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Every single time I see trannies online, they always, always seem to be so much into weebshit, anime and Japanese media. Almost every single time.

This realization really has made me want to quit watching anime altogether, despite having watched literally hundreds of them over my entire life.
You just have to see the kind of main characters these shows have 99% of the time to realize this is a form of media designed to make you weird and emasculate you.

Anyone else noticed this?
They're also all drug addicts.
Yes it's a notable correlation. Japan got wrecked.
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There's a bigger correlation with videogames. Touhou is a videogame, not anime.
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You mean psychiatric drugs? Therapy is definitely a key part of the tranny brainwashing pipeline.
Pretty much all trannies are liberals stuffed to the gills with these pills by these quacks.
If anime stayed on the 90-05 trajectory it would be fine but shit like naruto, lucky star and haruhi destroyed the industry.
I doubt you can get a serious show made anymore unless it's filled tropey shit or continuity errors like attack on titan.
>hurr durr the artillery regularly shown in the background doesn't do shit to titans but kids with grapple packs and knives can!
I know Touhoushit is technically a series of games, not an anime, but this point is irrelevant. My point was about Japanese media in general.
But it's true that videogames are also a vector for tranny ideology. Not sure if bigger than weeb media.
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>My point was about Japanese media in general
It's less pozzed/tranny than western media, so I don't see what's the point in fixating on it. Trannies love western games like Baldurs Gate 3 and Fallout New Vegas the most. Videogames let them actually roleplay their fantasies of being a woman.
I mean heroine, pcp and lsd among everything else under the sun
Trans shit is most often next level inceldom.. they're so mind broken over not being able to get a gf, let alone their dream girl that they decide to BECOME her.

Notice how most of them are "lesbians trapped in a male body". It's not a coincidence
I am not saying that every weeb is a tranny, I watch anime occasionally as well, but the only tranny I know also happens to be the biggest weeb I know.
a lot of them are shut-ins who are on prescription drugs. they get introduced to anime because they are shut-ins and a lot of them are faggot bisexuals before they turn.
people seem to forget how much of a loser trannies are for some reason
Iconic, I guess that's why they call it tranime & tranga.
>It's less pozzed/tranny than western media,
I doubt it is. Anime in recent years has been pushing for tranny shit, homosexuality and the feminization of men harder than any Western media that I know of.
I don't doubt that many of these trannies were on psychedelics and other similar "muh spiritual" drugs that turn brains into scrambled eggs and their users into idiots.
You just have to see the kind of people that attend the music festivals where these drugs are taken to know they're severely mentally ill and ripe to be turned into trannies.
But I had no idea they were into that other stuff. How can you even survive being on these drugs AND hormones AND the surgeries?
Reminds me of Chris Chan. Best example of what no pussy does to an MF.
they're on prescription meds. these faggots were depressed before turning and likely more so after turning
You got it backwards. It's trannyism that makes you into anime. Not the other way around. Do you see Naruto loving niggers, and DBS loving spics trooning out? No.
They in their sick narcissistic minds get atteched to the feminine purity otaku anime depicts and they try to put up an illusion that they too are pure and feminine. It's a lie to themselves. They put up a mask of a romanticised version of a female.
You also noticed how the Japanese don't seem to be like this despite the fact that their anime and manga culture (manga especially) and shutin males has been a thing for far longer then the West.

There is nothing surprising. It has nothing to do with anime. It has to do with a psychological difference between the Japanese and Westerners when it comes to media consumption of fantasy, and also the social lives they hold.

In Japan, there is a far stronger understanding that fiction is fiction. There is a psychological barrier between reality and fiction that is apparent in the Japanese, but seems to be much weaker in Westerners. Consider the following: there have been homosexuality themes in anime and manga since the 70s. There are these themes even in children programs too (especially in shojo). The type of thing that would have been unthinkable to appear in American media for the past decade.

Does that mean Japan is a progressive paradise? No, as one college women from the 70s put it in some book I read, they like the homosexual themes, not as a promotion of it in reality, but as a fantasy to explore things that are not possible in real life. In Japan, escapism is taking quite literally, to indulge in fantasy means to ignore reality. Moreover, 90s USA has been far more faggot tolerant then Japan was in the same time period, because the US, and not Japan, has a liberal culture.

When the West began including homosexuality themes in their media, you may notice a stark difference. Its inclusion in media is not meant as a fantasy, its not bound by any appeal, it is meant to instead blur fiction and reality. Fiction is a vehicle to direct reality. Homosexuals exist to normalize it, to manifest it in reality. This extends to everything westerners do. And troons are no different. If anime never existed, they would still have stylized fictionalized cartoon avatar, to manifest fiction into reality.
The mentality of the Japanese may be changing due to Western influence, but this is how Japanese has always approached media. This is why so many westerners who co-opt Japanese shit suddenly make things creepy, because they use anime/manga as yet another vehicle of trying to force fiction into reality. More over, this attitude is allowed under Western liberalism, because your moronic society teaches that people are allowed to be however you want. The Japanese do not have a liberal culture, and indeed, their shame culture and the idea that the nail that sticks up must be hammered down probably also cuts down on any faggot Japanese from being an open troon like the West allows. And that is a much bigger cause of troons then anime ever will be.

But maybe you should OP, you are a Westerners, so you also may have difficulty from segregating fiction from reality and anime may indeed make you troon (you were already a faggot).
>I doubt it is. Anime in recent years has been pushing for tranny shit, homosexuality and the feminization of men harder than any Western media that I know of.
Bitch, BG3 is full of troonshit and it's pretty much a gay pride parade. You can even make a character with a tranny dick in it, give a female character a beard, etc. What anime or Japanese game is like this? Closest thing is Guilty Gear turning Bridget into a troon, but it was done to pander to Westerners. Japs were angry about it.
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That's because anime is most popular with the youngest generations, even more than American football in the US is for earlier generations.
They're also more likely to identify with any LGBT identity, not just transgender.

In addition, this is an anime website.
the most cringe thing I've ever seen is a game journo claiming Dark Souls helped him realize he was (((trans)))
it really is a mind virus
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Anime and LGBT are both alternative ideals to the usual things a Westerner with no constantly internet access would be exposed to in previous decades. With increased internet saturation, the youngest generations will have more contact with both.
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You'll find yourself attacking every single medium of artistic expression if you continue down that rabbit hole, because that's really what you're attacking at the core here is genuine self-expression and people seeing themselves reflected in media that can be interpreted a number of ways.
To me, all this sounds very delusional. Same thing as with pedophile weebs and Japs that claim that they're not real pedophiles because they only wank it to cartoon children, all the while being creepy to real children and still watching CP.
The only real difference is that the Japanese and most oriental cultures are extremely insistent in saving face and keeping appearances, while being complete degenerates in private. Only the naive fail to see through this charade.

It's stupid to argue whether weebshit or videogames are turning more people into trannies. Both are. The common factor in all these people turning into trannies is excessive exposure to the Internet and especially social media.
It's like arguing whether if you should drink mercury or cyanide, and which one is more toxic. Both are incredibly damaging, and one being more toxic does not justify taking the other.
>so you also may have difficulty from segregating fiction from reality
The subconscious mind does not have the ability to differentiate between reality and fiction. You may logically understand that a piece of media is fictional, but your behaviors, expectations and beliefs are still affected by the media you consume, regardless if you have the self-awareness required to understand this fact.
This is why governments spend billions in making propaganda to socially engineer the population. In the case of the West with Hollywood, and in the case of Japan with anime.

The idea that "dood it's not real, it's like, cartoons maaaaaaan!" is just stupid. The content that people consume does inform their behavior.

>be you
>read yaoi manga
>watch cartoon faggots fuck each other's asses and suck each other's dicks
>masturbate and cum to it
>"heh, it's not really gay because it's cartoons, it's totally different from reality"
>"I'm not watching gay sex and fapping to it, it's CARTOON gay sex"
>"totally different"
>"I'm straight!"

That's how stupid you sound when you autistically keep insisting in that consuming a form of fiction says nothing of a person's real-life inclinations. It absolutely does.
trannies are autistic incels who are terminally online, so they play lots of videogames and watch anime. Becuase they aren't retarded enough to watch hollywood goyslop.

I have a friend who thinks he is a woman, but he is very self aware about the discord trannies grooming minors, but he is just very autistic and mentally ill. I think he genuinely has dysphoria, but he isn't your typical tumblr tranny, he actually post here and hate niggers.
go fuck him in the ass then
>go fuck him in the ass then
not gay, I wouldn't even fuck a passing tranny. But he is the "lesbian mtf" type. Lots of trannies are just autistic and lonely incels who end up terminally online and they meet trannies online. These discord trannies offer a fake social support and all of them watch anime together or play vidya so they have a sense of comunity. Everything is fucked up, I'm pretty sure that if my friend wasn't an incel and could fuck women he wouldn't be a tranny.
newfag: the thread
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There's also a new trend of trannies invading Warhammer and asking for more representation in it. They just seem to be into nerdy shit in general. Or they are just annoying narcissistic faggots obsessed with claiming things as 'theirs' and trying to make everything about themselves.
if a tranny passes then I will fuck them, but 99.9% don't pass and they should be executed
>The common factor in all these people turning into trannies is excessive exposure to the Internet and especially social media.
it's the other way around. Most trannies are autistic or have other mental illness. They were bullied in schoold or very lonely and ended up being terminally online. A terminally online NEET will end up playing games and watching anime.
So you're 0.01% gay.
sure why not
Anime website, tourists
Anime pfp = neo nazi
Always has always will be
>le "tranime" glownigger maymay

We all know trannyism is an american phenomenon spread by (((american))) soft power, but of course you can't help but project. Go away agent

You're talking to a glownigger anon
Yes, big fucking surprise. You're an adult man watching cartoons for little children. You are mentally damaged, of course most of you freak incels either troon out or turn to a school shooter. It's not rocket science, the red flags are always there. (Protip: adult manchildren watching cartoons for kids is a big fucking red flag)
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Covid immigrants need to fuck off back to plebbit
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I'm not sure if you've been on twitter in the past 5 years but this is patently false at this point.
Troon archetypes:
>computer programmer or working in tech/tech-related industry.
>old crossdreser.
>extreme gooner and porn addict (probably a pedophile).
>fat blue-haired bitch whose role model is Ellen Page.
>furry or My Little Pony fan.
>conservative in the street, forcefem in the sheet.
>humanities-majored PMC.
There's more but these are the most common ones.
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Covid refugees need to go back
Over 2/3rds of the website are non-anime related boards, and Hiro himself said this is not an anime website.
Animefags are very much like trannies, intruding everywhere and acting like they own the place. No wonder 99% of trannies are into weebshit.
I myself watch anime and always have, but this doesn't mean I can't be critical of it.
Wishful thinking. Anime is mainstream and normie now. Plenty of trannies and rainbow-flag degens are into it, use it as avatars, etc.
The evidence is literally all over social media. If you leave your 4chan bubble you have to be blind not to see it.
>Every opinion I don't like is a paid government agent!!!
People have different opinions than you. Grow up.
Anoncels be seething over tripchads.
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Do you like any nerdy shit or videogames though? Chances are that trannies do as well unless it's something with explicit 'transphobia' in it that triggers them.
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Correlation does not equal causation.

Japan, the birth rate and number one consumer of anime, proves this. Fatties are shamed and ugliness is made fun of while proper beauty and sexual imagery is pushed. Fetishes are looked at as just that, fetishes or as a joke. This is just specific mental illness to America.
The funniest thing is that trannies are terminally online and they will try to weasel in every deep, dark corner of the internet they could find. I don't know if trannies are more likely to become internet addicts or internet addicts are more likely to become trannies.
Is he cute and small?
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