executions, which became notorious even in this period when such actions were common on both sides of the conflict. (See Simón Bolívar's "Decree of War to the Death".)
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>Throughout the second half of 1813, Boves and his army assailed the Second Republic in a series of battles, but without any clear gains until the Battle of La Puerta on June 15, 1814. He captured Valencia and Caracas the following month. He died at the age of 32 on December 5, 1814, at the Battle of Urica, which his troops nevertheless won. Command of his troops passed on to Francisco Tomás Morales. His actions laid the groundwork for Pablo Morillo's expeditionary force to easily occupy Venezuela and to spend its massive resources in neighboring New Granada. Royalists would continue to control Venezuela until 1821
What's the difference between a Brazilian shower and the electric chair?
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>when (((ubermensch))) get colonized
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>when (((ubermensch))) get colonized
"honolaly" klauts
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>when (((ubermensch))) get colonized
"honolaly" negels
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>when (((ubermensch))) get colonized
"honolaly" negel aids
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All the pureblooded aztecs are dead though. They looked like this.
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>when (((ubermensch))) get colonized
imagine thinking this washes out
And how is Central/South America looking like now? They are the ugliest mixed race mutts to ever exist, ever.
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>when (((ubermensch))) get colonized
disgusting krauts
and both are human scum and will burn in hell
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Uncivilized, it seems.
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I assume 7 cities in USA that made the list - New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Philadelphia - are the ones that have 100% White population in them, just like the founding fathers of USA intended?
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>when nigel gets colonized
muh untermensch anglosaxons
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>disgusting fake tits
>built like a twink
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What happened to Detroit?
How did they get so violent as to become the 23. most violent city on Earth?
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>when nigel gets colonized some moar
muh untermensch anglos
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I'm not gonna keep you in suspense, the answer is J - E - W - S.

USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

Germans killed the Indians not Redcoats.
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much colonized
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It's all about the overall genetics.
Blonde hair looks good on A MAN.


The real problem is not the blonde hair on men. The real problem is that most men have been bred down to slaves.
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>when u a (((ubermensch))) and get colonized
>Spaniards loved racemixing with Natives
>Frenchmen loved racemixing with Natives
>Englishmen did not

what explains this
"I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil [Volga] River. I have NEVER SEEN MORE PERFECT physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor caftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife and keeps each by him at all times. The swords are broad and grooved, of Frankish sort." - Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, Risala
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>when u think u ubermensch but u unter liek a dog
Not only spics. Any chinks, gooks, niggers, Indians that intermixed with White almost always creates a defective spawns. They dont attain any greatness.
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usually their victims are children though
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Bullshit the americans were fully mutted by the revolution. German mercenairies who deserted from King George "the German" made them whiteish again.
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>dead hick trash
You aren't sitting down.
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>when the (((ubermensch))) gets colonized by monkeys
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>dem superior chink genes in action
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much supeliol
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>muh hikvision
but but but da juice!
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>dem flat booties and titties tho
>and that fake dye
so ubermensh
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moar hic trash
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>we're not liek the other countries goy
>we worship satan and are super manly looking
>meme structured to belittle the Bong
>Bong is still the best
what did OP mean by this?
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>muh albinoness
>much worth
>smartest ever
People forget that actual pure natives are ugly. The idealised depictions of native women that we see always look part-hispanic.
British men preferred to save their dignity for their English roses back home than to fuck a local injun woman. I don't know about you but to me it says a lot about the beauty of native injuns.
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>when das untermensh gets colonized by sub saharan negers
but but we so albino tho
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the pocahontas niggers are now extincting due to liquer in reservations while the heart removed on top of a ziggurat niggers make up most of the population of the US of A and M
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>when stupid angla trash gets colonized by monke
Both is good.
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>muh superior albino genes goy
wen u as stupid as monke
This poster is a brazilian mutt avatarfag who spams copypasted greentexts.
And other memeflagged posts (all by him, of course) with the same text.
The ones that didn't mate with spainiards died of smallpox.
Spainiards were treated like gods.
English sent their puritans who did not mate outside the religion.
The english were also treated like prey buly the natives.
So we let them die and helped it along.
We shot the Spanish, thank you very much.
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>engrish so supeliol
much based
>such wow
>look at all these examples and their nigger kangz
>must be doing much rite
to the devil haps
Le Spanish niggers. Just remember, blacks aren’t native, you have the “based” swarthoids to thank for shipping them there.
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>supliol engrish spawns
Spaniards killed way more natives than the British ever did, largely just because they were there first. And plenty of Anglos fucked Iroquois and Cherokee men and women. Half-Anglo indians played an important role in history as translators.
English colony 300 years later:
>world's first hyperpower
Spanish colony 300 years later:
>people skin each other alive over drugs

Yeah I'm starting to think the Angloids got it right.

ASSpain can cope all they want, theyre system was inferior and it FUCKING SHOWS LMAO
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>The anti-white role of Spain

>"Spain's problem was to claim half the world without the manpower to maintain it."

>The objective of this brief and concise article is not to attack or despise Spain, much less its historical deeds and its great men, but to make it clear that "Hispanism" was never beneficial to the white race and its diasporas, who are not fifth column of any Empire or vassals of any "Motherland". As I demonstrated in the previous article, white Americans (especially those from the River Plate) owe nothing to anyone, except to the Spaniards who stayed behind raising goats in the Peninsula while others came to make the New World, and our "Motherland" is not no European nation that saw us for commercial purposes, as subjects to fatten the coffers of the King and the Church with our work and our conquests, but in any case Europe itself, not as a material, geographical and political entity, but as a racial, spiritual , ideological, and transcendent

>Europe no longer has anything to do in its former domains, much less promote stupid and irredentist ideals in a foreign land and developed by others, such as Hispanicism, if a Patagonian Welshman has nothing to do with a Mapuche and a German from the Litoral It has nothing to do with Guarani, much less are we going to share the flag and institutions with a Honduran, a Dominican, a Bolivian and a Filipino. Apart from these obvious questions, the following reading will explain the origin of the "Hispanophobia" that white Americans and other Europeans have
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>quite the engrish gemz ya got dar matey
Hey now, Turkie is cool. Didn’t you hear about you drowning all those immigrant niggers? You’re making an effort to be white.
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>They don't like latinas
100% anglo with ancestors from the mayflower.
Cope paki.
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>The Guanches were the ancient settlers of the Canary Islands, their origin is in the European Cro-Magnons settled in the Atlas Mountains (North Africa) possibly after a Paleolithic migration, their appearance was racially pure due to the scarcity of settlers in those lands, these Cro-Magnons would give rise to three later branches: Berbers, Guanches and proto-Libyans (Egyptian ruling caste whose appearance could be shown to be racially Nordic). The frequency of 0 Rh Negative in the Guanches demonstrates that their origins (blood groups and haplogroups are not indicators of purity or racial affiliation but rather of an atavistic paternal line) are European, Paleolithic, and that they share a severe Chromagnid influence with the remote settlers. Iberian, French and British

>The Guanches measured an average of two meters, had platinum blonde hair and gray eyes (to a lesser extent light blue), a cranial capacity of 1900 cc, and their found remains are identical to those of the Cro-Magnon, due to Spain's little interest in archaeological matters, barely investigations were carried out on these towns, in any case, pyramids were found (being those of Güímar the most famous), mummies, and an advanced culture similar to the Egyptian but not very ostentatious and with less availability of human capital from neighboring or subjugated towns (for that miscegenation did not reach them on the scale that the Egyptians did), some tribes lived from hunting, fishing, gathering and agriculture, others were modestly urbanized for what the rustic island terrain allowed
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>In 1478 the Castilians arrived and the Guanches immediately put up an arduous resistance, it took the Spanish 5 years to subdue only the Island of Gran Canaria, Tenesor Semidán negotiated with the Kings, was baptized and surrendered their weapons, thousands of Guanches dissatisfied with that They fought to the end or committed mass suicide, the few survivors mixed, adopted Catholicism, and many were sold as slaves to Seville, Rome and decades later in Latin America (from "guanche" comes the term "gaucho", canarian slaves from the wild who fled inland on horseback together with blacks and Indians)

>Today the canaries are characterized by their North African appearance due to their importation, a strongly mixed, matriarchal culture, with tendencies towards prostitution, crime and Arab rites, this became clear with the migratory currents to America that gave rise to to Caribbean dialects and culture, also in Louisiana when the Spanish invaded the French, apart from abolishing slavery, racial castes, forcing miscegenation (as they did in Asunción, called the "Paradise of Muhammad" and the "Sodom of the Silver") and imposing Catholicism as the only religion, they brought contingents of canaries that today survive as "Islenos", in times of the Ku Klux Klan they were considered non-whites, perhaps in this video they will understand why

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>oh noes, dont run the coalfax on the brutish empier goy
>we wuz untermensh and shieeet
>shitting under tree and living in mudhuts while Italian gigachads were building empires and turning your women into fuckmeat and breeding vessels

you speak only when you're spoken to, bitch.
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>In the year 1562 Gaspard de Coligny and Jean Ribault established a French colony in Carolina, North America, without much success the colony was temporarily abandoned after internal disputes and lack of organization, the only Frenchman left in charge of the Fort to establish commercial relations with the Indians was surprisingly captured by Spaniards who burned the Fort to prevent the proliferation of a future French colony around Ribaul

>In 1564 René Goulaine de Laudonnière started a second colony with Huguenots in present-day Jacksonville, Florida, it was called Fort Caroline. In the year 800 Spaniards, mestizos and dozens of Indians surrounded the Fort while Ribault was absent, the hundred settlers were promised to be forgiven (for the base and heretical crime of having had the balls to cross the Atlantic and build a colony in a true no man's land, a Jesuit and anti-white mentality) but they were treacherously tied up and executed, even the ten Catholics that were among the French, there we realize that it was not a matter of religion, but of Iberian chauvinism and leukophobia

>Then when Ribault arrives he finds the fort taken and without supplies, they are forced to agree with the Spanish, again about two hundred French and Germans are killed. In total, more than 350 settlers were killed, a few women and children returned, Menéndez, the person in charge of the massacres, wrote to the King that he did nothing more than defend his lands from heretics, curiously in the same letter he said that his mission was to defend the lands of the King and evangelize the Indians (it seems that the heretics were only the other Europeans)
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>This fact was repudiated throughout Europe, it not only contributed to "Hispanophobia", but it provoked the ire of the French who swore to avenge the cowardly Spanish attack. Dominique de Gourgue was a French nobleman and soldier who sold all his belongings to carry out an invasion of Spanish Florida, once he reached the old Huguenot settlement (now populated by Indians, mestizos and a few Spanish) he defeated and murdered all the Spanish prisoners . A hypothesis also points to the Spanish as guilty of the massacre of the British colonists in the lost Colony of Roanoke, but it is hasty to draw conclusions

>It is curious that Hispanists talk about the "evil French pirates" but never explain what motivated them to do so. Little is said about who the "pirates" were and how they ended up being a kind of Vikings from the Caribbean, they were Huguenots, Normans, Bretons, Basque-French, Dutch, Anglo-Celts and other mainly Germanic Europeans stripped of all their goods, their lands, and sometimes with their families murdered by the Spaniards in the New World (same aberration committed by Catholic Rome to the loyal German foederati, both decadent Empires that still whine for what they received)

>The Rise of Piracy is one of the most relevant episodes in American history and little is said about it, for decades they reached the evolutionary peak among all their European ethnic counterparts, they were a series of Männerbünde dedicated to the sea, with a 100% hunting diet -gatherer, they are credited with having inspired roasting methods to the Spaniards with cane grills, these would arrive through the Spaniards to the Río de La Plata, they produced such a quantity of dried meat that their food supply in the expeditions far exceeded that of any European power, whose sailors ended up dying of fever and scurvy after barely spending a few weeks at sea

No they weren't. I've read a lot of colonial literature, anytime a man is shacking up with a Native it's a French trapper or trader you almost never hear of an Englishman getting with one
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>Hispaniola was populated almost exclusively by Dutch, Norman and Breton settlers who lived harmoniously in free populations, were self-sufficient and did not live under any European flag, until Spain exterminated them one by one for not paying tribute to the King or the Vatican, without even negotiating in advance to use them as Spanish settlers in a land that was later completely disproved and remained throughout the Spanish period only populated by blacks and mestizos. After exterminating the white settlers in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the island was practically black with a French minority (who settled in areas ignored by Spain), when they rose in Haiti against France, Spain provided diplomatic, armament, and strategic and economic to the black revolution that ended in the complete genocide of all whites, with the exception of a few Polish deserters from the Napoleonic troops, and as expected, Spanish Jesuit collaborators

>In 1637 the Duchy of Courland (formerly Prussian Latvia) began a colonial campaign in Africa and the Caribbean, and the same year they began a colony in Tobago, years before in 1628 the Dutch had tried to raise a colony called Nieuw Walcheren, meaning 300 settlers massacred by the Spanish. The Curlandeses called their Neu-Kurland colony, 212 settlers managed to settle down, many of them perished in the fight against the Indian, these last ones were armed by the Spanish and Portuguese Jesuits to kill and repel Protestant settlers (the same as in Jamaica assisting and dozens of British colonists were also installed in another settlement, all of which were expelled by Spain, in the following decades the disenfranchised island was jealously guarded by the peninsular and expelled again and again by both Spaniards and reduced Indians (Hispanicized Catholics)
Rare redpill
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>Between 1657 and 1660 there were thousands of French, Dutch, Kurlandish, German, and English colonists, all in complete harmony, producing surplus sugar, tobacco, coffee, cotton, ginger, anil, ron, cocoa and animal products such as turtle shells and exotic feathers. The constant attacks by Spanish and English pirates led the Kurdish to withdraw, the colonies became Dutch, then English, which Mandarin became aware of colonists and displaced the Dutch to Barbados. Note how until then, despite the expulsions, piracy and constant changes in administration, the most boreal colonists did not present the Iberian salvationism of killing other Europeans to take their lands. Spain that I could do from the Caribbean to a Spanish Mediterranean, including other European settlers under the Spanish administration, decided to die once and again to leave America to Indians, blacks and Jesuits

>Another cowardly Spanish invasion of French and British colonists was on the Falklands Islands, discovered by the French, where Port Egmont was created in 1766, the Spanish exterminated the colonists and erased all evidence of the colony, leaving the islands almost empty (a twenty of gauchos guaraníes) for almost a century
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>wen u a lazy gloid
man up gloidy, that niggy ain't gonna feed itserf
If he dared to make a move on those qts the men would probably subject him to bullet ant stings to the genitals for weeks until he died
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>Nueva Granada was perhaps the most aristocratic territory in Hispanoamerica, with a huge racially pure ruling caste, the Mantuans, who after constant Iberian tyrannies, restrictions, abusive taxes and bad administration, ended up returning to illegal trade with the British, French and Dutch, this aroused Spain's anger and rigidity against criollos. The constant tension ended in the Revolution of Nueva Granada, in 1813 only in Venezuela, 200,000 Novogranadino Creoles and 7400 Spaniards were assesed, many realists passed over to the Republican side and vice versa, both bands committed worse atrocities than those of the Black Revolution of Haiti, the main blanco de agresiones fue la mujer creole, from which both sides used black militias to invade their properties and violate them in group reiterated times in order to kill their entire family

>The Asturian José Tomás Boves, an iconic anti-revolutionary, at the beginning of the Revolution in 1810 offered support to the revolutionaries, but rather that these asesinaran his wife and condemned him to death (saved by a sudden realistic victory in the place) this A realist guerrillas became furious, armed battalions of Indians and blacks and charged against criollos (women, children, old people, civilians, whatever) to the cry of "¡Guerra a los blancos exploiters of pardo and of the indio!", his realistic guerrillas were curiously composed by delinquents, cimarrons, fugitives, slaves, and other scum that was called "Batallón Infernal" (culpable of the great massacres of 1813 and 1814), Boves even killed other royalists with the purpose of eradicating the white race from America
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>Boves was neither the first nor the last royalist to use the social scum under the Spanish flag to assassinate criollos, the indigenous raids in Argentina were commanded by the Pincheira brothers, royalists to the core, educated with the Jesuits, who assaulted Buenos Aires until 1828 and other parts of Argentina until 1832. In total there were 50,000 criollos murdered and captive women, with enormous economic losses after millions of heads of cattle were stolen and entire towns reduced to ashes

>In 1853, when Cuba was part of Spain, the Galician landowner Urbano Feijoo Sotomayor y Cejo, with the authorization of Queen Elizabeth II, summoned thousands of Galicians from rural areas for work purposes. In principle, this migration was proposed to replace the former slaves with salaried workers, it was not like that, as soon as they set foot in Cuba they were chained and enslaved for more than two years until a Galician was able to secretly notify his family by means of a letter, the situation reached the Queen, the slaves were freed Galicians (only 1,100 survived out of 1744 who arrived), but they were not compensated, the landowners involved did not receive any sanction or warning, and after that Urbano Feijoo Sotomayor y Cejo was re-elected deputy in Galicia. Isabel II was an inept woman who lost Cuba, Puerto, the Philippines, Carolinas, Marianas, Palau and Guam for meager economic compensation, in the Philippines she left 9,000 Spaniards at the mercy of the Tagalog insurgents, many of whom were killed
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>wen u a gloidy and u come home from da bloodbath
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>When the Galicians were not enslaved they were pressured to mix with the blacks, thus the Spaniards believed that they would obtain a more "patriotic" population with less risk of insurgencies, these policies were copied almost a century later by the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo Molina. There were also routes for Galician slaves sent to Rio de Janeiro (300 slaves), Panama and northern Argentina, each Galician was bought for 80 pesos, they were guarded by black slaves who had the authority to whip them for any suspicious behavior

>One letter said: "They bring us worse than blacks, they bring us barefoot and naked and without beds, nothing more than some mats under us on some platforms; for our mortality was not having any acclimatization, since we have worked a lot and without profit. They kill people with sticks and put them in the trunk and the traps of the field". In a mocking way, the peninsulars called the Galicians of Cuba "cimarrones ojizaules", in 1854 the Captain General of the Army mobilized his troops to hunt Galicians who escaped from slavery, those captured were tied hand and foot and then were flogged for days, They imprisoned them for wandering (vagrancy), they also carried out all kinds of torture with them such as stripping them, raping them, giving them food in poor condition and filling them with bugs

>The few European immigrants who arrived in Spanish America were enslaved. Is it necessary to say what the Río de La Plata would have been like if it did not become independent? Because Spain is so hostile to its own citizens (I'm not surprised that separatism is the order of the day), Florida was the largest refuge for black slaves in North America, curious...
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>We could also mention the peninsular aberrations in the Netherlands, such as the Naarden Massacre where out of 3,000 inhabitants only 60 remained and the city was completely destroyed (a fact celebrated in Spain), the Siege of Maastricht where 400 of 30,000 Dutch remained, the Massacre of Antwerp (Antwerp) with 18,000 civilians (men, elderly, women and children) killed and thousands of homes razed, in passing 170 towns were looted (including loyal towns), or the misdeeds of the bloody Duke of Alba (today a bad word in the Netherlands, Belgium, parts of France and Germany) who sentenced more than 1,000 people to death in one day and ordered his men to wipe out entire villages, raping women and killing innocent civilians, of which he was always proud and He showed no regret. The treacherous and provocative celebrations of the Spaniards in the Netherlands after the massacre of 5,000 Huguenots in France increased more and more the hatred of the Dutch towards the Spaniards (later they wonder why the perfidious Protestants hate them)
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>Another curiosity is that the Calvinists linked sodomy, pedophilia and homosexuality for centuries as a Catholic heritage and a "Jesuit conspiracy", they came to give the death penalty to homosexuals. It is not surprising that they have linked this to the Spanish (or Catholics themselves), New Spain after Asunción was the whorehouse of America, at the beginning of the 17th century in New Spain homosexuality was so widespread that there were huge sodomy rings involving to hundreds of participants, transvestites of all ages (from 12 to 70 years old) existed widely underground, these phenomena were very common in Indians and mulattoes, but Creoles and Spaniards also consumed these services, when a mulatto transvestite called "Cotita" betrayed 26 Spanish aristocrats among his frequent customers, the authorities turned a deaf ear. The Jesuits had sex with men (mainly Indians) on a daily basis and were never persecuted for that, they had a free hand for any illegal and immoral act
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>wen u think u colonizing but u da one get coloned
such is gloidy worldy
It's funny how you present Portuguese in /pol/ memes versus what they were actually like.
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>Spanish history is plagued with genocide and attacks against the white race, an authentic empire of Carthaginian heritage, predatory, jealous, haughty, matriarchal, and linked to eternal underdevelopment. Spain did not contribute anything to Europe or to the white race, it did not even leave racially pure descendants or solid institutions, it is useless to proudly remark that they left their language and religion to a group of Indians and mulattoes. They are a threat, Hispanics in the United States are 60,000,000 and it is expected that in the following decades they will be about 150,000,000 (More than the current number of inhabitants in Russia), white Americans know that they will be a minority in the process of South Africanization thanks to the "descendants of the thirds"

>Miscegenation in America falls purely and exclusively on the Spanish, who, accustomed to having been the brothel of Europe and the Church for thousands of years, had no problem mixing freely with Indians and blacks, especially when Isabel I of Castile forced the Spaniards to mix with the Indians, who were "citizens of the Spanish Crown" (lifelong progressivism), then went inept like Alonso de Ojeda to Spain to present their Christianized Indians and their bastard children to the Cortes de Spain (curiously, Ojeda's Indian wife died of starvation on the "prosperous" Hispaniola Island), and as it could not be less, Carlos V prohibited the Spaniards from taking women to the New World (white women, clearly, because to engender mulattoes they had what to put black). The mestizo curse that falls on the United States and the Río de La Plata is part of the heavy Hispanic heritage
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>not dysgenic at all
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>On the other hand, regarding the absurd "Hispanicity", nobody sees a Dutchman asking to annex South Africa or Indonesia, nor a Frenchman asking to invade Quebec, nor an Italian asking for the incorporation of Buenos Aires into his nation because of its huge Italian diaspora, without However, the Spanish traditionalists, imperialists, and nationalists are the only eunuchs who share their ideal with the South American left, wanting to annex half the world under the same flag, ignoring any racial, cultural, historical, geographical, geopolitical, religious, linguistic, and worldview issue. Please understand that as a White American, I see you as the threat that you are
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>wen u a dumb trash hick an it a dumb nigger monke
match made in hell
This is why the blame Portugal, despite it being their port and not really a country.
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>hik future
Shame she seems to have pudding for brains.
lol. Lmao even.
>Behold, one of the native women
>Are you sure this will help us find more gold?
Paki reasoning. Treating whites like slaves is pure shitskin behaviour.
i've had multiple charges from these while showring.. i hope it didn't do damage to me... but i can't be sure
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>when this is such a widespread disgusting affront to humanity that, well, see for yourself you demonic laughingstocks
hics and nigs deserve each other
Thanks to academics, all the retards blame England for this.
This is just a lie. The British didn’t show up and murder people. The natives died from disease and when the British showed up in Afric and India and elsewhere they built schools and hospitals.
Yeah I don't think the left outcome is desirable
most of the populations in the southern american countries are literal trash
is it because they brought too many slaves from africa later?
maybe.. maybe not.. that's a good question, but I doubt that's the only reason (but I bet it's their biggest cope of why they aren't on par with europe)
>Clearly the 2nd option is better from a eugenic standpoint demonstrated by observable reality in the Americas
This. 100%
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>wehn u fucked up this much
hmm, honorable bleachable peoples or the dishonorable nigger void?
>wen u know that hick trash already decided to take its inferior genes out of the gene pool
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>muh supeliolity
>literally this stupid
what's her ethnicity?
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behold, the hicnig in its truest form
yeah idk if i wanna take a jewish exposed and fake anthropologist seriously

>exposed for what
he was exposed for running viagra website
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>gloidsphere future
such fien stock!
much hope
such bright
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>birds of a feather
>blonde looks less masculine
How can colour have more or less of a gender? Absolutely tired of this retardation.
It's the same why some languages are better on women. Like I don't wanna hear german out of woman's mouth, nor french out of a man's mouth. Also russian from woman's mouth is quite sexy
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>they stick together
behold, kikehick, soon to be kikehicknigg
>Boys mog women
Sounds like you already have a solution to your conondrum.
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>>Muh dick vs genociding brown people
but did it work tho?
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only the machinations of a degenerate gloidy mind can produce something this evil
she doesn't look too bad.. is she ethnic british or something? doesn't look askhenazi or whatever
>thinks spaniards look like mexicans
This is your brain on america
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This is top shelf banter mate.
Spaniards are clearly the superior race therefor your calling the poor anglos inferior, that's kind of mean Germanon
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>wen u go on about da joos but u really jus indicting jooself

>shapeshifting reptiles
looks are oft deceiving
That's a vague feeling with no basis in metaphysics, there's zero value in deriving judgement from it. In fact, it's exactly the kind of dangerous thought that can be easily subverted through curated exposure.
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Sambo is my favorite
Why was there a camera crew following him? This just strikes me as incredibly weird porn.
>cuts out the most kino part featuring the Moortuguese colonizing Brazil
You had one job.
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>wen u do it to urself
the sheer insanity of preferring niggers to whites is utterly despicable

>polish girls vs nigger dicks
>guess which one nigel prefers
>having any authority on who's White and who isn't
Try harder Paco.
>shapeshifting reptiles
I don't know if I quite believe this
Apparently it happened the other way around too according to this Belgian dude, they ate his friend
No shit. Every race has cute girls, even pitch blacks in Africa have beautiful women if you search long enough
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It's OK Charlie, at least you're not speaking German
Race mixing is pure evil and proof we're ngmi.
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Anglo Germanics won't mate wth Native Americans, they did much worse, genocide the Native Americans and then replace them with Black African slaves.

Anglo-Germanics: Eeew! Native Americans! I prefer BBC.
>It would have been somewhat based had they not also imported niggers.
they had to import them because the natives kept dying of european diseases.
Based Anglos. These memes are made by mestizo spics in Mexican slum barrios to dissipate some of the anxiety around their identity crisis. Fucking natives is not superior to annexing their land and settling it with whites. Also the Spanish colonial economic system was fuckin retarded
>thinking spaniards look "white"
this is your brain on bongwater
The most observant post in this thread, I see a lot of discussion as if the conquistadored were actually playing EU4 instead of simply dealing with the circumstances.
this one has got the jews really mad
keep posting it
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>da ubermens cometh...
Except you stupid Anglos didn't settle whites, you imported niggers en masse' look at the British Carribean and the USA you have the largest nigger populations in the Americas whereas the Latinos didn't have nigger slaves since they listened to the Pope who Queen Isabella who banned slavery.
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White men have been sexually dominating and conquering Latinas since hundreds of years
idk, as someone with identity crisis from being mixed (had to pretend to be pure blood in right wing discords).. im not sure it's that good a meme
>46 posts by this ID
Uh oh brown melty
Did it happen in Belgium? Who didn't stay put in their country?
better half white though
also you are a meme flag
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>thinking or acting rationally
isn't that same as spain
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>the tiny little fellows would attack and torture him
I'm not convinced.
The white bvll has never had a problem with this before, based on historical precedent.
yeah i have too much shame to show my country flag
Nah that's an ex-colonizer kek. It happened in Congo. Try to translate it with an LLM, it's hilarious, the whole classroom is seething because he's basically saying Africans were savages and the end of colonization came too soon.
>>Englishmen did not

that's right lol englishmen just loved to mix with negros instead that's why american blacks are roughly 25% european
She already has European DNA.
Jungle tits don't look like that.
Those are our tits.
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>when u let da blacks in
>ooga booga
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>when u can't read the Bible correctly
You wouldn't get it.
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>the utter state of gloidy
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Some of the USA native tribes are interesting.
I briefly dated a chick in college who was the best example I ever knew of someone half white and half native. Like her mother was naturally blonde/blue eyes and later after months of knowing her I found out her dead father was like full-on sitting bull. I saw a picture of him with her mom it was bizarre.
Anyway she somehow turned out to be one of the hottest women I've ever even seen. She could pass for white but once you knew you could see it. Meanwhile her sister was the polar opposite, one of the ugliest women I've ever seen.
The one I dated looked like pic-related, I am not kidding.
pls fill me in
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here's a good example for the gloidies to follow
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>gloid history
>You stupid Anglos didn’t settle whites
>United States
>Falkland Islands
>New Zealand
>Welsh Patagonians
We did settle whites. Why would whites be settled in the Caribbean? I mean, many did. But why would they stay long term as a settler colony as opposed to an economic one? It’s not ideal living space the United States and Canada are, which is why most Caribbean White settlers migrated North to the United States, Canada, or back to Britain when independence or revolts came about.
>Aryan blood is sacred
No such thing, faggot.
You krauts are mix of Gaullo-Romans who settled there during Frankish rulership, Slavs who migrated and assimilated into your awful language and Celts who you intermaried with after you crawled out of scandinavian shithole. Oh yeah, also soo to be Turk and Arabs who outbreed you lmao.
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>gloids on parade
> You krauts are mix of Gaullo-Romans who settled there during Frankish rulership, Slavs who migrated and assimilated into your awful language and Celts who you intermaried with after you crawled out of scandinavian shithole.
But… all of those groups are Aryan, though
Sure thing, mutt
You’re literally fucking Latvian. Balts and Slavs have a very recent common origin. If you think Slavs are Mongoloids or whatever, then so are you.
Nope, mutt.
Also meds aren't either and so arent you, mongrels.
Instead of indigina, is monke.

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