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Who was the better pick for vice president, Vance or Pence?
tim scott
At least he's genuinely morally conservative

Pence is a patriot
The couchfucker supports the traitor
Simple as
It really doesn't matter. VPs are way overblown.

Kamala Harris is steamrolling this election because she's being presented as Obama 2, not because Vance is a goddamn retard.
100% PENCE
>helped Trump with Evangelicals, which he needed at the time
>didn't have any baggage
Vance helps with no one and has baggage.
Pence. He was actually decent if you could look past the whole traitor thing.
Vance hasn't proved his worth with the platforms given to him so far. I don't know how he will do in a VP debate against a slick, well spoken white man instead of Kamala and his speech at the RNC went down like a wet fart.

That said, the spam threads about Vance are obviously a shill campaign.
>VPs are way overblown.
ONly if they don't have tons of skeletons in the closet. The media will keep Vance on the defensive until election day.
Vance looks like a bearded lady blow up doll.
One guy didn’t fuck a couch. What are you conserving when you fuck a couch?
Pence helped Trump with a demographic he was weak with which was evangelic reaganites.
Vance doesn't help Trump with anyone other than Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. He's a weird goober and he isn't even a social conservative. He's a massive drag on the campaign, what a shit choice.
Both are untrustworthy swamp creatures. America is fucked.
vance converting to tardcatholicism might anger trump's redneck base, but the same redneck base tried to lynch pence despite being an evangelical

but vance gives off closet-adjacent vibes
If his mountain dew comments are anything to go by it'll probably be a shit debate.
Gay or gayer
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He's got my vote

should've chose Vivek or DeSantis
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Vance because I need a Vice President who's fat as fuck, wears eyeliner, fucks couch cushions, writes on his blog how he felt female, cries before his RNC speech and has a mamaw who tells him it's ok to suck cocks.
Wasn't this dude in the marines or some shit how was he so fat

Both look like bond villains. Trump is a fucking retard for picking them as vp
He didn't do combat, he walked around giving tours and taking photos.
Mike "Shock the gay" Pence
no pajeets allowed

Mommy Tulsi.
Well you say that now but kamala's VP pick can make a huge difference
Both are closet faggs, so both uwu
At least Mike Pence has a white family
>It really doesn't matter. VPs are way overblown.
Have you been paying attention to Vance's anachronistic anti-women comments? Shitty personality desu that Mountain Dew joke was horrible. Also, the book he wrote is horrible publicity. He's making it harder for Trump to get the independent vote and woman vote.
disgusting augustus gloop looking fatty
Vance's eyes are so fucked.
>shill campaign so intense /pol/ is defending Pence
absolute state
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the one he wasn't coerced into picking under threat of "not missing again"
We're not defending the actions of Pence in 2020 retard, we're defending the choice of Pence in 2016. He was a good choice then. Vance is a bad choice now.
White family vs poopjeet racemixer.

America will be POOD by either Ramswamy or Vance's wife either way.
Who would be the better choice in your opinion?
they weren't anti-women per se, they were childless women being presented as some sort of role model that all women should follow. in other words anti family whilst he is pro family.
He represents the future of the MAGA movement going forward. He's meant to connect with the youth MAGA crowd. His pick is about securing a legacy. I think, being 38, he has potiential to tap in with younger voters. We'll have to wait and see.

Thats what Ive heard and take away.
>Who would be the better choice in your opinion?
Burgum (who was Trumps literal choice until his retard sons talked him into Vance at the last minute)
Or Rubio. Both would have been safe picks. Burgum would help with the more old school Haley voters, while Rubio would have helped with Hispanics. And neither have this insane baggage that Vance has.
>He represents the future of the MAGA movement going forward.
You have to win first, retard. If Trump loses 2024 MAGA dies.
>He's meant to connect with the youth MAGA crowd.
You're retarded. Unless Vance is doing tiktok dances he won't connection with youth MAGA. They are already voting Trump.
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have you ever seen them together? they're actually the same person, but using different makeup and clothing.
>Burgum would consider sending U.S. troops to Israel, he said at a campaign event in October
>In 2023, Burgum signed a near total abortion ban in North Dakota. This would destroy any chances with moderates and women.
>Burgum was against the protest during Jan 6, stating "We support the right to peacefully protest. The violence happening at our nation's Capitol is reprehensible and does not represent American values, and needs to stop immediately,"
>Burgum has stated that he "would not do business with Trump, just look at business track records"
>>Burgum would consider sending U.S. troops to Israel, he said at a campaign event in October
Zog media wouldn't care about this.
>In 2023, Burgum signed a near total abortion ban in North Dakota.
Vance is just as bad on abortion. Trump already lost the abortion issue And he would be able to keep saying "states rights".
>>Burgum has stated that he "would not do business with Trump, just look at business track records"
This is NOTHING compared to Vance calling Trump "America's Hitler". Vance attacking childless people is fucking insane.
Pence was a strategic pick that earned Trump votes. Vance is a woman scaring neckbeard manchild looking dude that doesn't get any votes and is even disliked in his own state and only got picked because Thiel and Musk paid for it so they could try and deliver their intellectual dark web tech agenda (which fyi is pro legal immigration even if vance pretends to be a trumper)
/pol/ would be in a forever meltdown if Burgum's Israel quote got wind.
Vance can and does still support states rights. It's harder to dodge if you sign a statewide ban, Trump himself acknowledged this.
Not saying it's the same, but the media spinning will be the same.
>Vance attacking childless people is fucking insane.
Vance attacking childless people are two different quotes taken out of context and you still believe it. You don't think they would do the same with Burgum?
Well clearly Vance was wrong about Trump being "America's Hitler" because when Trump was President he was the least Hitler like of all previous Presidents & of course now Biden
Childless women that vote disproportionately democrat
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>/pol/ would be in a forever meltdown if Burgum's Israel quote got wind.
Yeah, because Trump, who sucks endless Israel cock's, VP who does the same would send /pol/ over the edge....
>Vance attacking childless people are two different quotes taken out of context and you still believe it.
Please explain the context.
And please explain this context. How Vance wants to RAISE TAXES on childless people.
Should have been based Tulsi or RFK jr.
>Vance's statement to Tucker was about POLITCIANS on the LEFT seek power whilst having no children who will be affected by the POLICIES THEY IMPLEMENT
>Vance's speech regarding people with children should have more votes was a hypothetical in response to Democrats asking to lower the voting age.
And according to this new headline
>Vance was basically talking about the Child Tax Credit, which got expanded after this hypothetical
Did you read the article or did you just grab the headline?
""Let's give votes to all children in this country, but let's give control over those votes to the parents of those children. When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power - you should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic - than people who don't have kids. Let's face the consequences and the reality: If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn't get nearly the same voice,"
>>Vance was basically talking about the Child Tax Credit, which got expanded after this hypothetical
Not the same thing. A tax credit is different than tax rate.
There is a an argument in the UK at the moment about the tax credit for 2 children to be expanded to 3 children & 7 Labour Party MP's voted for a motion to introduced a bill to raise it to 3 children & they were kicked out of the Labour Party for 6 months by Starmer
>wears eyeliner

'Does J D Vance Wear Eye Makeup? Pro MUA (Make Up Artist) Tells Us His Viral Look Could Be Thanks To Cosmetics'
It's easily explained; children are the future and only conservatives are having them meanwhile the left tells people to chemically and surgically castrate themselves, are you fucking stupid? A toddler could understand this.
Vance. Pence was boring. A poo-breeding, eyeliner-wearing, hillbilly fag who changes his name and positions on issues more often than he changes his underwear is fucking hilarious.
Both nonCEs.
>children are the future and only conservatives are having them
Tell that to Shaniqua and her 9 kids.
What did he say just before that? The sentence, before that quote.
>Trump is going to import a million Indians into the country so every Conservative can start pumping out babies
They're both mediocre.
There is no shaniqua and her 9 kids anymore you geriatric retard. Gen Z is primarily white, heavily mixed, hispanic and then black. Only the latter most is the most susceptible to democratic voting patterns because, big fuckin surprise, the next generation saw what liberals did to their children and they're fucking appalled so only the most ratchet and often feral nigger is willing to fall for the same shtick again without thinking about the repercussions. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
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Both of them are wearing masks
Vance, it's not even close.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Dumbass vets still eat as many calories like they are on active duty
there's no point catering the fragile feminist sensibility. A lot of woman really don't care about this crap. They feel the same way. No one has spoken more ill of woman than--woman
One does not attack childless men, saying they should have less rights than beaners with 12 kids, and simply get away with it.
What the fuck is wrong with you. Everything in this post is a lie. Fuck you jew.
Kill yourself. We will not surrender our rights to roasties
Both are terrible, Christcucks are useless.
What's with the buttplug guy he looks like a faggot
Pence did nothing wrong. There was nothing that could be done to effect the outcome of 2020 and those that tried ended up in jail with Trump abandoning them.
He ate a lot of crayons
why wouldn't the makeup candidate pick a makeup VP
Trump will lose because of Vance if he doesn’t fire this radioactive retard.
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He's already lost because of him. The damage is done
Vance is more effective and conservative which is why I'm assuming the leftards are more aggressively going after him

then again they gave Pence the same treatment with HE'S GOING TO SEND ALL THE GAYS TO SHOCK CAMP
At least Pence had his electric thing going on, he was even crazier than Trump
>future of the MIGA

How's the weather in Tel aviv?

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