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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Alt-right leader Richard Spencer says that the Democrats are going to win the election. They simply have more energy and more appeal. The vibe has shifted:


Is he right?
>trans 4 life
It's a story of narratives, the point is they want to rig it, and they are creating a legitimist story to justify that win
everyone has forgotten this faggot exists, you nigger
Justifty means to make right.

The left can never be right. Destined to fail.
OP is a sad man who duct tapes his dick between his legs.
Hes a bush operative.
If the tweet is legit he's just revealed that he's another DNC CIA/FBI asset just as Fuentes and he's not just wrong but also unconvincing
He's still one of the most prominent leaders of the far right.
Yep, Kamala has a good energy about her, Trump just seems like a bumbling idiot in comparison.
what meme ability is anyone talking about besides some rapper nobody has heard of saying Kamala is LE BRAT
and nobody knows what the fuck brat even is. It's fans of that rapper and that ugly ass shade of green I don't even see much.
What fucking memes? It's all been gay forced bullshit
>He thinks it will be decided by voting
>haha hey chuds look this guy is your leader
he literally leads nothing
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all that energy is going away the second they win, then it will be deny, ignore, pretend X, Y, Z out of control problem doesn't exist or didn't happen, make things worse for the country, more faggot shit, more immigrant support, middle class getting fucked over, again, and 4 years later everyone will pretend it was smooth sailing just like the last 4 years.
You can pretend all you want, she can have the best memes, the best energy, the most appeal, the best whatever superficial shit that doesn't do anything worth a damn to improve your life, but that shit won't make the country better, it's all hot air, a momentary high, like everything nowadays, nothing sticks, everything flies and fizzles out quickly with little lasting impact. Trump most likely will also be hot air, but it will be less of it compared to 4 more years of joe, which was already 4 more years of obama. You're going to deal 12 years of obama in your life, and lets hope mike doesn't run, or you'll get 16 years of obamasphere of your american life.
so make sure to hit likes on her tiktok and donate.
>but zion don!
You're getting kikes shoved down your throat no matter who you pick, now you'll get 4 more years of both kikes and palestinians down your throat
Richard Spencer is awesome. He's actually very educated and intelligent. I'm part of the brat effort to meme Kamala in the white house and we'll succeed.. unburdened by what has been
He's an influential thought-leader. Like him or not, he has a large audience, one of the most prominent Substack pages, etc.

There does seem to be a general shift in 'energy' toward the Democrats after Biden decided not to run again. Part of that is media hype, but media hype is always part of the equation, kind of like how 'government spending' is part of the GDP. You can call it cheating, but it still affects the final vote.

In fact, this whole episode is exposing the ongoing failure of the American right to build up an alternative media apparatus that can actually challenge the 'mainstream.' Fox News is gay neocon shit for Boomers, Daily Wire is Jewish nonsense, etc. Where is the right-wing equivalent of the ABC/CBS/NBC triad?
the only thing he leads is the karaoke song choices, when he's not stepping on others from his group to get ahead.
the energy is totally astroturfed and doesn't exists outside of media.
>He's an influential thought-leader. Like him or not, he has a large audience, one of the most prominent Substack pages, etc.
Kill yourself nigger and save us the trouble.
They will steal the votes with immigrants. It's pretty simple. Speaker says there are 16 miilion illegals in the us lmao, how the fuck is this even possible?
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
>still posting this faggot in 2024
>still calling him right-wing in 2024
its time to start ramping up the gore pics and tranny stats
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No one cares what this faggot thinks.
>There does seem to be a general shift in 'energy' toward the Democrats after Biden decided not to run again
Nonsense. Spencer is a Biden administration CIA/FBI/DNC shill, Fuentes is a Biden administration CIA/FBI/DNC shill and you might be one too, your concern trolling sounds off and ultimately seems to be an attempt to discourage Trump supporters from voting. You're not fooling anyone
Trump's existing supporters are 'locked in;' they are going to vote for him no matter what. Spencer is pointing out that more marginal voters who don't care as much are being pulled toward the Democrats right now. There's no reason to get mad at him for pointing this out. If you are a Trump partisan and want Trump to win, it's important to know about these trends.
If they stole the election while trump was president, wtf do you think they'll do now that democrats rule the country. This election has already been decided, no wonder they are so confident of kamala when they clearly understand no one likes her.
I agree Democrats will win.

Fundamentally it's because people are inclined to novelty and will choose a new person over a ragged old man that was already president before.
>Trump's existing supporters are 'locked in;' they are going to vote for him no matter what
thats because they are actually right wing. unlike spencer who is a fucking idiot. if there was a better more right wing person on the stage people would vote for that but there isnt. the left is the enemy of the american people period.
He was right in 2020. /pol/ is just mad that he sees through their beloved cheeto benito.
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>right wing
Kek. Good maymay my fellow redpilled Trumpian.
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Heil Kamala
Heil our people
Heil victory
>He's still one of the most prominent leaders of the far right in my head.
Don't worry anon, delusions happen to the best of us sooner or later. Spencer is about two shades shy from being a literal who.
>likability and meme-ability
What website is this guy be looking at to jump to that conclusion. Reddit? What a fucken cuck and a sad excuse for a man.
Kamala makes the Jews mad. Us, white nationalists, must rally behind her.
Spencer is an inverse weathervane. If anything, his prognostication means that Trump the ZOG puppet will win. (The outcome of the "elections" is irrelevant anyway.)
Richard Spencer always cracks me up. I don't care for jewjewcum or anything but seeing this little WASP glownigger pretend to be a wignat and then just spew MSNBC talking points never fails go amuse.
Spencer is the only right wing American who actually understands America as a political project and culture, and American politics. Probably because he sees himself as a European first, American second, so he can view the US from the inside without falling for many American cultural and ideological spooks.
If the outcome of elections was irrelevant, billionaires wouldn't spend their money on backing different candidates.
You're a clown, MIGAtard.
If MSNBC says it's raining and it is actually raining, will you deny it because MSNBC said it?
>glownigger spencer parroting the democrat propaganda line
/pol/ doesn't give a shit about Trump. He's got one general and straggler posts every so often. A lot of anons hate his Zionist shit.
But they hate shills and forced memes just as much.
Literally who?
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Oh they'll "win" alright but not because of anything so retardedly fake and gay as democracy or elections. The only thing Dick Spencer ever got right was loosening up his teeth on some antifaggot's fist.
You don't get it: the kabuki theatre is necessary in order to conceal real power an make it effective. All those "spent" billions are just an investment.

Not that you'd ever get it. You're too invested into masturbatory ideals of power, coomer vooter.
That's why he knows Americans are retarded
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Richard Spencer is the biggest dork faggot on the internet. Him saying that is a good sign.
I don't watch WWE bro
I check the weather by looking outside.

>trans 4 life

All two more years of it
Richard Spencer is wrong. The Democrats will not win the election. For the first time in history, the next president will suffer a country that does not care for their rules or laws, or anything they try to change or pass.

Violence against them will be common. Neither the left or right is securing presidency, Anon. Anarchy has become president.
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No you don't get it because you're a semi-schizo retard that doesn't understand how the world works or how people behave.
got baited award
What is this, 2017?
>that graph
It blows my mind that NOBODY FINDS IT STRANGE HOW THE LINE JUMPED STRAIGHT UP INSTEAD OF A GRADUAL WAVE. Jesus, we deserve all of this for being such complicit retards.
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>Alt-right leader Richard Spencer
He voted/endorsed Joe Biden you stupid faggot.
Whatever floats your boat, you low IQ vooter. I understand how the world works far better than you ever will. Keep coping and vooting I guess. Surely that will change something. In two more weeks. Or two more electoral cycles.

Policy is made by think tanks and lobbyists, not politicians. They're figureheads to keep you coomers cooming thinking your cooming matters.
What a fucking pussy, that's not a conservative at all.

It's a delusionaltive
Good britbot.
>” Where is the right-wing equivalent of the ABC/CBS/NBC triad?”
There is none & will never be one. As long as the right wing media apparatus is dominated by “journos” like Laura Loomer & other nutsos, no one’s going to tune into that besides other schizos. You need to attract SOME normies to watch & the constant stream of conspiracy bullshit by a lot on the right is normie poison.
>Trump's existing supporters are 'locked in
there definitely are some who are, but I dunno how many. I was recently turned off from Trump when he started calls for war against Iran at the RNC. His jew sucking has always been disgusting, but this is just too far.
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>t. Zelenskike
Its obvious to anyone with an IQ over 100 that GOP doesn't have enough fans in this 3rd world country to win and there's going to be a bitter event at the end of the year.

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