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MEGA HAPPENING! Russian terrorists in France are bombing the high-speed rail network during the Olympics!
How is this not an act of war?
any updated? bump for total kike death.
You sure it's not nigs stealing metals to sell?
Olympics are still a thing? pretty sure Olympics has black people in it. no thanks.
well when one of our niggers gets killed I guess we'll be in world war 3 or something
That's 100% disgrunted workers. They were talking about massive strikes for the Olympics.
Btw, Paris has become a globhomo nightmare for the Olympics. All roads leading to Paris are closed, you need a QR code to enter the city, there are fences and police everywhere, the streets are completely empty. It looks like COVID lockdowns. It's officially a 15 minute city prison. IT looks like a city under occupation. the toursists are pissed because there is literally nowhere to go.
>three trash fires block the whole country
complete bullshit
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>muh disgruntled workers!
Yes, I'm sure ordinary middle-class French workers would commits these crimes and risk going to prison for years.
>A Russian lawyer-turned-chef who once appeared on a dating show back in his homeland was directed by the Kremlin’s intelligence services to stage “large-scale” acts of “destabilization” at the opening of the Olympic Games in France on July 26, The Insider has learned. The Insider can confirm that Kirill Griaznov, who revealed his plans in a drunken conversation over dinner on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, has extensive ties to FSB and GRU officers. Griaznov has been arrested by French security services, who found sufficient evidence to charge him with espionage.
not my problem
its probably some new game in the olympics or some shit
>Russian terrorists
It's cia
French railway workers are notorious for strikes and sabotage
>That's 100% disgrunted workers
So Putler-loving traitors who should be thrown in prison for threatening our democracy.
They probably won't go that far lol, but every non-kosher party or activists are owned by Russia according to them.
Wake up.
You are in an augmented drug enhanced artificial reality.
I watched some spanish normies visiting Paris and they were seething because everything was closed and the train skipped stops at night kek
Strikes and protests, yes, not sabotage of the rail network.
Go back to Russia, Igor, or turn off the VPN.
So your argument is trust politicians and glowniggers?
Unless they filmed the guy in action and we can verify it's him then it's still an open question who did it.

our nggrs are better than their nggrs. look at our foiotball nggrs, for example. we pay more.
Of course, blame the Germans. Fucking French never learn.
It's fuking ridiculous, tourists can't even access the Eiffel tower or even the Trocadero. the city is completely dead for these gay olympics nobody will watch
It's true, a russian spy just flew over my house
It's a humiliation ritual. All the streets in Paris are completely empty, meanwhile the parisians are forced into massively overcrowded subway.
They are laughing at us
Intelligence agencies across Europe have been linking railway sabotage to Russia for the past year at least. Are they false flagging or is it Russia?
Blacks do well in some track events, whites dominate on the whole.
Wait, so you miss the diversity and marauding niggers just roaming the streets like feral animals? Paris has probably never been so safe in the past twenty years.
The would either say it's russians or admit that they are fucking incompetent retards.
What do you think is more likely?

Australian toursist gangraped? Russians too.
I don't advocate for the loss of (European) human lives but somewhere you kinda wish this will be a disastrous nightmare that will go so bad they have to cancel the games after a few days
>>142984234 #
>The alleged Russian spy facing 30 years in prison for threatening to bring chaos to the Paris Olympics opening ceremony was today named as former reality TV star Kirill Gryaznov.

>The 40-year-old was on Wednesday in a high-security prison charged with working ‘with a foreign power to try and incite hostilities in France.’

>According to Le Monde, Griaznov has been living in France for 14 years, and was first exposed when he got drunk and was kicked off a plane that was due to take him from Istanbul to Paris in May.

>He switched to a flight from Bulgaria, and stopped off en route at a restaurant from where he rang his intelligence handlers in Moscow.

>Griaznov then boasted that he was going to give Paris an ‘opening ceremony like no other’, according to phone intercepts.

>It was on July 21 that Gryaznov was arrested in his flat on Rue Saint-Denis, close to Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre museum.

>Prosecutors in Paris said the search of the Russian national’s apartment had been carried out at the request of the Interior Ministry.

>Agents found evidence of a ‘large-scale project’ that could have had ‘serious’ consequences during the three weeks of the Games.

Fast forward today

>Sabotage” just hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: on Thursday night, SNCF suffered a ‘massive attack to paralyze’ its TGV network, severely disrupting train traffic on the Atlantic, Northern and Eastern routes for ‘the whole weekend’.

>The SNCF was “the victim of several acts of malicious intent affecting the Atlantic, Northern and Eastern high-speed lines”, the rail group said in a press release. “In particular, arson attacks were set to damage (its) installations”.

I think there's going to be some attempt during the ceremony, 100%
I find it strange that the security is so lapse. They should have their army on the streets making it safe for everyone.
The Olympics are on?
>FRANCE sponsoring ukraine, send soldiers, weapon etc
>france weapon (HAMMER) killed 10s or 100s civilians several months ago,


Dude, after pu-in regime fall, new regime will send NUKES in france.
France is one of main enemies now.

Now you will see daily explosions in france.
>police twarts plot
>shit still happens
Just say nigger
Yeah only problem is that you can't access the street either, you are forced into the subway like cattle unless you are a member of the ruling class.
must be cancelled right now.
Proof that is local sabotage. People are extremely upset about the total lockdown of PAris and have been protesting at the measures and threatening action. But it's more convenient for Macron to blame some russian plot.
The niggers are all in cages for the next two weeks. After the Olympics leaves town they will be let out to terrorize the white population again.
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>Yes, I'm sure ordinary middle-class French workers would commits these crimes and risk going to prison for years.
You are absolutely retarded, yes, French middle-class workers would commits these crimes, and no, they won't go to prison, that's how I know you know nothing about this shithole called France.
Another twitter screencap? Kys

I admit
It was all me
why are the streets empty?
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>MEGA HAPPENING! Russian terrorists
being france is statistically more probable that the terrorist is a nigger
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I assume he's schizo and didn't really do anything.
They arrested him because he talked shit.
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The French police said they arrested this Russian FSB agent, you moron.
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>ukrainian terrorists bomb the Ozempics
Surely this will convince La France to push NATO to war with Russia!
Based accelerationalist
they're not russian you stupid fuck they're Iranian did you not get the new script?
Butthurt Russia
Cancel Olympics Games
blacks have an unfair advantage when it comes to running because all the post on the continent is delivered by them running it from one mud hut to another
Sorry, you only trust CNN and FOXNEWS?
morose kek
why read stale newsprint when you can watch live:
What the fuck was he supposed to do? Serve raw chicken?
>Yes, I'm sure ordinary middle-class French workers would commits these crimes and risk going to prison for years.
Have you tried not being Undesirable
If France won't decalare war they are fags
For the Olympics, the mayor imposed COVID like lockdowns. I don't even know the purpose. I think it's more a test that anything, to see if people are ready for a chinese style dictatorship with QR codes between neighborhoods with surveillance cameras and recogniton at every corner. No cars allowed. A 15 minute city like Klaus schwab dreamed of.
Oh mein dear glowies...

I asked you to send me a letter a few posts ago, but I absolutely didn't meant to hack our fast rail infrastructure...

I can understand that you want to overdo in order to prove your skills, but you should have stayed on par with the original request loool...

It's like if you ask tyron to buy a candy bar and then realizing he just stole the candy bar at gun point, shooting the seller in the mean time yicks....
All in all, tyron answered to your request correctly as he had actually got a candy bar for free, but he also made some unintended collateral damage yoooo.... ^_^''

It's almost like you applied the terrible quantitative approach:

Dam... It's glowing so much I can't even focus on it correctly anymore... Geee.... @_@'
Who did NS2 pipeline ?

Declare on this
*unzips dick*
You’re a biased, stupid NPC homo
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same reason kenyans and other africans always win the l.a. and other marathons - lots of training and practice always running away from the lions, tigers, and gazelles chasing you.
>and spanish blacks from africa favor the bull run course

That would be fun if we declared war upon Ukrainiyyy....
I mean, the lent skyii...

Please publish the proofs of the hohol mayhem on public channel tovarich ^_^
The biggest problem is for the parisians going on summer holidays, most of the people involved in Olympics are already in Paris..
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They're just training on how to do anti rebellion lockdowns along with 15 minute cities, the olympics are just a convenient opportunity.
We're literally heading towards pic related if these EU tyrants aren't forcefully removed eventually
Macron is an actual fag and a coward

what's wrong with that picure? only niggers, arabs and some jew are caged
Oh I see. I figured they just rounded up the homeless and migrant encampments.
The woman blamed 5 men of "African appearance", so they seem quintessentially french
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The French who support Putin and his puppet Lepen are traitors and deserve the guillotine.
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I don't support any of them, I'm against globhomo WEF puppets
>some trains in France are not on time
Olympics over. The West has fallen. Only Putin could think of a plan as devious as this.
Good. All the brown invaders should be unrelenting in the coming days. Prove to the French how badly they just fucked up their last election
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>Russian terrorists in France are bombing the high-speed rail network during the Olympics!
Unfortunately the WEF puppets are everywhere around us. Even on this board.
I might gave you a chance because of your inbreded stupidity, but only if you actually try to learn a few stuff here and there about the country/people you are critisizing...

I mean, I am so sorry to still be part of your country, because we shall be French from a long time ago, due to exactly your type of reaction cabroño...

Ay caramba... !
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Hope Paris would stay like that after end of Olympics hohohohoho
It's either russians or eco-terrorists.
This loool...
Only Rushians can think and implement this yoo...
How dare they steeling this move from our "closest allies"...
>Mossad bombs the Olympics
>blames it on Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran
Hopefully nobody here falls for the kike narrative when it happens
Russians are crazy. Remember when they blew up their own pipeline?
Please don't be so hasty ragazzi...
It shall come in due time, so please be patient enough to witness such a silly happening...
They are afraid of terrorist attacks lmao. The Olympics garner worldwide attention and they will rather cuck you all like this then chancing some nigger/sandnigger/zigger ruining it and creating a "rude awakening" moment.
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>The Olympics were indeed Griaznov’s target, according to a joint investigation by The Insider, Le Monde and Der Spiegel. “The French,” he told his FSB superior two months ago, “will have an opening ceremony like no other.”
Just shut up zigger.
Yeah, because the contract violations for not turning it back on after the repaired turbine got delivered were going to be billions per day, contractually they were only allowed to turn it off for repairs
Could be Ukrainians too

the man who killed Paris Olympics
remember his name
This, imagine if niggers and sandniggers gave all these international tourists a taste of daily life in Paris. A free W for the far right worldwide, that they can't allow.
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Russians would definitely do something this pity. I hope west starts sabotaging their shit
Lol no Ivan. Why would they have any reason to do that? Russians and eco-terrorists are the only ones with an actual motive.
To blame it on Russia
If they were training for that they would want people on the streets instead. What you're gonna learn policing an empty town?

Common French L
Only Americans could be this mentally ill. We all know that's how you or your greatest ally do things, not even Russians fuck their own allies like that.
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>“I have at all times found myself to be a potential leader,” Griaznov stated in his resume, adding that he was “dependable, reliable, respectable, highly trusted and valued member of a team with abilities to accomplish the goals targeted.”

>Now that he’s sitting in a jail cell in Paris, the result of incredibly reckless and vodka-fueled tradecraft, Griaznov’s superiors in Moscow Center might read that self-assessment very differently.

He's just another russian drunk heading to hell.
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Our politicians are all WEF puppets in cahoots with the chinese communist party
Please don't be led astray by such a terrible info...

The man who will kill the Olympics, will be a Macron supporter, the same as the guy that sniped Trump's ear was a Trump partisan, I meant a Republican... Yeehaaa....
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oh no no no

Well not really, if the trains are the only conveyance left since they closed down roads all you would need to do to get people riled and have a large group of easily to target people is wreck the rail lines etc, This could be a kettling effect and its dangerous because it could well be a bombing attempt on civilians in large numbers in and around train stations.
Comment oses-tu remarquer cela... ?
I mean, How dare you "notice" this... ?
Sure thing, Ivan
>In November, a Moldovan couple was arrested in Paris for stenciling or spray-painting Stars of David across the city, stoking fears of anti-Semitism in the midst of the Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza. The couple was later linked to agents of the FSB’s Fifth Service, its foreign intelligence arm. They were paid between 300 and 500 euros for the operation. While there is no evidence connecting Griaznov to that or any prior Russian psychological or propaganda effort in France, one Western intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Insider that Moldovans are cheap and easy to recruit. “It’s one of the poorest countries in Europe and their ability to travel unimpeded from Moldova to anywhere else in Europe is a big boon for Russian spies who can’t,” the official said.

>In the intervening period, other Russian plots and agents have been exposed in France. One involved the laying of coffins in front of the Eiffel Tower, draped in French flags that read “French soldiers of Ukraine” – a provocation seemingly in response to French President Emmanuel Macron’s controversial hypothetical scenario about eventually deploying French troops to Odesa. In June, Maxim Dvirnik, a 26-year-old Russo-Ukrainian, injured himself in the face and body while constructing an explosive in his hotel room near Charles de Gaulle airport. Dvirnik’s abortive mission was to place his homemade bomb at a Bricorama store, a famous French hardware and decoration chain. He was charged with “criminal terrorist association” and the “possession of substances or explosives with the intent to prepare destruction or harm to persons in relation to a terrorist enterprise.”
Why are you not fighting Russians in the trenches right now, brave internet warrior?
Russians are handing out condoms to athletes! What are they up to?
Olympics have always had shitloads of condoms handed out to athletes, you virgin. It is well known the Olympic villages are huge orgies.
Bien vu bro...!

Sure thing is that it is providing cartridges to the "power" in charge to blame whoever is most convenient for them... lol...

Better deflect it on a supposed ennemy than owning the true purpose of this action and so the real culprits...
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Post the full vid/webm of the act, instead of just a snippet pic after the act please...
No. Russians do it to diminish vitality of participants before the competitions.

Do they hand out gfs as well?
Gooning in condom does not sound like a fun past time
Traitor to an occupier. Wew lad.
Yes (((moldovans))) paid by a rabbi who got away with it. What does it have to do with Russia?

Show the flag Mykola we all know who you are

watcha doin rabbi
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Pozdrav !

He's just willingly blind to Vox Populi...

Perhaps he'll be met with an epiphany in the coming days/weeks/months...

Let's hope it for him though...

It'll happen only when a hot big titty goth gf rides my shlong 24/7 pumping out white aryan babies
These are old pictures. Putin stopped attending for years and attended by visio one last time to tell them to fuck off. Klaus Schwab said it himself, the new generation of WEF pupets are very different from the veterans who don't owe their career to Schwab unlike Macron, Trudeau adn all the young gay global leaders that have taken over Europe. They are literal idiots who have nothing to show off and become head of state by direct intervention of Schwab.
The WEF used to pretend it's not political and would invite leaders whatever their political affiliation. Yet they immediately took the side of Ukraine and declared Russia a pariah.
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Go back to Russia, Igor.
He attended by visio one last time to tell them they suck and he won't accept their NWO
When are you going back to russia, Ivan? You do realize that WEF took the side of the white Christians, who are defending themselves against nigger muslim terrorists? I wonder why you "French" poster are siding with nigger muslims.
Why aren't defending Bakhmut?
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lmao, cope harder, Ivan.
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>You do realize that WEF took the side of the white Christians,
Good fuck the Olympics. How do they ban Russia but allow Israel? I don't remember the USA being banned for invading Iraq.
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Where are the Americans when you need them?

because russia is le bad ok
fuck them though
we'll build our own olympics
with blackjack and hookers
Jew did this
those "disgrunted workers" are all commies who do what putin says
bet they'll blame this on russia and not muslim subhumans they've been importing
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>t. Chang Wang Dong
You're right, sabotaging railways is an act of war.
Oh shiiiit has this been confirmed?
I don't care about either sides, but that sounds like a typical media trick:
>Something happens on one side, related (maybe) to Russia: one guy got arrested
>Something happens on another side: train sabotage (which already happened before, a decade ago, done by accelerationist leftists)
>The media really wants you to link the two together by yourself, without explicitly telling you
mais quel con, lol sale tête de bite.
It was a virtual meeting in 2021 because of the COVID pandemic, you brain-dead moron.
thank you for your service
Joggers don’t usually use bombs.
Putin has weaponized fast train network.
opinion immediately disregarded
Maybe these west euro countries will stop with their cucked approach to Russia now and finally join us in doing the needful. We should've started bombing russian infrastructure long ago. In fact we should probably kill their civilians indiscriminately at this point. Only way to make this animal learn is to beat it into him.
Agreed. This reeks of mutt falseflagging
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People will eat any shit, just look at WuHu flu head diapera, GreenPass aka forced vaccination program, safe and effective, Ghost of Kiff, out of ammo in 2 weeks, Tr00ns are real women forced indoctrination in school


This probably false flag by the ukros, both speak vatnik and you can't tell them apart
>Implying cuckitin will do dare that even if he can
Ukraine was afraid to call russia out on continuous terrorist attacks they were doing since 2003. You know the result.
Because the Olympics is a televised worship of nigger ass and the USA has the most plump and rounded nigger asses for display.
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It's your liberal government that are imposing lockdowns like in communist China, not the train workers. Enjoy riding a bike like it's 1960 in Beijing
>meme flag
So it was israel
Opening Ceremonies today, I think.
Putina literally used chemical weapons in the UK twice (Alexander Litvinenko in London and the Skripals in Salisbury), and still nothing happened.
Likewise, the US let Pidortin bomb dozens of children's hospitals in Syria with impunity.
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Attacks like "Siberia Airlines Flight 1812"?
why is it always a memeflag
You jews want war bad
Jews are too cheap for vpn
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I did not even consider it
I guess it started immediately after monke was appointed president after all
It's Antifa in solidarity with Gaza. Drop the meme flag Moshe
Keep crying, Igor.
That's in Basel though, why do russians or eco-terrorists target them?
Hmm, russia had been committing terrorist acts abroad and at home for years, but why would they commit one now when they've been humiliated and want revenge?
deep agent. five rings. the time.
Rabid fin jew screaming for war
who cares? I just don't want to see or hear black people.
Butthurt zigger, I hope your family gets hit by a drone so I can laugh at the footage
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lol lmao the WEF people are fucking luciferians to the bone that wanna put chips inside you and enslave you forever and ever ith ''Frens'' like that you certainly dont need enemies. fucking faggot
offcourse its the russians how conveniant
Ah I see that you have turned on your dutch VPN
/pol/ is a russian board comrade gtfo here you butthurt belter
no death = nothing burger
If I trained my whole life for a moment at the Olympics, I’m not ruining it with whore pussy.
Most of those track chicks haven’t had a period in years.
Rabid hews didn't click the link and calls for more violence like a Nigger
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checked and dah we are all russians here they are certainly not lieing about this like they lie about everything its just the current enemy that attacked a totlly irrelevent event because they felt like it

It's probably Hezbolla or Hamas. The MSM wants to make it look like white people.
Peak Amerimutt if even is not held in Murica then its not a sport
>new wef gays are different from old wef gays
lol, their goals have not changed in the slightest, stop falling victim to virtue signaling and shit tier propaganda.
You’re an idiot.
nig cope. no one cares about your event when it has black people. cry more.
Yes, because they want NATO more involved in Ukraine when peace talks are being raised…
>you need a QR code to enter the city,
>It looks like COVID lockdowns. It's officially a 15 minute city prison. IT looks like a city under occupation.
its probably a test run training exercise for kike lockdowns later
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No, the agenda has been evolving dramatically over the years. For example when Putin joined, there was no LGBT propaganda. Now it's the core of their ideology . The old members were recruited, the new members are literally built in a lab. They have zero experience or qualities but are suddenly astroturfed by the WEF.
The Macron regime is just like the CCP
this is probably a practice and training run to get the ball rolling and transition the west into chinese style globohomo control
Yeah, so they would have been able to sell oil for money to fund their war. That sounds horrible for them, now I'm convinced.
They're now forced into the subway with them.
Based frogs.
They're pretending it's just for the olympics and then will keep doing it because "people like it". There is literally no justification for locking down Paris for the olympics. Makes no sense and drives out the tourists.
The west tricked Russia into overprotecting their Olympics with their military as part of the Ukraine coup plan. And France is now Ukraine's biggest ally. France fucked around mightily, we're all going to find out how that turns out for them real soon.
I wouldnt have lived in Paris decades ago anyway
They've been running so many NPC updates that they're going to trigger a meltdown.
That's exactly what it is, a trial run.
The games haven't even started yet dumbo
But they still got the streets empty again after Covid
You have to wonder if they're preparing for the olympic games or for something else? You'd think they expect Putin to nuke Paris
i think they know civil wars are around the corner in europe and need to get practice with all the logistics of coordinating military and police and UN globohomo peacekeepers
>mr Putin, Ukraine war fatigue in the west has set in
something like this I guess. if you're retarded that is
This is Oksana, Mykola isn't answering his phone.
Civil war is when 2 local groups fight eachother for power. This is different, it's a police state like in China to make sure there is no revolt against the regime.
Keep crying, kek.
>pic of a cafe
>first person you notice is a soiboy
Yep, it's Paris guys.
We all know it’s the muzzies, but liberals of both sides will deny it till the end even as the muzzies cut their throats in the streets, these left and right neo liberals will keep screaming, “ RUSSIANS”
When everything is monitored? Nah, its western glowies. Or then we have to believe that russian agents manage to do what they want no matter how much surveillance there is. Like Nordstream blowing up in area where NATO is doing wargames. Somehow russians do shit when civilians are kept away and surveillance is high. More likely its glowniggers are doing falseflags.
>the toursists are pissed because there is literally nowhere to go.
when did the french give a fuck about tourists? retarded FSB vatnik
Good, wish they rattled the Oslo commies here.
Good on Russia bringing the fight to faggot central.
don't go to france tomorrow
Fuck you faggots.
Ah yeah, so it actually seems to have been a done by leftists
it is well understood
You prevented Silus from being interrogated.
kek. regardless of what your government says they know the quality of the population and cant let them come in contact with tourists. lmao
To be fair, it's quite reasonable to expect them to throw the book at an actual Frenchman for embarrassing them in the middle of their globohomo circus.
are the people on the right arab refugees or parisians?
3 jihadist attacks have been prevented in 24h by the way
They're trying to bomb the normies visiting Paristan
kek. can't let the french (meaning nigs/arabs etc) come in contact with tourists. the lesson is that whitey is only safe when the shitskins are forced to stay underground.
france should just ship everyone in paris to rwanda so that the games can happen in peace.
>media jews say russia bad
probably there was just corruption between the IOC and your local government and your local government knew that to get the corruption money flowing without bad press they had to keep the entire disgusting afro-arab shitskin population seperate from the spectators because the french shitskins are so criminal it would cause an international incident.
Thank you, I can now shit on germs all day long for hiding beind memeflags. Not my problem tho.
isnt the star of david their symbol? how is that hate?
lots of world leaders are probably related but using false names -- similar to how trudeau is the illegitimate son of castro and is considered a "made man" among elite jews because castro successfully wrecked cuba. i think lots of those leaders are offspring of big oligarchs but using fake names.
Chinese communist party is sane and isn't about niggers and trannies.
Interesting update. I appreciate it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they ease into 15 minute cities with these big events.
Paris is so irredemable pozzed that globohomo saw no other option to mitigate the disaster than to destroy public transport and reduce the number of witnesses to their turbofaggotry.
anon... forget about china. you're still ruled by ZOG bankers.
I already said too many times already that IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM!!!
They’ve been threatening to revolt for 10 years to my knowledge, probably longer

>'Massive Attack'
>Massive Attack's breakthrough 1991 album was titled 'Blue Lines'
>'Blue Lines'
>'Blew Lines'
I bet it's a combination of retarded DEI's not showing up to work, being late etc and typical cost cutting and they're just going to pin the screw up (and all future one's) on "unspecified suspects in generic white vans". Also don't they have security? It's the Olympics and even Rio managed to keep a lid on things.
Does that kind of stuff work on the new imported Frenchmen?
If true
>get drunk
>tell your friends your top secret sabotage plans
He's going to fall out a window if he goes back to Moscow.
The mayor has been working on imposing bicycles in the city for decades. It's a nightmare to use your car in paris, they put bicycle and bus lanes everywhere. It's impossible to park your car.
Either or. Russia might be mad at being No Medals this round.
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So that's why it's been so quiet and cleaner. Hope this lasts. The less niggers in my sight, the better.
kys kike
I'd be more worried about the Muzzies. Ziggers, if anything, aim to be annoying. Muzzies aim for violence. But I assume the frogs have them under thumb for the next month.
>muh ruusnya
End you pathetic existence you braindead sack of shit
>Russian terrorists
If by Russian you mean Africans from some shithole country
Also hosting the Pozzlympics is a flex to show you have a world class city. Hence why Atlanta is still third world tier.
We can only hope, Macron needs to pay
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Fucking amateurs not even stealing all that copper.
Are the wealthy able to drive and park cars?
What are you even arguing for or against?
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>Prosecutors have opened a formal investigation after saboteurs attacked France’s high-speed railway network in a series of “malicious acts” that brought chaos to the country’s busiest rail lines hours before the Olympics opening ceremony.
Whatcha doing, Ivan?
BaZed Pootin

That's a lot of gorillas!
The wealthy have no problem. The mayor and all her team move in cars with chauffeur. They even have secret roads that are only open to them that allow them to dodge the nightmarish traffic. The bitch mayor never rides a bicycle.
There's a literal gated community inside Paris only for the rich and politicians.
>be kgb
>commit some of the most ruthless assassinations in history on protected targets in broad daylight and get away with it
>send some drunk schitzo to bring down the olympics for no apparent reason
Ban meme-flags. Or at least let pass users see the real flag.
"Everything I don't like is Russian interference"
it's not even rusgolians, jewtrannyan jewflag
they all say it's communists with drones

It's eco loons, or people who hate Globohomo. Russia has hosted the Olympics too. It's not something they would want to disrupt.
it was russian-german investment and russians punished germans thus all these "YOU WILL FREEZE" retarded memes
russians stole 60 tonne railroad bridge in russia, so I would not be surprised. russians are white niggers after all
were I emperor of France I would dust of the guillotine for these foreign agitators
The FSB basically outsources it to other people so they can have plausible deniability by removing themselves by one degree.
The side effect of this is that it forces them to rely on the kind of people who support Russia enough to commit crimes for it, which basically reduces their hiring pool to drunkards, druggies and schizo retards.

Also the FSB isn't the KGB. Russia hasn't escaped enshittification.
Good. Good.
Funny, every time a Western nation openly talks about attacking a rival, that rival mysteriously starts planning terrorist attacks that coincidentally reinforce the Western nations' initial intention.
This happens a lot in Israel too, by pure coincidence of course.
Ok Ivan Ivanovich now back to your favela to avoid conscription
dishonesty, bob from Ohio oblast
ah yes, muh russia did this
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It's just a coincidence, mister Brazil.

It'd be too obvious if this was pre-planned by the westerners. A most surprising turn of events.
I'm so sick of this staged Rothschild nonsense. All these nations have Rothschild banks and therefore are controlled head to toe by them. It's all theatre for you retards to consume.

Jews are out to distract you and hoping to lure you into a 3 world war to kill more of your white brothers.
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tl:dr summary
>I wouldnt have lived in Paris decades ago anyway
why not, it was nice
Something bizarre about this
I didn’t think so but I wanted to ask. This thread is interesting to me.
>yfw the Mirage-2000 are delivered with ASMP
>oui oui hon hon honnête erreur, pas un mot
like all urban sodomite hives, paris has always been a disgusting shithole
always will be
even actual Humans visiting a urban sodomite hive put aside their Human status by entering these wretched hellholes, and become honorary subhumans at least for the duration of their trip
truly, there has never been a single Human in any shitty: and there never will be a single one
>cyberbullying = terrorism
I would no sooner visit Paris than any of the Nigger/Paki infested zones that we have here.
Once you've seen one, you've seen them all.
And she lies when people ask her how she's moving. She never uses public transport and she has lots of security, never meets the parisians.
I hope several bombs go off
>It's officially a 15 minute city prison
it should stay that way, and even be walled (with death penalty for anyone trying to escape or resupply them with anything)
then just let murderape, hunger and cannibalism sort it out once and for all
All the shills are blaming Russia for anything and everything.
They want us to go to war with Russia.
>The FSB basically outsources it to other people so they can have plausible deniability by removing themselves by one degree.

When has this supposed to have worked out?
>treacherous pigs act treacherous
>"wow you think it's that obvious? clearly it's a triple double illusion fake event, heh youve gotta a lot to learn"
at this point whenever someone calls something a falseflag within a few hours of it occurring, I just know they're a worthless retard and nothing they ever say will ever be worth paying attention to. It's too easy to live in a world where everything you like is real and everything you don't like is fake
Fucking pussies
It's how they operate for espionage. Whenever someone is caught in Ukraine or Poland or Germany taking photos of military installations, it's never a Russian spy directly, it's always a retard they lured with money on Telegram.

They tried to do similar things in 2014 in Luhansk/Donetsk/Odessa/Kharkiv/Mariupol to rebel against Maidan but it falls more within the context of them trying to do a color revolution in Ukraine. Color revolutions aren't real so obviously it failed, which is why they had to actually send the military into Luhansk/Donetsk to properly occupy them.
They failed to do that in Kharkiv/Odessa which is why the KPR failed within a day (but still had a flag ready to go and all, as it was a FSB operation).
To this day the official governor of the Donetsk region is still a random retard they got on telegram.

No one ever accused them of being good at what they do. The goal is mostly to generate fear in the population they target without directly implicating themselves.
It allows diplomats and retards like >>475723238 to deny that it was Russia
Tap the sign
What the fuck is Germany going to do if they didn't pay the fines, sanction them?
He was drunk and talked some wild shit. That is all. Now arrested on 21 July.

Now they are trying to tie this to some "arson" on the railway.

I don't think this is an French intelligence media operation.
>MEGA HAPPENING! Russian terrorists
Yeah no.
This is SNCF.
99% chance most of this is just their usual "maintenance? never heard of it", with one hobbo having pissed on some electric transfo and set the trashcan on fire, giving them a pretense to pass all their incompetence of the past months (and incoming) under a single event totally independent from them.

SNCF kill people.
I think you don't realize how much fucking big piece of shit SNCF workers are.
They have 0 problem getting several people killed if it mean they can skip on checking a screw.
They *always* try to pass those incidents as sabotage or lack of funding (mostly because any additional funding given to them is immediately spent on company-payed luxury vacation and buying houses - whish I was joking).
It's one of the most corrupt and psychopathic institution in France, on par with shit you usually only see in jew-infested political party.

If you want the "sabotage" to stop, better hang a few SNCF employees instead of pursuing imaginary orcs.

It's the JEWS
Hidalgo is a spic name in the USA. Is she a Sephardic jew or something?
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Faggot, isnt where mudslimes are allowed to rape Swedish girls and all those who complain are sent to prison?
Don’t you mean jew terrorists ?
It’s the Jews puppets , leftists, antifa, Muslims , troons
So what retardflag?
I did not vote for that shit.
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the 1 in 4 swedish cunt who's gonna get raped sure did
part and parcel of being a narcissist fishing for attention
>ordinary middle-class French workers
Civil servants are a caste above regular citizen with near total impunity for anything that's isn't a crime.
> and risk going to prison for years
Railroad Unions are *extremely* trigger happy and will block the entire nation the second a single cop vaguely look like he might investigate in a direction that doesn't remove all blame from SNCF workers.
They could be caught on camera setting shit on fire themselves, showing ID and fingerprint, and cops would still get orders to find another culprit or close the investigation.
Allegedly: Russian guy gets drunk and talks wild shit like people do. Says the phrase ‘opening ceremony like no other’.
Does nothing.
Gets arrested on 21 July.

France: He is a master spy. A spy that is both Russian and super easily recognizable.

France: This was FSB operation

France: Massive attack on trains.

Massive attack is tied to Kiril how?
>Massive attack is tied to Kiril how?
multiple passports in his apartment, FSB documents in his apartment, and he was planning to disrupt the JO

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