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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous thread died, kikes are mad, jannies and shills are ASSBLASTED

Every anon should wear a swastika in public like I do. When interacting with wagies and other normalfrens, you act with utmost civility and kindness, positively associating the swastika to pleasant interactions with their own race. If enough of us participate in this endeavor, eventually normies will not recoil so hard when presented with verboten thought or symbols. This weakens the jews' grasp on their hearts and minds, opening the door to redpilling.

Wear the friendship windmill proudly and with dignity! You are a credit to your race, act like it!

>inb4 tranny
Archives nigger
XX or XY?
Wear a swastika! Be kind to your kind!
Are you trans glowie?
Are you sure you can act civil?
Are you sure you aren't a sociopathic weirdo?
XX check my old threads
Wear a swastika! Hold doors open for Europeans!
So we're just going to repost this thread every time it 404s? how about this go kill yourself you fucking tranny.
>sociopathic weirdo
Sir this is a 4chans
What's with all the /soc/ posts lately? I would never post my face here because I'm not wetaded
Why is everyone calling you a tranny?
I've been doing that for a week get with the times schlomo
Wear a swastika! Help old ladies cross the street!
Yeah I've been annoyed for a weak, go cut your dick off and leave this website please.
still waiting for pics of your bootiehole
not going to take you seriously until you post it
bc the dick
Kikes are mad trying to shut it down
Wear a swastika! Help Europeans carry their groceries!
And you think a bunch of sociopathic people, people who literally hate normal people, would be a good image for swastikas?
How long can you hold your mask?
Because you are talking to a man retard.
Yeah yeah time for me to do the bit where I say the thing about the sheriff getting shot in the outside of Minecraft
I'm a gnadzee I don't discriminate
Wear a swastika! Help Europeans in everyday tasks!
But OP said they have XX chomosomes.
>inb4 I post pussy again
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...a woman wouldn't say that...
Wearing a swastika in public is lile giving a free pass to some black guy or ANTIFAggot to knock you out
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you mean somebody lied on the internet?
It's also a free pass to shoot a nigger who wants to start a fight by trying to "knock me out" Isn't your entire culture steeped in swazis?
Join your sisters faggot
Let them try and stop me
Wear a swastika! Smile and wave at Europeans on the street!
I just did retard check the archives I bosted it on /b/
Wear a swastika! Have many white babies!
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OP is a lying kike, you can remove his legs by donating drones to random Palestinians in the south of Lebanon.
I support this message
Wear a swastika! Cherish your volk!
I don't want to see your genitals.
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Buy lots of weapons and ammo, walk down to your local mosque and hand it guns and ammo, and drones, and teach them how to crash FPV-drones into vehicles.
I'm just saying it's deboonked next question
Wear a swastika! Help your European neighbors with their yardwork!
it's not debunked you are a man, get off of the internet please.
why can't you post your pooper? I thought you were braver
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>you are a man

Wear a swastika! Support local small European businesses!
C-can you link the clamshot? It’s for research purposes…bonus points for red hair down there :3
FUCK just thinking about firebush…getting diamonds in this restaurant here…
Nonetheless, OP is based as FUCK for wearing a swastika in public.
That's a secret ;)
Wear a swastika! Shovel your neighbors' driveway when it snows!
I don't care if someone is trans or not. I only care that they value their people. I'm not into the whole Swastika shit, but good for you.
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>pic related
(it's not you)
Read archives flip there's good poasts in there
of course "she" can't lol it doesn't fucking exist.
Having ANY chromosomes is fucking gay, anon.
You're simping for a troon.
What a nothing post. It literally said nothing. why post it?
you are at a walmart
>Kill'em With Kindness
Kill'em With Bullets, anon.
Civil War, now..bloodshed, and agony. Chaos, and despair over tomorrow. Every group will lose, whites, mexicans, blacks, indians, jews...none will know if they will live another day, in the pain, and great upheaval of Tomorrow.

There is no kindness from a merciless God. Only a bloody autumn. It's all he has to give us. Now smile, and praise the one who giveth, and taketh away, for the meat grinder is ALL of OUR futures now, and fear will be the breast you we suckle from. Make good with your family and friends. People will be shooting at you soon, and me.

Also, you glow.
This is why they put you on the night shift, Williams
Read from there anons saw it
I've seen vaginas before troon. I don't care that you are stealing your ex's pictures for revenge porn faggot. go cut your dick off now.
just a lil peek, it doesn't need to be spread
It says the post doesn't exist. There's just an edited version with Hitler's face on top. Did you post the original anywhere? I can't tell if it's a neovagina or not.
>it doesn't exist
>ok it exists but it's your ex
Lol make up your mind fag

Wear a swastika! Give European children extra candy on halloween!
there are only 2 types of out spoken nazi girls; drug addicted prostitutes that like to get hate-fucked by blacks, or they live in the woods with debilitating mental disorders.
Thread after that one has it
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do you hate niggers as much as I do?
that would be romantic

Also I cant wear a swastika and be kind. Banned in austria
You cannot, and will not prevent what is coming. This, is a meltdown event. The rage, and despair, over a life ruined, poverty assured, homelessness promised, is now self recursive and reifying. It amplies and feeds itself. More shooters will come. More sacrifices for the Red King, who authored the spilling of blood when it was new.

These men, these martyrs, have absorbed the bloodshed into themselves. They have transcended the human, and have seen the other side. An irresistable calls urges them forth, to slaughter, and be slaughtered.

And what are you? Some agent, hiding behind some false persona? Your world will fail. You were the author of it's destruction, and you cannot blame people - you can only blame yourselves, for the insane, incompetent, and absolutely hostile form of government you erected.

You get what you fucking deserve. Maybe go look into a mirror and repeat that a few times until it sinks in.
Option 2
Wear a swastika! Be brave for your race!
Idk how to search through archives like that. Too retarded. Digit ratio and adam's apple checks out though. How old are you?
IT doesn't exist you FAGGOT.
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any more kindness cunny pics?
/pol/ is the world's most effective female-repellent.
If you let dogs in here, you won't get any bitches.
Bovines in /pol/ grounds, won't give you a drop of milk.
Mosquitos of /pol/ don't want none of your blood; they are after fruits.
Most importantly, humans who post an image of (((themselves))) here with nail polishing are 100% trannies.
pretty much this. Egypt with the fucking bantz.
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>Most shitposters here are roasties like OP
4chan has changed. This is demoralizing.
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she posted pussy before but it could be a faggot larper. we will need an up to date photo to be sure.
im already very openly anti israel and teach women and childrens jiu jitsu, if some idiot has a problem with me I just suggest finding someone else to teach their children how to defend themselves.
OP here hoppin IPs
Wear a swastika! Piss off glowniggers effortlessly!
That is 6000000% a jewish tranny
oshit cool my ip is the same
You first
Wear a swastika! Volunteer for your local animal shelter!
Are you married? Why do you wear a ring?
Wear a swastika! Share an umbrella with a European when it rains!
Does your spouse know you're posting nudes online? That's really shitty of you.
He doesn't give a fuck
Also it's not in a sexual context it's purely antitranny proofs hence /b/ so it gets deleted quickly
Poast smooth anus in the breeding position or gtfo
Because it's quite obviously a man. Look at the orbital area
Well... If you're really that shameless can I see your tits?
Post yours first homofag

Wear a swastika! Help European wagies find better jobs!
No I said it was not in a sexual context and I've already proven what I needed to so what's the point
Wear a swastika! Help old people take care of themselves better!
It's okay, this is for scientific purposes. I need to see them hogs.
Post hand pajeet
>wear a swasitika in public
>he says, as he hides his face
she has a really cute hairy pussy.
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This is my hand from a different thread, it's not directed towards you (yet). Not every anon is convinced that you're a woman, so show us your milkies.
>post your face to the CIAJIDFantifa playhouse so we can dox you I mean kill you I mean get to know you better
You first kike
>Wear a swastika! Be kind to your kind!
>Wear a swastika! Hold doors open for Europeans!
>Wear a swastika! Help old ladies cross the street!
>Wear a swastika! Help Europeans carry their groceries!
>Wear a swastika! Help Europeans in everyday tasks!
>Wear a swastika! Smile and wave at Europeans on the street!
>Wear a swastika! Have many white babies!
>Wear a swastika! Cherish your volk!
>Wear a swastika! Help your European neighbors with their yardwork!
>Wear a swastika! Support local small European businesses!
>Wear a swastika! Shovel your neighbors' driveway when it snows!
>Wear a swastika! Give European children extra candy on halloween!
>Wear a swastika! Be brave for your race!
>Wear a swastika! Piss off glowniggers effortlessly!
>Wear a swastika! Volunteer for your local animal shelter!
>Wear a swastika! Share an umbrella with a European when it rains!
>Wear a swastika! Help European wagies find better jobs!
>Wear a swastika! Help old people take care of themselves better!
Sounds forced and fake as fuck, the kind of soft and retarded things a tranny activist would say to attempt to subvert a group, >>475708614 in short.
>not directed towards you yet
No I generally agree with that statement you wrote but god made me how I am so I roll with it
>but god made me how I am so I roll with it
What is that supposed to mean, lmao
It's sad how retarded they are
I was given this personality at birth and there's no changing a person by force so I yam what I yam
If it's mannish or obscene my husband doesn't seem to mind and that's all that matters
Bitch, I don't even care about that anymore. I just wanna see them honkers. I need some milk to go with my coffee I'm brewing. Make my day.
Milk yourself faggot get some cream in that cup lol
Wear a swastika! Share your garden's vegetables with your European neighbors!
Oh come on now. You say one thing but do another. I know you're flustered but make up your mind. I'm getting bored.
Hand with timestamp Ranjesh
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Do you believe in reciprocity?
Kys muzzdog
Kill yourself axe wound
Hey like, show your hideous nose
>check old threads
too lazy, you're a tranny or you're at least as ugly as one, you should probably kill yourself. you give national socialists a bad look
Not for degenerate fucks trying to squeeze sexooo out of a rock
Fuhrer would frown on you nigger
>squeeze sexooo out of a rock
A rock? You're not that hot but you're better than that, lol.
Adolf is smiling down at me as we speak.
Also you're the one who posted your pussy on /b/ KEK
For science
Be my science teacher then.
Goodnight /pol/ wear a swastika be a good person to your race
Show full face and vagin or be assumed man
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Nah if you guys want a new /pol/ meme that actually redpills people, look for articles, examples and speeches of politicians sucking up to Israel, replace the word “Israel” with “China” or another country and post it on Twitter, watch all the MIGA boomers get outraged over “Chinese” foreign interference, then reveal “actually this is about Israel not China lmao, how do you feel about it now?”
bro, why are you wearing nail polish?
Oh...now I see,
Your spouse deserves nothing less than pure loyalty.
Well, no bootie and no boobie
but sure you can post your footie

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