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> France’s state railways company SNCF called the overnight disruption a “massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed line network.”

>In a post on X, SNCF said “a large number of trains were diverted or canceled,” and asked “all travelers who can to postpone their trip and not go to the station.”
Is it gonna be a shitshow tonight?
They mean their political leaders saw a white person in a sea of niggers and had to remove
It seems everyday seems like a sabotage with SNCF.
It's isr-i mean Iran
call me crazy but I think Azerbaijan is behind this
>someone doing something
must be antifa
It was always meant to be shit shoeweven without external parties "intervention".

This games are a joke, society don't care about sport "values". This was a mistake.

If they want to continue this stupid tradition of pseudo friendly international who has the biggest competition do it on the same location every time, don't waste money on useless facilities. Go to Greece and stay there, it would be fun with temperature raising every year.
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Imagine failing to secure major infrastructure during an international event bringing several dozens foreign people to your country
African countries be like that
I'm glad crackheads in America have limited their thefts to copper. God help us if they ever figure out how to steal railway track.
With all the cops in the country being in paris I bet it would be very easy to hit the power grid in various other cities
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2500 volts run on those lines and it's enough to make human popcorn
>800,000 travellers affected, says SNCF presidentpublished at 09:04

>The president of the SNCF group has just spoken with the French news outlet BFMTV.

>He says that 800,000 customers have been affected.

>He adds that the network was prepared for the Olympic Games but that they are now looking at mobilising hundreds of personnel to fix the network as quickly as possible.

oh lawd this is going to be a shitshow
Not in America.
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Africans have already figured it out so it's only a matter of time
France doesn't seem any better than the third world lately.
I feel unironically sad for the true, actual French. It's just a shitshow with embarrassing news day after day and now this.Probably massive corruption going on too
rolling for tourists stepping in jeet shit and getting robbed by niggers
Found your problem right here
rather live there than in the US anyday.
Lmao it just started and it's already a shitshow it will be funny
don't care didn't ask all French deserve to be humiliated and die
Russians. Screencap it.
wait until you see the opening ceremony before being sad for us, this is just the prologue to shame, literally a humiliation ritual
France is like Japan, but only more niggeru samurais.
I don't know if you're being ironic.. but I guess that's one way to get NATO to have open war with Russia
Checked and based
>NATO to have open war with Russia
look at Ukraine retard
dude.. this is nothing... american freemason predicted that there will be big happenings during olympics... his youtube reputation will take a hit if nothing happens so I have big stocks that now something will happen
>co-ordinated sabotage
Finally they are calling out DEI.
What are you checking exaclty?
Albania did this.
I might've said that once myself, but not anymore. It reminds me of the worst of America though.
stop enabling eceleb worshipping retards

buy an ad
They're still throwing pebbles at each other, but if jews want real war, it's possible they'll use false flags in europe to get one... but question is, is it gonna be in middle east, or russia?
>youtuber worship
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>do it on the same location every time
that's a good idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but the vying over the games is just as corrupt as FIFA's dealings. I'm curious if the games really generate as much revenue as they cost.
Per news reports a Russian chef was arrested last week purportedly preparing for large scale disruption attacks against the Olympics. Two other cut outs of former Soviet Muslim origin were arrested in another incident involving vandalisation and defacing buildings in paris. They told police they were paid to do it by a Russian guy. In Germany a Russian agent was caught committing arson and another plot to kill the CEO of a German arms company was foiled. Starts adding up. I don’t think Putin would deny it if someone had the opportunity to ask him.
good, fuck France, they voted for this.
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Some crucial details missing from OP
macron should of freed Palestine.
Shit skins should live among their own kind. So I support that
Not my fucking problem
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>Russia and Belarus are banned from the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris due to their involvement in the ongoing Ukraine war
It was to be expected for making the good choice of uncivilized people from playing. It ain't the first time. The attack on our infrastructures from Russian government happens since a few years already.
I fully blame Anne Hidalgo/Ma(ri)cron and diversity hires fucking up
(You) Slavic anus for monkypox
Archaix, he's not open mason but radar says he's crypto-mason

timestamp 30:09

Its a walkable city, they dont need rail lines.
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that's a good looking train
at least they arent speaking german
it's not a fuck up, they did it on purpose
I agree it should be done in Athens always.
>Is it going to be a shit show tonight?
Did India arrive early?
They disrupted the trains by standing in front of them
I think I found a new fetish.
Take these motherfuckers to Place de la Concorde and enact justice
i think there are more nigger mayors and politicians in the US than in France. Rural areas are still white and France is a real country, not an artificial McLand
It's all a psyop to stop Parisians from leaving the city and force them to watch the olympics
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>Russian spy that wanted to destabilize the opening ceremony was arrested last week
>Russia is coincidentally banned from the event
>Now this
Based Kremlin?
Nigger we are in the same boat. Except we have Mexicans and niggers instead of arabs and africans
kek they'll get the unsold tickets as apology and reimbursement
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> be the French
> flood country with 3rd world immigrants with sub 100 IQ
> herd them into banlieues to breed super race of hyper-niggers
> gradually refocus your entire culture, economy, and society to worship and serve the hyper-niggers
> be surprised when new breed hyper-niggers, muslims, and blue-haired communists chimp out
> blame the Russian bogeyman
DEI Russian hires up to no good as usual
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TL note: sabotage is french for incompetence
>that's a good looking train

be a shame if something happened to it

see >>475706052
>Saar let me o-
>sabotage is french for incompetence

Everyone already knows it's the jews.
Why do you people even bother?
ita bros always here to set the burgers at their place.
even with that, our 2nd generation immigration is integrated and wealthier than the rejects of the American dystopie. Dumb mutt wait for Europe to crash and burn because we are the living testimony of their inequities. spoiler catholics will survive protestants.
Yes and it will be blamed on Russia.
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The media is already trying to spin this into a "refugee" story lol
> Fencing in the great palace
> Equestrian in the gardens of the "chateau de Versailles"
> Opening ceremony could be absolute kino on the Seine
While I'm mad it cost so much, I'm also hyped
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What's funnier is that one of the "refugees" that they've interviewed said she doesn't want to go back to her country because she's a retarded cunt that posted stupid shit on Instagram and now she "fears" for her life and claims refugee status.
If anyone is still thinking that the refugee and immigration system are not broken beyond your imagination, this is a blackpill.
Go back nafo tranny and kys while you're at it
You ruined our festival celebrating trannies and niggers! This means war!
so when Israel starts bombing people, do we blame Palestine or Iran?
>countrywide arson attacks on predetermined locations on the day of the opening of the Olympics
>Days after Russians are arrested with FSB orders to cause disruption
>Pidors immediately run in and pre-emptively deflect the blame on Russia before anyone has said anything
Hmmmm... I think I'm nooticing something
So nice to see good posts from this flag.
Smart move to do terrism in a country all of the world is focused on.
Cancel Olympics Games now.
France is under attack.

nah, france is a failed country.
Jap: "GET OUT"
Jap: *???* (already fucked off back to my country???)
Yes. They want war with Russia and Iran. Don't act surprised if Russian tanks arrive, because that's what they wanna do with these false flags
Why not Muslims in general? Free Holy War Casus Belli against all Muslim states
You must live on another timeline where the riots for the little angel nahel didn't happenned and we're aren't europoors anymore, our engineers make less than their blue collar ffs. You're a serf and you act like you're proud of it, subhuman.
Russia is not at war with NATO or the west and is a peaceful country, they have no reason to launch sabotage attacks to demoralize westerners just because they support Ukraine.
Because Trump said (((Iran)))
Refugees welcome.
No, you blame Russia and forward another trillion dollar to Ukraine so more drone footages of slavs getting killed can be produced while your countries go into debt and a global economic crash is looming in the horizon.
Not yet, but if bankers want NATO to go war with Russia, theyll provide an excuse. That's what Trump warning shooting was about, to ensure his loyalty
Not surprising. Trains are inherently evil creatures.
CIA is punishing france for electing melenchon
Shills are already here, blaming Russia. Maybe I should watch the game, and see the possible happening live.
Iran and Russia helped. Axis of evil were behind it, because they hate the western world or something.
Shit better bomb Brazil also
I just don't understand why some Eurofags are so quick to condemn white Americans (who have distant ancestry and heritage in Europe) while bragging about how integrated their new brown terrorist immigrants are. Wow, Shazad didn't stab anyone today. Good job.
And honestly the reason why America economy has taken a plunder yet is because they're not stuck in an indefinite war like in Europe and most of the high skilled workers in Europe fled to America as a brain drain.
First because amerimutts are disgusting, second it's a coping mechanism.
Most people in France, and really Europe, live in a sort of mental Potemkin village where nothing bad ever happens.
Remember when Russians fired RPGs at superphenix reactor?
2 more weeks
if nothing come outs of it, it's ok for me, because that means I can dismiss Archaix (didn't like the tone of his "pick yourself by the bootstraps" pro-system/crypto-mason video he made recently, seemed to glow a little). If nothing happens during olympics, I'll just discard Archaix and start scrutinizing Mark Passio instead
DEI hires acting up again
>lol Americans can’t into high speed rail
>A further attack was averted on the south-eastern line
Americans have high speed rail on the north east corridors.
It’s not bad either, four tracks and high voltage.
Whatever happened to the protest where heaps of people were going to shit upstream in the Seine?
>Patrice Vergriete, France’s transportation minister, said in a statement that traffic and travel were expected to be disrupted into the weekend.

>The S.N.C.F. said there had been a “malicious act” around Arras, a town about 100 miles north of Paris, on the high-speed line between the capital and Lille. Another such act took place near Courtalain, a town about 90 miles southwest of Paris, on the lines connecting Tours and Le Mans to Paris, it said. The company said that another attack had been thwarted on the line that connects Paris to southeastern France.

>Firefighters were responding to the two episodes, which happened around 5:15 a.m., the S.N.C.F. said.

>The tightening security was already making it difficult to move around Paris this week. By Friday morning, the security perimeter had widened. About two dozen Metro stations, including nearly all of the ones near the opening ceremony route, are now closed.

>Patrice Vergriete, France’s transportation minister, said the arson attacks, which were first detected around 4 a.m., were all carried out around the same time. He said authorities found “incendiary” products at the sites, and he said they had found an abandoned van to where one attack was prevented.

>Jean-Pierre Farandou, the president of the S.N.C.F, told reporters that the fires had mainly been set in pipes that carry crucial cables used for signaling. “We have to repair cable by cable, so it’s very meticulous work,” Mr. Farandou told reporters.

>France has four main high-speed railway lines that connect Paris to the rest of France, and three of them were hit by “simultaneous malicious acts,” according to the national railway company. It appears that an attack on a fourth line was thwarted, the company said.
Remember when we called the 2016 Rio Olympics the "Apocalympics" and assumed it would be a disaster because of Zika and terrorist attacks and then nothing actually happened besides a pool starting to smell like farts
Watch Paris 2024 get nuked somehow, and not even in some nuclear exchange and it's blatantly the Israelis detonating some nuclear car bomb
You're such a miserable creature, Ivan.
>malicious act
so this is what they call allahackbar now ?
and rusnigger sabotage.
> be Anglo
> flood country with 3rd world immigrants with sub 100 IQ
> herd them into cities to breed super race of hyper-niggers
> gradually refocus your entire culture, economy, and society to worship and serve the hyper-niggers
> be surprised when new breed hyper-niggers, muslims, and blue-haired communists chimp out
> blame the Russian bogeyman

still fits the picture perfectly
I bet you still believe in Santa Claus as well?
also so far the secret services believe it is the work of the far left (i'm not surprised)

Real schizos remember how the world was going to end during London 2012
It kinda did, just not in the way we expected. 2012 was the year Obongo legalized fag marriage and all the talking heads guaranteed us the slippery slope is a myth.
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Waiting for pic related.
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>It seems everyday seems like a sabotage with SNCF.
Do they still say sacré bleu?
>Russia is not at war with NATO

damn right, even pedojoe said murrifatica is NOT at war with anyone now
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>besides a pool starting to smell like farts
Wasn't the color off?
bitch please.
>I'm curious if the games really generate as much revenue as they cost.
They never do, at all.
Olympics just convert a TON of public money into increased private profits for a month.
Any politicians who want to host them is by definition a corrupt piece of shit.
Turned green and "smelled of farts:
> "Rio 2016: Green Olympic diving pool 'smells of farts', says German diver Stephan Feck"
It's SNCF.
Even the laziest negro work 10 ten time harder than them.

You have the following factions that want the spotlight

>A "vast" horde of feral Africans occupying central Paris acting like niggers and banging on makeshift drums, while sleeping outside.

>Prowling gangs of gypsies, thives, beggers and rapists looking for any opportunity to exploit the tourists.

>A bunch of antisemites that want to exterminate the jews for the 5th time,

>A bunch of Jews that under the protection of the leftists want to stop the antisemitic circle.

>patriotic nationalists that hate the tourists and wants them to fuck off

>Globalist nationalists that wants to scam as many tourists as possible by raising the prices.

>Muslims that want to fuck shit up.

>Frenchies that want to fuck shit up.

>Niggers that want to fuck shit up.
So basically it's gonna be perfect time for false flag?
I love how ungovernable the French are. I admire it so much
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bomb scare
>the French
Yeah, "The French". >>475711502
America is the continuation of the Anglo-Saxon political economy and is a leech over people. it's not new it is the continuation of the same conflict in the west European world between Catholic and protestant. many of you are waiting since many centuries of seeing us failing, that why I tell you that the social tension in our society are more likely to be resolved where yours is more likely to explode, because we are traditionally more respectful of the feelings of the lower class of our society, we are more Christians, so we are more likely to inherit the earth.
the anglo side of the political economy is forced on our society and this is the most dangerous menace for our people legacy, the other problem are collateral.
Nothing will happen you fucking shizos.
but we still have entire olympics worth of time, there's no rush... two more weeks
Why would Putin do this ?
How exactly did this disruption happen? What did they do?
French rail workers literally strike every other week. At this point, you probably can be a millionaire working down in dark.
>A bunch of antisemites that want to exterminate the jews for the 5th time,
>A bunch of Jews that under the protection of the leftists want to stop the antisemitic circle.

I don't think you're aware who the Jews see as antisemites this time around
>I don't think you're aware who the Jews see as antisemites this time around
who are the antisemites? is it the filthy Iranians?
It's impossible to secure infrastructure that extend over the whole french territory.
Failure is unavoidable, you can only hope people won't attack them.
Jihadists would try to derail the train and cause deaths, not cut the power and cause inconvenience. It's probably leftists, maybe russians.
Yeah it looks to be too planned and deliberate to be workings of some random cell. This is clearly the handiwork of Iran.
As I remember, the only olympic games to turn a profit were those in the US, where they got giant corporations to sponsor and build the facilities.
Pray for all of the people attending. They don’t deserve anything bad happening to them.
Good, fuck Paris, is a shithole and french voted and celebrated the shithole
This. The Olympics are an excuse for politicians and real-estate developers to grab land and embezzle massive amounts of public money.
They have an official "Refugee Olympic Team" now?
Every fucking national team has refugees in it what's the point
Los Angeles (1984 Summer Olympics): According to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Los Angeles concluded the 1984 Summer Games with a $215 million operating surplus, making it the only city in the world to have ever profited from hosting the Olympic Games in the modern era.
I don’t think they’re building any new facilities for 2028 in LA, so they’ll probably turn a profit again
So who was it? Russians, far left, muslims?
What about a for profit FEMA camp?
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This is another reason against mass public transportation without mass private personal transportation alternatives (personal vehicles).
If you think more europeans should have F-150 just say it
F-150s are for queers. Europe needs everyone in a F-650 at a minimum.
this event is going to bring us back to medieval levels of bed bug infestations
I don't speak baguette.
But didn't the far left win? Shouldn't they be happy?
based absolute retard
What makes you think this isn't their way of showing their happyness?
They "won" (not the popular vote but anyway) but Macron refused to name a far left Prime Minister, that why they're mad as fuck. They had 0% chance to implement their program
oooooooooooooh they're really mad then
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It was immigrants walking along the tracks, wasn’t it.

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