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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ukrainian philosopher Andrii Baumeister
believes that his country has transformed into a Totalitarian State
> "Ukraine cannot defeat Russia on the battlefield. Everything is leading to territorial losses," he is convinced.
> Therefore, "now victory for Ukraine is to save people and think strategically about the possibility of rebuilding the country. The longer the war lasts, the fewer opportunities Ukraine has to restore itself within the 1991 borders."
> Baumeister believes that the longer the war lasts, the fewer chances there are to rebuild Ukraine and bring back the millions of people who have gone abroad.
> "A country with a sharply reduced population, without prospects for serious economic, intellectual, or cultural development if the war drags on, has dwindling chances of establishing itself as a modern state," he stated.
> "If Ukraine emerges from the war in such a state that it can no longer independently move in any direction of historical development, it will be a defeat. Right now it seems that Ukrainian politicians do not understand this," the philosopher added.
> He also believes that during the war, Ukraine has turned into a totalitarian state.
> "I already said at the end of 2022 that if we started this war as freedom against tyranny, democracy against a totalitarian regime, today two totalitarian systems are fighting: a small totalitarian system and a large totalitarian system. Only the small totalitarian system has elements of chaos, Zaporizhian recklessness mixed with Makhnovism—unpredictable, chaotic. The other one is vertical, dull, rigid, bureaucratic, reminiscent of the Soviet Union, but on a different level," Baumeister stated.
This vatnik have nothing to do with us. I bet he voted for the jew.
no shit
Russians and their Kike overlords on full suicide watch
Pure blodded Ukrainian i see.
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50 identical NAFO formula replies incoming. :^)

Truth makes them seethe.
>Long drawn-out wars are bad
Woah... no shit?
Ukraine lost.
>ukraine shouldn't ban collaborator parties
>ukraine shouldn't do wartime censorship
>ukraine shouldn't focus on the war effort and instead hold elections while their territory is occupied
Who is this zigger?
>NAFO tranny losing its mind and hallucinating things no one said
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>This vatnik have nothing to do with us
is there anybody in the ukraine that is not a russian agent somehow
>is there anybody in the ukraine that is not a russian agent somehow
No. Eve AZOG itself was founded by a former FSB agent.
>former FSB agent
Kill yourself shithole dweller
No, I'm sure he's one too >>475705461
Why are you seething? Nothing of what you say appears in OP's quote. The guy is correctly pointing out that Ukraine has devolved into an openly totalitarian state in the name of winning an unwinnable war, and the longer it clings to this delusion, the more entrenched it will be.
Don't you have some mud to stack or whatever you do in Moldova?
Why are you seething? Nothing of what you say appears in OP's quote. The guy is correctly pointing out that Ukraine has devolved into an openly totalitarian state in the name of winning an unwinnable war, and the longer it clings to this delusion, the more entrenched it will be.
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>ukrainian philosopher
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>Z installed via USA coup in 2014, Ukraine begins bombing Donbas to provoke war
>all political dissent banned
>elections disappear
>country is just a money-laundering cess pit being bled to death of its manpower to fight an unwinnable war while US arms dealers, Democrats, and Zelensky pocket billions
Gee, I wonder why he's disillusioned.
Kill yourself right now and stop polluting my internet with your low grade propaganda .
Also suck my cock for defending you from being the smallest province in the Nazi or Soviet empire.
I can't fucking wait until we stop wasting money, time, and lives pissing around in your dumbfuck continental wars every couple of generations, you servile Eurofaggot.
Now die.
>I’ve got glasses on like i should be clever.
>I call myself a philosopher though i do not live in a barrel.
>And yet I state “the Ukraine government do not understand this”.
Ukraine is a set up as I made clear from day 1. Zelensky and Putin are globo jews, mega thieves and twats. Zelensky was elected for being one of putins gang by people like speccy bellend who believed it would guarantee peace. Instead their country has been set up for globo engineering via genocide in line with a long standing jewish plan to create a new babylon there.
It would not be so sad if, coked up, Zelensky had not confessed all of this gloatingly to the Israeli media in 2022.
wow he says the same shit me and thousand other people say but
>polo shirt
yep his credentials check out. call this one socially vetted.
we got a fucking philosopher here everyone.
yeah, every dead moskal
You’re losing
have a bump
what's NAFO?
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Only cunts that get with the program are legit ukies anon, any differing opinion comes from a russkie spy!
Well said
>this rare flag
>such ferocious brutality
I like this place.. damn how I missed /pol/
One of the greatest thinkers of our time, and like the greatest journalist to have ever lived (CRP), he too will be buried in Ukraine. Sad!
Anyone with a brain can see the writing on the wall. Only fanatical anti-Russian ideologues see anything else
is this true? i've been out of the loop. is this source for this?
obey your Bau Master
> Philosopher
keep us informed
It's just a German name. He describes himself as a Christian, which is equally as dumb and gay as being a Jew really, but still.
This guy is an idiot from the moment Russia negotiation is Ukraine being Russia slave. Of course Ukraine will never accept that. It will really be to the last Ukrainian if necessary and Russia apparently didn't understand that yet.
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>t's just a German name. He describes himself as a Christian
Oh if it's just a Christian then ok.. send our troops in those boxes
You're betting on Russia being unable to maintain this stasis for as long as the west is willing to pay for it. It can't go on forever.
>It will really be to the last Ukrainian if necessary
in the box it goes then. Moloch needs his meal
We are going to kill all ethnic Russians in Bessarabia, but unironically
>Ukraine cannot defeat Russia on the battlefield.
Sure they can. They just need another $5T in cash, a dozen aircraft carriers, a nuclear arsenal as large as America's, several million trained infantry, the entirety of NATO's industrial output, and 2 more weeks.
>Since plan A is about as realistic as Zelensky holding elections to prove he isn't a war criminal, I guess it is time for plan B: launch amputees from trebuchets directly at Russian fortifications and expect them to crawl around stabbing people with recycled kitchen knives until Moscow surrenders (also forecast to happen within 2 weeks or by Christmas depending on the target demographic).
yeah that's -40 DKP for Romania. What a shame
I think that will be the end result, yes. Ukraine leadership is betting on that as well, and Russia leadership is betting on EU and USA giving up on aid.
We are ready and willing to go to with Russia. We almost took Moscow last time, now we will finish to job. Death to Russians!
If you can't maintain the electoral system you claim to be defending then you have already lost.
>Zelensky is a war criminal. He could have ended this on much better terms in 2022 but refused because Windsor Wormtongue sent Bj Johnson to bribe him into enlarging the R1A genocide.
dude wtf I thought romania was based, but now you're posting cringe. omg
>2 weeks
Make your own memes leftist cocksucker
Putin and his general will appear in The Hague for war crimes. That is, if the Russians don’t hang them themselves first
You're a moron. The terms were not better, they were basically being a slave of Russia. Imagine USA saying Canada is now US property and you have to follow every single rule. That's how bad that deal was.
All actual Romanians hate russoids. You must have talked with gypsies or hungarians
I really wasn't that bad wtf are you on about
Judging by your >>475711792 I think you aren't even romanian, but some shlomo with a proxy, trying to smear the good name of romania on a pro-gun forum
Thanks Gary. Now please go prep your sister for your father's triumphant homecoming. I heard he doubled his foreskin quota - and came in under budget for travel expenses!
>Zelensky is a war criminal. Zelensky is a (((toad))). Zelensky will die in prison. All of these things are true whether you want to admit it or not.
It was that bad and still is bad. The deal was no army, no NATO, no EU, you're ow part of Russia federation. You seem to forget Ukraine was part of Russia and they were not treated kindly.
Yeah, we have had that since 1867. Its called being realistic about who has the larger army and whether or not dying for softwood tariffs is a good idea.
You're still independent. Ukraine wouldn't be independent anymore. Only on paper.
That is laughable and everyone knows it. The only thing this war is doing, beyond genociding the R1A tree, is ensuring that the Chinese Empire will have a thousand km border with central Europe and our European cousins will take orders from the CCP, rather than Moscow. They (the Russians and Chinese) are willing to die on this hill. We (team neocon war criminals) are willing to fight to the last tweet and not a charactet further.
>You can go join the war effort in person if you'd like. You will be sorely disappointed when you realize that NATO is not willing to sacrifice Paris or London for Bahkmut. I predict a very painful, septic, type of avoidable disappointment.
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Tell me you have no idea about how north American politics works without even trying.
It's the quality that counts not quantity. Shill's can't recrate the effect
You're only really changing to subject by nitpicking garbage you think it's equivalent. You don't know at all how Russia operates. They would make Ukraine a slave state.
>now victory for Ukraine is to save people and think strategically about the possibility of rebuilding the country
Does anyone disagree with this?
Yes. Being part of Russia won't save Ukrainians. They would still be in trouble.
Seems like a realistic Ukrainian that should probably flee as far as he can from both Russian and "Ukrainian" reach.
Be he is not saying that they should be absorbed by Russia.
Ukraine faces the same dilemna all borderland territories face: they are the margin of two worlds and two systems. They can either choose one and rebuff the other (which is more or less what is happening now) while accepting the subsequent travails and sacrifices; or they can act as a bridge between the two, rely on intelligence rather than force, and profit greatly from being able to trade in both directions.
>This is not a question for the (((Crown))), the (((Rothschilds))), or (((Zelensky))) to decide; it is strictly a question to be put directly to the Ukrainian people. Zelensky's refusal to do so is what makes him a war criminal. He was mkultra'ed into office as a peace candidate and now refuses to allow the Ukranian people to choose any peaceful compromise. Even though it is abundantly clear to the entire world that peace is the desired outcome for everyone who understands the situtation.
Rabbi Schneerson already talked about it in the 1990.
I'm guessing they want to establish an Ashkenazi state there, perhaps as a plan B for if Israel should fall.
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This is the future of every Ukrainian man...
>deranged NAFOid tranny fantasizes about murdering women and children
This is what the Americoon world order has always stood for.
The elite are beginning to spin a web of lies so that they can explain away all of the money laundering and treason.
Not having an army and not being able to be in EU is the same as being absorbed into Russia. There's no difference at all and Russia would definitely take advantage of that. You're being very naive. They did that to other occupied territories.
> profit greatly from being able to trade in both directions.

You still don't get it do you? Russia deal is to guarantee that won't happen. Only Russia would benefit. That's why Ukraine doesn't have a choice but war.
>Does anyone disagree with this?
If the leadership of Ukraine (and some argue Russia's too) is in some kind of cahoots with world economic bankers and this is just a big human sacrifice for some demonic deities, then yes, I would say the leadership of Ukraine is in disagreement with this sentiment.
Why? He could be crowned as the philosopher of our era in post-mortem. And if Israel sees an issue with his treatment, maybe NATO will bomb Iran instead?
>This is not a question for the (((Crown))), the (((Rothschilds))), or (((Zelensky))) to decide; it is strictly a question to be put directly to the Ukrainian people. Zelensky's refusal to do so is what makes him a war criminal. He was mkultra'ed into office as a peace candidate and now refuses to allow the Ukranian people to choose any peaceful compromise. Even though it is abundantly clear to the entire world that peace is the desired outcome for everyone who understands the situtation.
yep. this is true red pill stuff.
What good is the existence of Ukraine or Portugal or Greece if all the natives are dead and all the citizens are meat imported straight from Syria and Africa. And all the infrastructure is owned by Goldensteinmanbergs.
Americans weren't joking when they said better dead than red. You would get why if you were a slave.
yep. it acts as distraction. where did the money go, why are we forced to new currency? oh there's a war ok
>not being able to be in EU
imagine wanting to be in EU. Big fucking yikes
>t. neighbour of russia
Many times better than being part of Russia federation. Yeah I don't like some of EU stupid shit but it's nowhere near the shit that Russia is.
>>Z installed via USA coup in 2014,
Why are mutts so fucking retarded?
you're not fooling anyone proxy shlomo
A peace settlement won't make them slaves. All the loans they took and the interests that will flood in to "rebuilt" the infrastructure will.
> A peace settlement won't make them slaves.

Yes it will. Just look at Chechnya if you want a recent example. Ukraine was a slave state as well. You got to either be very naive or not now much to say something like that. No one wants to be part of Russia.

> All the loans they took and the interests that will flood in to "rebuilt" the infrastructure will.

With what money? The west won't help if Russia wins.
Dude, they can have a peace treaty without joining the russian federation.

>The west won't help if Russia wins
Why won't private interests go invest in it?
(((Andrii Baumeister)))
> Dude, they can have a peace treaty without joining the russian federation.

LOL you call subjugation a not being part of Russia federation? Okay.

> Why won't private interests go invest in it?

The west won't be interested if Russia is associated with it. That is happening right now let alone if Russia wins.
Take your meds goyim, Andreas is slavic name
>EU is le good because it is
Name something EU provides that makes your everyday life better. Be specific, even if it's something menial.
has oinkraine even taken any territory back or is it still just losses accumulating over time for them?
You are calling a peace treaty subjugation.
Not being forced by your shit government for everything to be a Russian asset for starters. You can be an actual independent company. Ask Yandex and Telegram guys what they think of Russia.
>during the war
Yes, because judicial coups and paramilitary coups because some Russian-speaking boomer centrist from Donetsk got elected were totally democratic and all about freedom, right?
>(((Andrii Baumeister)))
Now do your dictator and his politburo. :^)
THD will continue until morale improves
Often wars have resulted in population booms afterwards, so I wouldn't call it over until it's over. But he's obviously right about getting people back. It's unlikely you're getting your refugees to move back in great numbers in if they've already spent years building new lives elsewhere.
>Often wars have resulted in population booms afterwards
Through what conceivable mechanism do you expect a "population boom" in Ukraine?
Because it is. It wasn't as pretty as you're painting and the practical results are in effect right now. It's not a good time to be a Chechnya citizen.
First response from Ukraine I smell CIA / Zelensky / agent
Ukrainian president is a kike, lol. Did you forget?
Lots of people think that Ukraine could still retake its territories if western countries just provided them with more weapons. Which is of course true if they also provide them with soldiers, but that's obviously not going to happen.
A, ты жe cвининa eбaнaя, вac в Пopтyгaлии дoeбeни.
Чoмy ни нa фpoнт, хлoпeц?
Do you actually think I can read your encrypted text? Write English if you want to be understood.
>but that's obviously not going to happen.
Well... anything can happen if the world leaders want it to happen
ancient eastern slavic family name.
You're still unable to utter something that isnt
Not even a menial example of EU improving your life.
The peace deal was that Ukraine give up their territory and also their military, so that they can't fight back when they are invaded again. I don't think it has changed since the start.
Apples and oranges. Nowadays even pajeets, chinks and subsaharan niggers are getting massive birth rate drops.
not in my dictionary :( should I get a better one?
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EU improved Portugal drastically.
I already told you one, you only really ignored, and failed to argue with your sperg in Russian, and now you're just divagating. Typical drunk Russian behavior. Once anyone points how shitty Russia is you avoid the subject, because you know it is.
Who did you vote for faggot?
Those are people on vacations moron. They don't live in a commercial zone of Lisbon.
It's just a Jew murdering all the white men in this country. If you can't see it you're mentally retarded
Chechenya is part of the russian federation. Peace with Russia doesn't make you a part of the russian federation unless Putin makes it a term and Zelenskyy agrees to it.

Yeah I agree with you.
Ah yes the word of the totalitarian brainwashed fuckwit who treats every criticism like it’s Russia behind it. You guys have been buck broken by russia. Your shrill shrieking for F-16s as you guys take big fat thick bear cock is the only thing wrong Russia has done. Shoulda snapped your collective throats first before your shrill beggings began.
>Those are people on vacations moron
My sides.
You are the chronically online portumoor that spends the entirety of your days sperging out against against Russians and other Slavs on /pol/. You should be just range banned from this website, swarthoid.
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netanyahu has given his orders. Now everyone talking about stopping the war in Ukraine. These people haven't become sane all of a sudden, it's the agenda that has changed. Netanyahu wants a war with Iran and he needs to mobilize the entire US military with NATO support so that he can pile on Iran and Lebanon. He believes Ukraine is draining too muc jresources. Netanyahu was upset about the ukraine war from the begining because it delayed the genocide of the palestinians. But now he has given his marching orders and all the ukro jews have accepted that Ukraine is fucked.
With jews, you always lose, but the goys never learn.
Whoa that's very sharp take
It basically means "lad", but in stereotypical Ukrainian.
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They'll put a coca cola and a hamburger on his grave. That's how ukraine rewards it's most notable citizens
i think the pobre of portugal might be some glowie or leftist
He just keeps crying all the time about MUH SLAVS BAD because he's a brown midget
what a fucking beast grow some hair u ugly fuck
Aight. As of now you’re losing
wtf this looks crazy
That's not the same guy.
Before repeating the same nonsense over and over again, go confirm that Chechnya is controlled by Russia, and how they're poor as fuck, and are basically bitches of Russia political system with not much freedom. They're full of radical groups as well because they don't like Russia, and they heavily rely on subsidies of Russia. Russia did a poor job even if somehow they had good intentions.
In other news water is wet
Russians should have killed every last north Caucasian. They should thank their God they have so merciful enemies.
I think Russia quite clearly understands and has made every effort to not do in Ukraine as they have in Afghanistan. Any person who doesnt have a bloodline not defiled by moorish nonsense can see that.
What about your sides? That doesn't mean shit. They are people that come here on vacations specially on summer when there's websummit. Sorry to destroy your propaganda. You could do much better about the pros and cons of EU. On one hand Portugal market boosted a lot but on the other hand we have to deal with the bureaucratic agreements of EU, which frankly aren't that bad. Portugal is much more to blame about its problems than EU. No I don't like EU wokeness but we don't have that here.
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Wonderful PR win for the gyppos
Is that why they're now 3 years in this war?
>No I don't like EU wokeness but we don't have that here.
Everyone knows that Iberians are one of the most leftist people in Europe, which is sad, as you tried your best to stop it.
Perhaps Portuguese less so than Spaniards.
He is correct but ukrainians really need to get their own voices out there not always these jews, they cant win the war so ofcourse they should negotiate to save what can be saved
> Blah blah blah blah I have no brain
Ok idiot. They can't even beat Ukraine.
>voted for the jew
literally which one. we're talking about Ukraine after all
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>no brain
You don't need a brain to kill muslims.
>He is correct but ukrainians really need to get their own voices out there not always these jews
>not always these jews
omg this is so funny! it's like everyone sees his surname and it's a big alarm for everyone
Kek, saved
There's no such thing as Iberian politics or culture. Portugal and Spain are culturally very different. The leftist part you're talking about is economic, not social, and yes there's a lot of left leaning here in that regard, but culturally Portugal is still very tradicional. Only commie loonies are socially left. The large majority of people here are "conservative" if you will.
Zelensky wasnt elected until 2019 on a pro-peace platform, brownoid.
Unfortunately it is. Some tall blond Slav must have stolen his girl away.
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Yeah /pol/ gave me the ultra instinct, I dont need early life anymore
For some unknown reason most Portuguese posters have a gigantic hate boner for Slavs here.
Absolutely zero idea why. Perhaps due to USSR meddling in their society but that has nothing to do with most of us.
Your whole argument is
>I need unelected transnational clique of beraucrats to save me from something 4000 km away that cannot affect my life, at all.
You couldve said something, even "better food standards" is a valid argument, for some reason Russia lives rent free in your head.
Tы жe cвининa eбaнaя, чтo c тeбя взять.
Complete bullshit. That only you making up excuses. Criticizing Putin war is not the same as hating slavs, unless you're a vatnik that is.
every single day, the number of russians is decreasing permanently.
I can't keep track of who is who but at least 2-3 of you are writing paragraphs about how Slavs are Afro-Asiatic mongoloids ready to barge into Europe and kill every last European.
>for some reason Russia lives rent free
Because the Russian Federation attacked a European country.
So saying Russia is shit us living free rent in someone's head. Get out of here faggot, what a stupid shit excuse.

Ok thanks for pointing another thing EU is better at, but there's lots more. You just didn't even want to consider one point, so why bother with more? You're just going to make more excuses.
>Invading other countries is bad because... uhh...
>Ukrainian philosopher Andrii Baumeister
>believes that his country has transformed into a Totalitarian State

He is fighting for his country at the front currently, correct?
I was referring to an actual paper book I still use. it's russian->hungarian.
What in the fuck are you even on about? Not all slavs are the same, only Russia government is a problem right now. You are insane.
>believes that his country has transformed into a Totalitarian State
is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Lmao the EU does that shit through censorious means you retarded moor
the jew is the reason you are in this whole war to begin wtih retard. hes the one who started attacking the east ukrainians
>. It will really be to the last Ukrainian if necessary

The EU is not a government. Each member has it's own laws. There's not much censorship here.
You provided a shit example of something the EU already does via “COMPLY OR BANNED” you faggomoor
Oh for fuck's sake.

>go confirm that Chechnya is controlled by Russia
Yes they are. Because Chechenya AGREED TO BECOME PART OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AS A TERM OF PEACE. The more advantageous Ukraine's position is, the more possible it is for the country to negotiate peace WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO BECOME PART OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AS A PEACE TERM. And I mean the remaining free territories of Ukraine, because Putin won't be giving up what he has conquered unless he is strongarmed into. Which he won't unless the EU and US go into open war with him.
The more ethnic ukrainians are left alive, the sooner they will replenish their numbers and have a chance at one day retaking their lost lands.
Lmao the coping whilst seething. You truly are retarded
Read >>475717333
You don't know shit about EU basically, or Russia for that matter. Yes there are EU regulations but they don't own companies.
> Lmao the coping whilst seething. You truly are retarded
Surely. Since you're American and thus stupid and don't understand sarcasm, look at your reply and pretend it's a mirror.
It’s a federating force that treats you all like states much like our own govt you room temp iq moor
Brah, im retarded af, and seeing as it takes one to know one, welcome to the club moormutt <3
Yeah but they don't want to follow your guaranteed failure of a strategy
This will be as true as Crimea by 2023.
I hope you get what you want, and I hope your children bear the fruits of your actions.
Canada is our slave moortugal fool, Canadian Liberalism is a direct offshoot of American Ideology.
>the knee APC minesweeper medic guy
>wrong step on his shirt
4D pottery.
I know you're retarded and no EU does not work like USA at all. You're making a false assumption it's the same. EU has agreements. Each country has it's own laws, and they're not always compatible with EU agreements. That means EU is not a government, and so the laws are not very strict. USA is totally different.
>B 2022 г. эмигpиpoвaл в Гepмaнию, oткyдa пpoдoлжaл вecти Youtube-кaнaл
kek, wondered how he was still alive and not vanned
Are you a woman or something?
Defending good
Invading bad
right now Russia is invading, which makes them bad.
right now EU is helping Ukraine, which makes them good.

Basically no one exitentially good or bad. But our actions can be good or bad.
wtf a talking monkey
wtf a woman on /pol/
Correct, you shouldn’t act authoritarian if you expect me to believe you’ve got the moral high ground. Go back to /k/.
>ad hominem
Not an argument. Go back to /k/ or start addressing his points.
Stop looking at our talking monkey, woman. Get your own talking monkeys.
>The longer the war lasts, the fewer opportunities Ukraine has to restore itself within the 1991 borders.
The opportunities go from "zero" to "Ukraine doesn't exist", eh?
Philosophers don't lie. This is just an ordinary pork.
nothing jewish about the name Baumeister
>is accused of being authoritarian
>attempts to prove otherwise by spouting genocidal rhetoric
Why are so many Ukrainian supporters like this? “My authoritarian regime is stronger than your one”
Err well not exactly ((())), but he has a German name.
the thing that makes this muddy is that while you can say it's "european country" (Ukraine) , it's so much like Russia that it's very hard to tell them apart. For long time even during their independence, the official state/main language was Russia, and Ukraine only recent years started to becoem more popular... in their own country. It should mean that they don't have their own culture/identity, they were always Russian.
I mean.. that has to be better outcome that the Coach Red Pill treatment
everything jewish about name (((ba*meister)))
Yes, certainly, and Russia will do nothing instead of simply obliterating your virtually undefended country.
You're maybe 1/4 of an Ukraine, military wise.
The US/western governments.
The want to the last Ukrainian: spend as many Ukrainian lives as possible in order to destroy Russian resources. This will continue until we run out of Ukrainians or our governments find it politically unfavourable to continue spending money on this. Of course theoretically Russia could run out of people or treasure first, but they’ve got a bigger population so I think that’s less likely than the former.
>praising rare country anon for ferocious basedness in online pro-gun forum
>this is somehow viewed as an ad hominem
someone's skipping school
I hope Russia annexes your entire prostitute filled shithole
It's where (((they))) get ton of blue eyed rape babies for rituals
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
Don't you realize we have to support the ukrainians because they are defending the west? They are fighting for our way of life. It doesn't matter that they have a jewish leader, the US has jewish leaders too
>Many times better than being part of Russia federation

A childhood friend of mine moved back to Russia from Canada a few years ago before the war started and married local woman there. Says he likes it better than Canada and plans to stay there permanently. I still talk to him regularly online.
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That was before THE Jew.

Unless you meant "Jew" as an eldritch force behind every globo homo puppet.

Oh and he brought her over to Canada to visit recently - she complained about the pride flags and Indians everywhere, expensive food and housing and said she couldn't wait to get back to Russia lmao. I'm not even joking.
>pls don't ban half of the population from speaking their mother tounge in public. It's against our constitution and in violation of a number of international conventions
Based. What a happy ending
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>50 identical NAFO formula replies incoming. :^)
>Truth makes them seethe.
But what about this drone video
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You'd think those are all obvious points. That can only be ignored if Ukraine was run by CIA installed puppet gov after a coup. But apparently i's purest form of democracy
Yeah US and UK never attack any countries to annex them they just sack burn and rape them into submission pillage and then leave only to come back if they missed to steal anything of value
the worst what israel and america did was destroy all those mesopotamian statues from ancient babylon , because allegedly they don't sit quite well with the narratives told by chosen people .. let's just say they raise too many questions that need not be answered

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