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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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25 minutes of applause for a war criminal
what in the h*ll is wrong with America
I love sucking Jewish cock and eating poop
REAL americans will alway support Israel.

Israel stood with us when we went to war with the muslim perpetrators of 9/11 and america will stand with Israel after the tragedies of October.
two identical replies
the work of bots no doubt
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we worship war, where have you been
I'll applaud 25 minutes for someone who kills sandniggers. Hell I'll applaud 25 minutes for every single dead sandnigger.
>middle eastern people exist in the middle east?!?!?! better send 6 gorillion dollars to the jews

neonazis have come long way!
Feral sandniggers have invaded Europe and for that mistake they will be exterminated, starting in, but not limited to Europe.
I stand with Israel.
The why do you guys keep voting the same people in over and over? because of the -R or -D jew branding after their name? It does really amaze me how little most people even know about their favorite empty suits polices at all when the topic is brought up.
I swear this thread is made to advertise Screen Capture Pro v.1.3.
>Subcribe now for only $19.99 per month.
What a rip off. Software shouldn't have a monthly payment as an option.
Israeli soldiers have never fought alongside American soldiers outside of Israel you lying weasel
They rarely by literal definition, the worst possible allies one could have
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We need to identify every political figure who is clapping and cheering him on.
Be aware, the people who boycotted the asshole criminal left empty seats.
Somehow ZOG is allowed to fill them with paid actors who clap.
Still, lets find every real politician on that film who stood for him and clapped for the child murdering thief.
if i clap more than like 4-5 times my hands are numb
What kind of fucked retard bullshit video is this lol wtf
Didn't that guy used to give his speeches in black and white and in the German language?
Their extermination will start in two weeks.
Extremely based takes.
>has Nazi flag
>loves Jews
>Hitler admired Muslims.
You're not sending your best JDIF.
kek. Did that really happen?
as long as /pol/ is around i will never stop enjoying screen capture pro anon
Next you'll tell me pooniggers are Aryans right? Keep preaching though brownoid, once in the gas chambers you'll all indifferent subhumans.
Adding this one >>475710007 to the list of based takes.
Wow your imagination is so vivid
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Americans reached the final form of Christcuck, an eternal slave to the jews.

If you want to break free of jewish enslavement you'll have to give up worshipping the dead rabbi zombie on a stick.
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>Feral sandniggers have invaded Europe

They've been sent and let in by jews
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poos are abbos
jews are brown
>mudslime brigade out in full
Running the derail.py script, I see.
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seething chicken swinging kike. Kikes were literally the ones who first opened the gates and let muslims into Spain.
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>continue with the mudslime script of muh joos
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You realize the second you spell jews like that you out yourself as a kike right? Also a Spaniard not caring about jews opening the gates of Toledo isn't realistic. Get a different proxy.
Hrs absolutely right though. Whenever arabs or inbred dogs (but I repeat myself) have tried to invade europe, they were always btfo in the Balkans like the niggers they are.
The only time they've had success is when the jews help out. Gates of toledo style. If it weren't for jews freezing up and capturing the beaurocracy in europe atm, londonistan and Malmo would look far different.
The Arab couldn't even make a use for the liquid gold under his feet until a white man showed him. He should be licking your feet in thanks but is instead as feral as ever. He is no true threat on his own.
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A real Spaniard would know that too. He's obviously a kike
War crimes are based. I killed civilians in Afghanistan and would gladly do it again.
>screen capture pro v1.3 free trial version
>19.99 per month

did OP just discover a way to expose the bots ?

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